Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for MRSA: Effective Solutions for Infection Control

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Bob (Ormond, Florida) on 11/27/2008

MRSA: i use grapefriut seed extract 125 miilagram 2 every eight hours. works twice as good as antibiotics and if you take 1 a day after that it seems to keep it away no side affects either.

Turmeric and Manuka Honey
Posted by CJ (Exeter, NH) on 04/01/2009

There is hope!!! I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in late jan of this year. I then got a bad case of multiple painful MRSA boils in perineal and genital area from the colonoscopy. It was not promptly diagnosed by my doctor, so the boils grew for 10 days with no treatment. 3 had to be opened surgically and drained. one left a large deep wound on my buttock...I couldnt sit down for 2 weeks and had to have a visiting nurse come to pack the wound. I was hospitalized on IV vancomyacin 4 days after the MRSA diagnosis and lancing, then Zyvox for 10 days when i went home. the MRSA came back a month later in early March. 10 more days of Zyvox, it went away, then recently - a later after i stopped the antibiotic -- two more small boils showed up in genital area....MRSA again. needless to say, the antibiotics are not very effective long term, and have wreaked havoc on the colitis, killing off healthy intestinal flora and bringing back the colitis symptoms even tho I was mega dosing on high quality probiotics Critical Care Ultimate Flora 50 billion capsules by NewLife(200 billion organisms a day total which helped but the antibiotics still created diahrea). I do a lot of natural healing things, take a lot of supplements, but MRSA is really tough!! I am refusing to do more antibiotics this time with these new boils, and am just starting raw organic unfilterd apple cider and turmeric powder 3X a day to deal with this latest bout based on these recommendations here. A book that has helped me A LOT (and that also promotes apple cider vinegar, probiotics and kefir) is The Body Ecology Diet by donna Gates. A recurrent infection of any kind is often due to an overacidic body, allowing yeast to flourish as well as harmful bacteria which taxes the immune system weakening it so it cant fight the MRSA. I am alkalizing my body using THE Body Ecology Diet. IF YOU HAVE RECURRENT MRSA, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU READ THIS BOOK AND IMPLEMENT SOME OF THE SUGGESTIONS!!! I have only been doing it for less than 2 weeks and it has already resolved the colitis symptoms (in spite of the multiple antibiotic rounds and in spite of my GI doctor saying it would take 6 weeks IF I were taking the anti-inflammatory drugs which im not). I had a massive yeast die off and I am feeling so much better. I believe with this book plus the turmeric I will finally beat the MRSA for good! I also suggest for those with really recurrent MRSA to consult a good herbalist as there are several herbs that are very potent antifungal/antibacterial and they can be applied topically and made into a tea. It is the western medical systems over use of antibiotics that created this monster, and while antibiotics might be a good short term tool, in my opinion you need to get at the underlying condition in your body that is allowing to come back again and again.

Activated Oxygen Gel
Posted by Robert (Fife, Scotland) on 08/22/2008

after suffering for 7 years, with an abcess, below the groin, and having tried everything, it would always come back leaving me in agony,
i searched the internet for all sorts of treatments, rather than take anti biotics which turn my skin yellow. i stumbled upon a site called activated oxygen i phoned them up here in the uk, and bought a pot of activated oxygen gel. i can only describe this as a miracle, i am currently on my third pot of activated oxygen, my abcess which had 5 holes, is about 97% cleared up to date, and this is only applying it topically. I am not sure if you can post links but google it and you have all the info there, it's amazing stuff.

Baking Soda, Honey
Posted by Nicole (San Francisco, CA) on 07/22/2008

thank you for this 1 1/2 year old has been treated by doctors in the past for mrsa, this time when she got a boil (size of a golf ball) on her belly, i didnt take her to the doctors, instead i give her two 30-40 min warm baths a day, and then i waited until it came to a head, after it started to drain i put a tablespoon of baking soda and mixed it with a little water at a time until a got a nice paste, (baby didn't mind) covered it with gaze and tape. the baking soda helped drain it a lot. once the boil was down about three days later and turned into a big big crater, i stopped the baking soda and started using honey, overnight, it looked so much better its almost gone, baking soda/honey help my baby girl fight off that nasty bug works!!! and its not painful for baby.

Acai Berry, Aloe, Probiotics
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 06/28/2015

William Oak Harbor, Wa

If you will search on YouTube there are videos using Hemp Oil, Own Human Urine, to reverse gangrene successfully. I have come across them but have no notes.

