Hot Flashes
Natural Remedies

Top 5 Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Karen V (EC's Facebook Page) on 09/25/2020

I found if I eat sugar of any kind, I will wake up soaked. So a small chocolate bar or piece of watermelon after dinner will do it. I do not eat anything after dinner now. That stopped my night sweats.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sandra (Lindale, Texas) on 11/26/2018

Dietary changes work for hot flashes. It is a simple matter of imbalance. I quit eating sugar. I lowered my salt intake and watched my fat intake. I got rid of hot flashes. I just plain don't have them anymore. Many years now. Balance your diet. Also watch for food intolerances or allergies.

B Complex
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 08/07/2018

Your mom is a lucky one. I tried a sample tube about 1.5 inches long, of Premarin and my throat swelled up around my thyroid and it remained that way for a year. Whenever I ate or drank that area was sore. Be careful with that pregnant mare urine. Blessings, Charity

Posted by Rahat Iram (Bc, Canada) on 12/21/2014

This is very interesting & I am very thankful to you Elizabeth for sharing your experience which infact is generating many more questions in my mind to look answers for. I think I can explain the hidden connection between thyroid and hot flashes to some extent. The exact cause of hot flashes isn't known, but it's most likely related to changes in reproductive hormones (estrogen and progesterone produced by ovaries) and in your body's thermostat (hypothalamus), which becomes more sensitive to slight changes in body temperature. The hypothalamic/pituitary/thyroid axis (HPT axis for short, aka thyroid homeostasis) is part of the endocrine system responsible for body's metabolism and production of heat. Although there is no apparent direct connection between thyroid and ovaries except the complex feed back mechanism of HPT, but reproductive problems are known to occur with thyroid issues, such as infertility which is very commonly observed in patients with thyroid problems. Similarly, many poly cystic ovarian disease (PCOD) patients are also known to have autoimmune thyroiditis indicating some underlying connection between thyroid and ovaries. Thyroid responsitivity by the ovaries could be explained by the presence of thyroid hormone receptors in human oocytes.

In 1993, a study by Wakim and et all , for the first time confirmed the presence of T3 and T4 in human follicular fluid and the presence of T3 binding sites in human granulosa cells and suggest a role for thyroid hormone in the regulation of human GCs. Later on, the receptors of both TH and TSH were also discovered to be increased in the receptive endometrium, suggesting that they are important for implantation. Research in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism in 2007 evaluated the ovarian surface epithelial cells for hormone receptors, including those for thyroid hormone. The ovaries from women who had had a hysterectomy were used. Researchers found that the ovarian surface is a target for T3 thyroid hormone and that T3 hormone increased the action of estrogen receptors. Could this possibly help explain the link between hyperthyroidism and ovarian cancer? But if thyroid hormone levels are low, this could have huge implications for the level of estrogens, as well as the functioning of reproductive system and libido. In 2003, Cramer et al. showed that serum TSH levels were a significant predictor of failure of IVF, as TSH levels were significantly higher among women who produced oocytes that failed to be fertilized.

In short, since Iodine is needed to produce T3 & T4 or in other word for the optimum functionality of thyroid, perhaps this explains how iodine intake possibly stimulated your ovaries to produce estrogen and to helped thyroid better control the body temperature through the HPT axis.

Posted by Charlotte (Simpsonville, Sc, Usa) on 01/21/2013

I have been a fan of Earth Clinic for years and I would like to help other women who are going through menopause with their hot flashes. If you are only getting minimal help with black cohosh and other estrogenic herbs, please try the mineral Boron. I take 3 mg per day and from day one the hot flashes and sweats were practically gone. So ladies, if you're still in "Flame On" mode, then give Boron a try. I don't believe you will regret it. It's especially cheap. I use a brand in an amino acid chelate form. Here's to putting out the flames!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Liz (Adelaide, Sa) on 02/12/2012

This works for me for hot flashes - . No sugar, avoid processed food. Give it a try, just for 2 days and you will see a difference

Coconut Oil
Posted by Laura (Houston, Texas, Usa) on 12/17/2011

I am a 42 yr old female w/ blood type A . I have tried soy products and organic ACV to eliminate hot flashes that I have experienced for the last 5 years or so, with little success. The only thing that completely has gotten rid of them has been replacing ALL polyunsaturated oils in my diet, like vegetable, canola & sunflower oils, with organic, unprocessed coconut oil. (I still eat a little uncooked olive oil occasionally). I have not had 1 hot flash in the last 3 months that I have been using it and that is a record for me! Be sure to get the Extra Virgin Coconut oil! Yes, it is a saturated fat, but it turns out this type of saturated fat does not clog arteries or make us fat as previously thought. It also has given me great energy and better sense of well being. I still eat the naturally occuring fats in fish, raw, unroasted nuts & avocados, but have replaced EVCO for all other fats, including butter. A little EVCO on an english muffin with honey or jam tastes amazing! I have also eliminated soy from my diet.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Linda (Ireland) on 06/30/2015

Side effects of taking magnesium is lower blood pressure. I too was using magnesium but transdermal and found my head to swim. I later found out it was due to low blood pressure so I rectified the problem by eating natural salt on my food, licorice and applying rosemary essential oil to my wrists or ankles. Low blood pressure can make you feel really tired and light headed and can be dangerous but doctors won't do anything for it.

