Lemon & Olive Oil: Effective Kidney Stone Home Remedy

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Posted by Lisa (Woodbridge, VA) on 11/05/2008

This remedy was a BIG NAY for me unfortunately. I tried this every night for a week. As dreadful as it was, swallowing the oil, I thought anything was better than having surgery and stents again. I was even drinking an additional two oz. of lemon juice in the morning. I couldn't tell if I had any success or not until last night when after doing some heavy duty cleaning all day long a had blood in my urine again. That is how I discovered these five stones four weeks ago in the first place. My urologist is sending me to a specialist at Georgetown hospital because I just had three large stones removed a year ago.

So this will be my fourth time with stones since 2001 and I really hoped that the lemon and oil was going to work for me but it just didn't. I thought it sounded to good to be true and perhaps it works for some people, just not me. : (

Replied by Kevin
(Kansas City, Missouri, USA)

If the lemon juice and olive oil doesn't work, it most likely means you have a kidney stone that's not Calcium Oxalate (~80% of all kidney stones).

Replied by Sangeetha
(Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands)

The lemom juice/olive oil remedy didn't work even for me...I took 2 oz of each about 6-7 times and 3 oz each 2 times (this had made me feel sick all day and that taste lingered in me all day). My 4.8 mm stone is stuck right in my kidney. It could be that my stone is not calcium oxalate as this remedy didn't work for me. Is there any other successful remedy for other kind of stones? Has anyone tried the Chinese remedy of frying walnuts in olive oil, grinding it coarsely and the mixing with honey to a smooth paste and eating it. I read somewhere (not on this website) that this is a successful chinese remedy for dissolving and removal of kidney stone, but I have not yet tried it as walnuts are oxalate food and I have read widely it is not good for kidneys. If anyone has tried it and has had success (or failure or side effects) I would like to know the results.

Replied by John
(Baton Rouge, LA)

i have sodium stones how can i get rid of them HELP!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Charles (Maryville, TN) on 11/02/2008

Thanks everyone so much for the olive oil and lemon combo. I passed my kidney stone after four weeks of extreme discomfort. When I would feel the pain coming on I would mix up the 2 oz. of each and I truly believe that it helped. On the last day of the experience I felt that it was about ready to come out so I mixed my last batch. Two hours later I was the proud parent of a 7mm stone. Thanks again. : )

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Roland (Manchester, NH) on 10/23/2008

Had my first stone moving last weekend and it lodged in the ureter at the top of my bladder. Customary pain set in Monday AM, visited docs, had CT scan which showed a 5-6mm stone. Found this site Monday, picked up loads of lemons at store and did 2-3 oz. fresh squeezed lemon mixed with 2-3 oz. organic extra virgin olive oil and chased it with a large tumbler of water - 3x on Monday, 2x on Tuesday and Wed. (morn. and eve) and this AM and sent the little bugger on its way about an hour ago. This combined with LOTS of water (as usual) probably did the trick. Yesterday, the Urologist told me they'd probably need to go in and get this one out due to the size and inflammation around it, but they wanted to give Flomax a try. Never used the Flomax. Took some Advil to help reduce any swelling, then lots of water with this remedy. It's all good stuff and certainly can't hurt. I have another that showed up on the CT that will fall at some point - and I'll be back to lemon juice and EVOO!!!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by O. (Arlington, Texas) on 10/07/2008

Tried the lemon juice and olive oil for kidney stones. 2oz each twice per day for 2 days. I also sipped on natural lemon juice, grape cranberry juice and distilled water for a week. I rubbed oregano oil on my side to relieve the inflamation. Pain subsided immediately. Never witnessed the passing of the stone. I think the lemon juice dissolved it and the oil perhaps created ease of movement. There has been no pain for nearly a month. Hallejah!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Barry (SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA) on 09/30/2008

After suffering from kidney stones for sometime in desperation searched the net for an alternative to drinking water by the damful and waiting! Found this site and all your positive comments re lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil. Within 24 hours pain reduced by 50% and 24 hours later passed a stone with ''really'' jagged edges. Thank you so much for sharing, it really proves we can help each other as any pain is needless if it can be avoided by shared intelligence. Thanks again. Barry