Allopaths are eager to take limbs and organs when they don't know anything but natural medicine works wonders. Hang in there and keep your leg!

All the best, Namaste, Om

Posted by Lanette (Victoria, BC Canada) on 11/30/2008

I have have MRSA for the 4th time now and am allergic to sulfa now. I'm on Clindamycin and I'm scared to death of this. I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get allicin in Canada and colloidal silver. Does this really eradicate it? Are they both taken orally? Thanks so much.

EC: Most local health food stores in Canada will carry allicin (garlic) and colloidal silver.

Posted by Bigal123 (Oxford, N.c. America) on 01/14/2012

Silver kills mrsa- read this:

Posted by Jackie (Ky) on 09/16/2013

To Christy from Springfield, OR: where did you get the 490 mg Allicin?

Silver Gel
Posted by David (Houston, TX) on 06/22/2008

CVS antimicrobial silver gel (supposedly silvasorb brand sold as a generic). Diagnosed by lab as MRSA. went through Bactrim, and Levaquin treatment. A boil came back 3 weeks later on the same spot on my arm . I take turmeric and garlic. I have tried everything. I applied the silver gel to the oozing boil and got relief within hours. It is almost A WEEK LATER completely healed. PLEASE TRY THIS!! NOTHING ELSE WORKED AS GOOD AS THIS. IT IS ONLY 7 DOLLARS AT CVS. THANK GOD FOR THIS GEL. IT KILLS THE MRSA I AM LIVING PROOF THIS WORKS. I have also started taking oral colloidal silver.

Posted by Livvy (Philadelphia, Pa) on 06/21/2013

I am struggling with recurring MRSA and am fighting it with raw garlic. It seems to be working so far, but what is the link where I could find the Allicin tablets?

Baking Soda, Salt, Honey
Posted by Elyne S (USA) on 03/01/2008

Just wanted to let you know that I have been having steady relief using honey, baking soda & a pinch of salt on my boils and tiny, pimply, bump-rash (associated with MRSA) by daily application with bandaids. Growing up we used baking soda-salt to extract poison from stings and bites. Hearing of the water-extraction capabilities of honey led me to add it to the formula with good success. This isn't an isolated remedy however because I've also been eating garlic sandwiches with herbs!

Posted by Jake (Chicago, IL) on 02/25/2008

For Amanda from Terre Haute, Indiana. I had something festering on my leg and think it may have been MRSA - from a workout room where my shins touched a piece of equipment. I immediately put cayenne powder on it and stopped the bleeding and it healed up over the next week with that one application. I think it might be worth a try to rub cayenne powder on it to see if that might not do it.

Vitamin C
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 02/07/2012

I believe that iodine kills MRSA. You could take it internally and apply the iodine directly to the affected areas externally on your body. If you take it internally you need to also take vitamin c, selenium and magnesium. If it is not MRSA, iodine will kill yeast as well so it should work.

For the shingles in your eyes, I would try colloidal silver and use it as an eye wash or get a dropper and put one or two drops in your eyes to see how that works.

I would stop the antibiotics you are taking because antibiotics will kill the good bacteria in your body and that will not help your situation, probably worsen it. To offset the damage the antibiotics are doing to you, you will need to take a probiotic for a couple of weeks. Taking 3 antibiotics at once is not good (my opinion anyway).

Spirulina and chlorella are good for blood cleansing so I would also try that. Vitamin C is also good to take.

Vitamin C
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 02/08/2012

Hi Louwrence (from Rustenburg), Have had a quick look, very interesting. The one I found requires a sonic cleaner, do you know a method that does not need one to make it? I have seen liposomal vit c mentioned here before but have known nothing about it. Thanks

Oregano Oil
Posted by Bobbie (Dubuque, USA) on 05/29/2007

Wild oil of oregano with P73 kills MRSA as well as many parasites, virus, fungi & bacteria.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Elizabeth (Lancaster, Ca, Usa) on 06/13/2010

This works!! I had MRSA on my face, my face was swollen from my eye to my neck with the thick green pus coming from a small sore on my upper lip. It was so bad that the doctor tried lanceing to get some of the pus out. The doctor didn't think it was MRSA, but I made her do a culture and it came back positive for MRSA. I had been to the doctors 5 times in 3 days and I was fed up with the back and forth and no results, so my mother in law told me about the grapefruit seed extract. I put 4 to 5 drops of the grapefruit seed extract topically on the MRSA sore and rubed it in 4 to 5 times a day. Within a few days the swelling had gone down and it was gone by day 10. About 2 to 3 weeks later I had an apportment with Infectious Disease and the doctor did a culture of my nose to see if I still had MRSA and "it was gone". I told her that I had used the grapefruit seed extract, she told that tea tree oil also works.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Tony (Chicago, IL) on 03/16/2007

