Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for MRSA: Effective Solutions for Infection Control

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Pauline (Vancouver, B.c. Canada) on 05/26/2011

MRSA on right hand and forearm, spread to chest, and face. contracted mid march, misdiagnosed. Small stinging pimple on right wrist turned into huge infected ulcer with reddish purple ridges , painful swelling. Over next few months seven new ones appeared on hand and upper forearm. In the last two days two small ulcers on chest and a small red pimple on left side of face. May 24, Emergency room Dr. Prescribed new meds, bactroban and Doxycycline. I'm slathered in bactroban, day one of new meds when I notice one of the larger ulcers on my forearm is spreading. horrers upon horrers three new red inflamed pimples. Deep breath, stay calm, don't panic, do not scream. bactroban is not working but maybe the Doxycycline will.

I use Tea tree oil conditioner once a week on my hair for the controll of dandruff, works wonderfully and so soothing when I rub over my face. I had tried tea tree oil on my arm but I broke out in hives and my arm became more inflamed. I think if I wasn't so worried the light bulb would have gone off sooner. The conditioner is obviously diluted. I almost broke my neck trying to get to the bathroom. I mixed up five drops of tea tree oil in one tespoon water and added it to 1 tablespoon Holista tea tree conditioner. I slathered this all over my arm and in ten minutes the swelling and redness almost gone. I put some on my chest and face same reaction. Maybe this is the miracle I have been looking for, cross my fingers and a big prayer. Thank you for the info on diluting tea tree oil.

Posted by Ana (North Lauderdale, Florida) on 05/17/2011


I have been boil free for 2 months now. I was taking raw garlic everyday for about 2 weeks after my original post and cut that down to 3 times a week since. I also take echinacea in white tea with unprocessed honey for one week before my period and this combination has worked to keep me boil free for the last 2 months. Nothing else had worked before.

General Feedback
Posted by Donald (Seattle, Wa) on 05/15/2011

My heart goes out to you and your son. I had been on Bactrim on-and-off for over a year. MRSA always reinfected through a fungal foot infection, well that isn't important. What is important is that I finally figured out that Bactrim was so damaging to my Immune System that I quickly became (re)infected by every nearby bacterium (including Staph/MRSA) whenever I stopped the Bactrim. And Bactrim doesn't protect against fungal infections anyway, so *that* always provided an instant portal for bacterial reinfection.

I'm presently trying topical urine therapy for the fungus, and now my immune system ( many of the OTC/Spices already mentioned here) - *seem* to be clobbering the MRSA faster than Bactrim ( the same OTC's) ever did ... but everyone's immune system is different.

Posted by Chris (Los Angeles, California, Usa) on 05/11/2011

That is exactly correct. Cornstarch fosters not only the proliferation of certain bacteria, but also fungi. Talcum-containing products should be substituted.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Jess (Philadelphia, Pa) on 04/27/2011

Last year I had MRSA from a spiderbite.

I found out very shortly after my diagnosis that I was allergic to antibiotics. I had a horrible reaction where ALL of my skin swelled up and peeled off. I had to find another way to treat it. I had spent more time in the hospital for drug reactions than for the MRSA wound itself.

I treated the weeping, disgusting wound with: eating 3 cloves of raw garlic a day (cut up with a glass of warm water), I made a paste of tumeric powder, tea tree oil, lemongrass oil, and manuka honey and applied it to the wound very often (whenever the last application of paste dried up I'd apply a new one and cover it with a bandana that had the paste applied to the side closest to my skin as well). I washed it 3x a day with Hibicleanse as well.

2 weeks after I started this regimen, the wound began to heal up.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Paramiti (Nashville, TN) on 04/08/2011

Lostsoul since you have tried everything.. My suggestion is to contact the Phage Therapy Center in the Republic of Georgia.. they will save your life.

Turmeric, Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Jo (Victoria, Bc, Canada) on 04/07/2011

I picked up a nasal staph infection at my mother's nursing home after she tested positive (twice) for MRSA. After 2.5 months of trying to kill the sore in my nostril, (and the irritation restarting every couple of days, and taking two rounds of antibiotics), I finally got serious about finding a natural option.

At this point, I found your site and called a pharmacist friend of mine who said to apply good quality turmeric. Knowing that aloe vera is anti-staph, I used the gel as a base. First, I'd dip a Q-tip into the gel and then the turmeric, and then applied it to each nostril. For the sinuses, I used GSE nasal spray (actually, I bought an additional bottle of the liquid, and added a few more drops to the nasal spray, just to make sure). I sprayed and blew a many times a day for 2 weeks. I needed to be consistent because no matter what I tried, it kept coming back. It seems to be gone now, thankfully and it's been five months now. What a relief!