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Larry (Munster, Indiana) on 09/29/2008

I'm new to this post, but I would like to thank all the information given. It has at least made my ongoing episode a little more tolerable...
I started with minor back discomfort about two months ago which grew into a visit to my local E.R. Severe flank pain, chills, and profuse sweating came over me. No family or neighbors were around that Sunday so I called 911 which I never though I would have to do. After a brief ten minute transport my pain was close to unbearable as I found myself asking for painkillers. Of course I had to be registered and interviewed and promised the doctor would see me as soon as he could. I did my best to try and not look like a junky. The E.R. was a bit busy but my pain didnt care. I told them I was nauseas they told me to be patient. The only satisfaction I got that day was five minutes later throwing up on the aquarium in the waiting room which to me was like a big 'I told you so'. Well they wheeled me into my little E.R. space then I explained that I thought I had a kidney stone because of a similar incident about 16 yrs earlier. Also my parents have a history of kidney stones. (and all the other severe symptoms at that time).

Due to the severe pain (and urine retention) they stuck a catheter up my 'wazoo' which wasnt a great feeling but not as bad as what I was experiencing in my bladder and ureter. I cant recall the E.R. people ever giving me anything for pain, but the catheder relieved some pressure. The really neat part was when they discovered my catheter wasnt big enough so they pulled it out a replaced it with a bigger one. After a ct scan and a lot of waiting this whole ordeal took about 6 hours, I was told I probably passed a kidney stone. I thought the wait was too long but compaired to other blogs I guess I recived super service.

My 17 year old son picked me up and we promptly went to a local all night drug store to fill a prescription of 20- vicodin 5/500 which I didnt know at the time, is a beginners dose. I took one pill that night and after 20 min. received relief. I had to wait a couple of days to pick up my ct scan report which indicated I am now the proud father of a 2mm calcium oxalate stone.

This was approx.a week ago. Since then I spend my nights reviewing information on the internet at sites like this one, and try to evaluate the best information I can. I rationalizied my final thoughts and course of action regarding my situation and also got some valuable encouragement from my wife. I wish to share my prospective and final evaluation in the hope that this may provide some success in your own situations... Why take the pain ? You must see a doctor or E.R. and get evaluated for pain medication. You will be glad you did and this is what will get you through you malady and keep your sanity (and your wife's as well). Review the home remedies on the internet and if the ingredients are natural they might be worth a try. I tried the coke/asparagas , I am still doing the lemon juice and olive oil. Also cranberry juice, apple cider vineger and of course lots of water. (also tried the jump and bump)

This will at least make you try something proactive as opposed to most doctors who just have you drink water and wait. These remedies take an unknown amount of time to work but at least you now have increased your odds of something working. The lemon juice and olive oil did provide me with relief and it still may break up my stone. Make sure you follow up with a visit to your Urologist. You've got to chart a final course of action.

I've never been one to take pain medication other than aspirin, but I am thankful for vicodin at this time. Hey if you need it you need it.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Eric (Grand Rapids, Michigan - USA) on 09/29/2008

I have been suffering from kidney stones for the past 5 years, and have had laser and basket surgury 2x to remove these painful stones. I had surgury three months ago, and it took me a month to recover having gotten sick from the medications, had awful pain from placing and removing my uretal stints, and having an internal catheter placed in my because ... well, I couldn't pee. One month following the surgury, I found another stone had dislodged itself from my other kidney and it would not come out for two months. I was scheduled for surgury this Thursday(another laser and basket), and was willing to try anything not to go through that recovery again.

I had been drinking lemon juice in water for a couple weeks, but after finding this site, I tried the 2oz olive oil and 2oz lemon juice. I did this two times in one day. No results.

I waited a couple of days. Still nothing. I chalked it up to another unproven folk-remedy and prepared for surgury.