Posted by Beth (Phoenix, Arizona) on 05/12/2009

I recently had a neurotransmitter test because I tend to be too hyper. The doctor put me on "targeted amino acid therapy." It turns out that GABA (gama amino butyric acid), one of the things the doctor had me take cured my hot flashes. I use ___ encapsulations brand because of their high quality. I think one capsule is about 675 mg. I take one first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and then again after work (also on an empty stomach). Hot flashes and night sweats are gone! I'm 51 years old and just started getting hot flashes. They were coming about every 30 minutes. I've never found this information anywhere on the web so I thought I'd share my experience.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Suzy (Chrisman, Illinois) on 07/14/2008

Hi, I just had to tell you what a blessing your site is! I just started using two tablespoons of molasses daily for my arthritis and hot flashes.Wow I just can't believe it works !!! Within two days my pain has almost gone away and no hot flashes and as an added bonus I have so much more energy! I am 53 and I don't feel or act like I am ,any longer!! God bless who ever came up with these {inexpensive} remedies. I am going to try some of thr rosacea remedied, I hope they work too. Thanks. Suzy

Posted by Sarah (Washington, DC) on 06/20/2008

Hi. This might help somebody: I have a weird condition where any iodine-rich food or salt sends me into weeks or horrible, debilitating hot flashes. Avoiding iodine-rich substances makes them eventually go away, though it is hard to avoid iodine, so it sometimes starts up again. I have tested this reaction many times and it is consistant. When I'm having a reaction, taking a very low dose (12 to 50 micrograms) of thyroxine (like Synthroid) usually helps get the reaction under control within a week. I've been to a couple endocrynologists about this and none of them understand what is going on, except that iodine apparently shuts down the thyroid temporarily and it may be that mine isn't starting up again properly after too much iodine. In addition to the hot-flashes, my symptoms are more like hypo than hyperthyroidism, so maybe that's why the thyroxine helps.
Be healthy.

Vitamin E
Posted by Janie (Hammond, La) on 03/25/2007

I have taken vitamin E for years to reduce hot flashes. Works wonders.

Posted by Tracie (Willow, AK) on 11/24/2006

I'm in the process of experimenting with iodine to cure fibrocystic breast disease. I've had cysts since I was 13 and am now a menopausal 48 yr. old. (Can't even dicipher a self-breast exam since I'm so lumpy) I started with some kelp tablets and increased all the way to 8 per day. At that point the quantity of lumps was lessened but then a couple of them enlarged and were really sore. I then changed over to Iodonol tablets (iodine/iodide) and now the cysts are getting smaller and for the first time since I can remember, my breasts are beginning to feel like they are supposed to. My hot flashes have lessened also, which is curious and I wonder if the iodine is the reason.

Posted by Vandana (Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India) on 08/05/2006

i tried taking powder of turmeric -- it has been a great thing for the skin and my menopause symptoms are going smooth. Turmeric is best of all the spices -- good for all the ailments basically inside the body and physically also.

Posted by Maui Nurse (Maui , Hawaii) on 08/24/2010

Vandana, I agree about Turmeric being an excellent herb. It's being used in Brazil for cancer treatments. I use it when my hayfever allergies flair up. I visited Ahmedbad in 1980 and stayed for 3 mos. I'm sure it has changed a lot. Aloha, Maui Nurse

Posted by Diane (Palatka, FL)

I believe there must be a link between exercise and hot flashes. I was plagued by hot flashes day & night, then started riding my horse for 2-3 hours daily, 4-6 times per week, suddenly I noticed I was no longer having them, but then when I got too busy to ride, they immediately returned; started riding again,. . . hot flashes subsided again

Raw Chicken Liver
Posted by Christina (Park City, Ut) on 01/20/2023

After ten days of consuming one whole organic chicken liver raw every day, my hot flashes had decreased by 90%. It contains zinc, iron, copper, selenium, all the b vitamins, Vit A, Vit D, Vit E, etc so it's smarter than buying and choking down the inferior (and potentially dangerous) supplement forms of these. Eating it cooked is effective as well, I assume. I was also drinking ACV and lemon water during this time, though these had not helped me with hot flashes on their own, so I attribute the healing to the single greatest food on the planet. As a bonus, my cracked and peeling skin has been improving drastically, no migraines, great energy, appetite low. I take with half n half (raw, pastured) and I'm also Carnivore diet 8 months so perhaps the combination of no processed food / no plant food is important to note. Good luck.

Olive Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alicia (San Clemente CA) on 04/22/2022

I started taking a high quality extra virgin olive oil from Trader Joe's for heart health. I take a shot glass full of olive oil & follow with a 16 oz glass of water mixed with 1-2 tablespoons ACV. My hot flashes miraculously disappeared.

Beets and Olive Oil
Posted by beverly (texas) on 02/22/2022

I find your response very interesting. I have often thought I had high or fluctuating histamine levels due to chronic allergies and respiratory problems..also gastric problems. I also suffered from severe hot flashes for years even on HRT meds. They are lessened now but still have them. Thanks for your insight. I will be doing more research.

Histamine produces many varied effects within the body, including the contraction of smooth muscle tissues of the lungs, uterus, and stomach; the dilation of blood vessels, which increases permeability and lowers blood pressure; the stimulation of gastric acid secretion in the stomach. High blood histamine levels will cause chronic health conditions.

Pregnenolone and DHEA
Posted by Stonecrop (Cincinnati) on 09/06/2016

For hot flashes, Pregnenolone 50 mg & DHEA 25 mg

Posted by Eliza (California, US) on 12/22/2014

Thanks for the explanation, Rahat, however a little more scientific than my simplistic understanding of the body's chemical make up, but thank you nonetheless. I do hope you find the correlation between the thyroid (T3, T4) and ovaries. I was a little apprehensive to post because I didn't see any other testimonies for iodine/thyroid and hot flashes, but it worked for me and if it helps just one other woman who might be suffering as much as I was, it was worth the post.

Also, as a side note and confirmation to your explanation, I have a menstrual cycle again after not having one for 7 months and an increased libido as well.

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