Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Eczema Treatments for Soothing Relief

Cod Liver Oil
Posted by Jenna (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on 08/06/2013

After years of doctors, dermatologists etc etc not to mention $$$ a naturopath put me on to high doses of Cod liver Oil for my eczema /dermatitis - in 2 weeks it was completely gone. Please please please try this for 2 weeks - say a capsule every meal ie 3 or 4 capsules a day and in 2 weeks it will be gone. She explained we need to moisturise from the inside out, Cod liver oil has Vit D and I also take Evening Primrose Oil which has Omega 6 - which fish oil doesn't have - Fish oil is not enough - just Google cod liver oil and eczema to see the results - How did I go so long when it was so simple!

Posted by Christy (Lawrenceville, Ga) on 12/12/2012

Hello, I just wanted to share of my experience with milk kefir for my son's eczema. He has suffered with eczema since he was 3 months old. It was so severe that his pediatrician had to give him antiobiotics. I read about milk kefir (live cultures)and I purchased the grains and gave it to him everday when he was old enough to drink milk and within 1 month it completely resolved. We stopped giving him steroids and ointments and epson baths. This was truly a miracle for us. We praise God.

Posted by Sally O (Austin, Tx) on 05/03/2012

Taking an iodine supplement has almost cleared my eczema. I read about swimming in the ocean, but not one near here -- tried bathing in sea salt, but the iodine is doing an amazing job.

Fish Oil, Yogurt
Posted by Liz (Boston, Massachusetts) on 09/16/2011

My eighteen year old daughter has struggled with eczema outbreaks almost non-stop since she was just a wee thing. Her arms were broken out so badly that she would actually wear long sleeves on hot, summer days because she was embarrassed.

In addition to steroid creams prescribed by her dermatologist, we have tried every product (and combination of products) known to man for over a decade - special soaps, lotions, creams - you name it, we've tried it. None of it worked. At best, it offered a bit of calming, but the large patches of skin eruptions remained.

In my determination to rid her, or even just ease her of this troublesome and embarrassing affliction, I continued to research and continued to try different methods.

I am beyond excited to report that I found a combination that actually works! It has been over a month and her skin has never looked better! She is blissfully happy, and I am so happy for her.

Deep down, I always felt that treatment from the inside-out would be most effective. In my research travels, I came across an article suggesting exactly that - that "good health begins in the gut" and cited eczema as one of the ailments that could be "cured" with probiotics.

I bought some quality probiotics but after a month, we didn't see any improvement. For the heck of it, I had her eat a small container of vanilla yogurt every day and I had her take a fish oil capsule with her breakfast and again before bed. The combination worked! :) I can't believe it. After all these years, all of the remedies tried, not to mention, the thousands of dollars spent - yogurt and fish oil every day did the trick and she is finally free of it!

She joked that I should win the Nobel Prize for curing eczema (hahaha). :) I'm not sure it would be a cure for everyone, but given my daughters amazing results, it is absolutely something you should try. I hope your results are equally amazing.

Fish Oil, Yogurt
Posted by Liz (Boston, Ma) on 04/24/2016

Hi Kelly,

The fish oil capsules I used were nothing fancy. I, personally, have tried the pricier fish oils that come in glass bottles, but it's been my experience that they don't work any better than the inexpensive ones.

I use Nature Made 1,000mg fish oil capsules--two capsules per day. You can find that brand at any of the large chains. The vanilla yogurt was Activia brand--also available pretty much anywhere.

(I've been around EC long enough that I think I can mention brand names without anyone thinking I'm trying to 'pimp' products. ;-)

Hope this combination works as well for you as it did for my daughter!

Ocean Water
Posted by Jackie (Lancashire) on 03/22/2016

I suffer from eczema on my hands and feet and whenever I go to the seaside, if I put my hands and feet in the water, it takes my eczema away as well. I can't wait to go back as I have had a flare up again.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Llfiles (West Linn, Or) on 03/04/2011

I had eczema since I was a baby. As I grew up, this skin condiion became dermatitis herpetaformis which is a terribly itchy, blistering, scarring affliction. I am now in my 40's. With totally smooth, gorgeous skin that I thank God for every day. Esp when I get compliments on it.

What changed: My diet for one thing. I discovered that dairy and meat were causing the itching and the breakouts. At the same time, I had been doing a colon cleanse, taking black walnut hull supplements (probably for about 6 weeks).

I remember having to rush into a department store restroom and urgently using the bathroom.