Also, I am SO grateful for your site and for giving hope to people, when all other options have failed them. Thank you, thank you, thank you...!

General Feedback
Posted by Bonnie (Campton, Ky) on 04/05/2011

I have a pool. Last summer my 13 yr. old daughter had MRSA. She did not tell me and got into the pool. So how do I rid my pool of MRSA?

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Jean (Willimantic, Ct) on 03/31/2011

Thank you Bill from San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines! I've been searching since last August for a way to heal what's wrong with me. What I thought was adult acne started exactly one year ago. Finally saw a dermatologist at the end of October. He only said I had a very severe case of eczema. I had to figure out on my own that it was seborrheic eczema, but it did explain why none of the acne images online looked like what I had. He cultured it and I saw him 6 weeks later. HE NEVER TOLD ME IT WAS MRSA until, in frustration, I went to an urgent care clinic and they informed me in the middle of January. That doc told me to use bacitracin and just plain water to cleanse my face.

Long story short, even after seeing an infectious disease doc in January, nothing I tried worked -- not tea tree oil, honey propolis, drawing salve, Bactroban, the appropriate oral antibiotics, the corticosteroid from the dermatologist, Betatine or even the Hibiclens. All of these helped a bit, but nothing HEALED. I searched and searched online for another example similar to what I had as I do not have boils (though have been wishing I had because there is info all over about treating them). YOU finally had something similar -- a fungal based red problem -- that responded to plain of Milk of Magnesia. I read your explanation of why and it made complete sense. I tried it in the middle of the day after going to the store to buy it and then showering. Within 24 hours I saw significant improvement. I am on day 3 and it continues working just as you described. The high pH is killing the exposed MRSA on the skin and is even reaching down below closed up lesions to destroy the MRSA that still lies there in the form of hard bumps that show as white through the skin.


General Feedback
Posted by Jennifer (Concord, Ca) on 03/21/2011

My daughter is two and she kept getting breaks outs in the diaper area. she has MRSA. I was very nervous about giving her antibiotics all the time. I looked up this site on Friday 3/18/2011. Started giving my daughter turmeric in her milk cup twice a day and today it is almost completly gone. You can also make it into a paste with water and tea tree oil and put it on the affected area at night. I am so happy I looked up this site.

Posted by Ana (North Lauderdale, Florida) on 03/14/2011

Garlic sliced in half with some criss cross cuts or pounded on once or twice placed directly on the boil worked for me. I have colonized MRSA and my less-than-willing-to-try-anything-other-than-lancing-and-antibiotics husband has it as well.

I have been suffering with back to back boils for 3 months. I tried ACV; drinking it and placing it on the boil. It did help burst it but it did not help keep them at bay. Tumeric applied to and taken helped to alleviate the pain and swelling somewhat, but it did not burst them or stop them. Campho-Phenique did not work for me, and Ichthamol Ointment helped to drain them after they burst but I cannot say it actually helped burst them.

I put garlic directly on my latest boil at the first sign of it and it made it go away before it got very painful. For the first 10-15 mins the burning was intense. it did subside and I actually felt a kind of "let down" in the boil. I left it on for an hour. The pain was greatly diminished. I did it again the next day and there wasn't any real burning or anything. I left it on overnight. The third day, I could no longer see or even feel where the boil was.

I started taking one clove of crushed garlic with water today and plan to take it every day to see if this helps to prevent the boils as I see it works to stop it once one starts.

I have been taking echinacea in white tea with unprocessed honey throughout.

I cannot stress enough how careful you have to be about your hygiene when you're having an outbreak . Wash your sheets in hot water, change them often, do not use your towel more than once, bathe at least twice a day, wear gloves when handling the boil and wash your hands often.

I used silver bandages on another boil that had drained and it healed much quicker than others I had before. These bandages don't stick to the skin as harshly as others do so I had less irratation to the surrounding skin as well. I found them online.

Thanks to all that contribute to this site.

Posted by Alex (Long Beach, Ca,united States ) on 02/24/2011

I'm also taking pHenomenal!! So glad to see someone else out there who has found that amazing product! I've also been taking goldenseal, have you tried that one before? Also what kind of honey are you using with the garlic? And have you tried tea tree oils before? I'm wanting to try tea tree oil in my nose but I'm kind of hesitant on how thats going to go, let me know if you have any opinions on that! Thanks!