Thanks for the great info on MRSA. Below is a link from the US Patent Office of a CS product scientifically tested against MRSA. Scroll down to "10" (near bottom of page) for detail. The CS brand tested is from American Biotech Labs (aka American Silver). It is sold under different labels. It is sold at GNC stores as "Silver Biotics". Because the link for the patent is a mile long, I suggest you go to the USPTO website and do a search for the patent number. Patent nbr: 7,135,195

Lastly, there is also this info: "William Beaumont Army Medical Center has proven ABL's SilverSol Technology effective at killing all three forms of leishmaniasis, which causes the "Baghdad Boils" infecting U.S. soldiers, at a concentration of just 1-2 parts per million."


Colloidal Silver
Posted by James (Akron, Ohio, Usa) on 01/19/2012

Two years ago I have MRSA staph infection. My left arm swelled up to double the regular size. I went to the hospital, they put my on an IV of antibiotics and the swelling went down a few days later. For a year and a half I would get reoccuring boils and swelling. I tried everything: Epsom Salts, Manuka Honey, Tea Tree Oil, etc. IT was only when I used Colloidal Silver in a nebulizer(it helps with asthma too) and externally on the boils that I noticed immediate relief from the staph infection.

I am thoroughly convinced that colloidal silver cures MRSA, though I am just speaking from personal experience.

Baths With Bleach
Posted by JLynn (Arlington, Tx) on 10/21/2008

I don't know about bathing with bleach but I do know that whenever I have had problems with re occurring boils adding bleach to my laundry, all delicates, it seems to help with the boils not coming back.

Baths With Bleach
Posted by Mark (Charlottesville, VA) on 01/12/2009


I would be very careful about using bleach on skin.

Bleach damages tissue and can make it more susceptible to disease. For example, washing syringes used by IV drug users as was suggested for many years with bleach makes one more susceptible to HIV (plain soapy water works better).

It is well known that bleach can damage skin (see MSDS). In the event of "serios skin contact" with bleach it is recommended that you wash with a disinfectant soap and use an anti-bacterial cream. In other words, exposure to bleach can make you more prone to infection. 10:1 dilutions or 100:1 might be better tolerated.

By the same token, Nonoxynol-9 was shown to kill HIV in-vitro but in-vivo it was found it could do more harm than good due to tissue damage - after years of use by consumers.

Alcohols and hydrogen peroxide may cause tissue damage in some cases, particularly on mucous membranes. Alcohol gels at least contain things to make them easier on the skin and appear to be ok to use.

Sterile Manuka honey looks worth checking out. Wounds reportedly heal in about half the time compared to most modern treatments and it has been shown to be helpful on MRSA. Some pre-prepared manuka honey dressings have been FDA approved (but are expensive). But beware of diluted preparations. Pure sterile manuka honey can be imported in 500g jars and 25g-80g tubes of sterile manuka honey can be purchased in the US. Not all varieties of Manuka honey contain the same amount (or any significant amount) of the active ingredient that makes manuka honey more effective - it depends on the variety of manuka the bees feed on. Even plain honey has a very long history (8000 years) of being used as a wound dressing, though largely forgotten today with the aggressive marketing of commercial products. However, non-sterile honey may contain Closridia or other disease causing factors.

Tea tree oil is known to kill MRSA but if it is diluted too much it not only doesn't kill but breeds tea tree and antibiotic resistant strains quickly.
Dilute Benzalkonium chloride also breeds resistant strains. I have heard triclosan has the same problem but the research on that appears a little questionable.

Oregano oil appears to be a potent MRSA killer.

From personal experience, a water based gel lubricant (KY jelly/Surgilube/etc) is very helpful for fungal infections (better than more expensive anti-fungals). It helps moisturize (without promoting growth due to moisture) and heal the skin and the preservative used, chlorhexidine gluconate, is effective in very low concentrations against candida. However, the concentration is much lower than in chlorhexidine gluconate surgical scrubs such as hibiclens. Thus the suggestion to use tea tree oil in KY seems promising, though the tea tree oil concentration should be at least 5% (but not too much higher). Adding neem oil and oregano oil would be worth investigating. But the combinations haven't been clinically tested.

