Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Earache Remedies for Pain Relief

Salt Solution or Warm Water
Posted by Milroc (Ny) on 10/21/2017

I couldn't believe it. My son sometimes had some earache because of congestion-cold. My son had his first earache in december 31 of 2014. I went to the pediatrician, they gave me amoxillicin, which it still on my fridge, I never used it. We used salt water, a safer solution according to my hubby, you put some salt with water in a dropper, 2 drops that you leave for 10 seconds. It worked fine, I don't remember all the details sorry, I know that I was surprised by the results.The child slept well. With years, and after another episode of earache, I started to read on this site about warm olive oil, and asking myself if it wasn't the warmth that act. So, I heated the dropper, so it was warm salt water (I didn't use olive oil). This one was quick. The pain was gone after 10-15 seconds.

I read on this site somewhere (or on another site), that earache can be because of pressure, and you need to hear a noise. So when I put the warm-salt water on my son ear, I'm asking him, if he hear 'tac-tac' and he hears this noise. I can't explain the organ or whatever process, maybe his ear opens. I have no idea.

This week, he has some ear infection, 3 times, he is a little congested too. He came from school with a an earache. I started to give him the first time, warm-salt water, it works quickly fine. But what is suprising, is once I forgot to put the salt. I heat the water, and use the dropper. As usual, he hear 'tac-tac...tac' on his ear, after less than one minute he is fine. If your child doesn't feel better, add 2 more drops. Don't forget to remove the excess of water with some paper, by tilting the head of the child. I'm so pissed off by the medical community. Warm water, and that works, you can add water to kill germs too. Try it, it's quick, take maximum 1 minute. And give your child a role to tell you if he hears a noise, he will be happy to help. I think that earache due to wax build-up won't be better with this method, it's only my guess. My son has an earache when he has a cold-congestion.

This site after my bible site is my favorite site on all the internet since 2011.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Hoppimike (Kent, England) on 06/06/2015 26 posts

Putting homemade Colloidal Silver in my ear once or twice a day got rid of my ear infection I believe. I just made it sloppily at home in mineral water. Not much else to say, but chalk up a success! :)

Oregano Oil
Posted by Sunny (Ca) on 02/04/2014

I did multiple things but I believe what cured me was the oregano oil soft gels. So, I have tried the garlic oil in cotton and it has worked perfectly in the past. Not this time, my pain/ cloggedness kept persisting( I think I had a very strong infection). I had been having it for like 6 days very slight, but not gone! And the plugged/ congested feeling. So I tried olive oil in ear, garlic oil in ear, Apple Cider Vinegar with alcohol drops. Apple Cider Vinegar alone drops , garlic water in nasal irrigation ( slice garlic let sit in drinking water for 1 min )in the neti pot, and lastly half hydrogen peroxide half warm water in ear wash with syringe ouch!!! The last one made me have so much pain, that I was reconsidering visiting my doctor. Even though I know that all they were going to do is give me antibiotics and like steroid drops for ear.

What has worked in CURING my infections before was oil of oregano soft gels. So I figured it would help with my ear pain/ I think it was an ear infection. So I bought it yup its expensive but it does the job! It cost me $40 dollars! For 60 softgels. It is the "Oreganol wild oregano" by North American Herb and Spice ( highly rated on Amazon, check it out) you can get it in like health food stores, or like Whole Foods Market, or online. But since I wanted this gone I went to my health food store. You can also try the regular one, if you cant afford the super strength is stronger( just take more). So when I got it I took 3, then 3 for luch and 2 for dinner.

I know that there is lose oil by them( in a little jar) but I do not like this, I only like the softgels!! That is my advice. I feel since its ingested it get more in you body/ blood stream/ tissues.

I also made myself a tomato tea from this site look for it on this site it has a name like Jeans tomato tea or something like that. But mine has some other ingredients. I add to it sea salt, oregano and garlic, onion. Put as much lemon and chili as you can handle( I use cayenne pepper( this drink will help you to drain the ear fluid, amongst other things it will do) So yea the next day I felt so much better! My ear felt good! , but I will continue to keep taking softgels for some like 3 more days, as I want to kill what ever, it is dead! But I feel very good!

My recommendations would be to attach what ever it is in many ways, garlic water nose rinse, via neti pot, these softgels for inner battle, eat good and add oils in ear.

I think I had an inner ear infection! Yup its a hard place to get to as is very inside, but thru can get to it thru digestive means, and also thru throat/ nose means.

Other advice: if you can afford to go to a chiropractor I would advice to go. The do ear work too.

