Natural Remedies for Menstrual Headaches or Migraines

Colloidal Silver + Riboflavin
Posted by Katydid (Katy, TX) on 05/27/2023

Riboflavin, 25mg; aka Vitamin B2 for Menstrual Headaches

So I have posted previously of using Colloidal Silver as a cure for menstrual headaches. That still works great, for me. But once in a great moon I was still getting a residual ache - much less than before and I could work through them, but still annoying.

In doing more research into various products, I came across an old study about Riboflavin 25mg (also known as vitamin B2) versus a proprietary blend of a daily dose of riboflavin 400 mg, magnesium 300 mg, and feverfew 100 mg. That is on Pubmed if you care to look. Now this brand product alone did not help me much when I tried it years ago, so I personally don't recommend it for a few reasons.

BUT. Now I'm on CS so things may have changed. When I combined just the 25mg of Ribovflavin into the CS I'm already taking, (Not the mix! JUST THE RIBOFLAVIN) it has completely cleared my rare milder headaches. And it's a much safer dose than the brands contain with many of their ingredients, for example if you look at Migrelief+M's ingredient list you'll see they have these same ingredients plus a possibly toxic amount of B-6 that should NOT be taken daily if you read the negative reviews - yet that's how they want their product used.

So I skip the brand names and I've been taking both. The CS I take daily, but the riboflavin I only take a couple days before headaches would usually start and then throughout my period. Many times I get lazy and don't take it at all unless I feel mild pressure, since the CS usually fixes the headaches alone.

The study notes this dosage of riboflavin (25mg/day) helps roughly 40-44% of menstrual headaches. Very much worth a try! And the lower dosage worked the same or better than the high one so don't bother upping dosage and wasting money. You can try adding in some feverfew and magnesium but it did not seem to help the study members. (I have tried both of those in the far past and not had results but your mileage may vary.) The study did not include CS (colloidal silver) use at all, so this may be a good fit for those of you somewhat leery of using CS. Please note the study had DAILY use of riboflavin - although I don't use it that way it'd probably be best to start there if you're not also taking CS. Good luck to all my suffering friends out there.