What I saw (yes, this is gross but important to those who might be helped by this information) was a t. bowl full of floating black-spider things.

I had obviously purged parasites. After this the DH (dermatitis herpetiformis) was gone. I still got itchy when I tried to eat meat, esp beef. I have been a vegetarian for many years now. Easy to do with all the meat-like analoges.

I believe all skin problems are the result of the GI tract being overloaded and the skin is the next organ of detoxification. Clear the gut and health prevails.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Rita (La, Ca, Usa) on 10/14/2010

For years, I'd get eczema flare-ups, which were exacerbated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. At first, I cut out dairy altogether, avoided tap water, restricted my diet--the usual--not knowing that dairy in itself IS NOT THE CULPRIT! A one week vacation in France proved that. There, I consumed the typical French fare of wine, cheeses, cream sauces, etc. & my skin cleared completely. But I still didn't "get" it until years later. Recently.

What REALLY helped was changing my diet to traditional foods, namely raw dairy (milk, butter, cream, etc. ) & fermented foods & drink, in particular homemade yogurt. The idea is to get ALL of the beneficial bacteria from real live food items. Helpful traditional fermented foods: pickled veggies, certain raw cheeses, kombucha, natto, miso, raw soy sauce & of course ACV. Many "pickled" items in grocery stores are pasteurized & therefore don't contain beneficial bacteria. Anyway, it's no wonder ACV is the top remedy on this site. It's a raw fermented drink!!! These items, taken regularly, help us digest our food & maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria in our bodies. Bacteria are not baddies! I'm now convinced that we need to be mindful of beneficial bacteria in all aspects of life. In gardening & farming, we depend on good bacteria to break down, to compost & make nutrient-dense soil. Earth can't survive without them.

The concept is the same within our bodies. Similarly, anti-bacterial soaps & products and chlorine destroy the "good" as well as the "bad", making our bodies weaker in the end. It all makes sense to me now. You don't have to be vegetarian or a raw foodist (though I like many of those recipes) for clear skin. By sticking to whole, unprocessed foods & adding fermented items at each meal, we noticed a difference in our family's skin (child had severe eczema too, now much more beautiful skin! ) & in overall health. Best to avoid non-raw dairy whenever possible. That's when we begin to see little flare-ups.

Very helpful resources were "Wild Fermentation" by Sandor Katz and "Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fallon. Fascinating info on this site!

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Six (Phoenix, Arizona) on 04/20/2010

Thank you so much for this website! After searching the web for a cure to my decades-long battle with self-diagnosed eczema, I have found that diatomaceous earth has shown great promise! For years I've suffered from diagnosed dertmitis nervosa. My skin would errupt in red spots that would itch almost nonstop, bleed, scab over, spread a bit and continue this pattern. The cycle would usually end with another trip to yet another dermatologist for stronger and stronger steroid medications (usually topical creams, but too often oral meds also).

Eventually the rash would turn from red to brown and begin to dry up leaving a very dark brown large area of discoloration. This would take months to clear up with the help of retin-a creams.

After searthing Earth Clinic's site for more natural cures, I found several entries noting 100% pure diatomaceousearth to cure fungal infections. I had about 2.5 pound of this stuff on hand and decided to try it. Well, the reviews suggested ingesting it. I'd done that in the past when dealing with other issues. This time I was trying Borax and baking soda as suggested by Ted and didn't want to mix it up too much. So, I tried applying the earth topically, straight from the bag. It's a fine powder just like talc. It immediately soothed the itch, and after a few hours the redness had decres by 50%. The eczema rash on my face has dissappeared!! My facial acne is history. The eczema is still on my neck but it is undercontrol and when I am diligent and apply it several times daily, it will go away. The dark blotches remain, and this is where I got into trouble last week, I began applying the retin-a much too soon and irritated my skin and the redness itch and rash returned. I'm back on the mend using the earth and will wait about one month after healed again before using the retin-a.

I hope this helps.

Posted by Lou-lou (Adelaide, Sa, Australia) on 04/17/2010

I have posted twice on this fantastic website before, so I will try to keep this one brief!

I have recently read that Eczema is mainly caused by deficiency of zinc in the body. Taking zinc supplements or foods rich in zinc will help in restoring the healing property of the body and treating eczema. Zinc promotes the synthesis of collagen, which is a necessary element of proper wound healing also.