Why it should work

It should work because oregano oil is antiviral, antibacterial, anti fungal .. I think its also anti inflammatory etc. so what ever it is you have it will kill it.

It will be ingested, and can get to hard to reach areas such as the inner ear part. I think its called the middle ear??

I wanted to share my story as a way to thank my lord for allowing me to finding the solution to heal my body, without harming it further with useless antibiotics. And because I was in a desperate place where I was not getting a full healing( ear pain/ cloggedness sucks).

I would say for fast results attack it all ways, by ear, by ingestion, by massage out side of ear, to get it good and fast. Also eat healthy.

I know its long, but I needed to show that I had a sever inner infection and I needed to do much prior to getting full healing. So... DONT GIVE UP!! WHEN THEY TELL YOU ITS NOT CURABLE, TELL THEM , YES IT IS!! I JUST HAVEN'T FOUND THE WAY YET ;)

What I learned for the future....

Any time I have any type of infection I will reach without a second thought to my Oreganol Oil of Oregano Softgels. Im ready for you FLU :p lol

Comment if you ever use this method and it works for you.

Namaste my loves :)

Cigarette Smoke
Posted by Jordan (Newfane, New York) on 02/04/2012

My mother always blew cigarette smoke in my ear to ease my earaches. I absolutely loved it. It made the pain and discomfort go away immediately.

Cigarette Smoke
Posted by Supportnatural (Calgary, Ab, Canada) on 08/02/2011

Hi I saw this work at the emergency. A woman in great pain due due to an ear infection was shaking and crying. A Persian woman offered to blow cigarette smoke into her ear. The woman in pain refused at first but eventually accepted. They stepped out of the hospital. Five minutes later the woman in pain looked calm and no longer in pain. Cigarette smoke doesn't cure but relieves pain.

Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 11/03/2010

Thanks for this info. I have never used the garlic clove but have used garlic oil capsules with great success. We just pierce a capsule and squeeze it into the ear, we try to lay down for a few mins.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Sea Salt
Posted by Vera (Houton, TX) on 07/10/2008

Earache - For the first time ever, I have experienced a double ear infection which has lasted for four days. I suspect what brought it on was a combination of a new unknown allergy (allergies are a first for me) combined with the irritant effects of smoking. I have tried most of this except for inserting the whole garlic clove in the ear or using any of the sweet oil remedies. I tried using capfuls of peroxide and colloidal silver..which has antibiotic properties.. in the ear but these have temporary and only minor effects. I also tried liquid garlic from the health food store, which appeared to do nothing.. the pain only worsened. The homeopathic ear drops from the drugstore for earaches didn't relieve the ear pain as advertised. There was no improvement from Oreganol (Extract of Oregano) or tea tree oil. The only option that finally appeared to be working for me as far as clearing up some of the infection was rinsing the ear with a capful of apple cider vinegar. The remedies I found effective for relieving pain were dampened washcloths warmed up in the microwave which work for the short term as heating pads, but the the salt remedy worked best for the pain. Sea salt warmed up in a cloth tea bag in the microwave is the only thing I used that could take away the fiercest ear pain instantly, and I probably had some of the worst. The process of rinsing with cidar vinegar for the infection along with warm washcloths and applying warm salt for the pain because the ear pain may have to be repeated after intervals because the pain will keep coming back if any part of the infection is still there. The infection is reduced but is not gone yet. I am still testing the vinegar and I will also test the garlic clove in a cloth bag remedy (not crushed garlic I've heard enough about how painful that can be :)), just to compare its effects with warm salt which in my experience has been the most effective for pain.

Posted by Brigitte (Houston, Texas) on 01/11/2008

Garlic works to alleviate ear aches. You simply must be sure to take the garlic clove and expose the tender inner flesh by scoring the outer flesh of the garlic; then wrap the garlic clove in a light cotton gauze to prohibit the ear from making direct contact with the garlic clove and place this into the ear canal. Be sure that the garlic clove is large enough to prevent its becoming lodged in the ear canal. leave it there and you will find that the pain will disipate. I have used this remedy repeatedly with great success. When my oldest daughter was about two years old she found it so soothing that if the garlic fell from her ear she would pick it up and place it back in her ear all by herself. Garlic works to alleviate ear aches

Ear Pick
Posted by Leah (Friendswood, Tx) on 08/31/2009

I found that when I would use a q-tip, I had to twist it or the wax would get pushed into the ear canal to where it felt like I was deaf. Yay for the curette.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Daniel (Spokane, WA) on 09/21/2006