Low-Carb Diet
Posted by Ben (Las Vegas, Nv) on 02/22/2011

Accidental Staph Remedy

For several years now I've used turmeric, in all its forms, to "control" a very persistent staph boil, with mixed results. Sometimes it was very effective, and could push the infection into complete "remission" for a week or two, but the core remained, albeit very small and benign. But would always return, seemingly at random and sometimes with a vengeance.

Well, a couple weeks ago I started a strict low-carb diet to lose some winter weight before spring, and voila! The boil has disappeared entirely and I can't even percieve the core anymore, no matter how hard I press into it.

Going to a low-carb regimen is the ONLY thing I've changed, and as I recall the worst recent flare-up times, it seems to coincide with high carbohydrate consumption.

IF this is really the trigger for flareups, I can go low carb the rest of my life, NO PROBLEM. It's worth freedom from staph flareups.

Posted by Doug (Yuma, Az/usa) on 02/18/2011

I used one drop a day on each infection for 3 or 4 days until the MRSA just dried up and went away. In the prior to this I had at least two other MRSA infections which made life very unpleasant. I did try every known remedy out there including the ones listed on this website and NONE of them worked. In my previous two experiences with MRSA I had to go to the hostpital to get very strong antibiotics to kill it. Bottom line is that Lugol's iodine does work for MRSA.

Grape Seed Extract
Posted by Jim (Gary, Indiana Usa) on 02/05/2011

I recently saw a report about trials conducted on grapeseed extract and mrsa the trials were done in kuwait and it said that 43 strains of mrsa were killed by grapeseed extract. I do not know how many strains there are, but it seems like an easy enough test. If I had mrsa I would be taking grapeseed extract not to be confused with grapefruit seed extract. Also Jesus is the ultimate healer so pray when taking it. I would and do. Jim

Staph Warnings
Posted by Firegirl (Austin, Tx) on 02/04/2011

I am interested in the ACV for weightloss for my husbsnd and I both... He also suffers from acid reflux so I am hoping it helps him too. How will the hydrogen peroxide help?

Posted by Shiloh (Escondido, California) on 01/11/2011

HI, Everyone at Earth Clinic, here are some good remedys for boils.

Herbs: Burdock root, goldenseal, olive oil extract, pau d'arco, are all natural antibiotics that help rid the body of toxins.

Dandilion, burdock root , and milk thistle cleanse the bloodstream.

Flaxseed and fenugreek, simmered together and mashed into a pulp, can be used as a compress.

Oatstraw taken in tea form, supplies silica, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Use an onion poultice, wrapped in cloth. Also can use 9-10 drops of tea tree oil to 1qt warm water, soak a clean cloth then apply to boil. Charcoal capsules made into a paste will draw boil to a head. All of this information comes from a book on nutritional healing.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Brenda (St Saviour, Jersey) on 01/10/2011

Hi sorry to hear you are so ill and unhappy, have just been reading about oil pulling on this website and pages of testimonials from people. Also read lots on the oil pulling website which has posts going years back so this has been around for a long time. It sounds amazing and is easy to do so why don't you have a read and see what you think. Hope this helps.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 01/10/2011

Have your Dr's tested and you know for sure that it is a Staph?
It also sounds to me like you are overly toxic and that the poisons that should be eliminated through the proper channel are not coming out as planned! (no joke intended! ) It could be from a thinning of your intestinal walls, which cause the poisons to leak out into your system and then they are "lost", they don't know where to go, so they form boils all over the body to try and escape. I would try this -
Cream of Tartar -4 teaspoonfuls, Sulfur - 4 teaspoonfuls, Epsom Salts - 4 teaspoonfuls
Mix these THOROUGHLY together. The dose would be a level teaspoonful of the mixture each day, stirred in a glass of water - preferably HOT water for 3 to 4 days.

While doing this, your diet should consist of things that have a laxative effect. If you are not a diabetic, then add a lot more figs and dates. Add lots of jucing's - of citrus, raw vegetables, etc.. And cream of wheat, things like that while you are on the above laxatives. After that is done for 4 days then add Fletchers castoria - you can find the cheapest place on the internet - or maybe your health food store would have it. It is a small bottle and I do not remember the price I paid because I buy lots of bottles at one time to keep the price down, but search and you can probably find it.