Strong disinfectants may do more harm than good due to tissue damage. Diluted disinfectants breed resistance. Whatever doesn't kill the bugs makes them stronger.

When cleaning surfaces, reuse of a wipe on more than one surface, and use of non-disposable mops, rags, etc. can spread MRSA.

I don't have MRSA (I hope) but my housemate is suffering from a post-operative MRSA infection.

Baths With Bleach
Posted by Joan (Australia) on 03/03/2015

Bleach in bath water would be no different than swimming in a pool. What do you think is in a chlorine pool??

Baths With Bleach
Posted by Eli (Usa) on 09/14/2017

Bleach bath doesn't help. It dries the skin, and that makes the skin more susceptible to infections. If you read here, you get the idea that much of this MRSA bacteria specifically enjoys itself in a acidic environment. So a bleach bath would just keep your skin at a low pH (acidic) which is really bad to treat these infections.

Baths With Bleach
Posted by Jacquelyn (Ca) on 07/13/2018 11 posts

Actually, bleach is a base, not an acid, so it makes sense to de-acidify the skin that way. Maybe baking soda is a gentler alternative? Don't know if it would be as effective though. I haven't tried either, but I have some pimple-shaped bumps appearing that I'm afraid might be mrsa.

Baths With Bleach
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 08/15/2022

Have you tried Manuka Honey on it yet? Manuka kills mrsa.

Healthy healing to you & your daughter.

Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 05/24/2010

We recently had an aerobic septic system put in. The lawn people came out and were kicking up dust (because the yard was torn up) and I was on the deck. The next day, I got a golf ball size lump (boil). I think you are on the right track about something in the soil. I used an EC remedy of tumeric, tea tree oil, VCO, aluminum-free baking soda, and the contents of a vitamin E capsule. I put the paste on a cotton round and changed it frequently. It drew out the pus from the boil and I am fine. For good measure, I put some triple antibiotic on it. I then put castor oil on a cotton ball in an attempt to finally get rid of the remnant of it. The 5 ingredient paste worked very fast. It couldn't hurt to take tumeric (1/2 tsp. in 1/2 glass of water) and a Neem capsule to prevent blood poisoning for a few days.

Staph Warnings
Posted by Kimberly (Sequin, TX) on 11/23/2006


I got several staph infections, but was never tested for MRSA. January of 2004, I got one on my forehead and one on the hairline near my neck. I chose to lance them at home, which was the biggest mistake I could have made. The infection on my neck got into my bloodstream, traveled into my spinal cord and festered for nearly three months. When my back pain began, doctors could find no cause for it, so they admitted me to the local hospital after three trips to the ER in agonizing pain, and treated me for five days for Kidney infection and Kidney stones. Turned out it was MRSA in my lungs, blood, spinal cord, pneumonia and bronchitis. By the time they realized this my blood pressure was dangerously low, as well as my blood oxygen level. I had about six hours to live at this point. Thankfully a rather risky back surgery saved my life, as well as 2 months of severe antibiotic treatments, where I was given Vancomyacin through a groshong catheter directly into my aorta. Lesson here, if you get more than one staph infection, get tested for MRSA. I didn't, and the result is life long pain. My son was only six months old when this happened. He is two now and I can still barely carry him for long.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 11/19/2006 391 posts

MRSA outbreaks in Thailand? Possibly it comes from the pollutants and birds (excellent carriers for many diseases, bugs, etc) here in my home. However, boils outbreak I think is difficult but they tend to occur during the "vegetarian festivities" here in Thailand.

The reason why is really simple, most white flour which is used in cooking during the festivities is used in the food, so people consume more.

They are very acid forming food, next to soda pop that is banned in schools in U.S. at least, but not here. Some milk actually added fluoride, so that doesn't help either. These acid forming food, especially flour, do get easily contaminated quite easily with fungus, etc. The body's immune system simply stops for about 2 hours in presence of sugar, the fact that some cola adds phosphoric acid simply make things worse.

The outbreak, therefore is more tied to the diets which lowers your immune system, such as sugar, and white flour found in bread being the worse offender of these MRSA and an outbreak as well as weight gain often occur or coincide during and after the vegetarian festivities.