First, thank you for the great website--I've been searching for this type of confirmation for several days now. My story is that I use earplugs when I sleep, as I awake easily. About a week ago, I had taken a shower right before bed and dried ears with a towel (no q-tip). The earplug didn't seem to go in as usual (perhaps the wrong angle). The day after, about mid-day, I noticed that my ear was hurting. Two days later I was in a full-blown ear infection. I stopped working a few months ago to do some studies, as such, no money to go to the doctor. I prayed and the Lord said to read a book about hydrogen peroxide that was sitting on my shelf and decided that it wouldn't hurt. So, I put one cap of H2O2 into my ear and let it sit for about 5 minutes. I couldn't hear anything happening, at first. Then the bubbling started. Rather cool. I kept doing this every two to three hours. By the end of the night, the pain (so strong that I really couldn't touch the ear without feeling like I was going to throw up) was 90% gone. After two treatments the following day, there is no longer ANY pain whatsoever. Praise the Lord! Now, I must say that I don't know for certain if my immune system had typed the virus/bacteria by this point, as I had been sick for a few days by the time I started... Regardless, the pain appeared to decrease with each treatment--I thought I was imagining it until the 4th treatment--I then KNEW that there was a difference. By the way, I should mention that I also dried my ear out with q-tips, and then used a warm blow dryer for about 10 minutes after each treatment. Perhaps I had come down with swimmer's ear from using the earplugs on wet ears--drying is important. Anyway, thank God for hydrogen peroxide and a cured ear infection. I am now using 3% in a humidifier, breathing it in for multiple 5 minute sessions throughout the day, and have seen a big difference in my energy levels--very cool. I might add that I have to inhale with my eyes closed...else the stuff irritates my eyes. Pretty cool stuff!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 01/23/2024

A Mexican woman showed me a simple way to extract the aloe juice for placing into your ear.

Cut off about 3 inches of the aloe leaf. Then cut the sides to remove the spikes. Then cut thru the middle to open up the leaf and expose the gel inside.

Use a fork to mash the gel cells to release to aloe juice. Next, use a knife to cut lose all the mashed gel.

Now, place all the mash gel and juice into a clean small 1/2 pint jar. This will be messy. Next, add pure clean water or distilled water (if using in the eyes) to the jar. Stir mixture and now your aloe juice is complete and ready to be placed in the ear canal.

This method is a whole lot easier to get the juice into the eye dropper.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Jane S. (USA) on 11/30/2020

EAR ECZEMA - (ailment): working for me right now: ALOE VERA

I get the 99% stuff & put it on a q-tip and it's pretty miraculous.

I'd been suffering for months with it, ever since I used coconut oil in my ears for itchy ears with a qtip, becauseI had an earache.

BTW, NEVER put coconut oil IN YOUR EARS bc the way that CO is can cause problems like ear blockage, like in my ears.

OLIVE OIL is fine & will clear up your earache. Never Coconut Oil.

Anyway, back to this, so after going to the dr to clear up the ear blockage, I had ear eczema, and have had it for months. Right now just felt inside my ear, I think I still have ear eczema, will get back to you & hopefully this will completely clear it up in a few days - the aloe vera.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 12/01/2020 441 posts

Coconut oil can't block your ears as it liquifies long before it reaches the temperature of the body and I would say the profound effect you experienced was actually evidence of the work it was almost certainly doing. You can't expect to experience no symptoms when an effective remedy is applied. The more effective it is, the more evidence there will be that something is happening.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jay (Toronto, Canada) on 01/25/2014

If you want a solution to ear infections without the garlic odor use organic extra virgin coconut oil. It is antifungal, antibiotic, antiviral and antibacterial like garlic. It also dissolves any hard wax build-up without the need for any other material. It is solid at room temperature but melts at 24 degrees C or 75 degrees F(DO NOT heat it). You can put a small fingernail sized piece just inside of your ear and if you are lying on your side within a few minutes the piece will melt and flow into your ear canal without any help . Leave in ear for at least 15 minutes(or as long as you wish) and then drain and wipe ear. Ideally do this with both ears. Doing this for each ear regularly will cure any minor infection and prevent a reoccurrence of any wax build-up problem.

Cigarette Smoke
Posted by Siamesecat (Fort Dodge, Iowa) on 02/13/2011

It always bothered me that this remedy worked when I was a child, crying at night... Just in horrible pain with an ear ache. After several hours, my mother told me that cigarette smoke would alleviate the pain. I first said no, but after another hour of severe pain, I said yes to her method of treatment. She blew cigarette smoke into my ear and the pain went away! Almost immediately... And never came back! Never has! It seemed gross to me then and now.... Like 50 years later... But, it worked! I just wanted to see if anyone else ever experienced this. Sounds like they have.