On Saturday, I thought that I would try it one more time, this time trying 3oz olive oil and 3oz lemon juice. It tasted so disgusting I thought I was going to vomit. A couple of hours later, I felt sick to my stomach all day. I thought it was from drinking so much oil. I now think that this was because of my kidney stone moving.

Just before midnight I woke up to use the bathroom and passed a huge, twisted stone shaped like the letter J with a point on one end and a jagged chisel shaped shaft. It was about 5mm (the CAT scan had said it was 3.6mm) There was another 2mm stone that came out as well. No blood.

Still felt nauseated until the next morning, but I avoided surgury and am so glad.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Greg (Alameda, California) on 09/29/2008

After reading the comments from this post, I thought that the idea of drinking olive oil and lemon juice for kidney stone removal was totally absurd. I had a pain on my right-side and visited a urologist who told me that I had a kidney stone at 6.5 mm in size, and he prescribed for me Flomax, Norco, and a diuretic to rid the stone. After usuing the Flomax for one day, I had major side effects and problems due to this drug, so I abandoned it and proceeded with the natural way. At first I was reluctant to try this method and I emailed a user from this post who told me exactually what to do and expect. So I did it. I mixed 2 ounces of olive-oil and 2 ounces of refridgerated fresh squeezed lemon juice, twice daily in the morning and at night, and to my surprise!!! on the 5th day, I urinated that stone and a bunch of gravel...... NO PAIN!! I am totally convinced and will always use this method to get rid of kidney stones. I would like to thank all of the people who posted this remedy and to the website EarthClinic who made this possible for me.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Sophie (Quebec, Canada) on 09/24/2008

I had a 5 mm kidney stone for over 5 years. I took 2 oz lemon juice + 2 oz olive oil one time in the morning and one time at evening for two days. - I felt pain for a couple days enough to go at the hospital and the tests showed that the kidney stone is gone.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Rod (Charlotte, NC) on 09/16/2008

i was lucky to find this site and sent to all my family. i don't carry insurance and am reluctant to go to the doctor. But the pain of bladder stones during urination was too much. But before i went to the doctor i found this site and this remedy.

i took 2 ounces each of lemon juice from concentrate and olive oil. i did it every few days for about a week and a half. then i waited months to respond to this site. the pain was gone immediately and after 9 days i didn't get a return of pain during urination. yes i knew for a fact it was not VD or any other issue like that...

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Djordje (Varvarin, Serbia) on 09/13/2008

Absolutely yes! I had pain for a third day in a row. It is like in hell. I had using many painkillers but they not help so much. Then I find this website, thank God. I mixed up olive oil and lemon juice. Dink that up followed by a large amount of water. After 2 hours I have pop out first stone but pain continues. Tomorrow morning second stone drops out without any pain in the penis and no more pain was presented from that point on. So this is definitely yes for me and I will use this method first if this happen again.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Dale Reed (McAllen, TX) on 09/11/2008

Thankfully to God and this site my vote is a 'yea'. Here is my story -- It started with severe pain in my side one morning (on 7/1/08). Actually I believe it all started months before that with my drinking too many sodas and not enough water each day. When the pain began I had no idea what was causing it. All I knew was that I needed to get to a hospital ASAP. A friend drove me to one and upon arrival I was given a morphine transfusion for pain. After x-rays and two (unnecessary and very expensive) cat scans I was told that I had a five mil. stone in one of my ureters. I say unnecessary because I believe the x-rays would have been sufficient. I was then prescribed two oral pain medicines and told that I needed to see an urologist. The severe pain returned the next morning and dissipated after taking the meds. This occurred again for the next two days. That's when I began my internet search for a possible cure for the stone and came upon this site. I decided to drink three ounces of lemon juice and three ounces of extra virgin olive oil instead of two ounces of each because I am a bigger person than average and also so that I could be more certain that it would work. I drank this two times a day (morning and evening) for three days followed each time with about 12 ounces of water. The taste of the concoction was terrible but made more bearable by drinking a very small amount of V-8 juice immediately after each dose and before drinking the glass of water. I have had no more pain after taking my first dose and I never saw a stone pass (or any blood). I believe the stone was dissolved by the acid from the lemon juice. Again, thank God it worked for me. It's too bad I didn't take this remedy before my visit to the hospital. I now have a bill from the hospital for $7,316.20 and a bill from the attending doctor for $931. People really need to know about this treatment in order to avoid a lot of pain and unnecessary expenses.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Forest (Kitchener, Ontario) on 09/03/2008