I am not a pro meat or a pro vegetarian either. What I am saying is white flour is one of the worse offenders of acid forming food (next to soda pop) and the rise in use of sugar often rises to coincide with the vegetarian festivities. I once got a terrible boils in the buttocks similar to Kathryn, but the source of it i knew to be ice cream, but chocolate or cocoa strangely enough causes pimples but not boils.

So the way to stop boils at least for me was taking plenty of zinc, chromium, vanadium and baking soda to alkalize my body. Drain whatever pus that occurs in the boils to dry them.

Being especially careful to avoid both sugar AND acid forming food is the best way to remove these antibiotic resistant out of the body. You don't have to buy an elaborate lists of kinds of acid forming list, just remember to simply stay away from sugar and flour. They are easier to remember, getting too particular can confuse you. Certain supplements, you need to be wary if you take too much as they too are acid forming, whose supplements name have the words "hydrochloride", such as pyridoxine hydrochloride, a vitamin B6. A better substitute is pyridoxal 5 phosphate.

Antibiotics no longer works with me, actually it had not work for at least 10 years now, regardless of the kinds of antibiotics I use. And this is why I have remedies to get around this issue for at least 10 years now. Ted

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Elle (Cc, Fl) on 01/16/2012

In addition to the previously described strategy to decolonize the MRSA bacteria on skin and in nostrils, you should also at the same time take internally dietary supplements of probiotics containing a variety of strains of acidophilus like lactobacilus acidophilus and lactobacillus rhamosus. Make sure the brand you buy has a guarantee of true potency. This product will be in the refridgerated part of a health food store and you should keep it refridgerated at home. Also youghert with live probiotic cultures and buttermilk also have lactobacilus acidophilus. Eat plenty of these. Feed youghert, kefir, buttermilk to your kids to strengthen their immune system. Eliminate sugar, gluten, alcohol, beer, wine, as much as possible. Drink lots of water cause as the MRSA bacteria dies, you need water to flush out the dead bacteria. May God help us all to achieve good health and to praise Him.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Joanne (Victoria, BC Canada) on 10/21/2006

Manuka honey is being used in many places (UK, Australia, New Zealand) for treatment of MRSA. One teaspoon morning and night for prevention and up to 3 tsp. once or twice a day for an internal infection. It can also be used topically to stop skin infection, 50/50 with water in an atomizer for chest infections, along with many other uses. One potential reason for its effectiveness may be the existence of small amount of naturally occurring hydrogen peroxide in the honey, although researchers put it down to "Manuka factor," an unknown active ingredient.

Holy Grail for Boil Care
Posted by Sean (Milwaukee, WI) on 08/05/2006

I am going to try to give a good synopsis of what I have learned from infectious disease doctors (several), and many naturalists. At the FIRST sign of a boil (yes even a painful pimple), I would start with the following:

Wash thoroughly twice a day for at least 10 days (or longer if you still have the boil) with either:

a) enough good quality(dr bronners baby unscented is great) liquid soap to wash you entire body to which you add approx 5 drops of good quality 100% pure Tea Tree Oil, for each washing. or

b) A chlorhexidine solution available over the counter under the brand name Hibiclens (this is the western medicine option)

Ok, this is the most important step! Don't skip it, you will regret it when you have a relapse.

Take a small clean glass jar and mix about 2-3ml (think thimble full or less) of KY jelly or equivalent with 1-2 drops of 100% pure Tea tree oil. Cap jar and shake to mix completely. Take a cotton swab (q-tip) and dip it in the solution and apply it to the inside of your nostrils, one clean swab full per nostril (it will sting a bit at first but you'll get used to it fast). Once you have it in both nostrils pinch your nose closed and squish your nose around to spread it out inside your nose. Do this twice a day religiously until 10 days after you are boil free. Then do it 2-3 times per week for a month. This step is super important because MRSA will usually hang on in your nose even after all infection appears gone just to rear its ugly head again when conditions are right. (an antibiotic like mupriocin would be used by a western doctor worth his salt)

Zinc 50mg-90mg daily (never more than 100mg)
Vitamin A (one softgel) daily,
Turmeric 1tsp (or two 00 caps) 3 times daily (thanks Earth Clinic!),
Neem (1 capsule) twice daily.

I currently consider this the holy grail of knowledge on natural MRSA treatment. I hope to post an update with more details soon. Good Luck!"

8/5/2006: Shawn adds more to his earlier post: "Apply 1 drop of 100% pure Tea Tree oil directly to the boil and cover with Band-Aid (or a telfa (nonstick) pad with tape for large boils) 2-3 times daily.