Foods high in zinc are beef, lamb, pork, crab, lettuce, avocado, banana, cauliflower, cheese, egg, milk, yogurt, wheatgerm, seeds such as pumpkin, squash and watermelon, and oysters top the list. So if you are an oyster lover like me, dig in! :)

Apple Fast
Posted by Pondera (Juneau, Ak) on 04/11/2010

3 day Apple Fast cured Dyshidrotic Eczema

I developed dyshidrotic eczema on the palm of my right hand and in between my fingers in Sept/ 09. At first I developed a rash that weeped directly where I had a ring on my finger.. I thought maybe the nickel in the ring triggered it. Hydrocortizone cream did not cure it, although it provided immediate relief from the itching. The rash than spread to in between my fingers and on the palm of my hand. It was awfully painful.

I tried massage therapy for stress and repressed emotions and found that it started to heal directly after that. I also had three or four sessions of acupuncture and realized it was healing after that too. But it wasn't gone completely.

So I began a THREE DAY Apple Fast for persistant Acne problems. Hoping to clear up my face and in the process it COMPLETELY healed my eczema. You see it all starts on the inside, in the organs, in this case, the large intestine or colon.

Here's what you do:
For three days eat nothing but peeled Red Delicious apples or Golden apples. They must be peeled. And you can eat as much as you want all day long. (I ate about 6-10 a day)And drink a ton of water ! at least 60 oz. a day.

At the end of each day, you have to do an enema to remove all the apple you ate that day. The Pectin in the apple absorbs the heavy metals and toxins from inside the colon and then each day it needs to get passed or the results won't be as good.

You can buy a Fleet Enema from most drugstores, and just follow the directions. However, you have to use it 3 times. You do the first flush lying on your right side, then on the left, and then again in the knee-to-chest bowing position. For a total of three flushes. Remain in the positions while you're holding it in. (Since a Fleet enema only has solution in it for one flush, on the 2nd and 3rd flush you just have to refill it with warm tap water) After squeezing all the fluid in, you hold it inside you (for 2-5min) until the urge to expel it is very strong...then get on the toilet and let it go.

It is very important to remove the apples each day, but only do the enema flush once in a 24 hour period. On the first day you may not see a lot come out, but the 2nd and 3rd days you will. If you have really severe cramps you can do it earlier in the day.

On the third and last day, you may have two tablespoons of olive oil and a couple glasses of Welch's grape juice in the evening to prepare your digestive system to be eating again the next day. You will want to start out with easy food, like soup and crackers, don't run to McDonald's or something. And do an enema on the fourth day as well, just to make sure you got everything.

This apple-fast is done primarily to treat acne, and the results should last for months. My skin is cleared and softer than ever! And my eczema is gone for good too! You will notice things changing by the 2nd day. Sometimes your acne can get worse for a bit, but that just means your body is detoxying. Stay with it. And NO CHEATING whatsoever. You may have a few cups of green tea throughout the day.

Be easy on yourself. Don't exercise a bunch, or stay up late, or what's really great is if you can get work off. Take a hot shower if you get a headache (normal) and just be good to your self. When you're hungry, distract yourself, go for a nice walk, watch a movie, play music. LOTS OF WATER AND LOTS OF APPLES and say goodbye to eczema!

There is a body-mind connection with all things. The Colon is the organ that allows us to literally "let go of crap" so sometimes when we are emotionally plugged up we experience problems with our colon, that end up showing up on our skin. It is our body's way of talking to us. Let me know if you have any questions.. and good can do it! God Bless

Cod Liver Oil
Posted by Jules (Houston, Tx) on 11/13/2009

Absolutley COD LIVER OIL!! Cured me as a child of eczema and cured me as an Adult. A family doctor when I was an infant in diapers, took one look at me and told my Mother..."Take her off cow's milk, give her goat's milk and Cod Liver Oil !"...and ALMOST instantly I was cured! As an adult I had bouts of adult acne off and on for years. Every remmedy in the book including Accutane...but the thing that cured it was to commit myself to Cod Liver Oil every day and my skin is CLEARING UP! My nails are growing, THE CUTICLE SOFTENED, no longer dry looking....... Absolutley COD LIVER OIL!!!! And... Mother knows best!

Posted by Susie (Austin, Texas) on 04/29/2009

Has anyone tried Iodine as an eczema cure? I've been painting it on the skin in the affected areas and it seems to be helping. Now I'm going to try taking some iodine tablets. Iodine deficiency is apparently becoming a problem and can be one of the causes of eczema.

