Psoriasis Treatment
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Elizabeth (Tennessee ) on 01/22/2018

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking soda tonic promising after just 2 uses.

Summary: diabetes, alcoholism, bulemia, topped with a 10yr abusive relationship ending in a soul crushing divorce, and job struggles equals a nasty outbreak of psoraiasis. Shocked it didn't happen 10 yrs ago from all the stress.

It all started about a month ago around all *sensitive* areas, I had been crying so much it started occurring around my eyes and got so painful that there was more crying and depression while basically crying blood. Now it's under my arms, on my wrists, the palms of my hands, between my breasts, on my chin, behind my ears, shoulder, and neck. It was so dry and cracking so often.

Tried topically applying ACV diluted with a little water - it does help with the itching however not long lasting and burns like a SOB on cracked skin (of course) and when every crease by your eyelid and corners is an open wound - owww!

Coconut oil also provided temporary relief but again after 30min - 1hr I was peeling more scales off.

The unrelentlessness reached an unbearable pinnacle after spending over 8hrs tweezing off scales yesterday that reappeared within moments.

I gave up and tried the 1Tbsp ACV with 1/2tsp baking soda and a small amount of warm water and took it as a few small shots chased by gatorade.

No doubt it is completely vile and no fun, I took it in the afternoon and planned to take it again before bed but fell asleep. I was shocked upon waking up my eyes weren't glued shut from painful scales and scabs! There was a HUGE reduction in the amount of scales which I removed most of so I took another dose. Right now I can stand and sit without the crease between butt and legs tearing painfully, touch my ear without it splitting, and squinch my eyes shut without grimacing in pain for the first time in weeks.

I'm going to keep it up and see how it goes but I'm already excited after suffering from low self esteem and adding these painful, unsightly scale covered eyes and chin that can't be hidden it would be great to keep this relief and catch my breath to heal.

Also I'm a picky eater and have a terrible diet so I've added more fruits and veggies opting for grilled vs fried things. This didn't seem to have a big impact but still gonna keep trying to opt for healthier choices and cut out junk food. As for alcoholism I weaned off liquor without experiencing typical withdrawals by drinking wine and now have days that I don't drink, so cheers to self improvement.

Will update if it becomes ineffective, good luck everyone!