Avoid using plain gauze, it tends to make the boil dry out or scab over. You want to keep it moist.

I suggest using a moist compress as hot as you can stand it (i use a tea kettle), apply tea tree and/ lavender oil to maximize effect. Do this several times per day (inconvenient, but so are boils!)

And, of course, NEVER SQUEEZE A BOIL! it can spread the infection very quickly to the surrounding tissue.

If you see red spider web like lines around the boil, see a doctor immediately. This can be a sign of the infection spreading to the blood, which is very dangerous.

Once a boil has a white tip or has opened, it should be kept covered and treated liberally with tea tree directly into the wound if possible.

Notes on Tea Tree Oil : Has been shown very effective against MRSA, nearly as effective as the best antibiotics.

To test for sensitivity to tea tree oil: apply a drop on inner arm and cover with a Band-Aid. Wait 1-2hrs and remove Band-Aid if redness or swelling occurs you should not use tea tree.

Oregano Oil + Turpentine
Posted by Graham (East Sussex) on 03/16/2022

Hi, thanks for sharing your experience and for being awesome, hope you're still living a super healthy life :)

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Karina (Victorville ) on 03/30/2024

Hi what brand and type of colloidal silver worked for your friend? I have had my staph for 4 years and won't go away, I would like to try colloidal silver, but I don't know which one is good, thanks!

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Raven (Mumbai) on 10/13/2020

Which specific brand & for how long have you been taking it to see improvement.

Honey + Turmeric
Posted by Shammi (Oregon) on 06/05/2020

I personally fought MRSA for 5 months. I tried everything, to no avail. Then I read about Manuka honey mixed with turmeric. I couldn't afford Manuka honey, so I tried just plain raw honey and mixed it with turmeric.

I applied it to my sore and covered it with a bandage. I was amazed the next day, that it was actually starting to heal. Real raw honey is a miracle, it is full enzymes that started healing my MRSA.

It is important that that the honey has never been heated. Raw honey mixed with powdered turmeric into a paste, cover with a bandage. I changed my bandage daily. Slowly each day my sore got smaller, until it totally healed. It took about a week. I also, had to take sugar and white flour out of my diet, while I was trying to heal. I noticed that MRSA feeds on sugar.

So while I was healing, I followed a paleo diet, that helped my immune system get better.

Bee Propolis, Buckwheat Honey
Posted by Seth (Morton, Wa) on 04/15/2018

Well, I thought I was going downhill again but it was the flu.

Posted by Seth (Morton, Wa) on 01/14/2018

From what I can tell, the brand of kombucha I've been drinking is fortified with b. coagulans. I can tell the difference between this and other brands. I found out you can just buy b. coagulans capsules.

Posted by Seth (Morton, Wa) on 03/18/2018

So, I was a bit worse than I thought last time I posted. The kombucha definitely helps a lot but it's not perfect. I started taking colloidal silver. That got me even better. Then I started taking turmeric, 2 tbsp. with pepper and whole milk. Now I feel like 99% better.

Phage Therapy
Posted by B (Usa) on 04/29/2017

Phage therapy is the only real way to cure MRSA. Other "remedies" will help to keep the outbreaks under controls, but they will not cure it. There is a large and growing movement among health professionals in the western world to legalize phage therapy, but there is also a lot of resistance because phages can not be patented and patented drugs are part of the business model of western pharmaceutical companies. However, chemical antibiotic therapies stopped working a long time ago and now cause more problems than they solve. It is safe and effective and has been used to treat lots of bacterial infections for almost 100 years. Read about phage therapy. There are many websites that have information.

Urine Therapy
Posted by Rlene (Silver City, New Mexico ) on 02/09/2017

Nothing has helped my terrible case of mrsa more than urine therapy..I treat myself inside and out with it .I use other natural cures as well like garlic probiotic vitamin c essential oils h2o2 ect..but nothing I have found has made the anxiety and depression go away but urine. It also stops mrsa pain instantly and nothing kills a mrsa boil faster than urine..I drink it, I bathe in it, I soak my infection in it nothing has helped me more..

I find raw living garlic in tangent with urine works best I pee in an old glass pickle jar let it sit all day sometimes several days then crushed raw garlic added to it to soak and clean infection it works better than anything else I've tried..

If you are fighting mrsa I highly recommend it.