Posted by Lisa (Coto de Caza, Ca) on 11/27/2008

Paint on povidone iodine twice daily on eczema patches. Worked on my 3 year and it's cheaper than the prescription drugs. Don't use iodine tincture since it has alcohol and will sting...especially for young child who scratches the eczema until it bleeds. Since the iodine stains clothes, I put large bandaids over the areas on his legs and arms.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Susan (Dania, FL U.S.) on 11/14/2008

I have a skin allergy,that a dermatologist identified as being eczema, It appears between my knee and ankle on my left leg. over the past 40 years it started about the size of a quarter and for the past 10 or 15 years had grown to cover and area of 4 in.....I started taking the charcoal capsules twice a day, each capsule aprox 280 milligrams..the lesion has shrunk to about the size of a more itching and burning etc,also whenever i feel an sinus allergy attack i take the charcoal..i reduce the amount that I take when the symptoms reduce.

Do Nothing
Posted by JOYCE (Joelton, Tn) on 10/10/2007 495 posts

On eczema, I believe removing the cause is the best cure. The causative factor is usually soap. No matter what kind - if it's soap, don't use it. One of our psychiatrists came in with a classic case of exzema (in his forties). I took one look at him and remarked, "that looks itchy, is it?" He said yes. When I caught him without an audience, I asked him if he ever tried leaving off soap for his eczema. He said he had and it got better at first, then got worse.

This almost threw me off track, until I thought to ask him what he used instead of soap. He replied that he didn't remember the name of it but it was some kind of medicated cream. I then suggested that he try leaving off soap again and not using any thing instead. He was surprised when told to just use a thick, wash cloth and water when bathing, nothing else, but agreed to give it a try. Several days later when he was next on call, he came in with the smoothest complexion and very happy with it.

People who forgo the use of soap also find that they have less body odor and attract fewer insect bites.

Again, on headaches, remove the cause, instead of looking for a cure. Aspartame (Nutrisweet) is well known for causing headaches. So is Monosodiumglutamate. If you want to find some other things they can cause, type in Excitotoxins, and hit search. For those who think MSG is only found in stir-fried (Chinese foods), make a list of the names MSG is hidden under in the ingredients list, then go into your kitchen and see how many of your foods have one or more of them listed in the ingredients.

Classic example is the 15% chicken broth that may be contained in a well-known brand of raw chicken that you must take home and cook...The MSG isn't mentioned because they didn't add MSG - they added chicken broth which contained the MSG.....Learn to protect yourself and your loved ones by learning these legal loop-holes. Oh, yes, you will also learn that that they are named excitotoxins because they excite the neural cells (Brain & Central nervous system) to death.

If you also research meta-bolic syndrome X (now called insulin resistance) by orthodox medicine) you will also find that excitotoxins are the same things that cause insulin resistance which ends up as full fledged Diabetes Mellitus,Type 2 which used to be called DM, adult onset, but was renamed to DM type 1 for juvenile onset and type 2 for adult onset, because children (even toddlers, are now developing type 2. So be your own health defender by learning all the names the excitotoxins are hidden under, stop buying these products, and write the supplier telling them why you aren't buying their product. You will only have to make one list because the excitotoxins are the same ones that makes us kick out excess insulin, proceed through insulin resistance, then to full fledged DM, type 2 and all of its complications.

Posted by Audra (Usa) on 01/06/2016

Vaseline is a byproduct Petroleum, and should not be put on the body.

Chamomile Tea
Posted by Barbara (Cape Town, South Africa) on 03/16/2007

I battled with eczema on both my hands for years - my hands were constantly raw and bleeding from all the scratching. Then I read somewhere that chamomile tea would help. I soaked my hands in a strong brew of chamomile tea every day for about 10 minutes. It's now completely gone. I also make a point of avoiding all soap. We have a fantastic ointment here called Epizone E which can be used as a soap and a moisturiser. Hope this bit of info can help someone out there!

Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee ) on 11/19/2023

Thanks Rob, for sharing that fascinating history! I remember using Noxzema for sunburn in the 70's…

~Mama to Many~

Gluten-Free Diet, Zinc
Posted by Di (Sedona, Arizona) on 11/12/2023

I cleared up a persistent, angry patch of eczema with a gluten-free diet for two years after a doctor told me the cause originates in the gut. I also took zinc carnosine after reading that it heals peptic ulcers in a government study, so I figured this may heal the gut.

Also, I've heard organic unrefined coconut oil mixed with baking soda is very healing.

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