I am a sociologist now, but I still recall my mother's form of treatment for that intense earache and how miraculously and quickly it worked! So, I guess we can deduct that there is some chemical in cigarette smoke that cures ear aches. And greatly and swiftly... And permanently!

Posted by Pam E. (Southern California) on 11/29/2021 137 posts

From what I've read, straight garlic is not recommended. Allowing crushed or sliced Garlic to infuse some oil, such as Coconut or Olive, then using just a few drops of that oil is recommended. Some people have a very strong negative reaction to straight garlic, actually getting burned by it! Some.

Olive Oil
Posted by Msg (Somewhere, Europe) on 03/15/2010

Hi, having benefited from many of your ideas here, for which I am very grateful, I thought I'd share one that is tried and true:

Having had numerous siblings and numerous children, I can recommend without reservation the olive oil-on-a-piece-of-cotton remedy for earaches. Works for all ages, in my experience. by 48 hours the latest, earaches are gone. The olive oil only has to saturate a bit of the cotton (the side that goes into the ear) and the cotton should be stuffed (not deeply!!) into the ear and kept there. We put a biggish piece of cotton so it won't be able to get too deep. It can be changed as often as you want but we always just leave it there till the next shower.

Steaming Washcloth in Mug
Posted by Kim (Dallas, Tx, United States) on 12/22/2009

I am not big on putting liquids in my ears (I've tried H2O2 with mixed results). However, I've found a simple way to unclog achey, stuffy ears...I STEAM THEM. Find a mug or cup that can withstand hot water and make sure that the mouth of the cup/mug fits around your ear without letting much air escape. Next, fold a small piece of paper towel until it can fit at the bottom of the cup/mug. Then pour steaming hot water into the cup/mug (just enough to cover and saturate the paper towel). Quickly pour the excess water out of the cup/mug and tilt your head to the side and place your ear in the cup. IF THE STEAM IS TOO HOT LIFT YOUR HEAD FROM THE CUP/MUG UNTIL IT FEELS COMFORTABLE, then lower your head back to the cup/mug. Stay that way for about a minute. You will instantly feel "popping" as the steam breaks up the gunk in your ear. Repeat with other ear by adding more hot water into the cup and pouring off excess. Repeat process throughout the day. After awhile you will be able to either irrigate our gentle scoop out yucky, waxy gunk that was causing the problem in the first place. I like to put a few drops of EUCALYPTUS oil in the cup, but experiment with Oregano oil, garlic, ACV, Tea tree oil to see what works best!

God Bless.

Posted by Jeremiah (San Diego, California) on 06/21/2009


I had a really bad ear infection in January of 2009 in which the infection caused my right ear to have hearing loss, as well as a constant sense of being clogged with something and/or feeling clogged from high altitudes (pressure change). I took a clove of garlic, peeled it, then scraped a part of it to release the juice and allicin, then CAREFULLY (I CANNOT emphasize that enough) the scraped part into my ear canal and let it stay there for at least 2 hours, possibly 3. When I took the clove out, the infection was gone.


Posted by Erin (Tampa, Fl) on 03/12/2010

Thank you for this remedy. Instead of a scored garlic clove, I used garlic ointment on a tissue. I obeyed your warning to be careful, as it seems most of the bad reactions reported on this site came from instances where the garlic was placed farther into the ear canal than the opening. I just placed my garlicy tissue in the opening of the ear canal. It took about an hour, but the pain subsided, and shortly after that, the pressure began to subside as well. I'm going to leave the tissue in for the recommended 3 hours and see what happens. Thanks again for this!

Cigarette Smoke
Posted by Mom2_3 (Baltimore, Maryland) on 05/12/2009

I suffer from severe allergies. Once again I gave into my doctor and started a course of antibiotics and steroids. I had the most drainage I have EVER had...I developed earaches in both ears. After 5 days on the meds and still having a lot of pain, I took myself back to the Dr. to make sure I didn't have an infection. I was right, no infection but still a lot of pain! I tried pain meds and that still didnt work. So as a last resort I was reading through your cures. I already tried the peroxide, so I gave the cigarette a try. I cut the cigarette in half and lit it. I placed the filter down in my ear and laid on the floor. I set the timer for 1 minute. I repeated for the other ear. YEAH...my pain went away and has not returned!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for putting, even the weirdest, natural cures on here :)

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