I used the lemon juice and olive oil treatment. Shortly after taking the mixture and a glass of water the pain subsided. Two treatments later I passed a 4-5mm stone without any pain. It worked great and will be used again.

Replied by Stormy
(Austin, Texas, USA)

Yeah Forest, Twenty years ago I was scheduled for a kidney stone op. Luckily a friend handed me a little booklet by a doctor who claimed he cured hundreds of patiants with this remedy. My doctor laughed until I through a baggy' worth of stones on his desk. I wish I had a photo of his face. I took a pint of olive oil and about six lemons. Every fifteen minute I downed three tablespoons oil and one of the lemon until it was all gone. Mind you, this is not an easy assaignment but I did it. Went to bed after about four hours, woke up and just made it to the bowl. There they were all floating, blueish and white quartz like substance. I was cured. No more pain and today.....no symptoms.

But for anyone brave enough or like myself at the time, desperate, it's nasty. Good luck.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Keith (Tampa, FL) on 08/30/2008

After passing a kidney stone 15 yrs ago, I thought I'd never get one again. 10 days ago I had right=sided back pain that radiated to my right lower abdomen. I urinated blood tinged urine for 2 days then after my excruciating 2 hrs of pain (labor-pain) I passed a 3 mm stone. A week later the bloody urine started again with moderate discomfort in my low-back and abdomen. i thought "not another one!". this discomfort went on for 2 days while at work. I'm a nurse that works in the emergency room and took care of 2 patients passing stones during my uncomfortable ordeal. I found this website last night and decided to try 2oz lemon juice and 2oz of olive oil while continuing my fluid intake(cranberry/water). This morning I mixed just the lemon juice 2oz and a quart of water, and 2 hrs later gave birth to a hideous 5mm stone. Although I am a nurse I believe I would have wasted my time going to the emergency room. Thanks !

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Seaside Andy (Panama City, FL) on 08/26/2008

I am very cynical and was doubtful. However, when you actually get the results that I have read about in these posts, it's very compelling so I am glad I tried it. 3AM Monday morning awoke to find I was peeing what looked like cherry kool aid. 6 mos earlier I had a stone that gave me the chills, back ache pains fever, etc. So I figured I was in for this again with the peeing blood. Went online and found your site. I gathered all the necessary items to perform an oil/lemon, celery tea and coke/asparagus mix. I wanted to do the coke thing as a last resort. I hate the thought of drinking that much liquid crap in 2hours time. So at 7:30am I took 4oz Olive Oil/4 oz Lemon Juice (fresh squeezed). At 9:00 am drank celery seed tea (1 teaspoon celery seeds and 1 cup water - boiled let cool, then chug). 10 am another 1 cup of celery seed tea. By Noon that day the urine resembled urine and not red wine. Also I could "feel" the stone moving as the pain in my back was releived within an hour of drinking the oil/juice. The pain was pretty much non existant by 2pm. At 2pm took another 4oz/4oz juice & oil. Oh, yeah - I drank about 1 1/2 gallons of distilled H20 between 8am - 3pm. So I went to bed at 11pm and kept "the jug" by the bedside. After having woke at 3am this morning - I am glad to say I passed about a 4mm stone. And as an added bonus, about 5 GALL stones in my stool! This concoction appearently helps get rid of gall stones too! - BTW I see a lot of comments regarding the taste. It does give a "kick" at first swallow, but I did not have any problems except initially feeling nauseated after drinking. After that nothing. So take from my post what you will. I am going to keep doing this for another few days to maybe release some straggler stones! - Good Luck and thanks for the info on this site!