Also - how is your coffee habit? If you take it black - or better yet decaffeinated black then great - if you are adding milk or cream then I would stop that immediately. It puts a strain on your whole digestive system and forms a plastic like substance in your bowels that do not allow vitamins and minerals to pass into your system.; be it from pills or the foods you have been eating.

Do you have a small vibrator at home? If so then use it on your abdomen; if you are looking at yourself from yourself then use it in a counter-clockwise circle. What you are trying to do it to get the poisons and the bowels moving better - do that for 5 -10 minutes and not only in the circular motion but across your whole abdomen. Also I would add to the nightly routine Castor oil packs over the abdomen, 4 days on and 3 days off. I hope this helps you. I know being on a fixed income can be a problem, but most of these things you probably already have in your home. Sulfur is probably not - but it is easy to find, I got mine from a kids chemistry set!! Good luck and I hope that you get over this!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Victor (San Diego, Ca) on 01/10/2011

Dear Lostsoul, I can imagine your frustration with all these unsuccesful treatments. Have you considered mega doses of vitamin C, orally or in shots? I am suggesting this because I have had some improvements in my health since I started taking it, and my understanding is that vitamin C helps body get rid of viruses and bacteria. Maybe it would be helpful with your condition as well? Hope you get better... Vic

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 01/10/2011

Hi Lostsoul,

So sorry to hear of your pain and suffering from MRSA. I'm sure it must be incredibly frustrating. You have tried four remedies so far. Have you tried the paste that Ted recommends?

Also, you don't say anything about your diet. I am a firm believer that many problems in our bodies are due to diet whether it's a poor diet or we're ingesting food that we're actually allergic to and don't realize it. So many issues can be cleared up by just cleaning up our diet. Actually, I have heard miraculous testimonies of people w/ debilitating illnesses completely rid themselves of them through this process. I myself rid excruciating throbbing pain that coursed through my body for 4 years by doing this. I won't go into it because many have heard my story on this forum who have been coming here for awhile. It does take work- I won't lie but it is worth it to restore one's health! I know Bill of Luzon, Philippines would agree w/ what I'm saying here. In an earlier post he even gives the anti- candida diet under the title of "Question Regarding Protocol for Fibromyalgia" that would be appropriate. My only change in it would be in #12 where he says "Try" and eliminate all chemically processed foods. I would have to be more adamant and say "Must"!

I do hope that if you have not done this lifestyle change then it would be the next course of action. I wish you the very best, Lisa

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lostsoul In Ia (Des Moines, Iowa) on 01/10/2011

I'm sorry to sound so negative, but I've had MRSA now for 1year 8days and found NOTHING that has helped me at all!! Tumeric, not only the grossest thing I've ever consumed; but after a solid month of drinking it 3x a day it did nothing. Coloidial Silver, expensive and again did nothing internally or externally. Manuka Honey, REALLY expensive to get and did nothing other than stain anything it touched! PH Water, that was a complete joke and waste of money.

Gone to the doctor to have these things lanced so many times, I have so many scars from this procedure. I ended up in the hospital over Christmas, I had 8 boils that all showed up over a period of 4 days. The pain is incredible and more than my phyiscal health is suffering. I'm very depressed and in pain, I'm so sick of all these "cures" and nothing helps. My docotr has no clue what to do, except put me on more sulfa drugs. They make me so sick, the infectious dises specialist tells me to go home and just make sure my affairs are in order... Can you believe that! ?!

I have no idea what to do or where to go, I don't have the money to go out and blow on all this home remedy stuff. I hardly have the money to go to the doctor every month for more medicine that just makes me so sick.

Is there really anything out there that will keep this monster from coming back?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Berdene (Olive Branch, Ms) on 10/22/2010

I highly recommend food grade hydrogen peroxide as a cure for MRSA. Early this year I 2 different cases of confirmed Staphylococcus and 2 surgeries to remove cysts that were as big as golf balls, for which antibiotics were not touching. The Dr told me that I would just have to live with it as he told me MRSA is everywhere. The cysts were extremely painful so I was not willing to just live it them! When the 3rd one came on I reached for my food grade (35%) hydrogen peroxide and took a large dose(1/4 teas in 8 oz of pure water)
Within 2 hours I could feel the tingling stop and the burning of the new growing cyst stop. The next day I took another dose and I was cured. I highly recommend peroxide for bladder infections and also a couple of years ago I had confirmed skin cancer on my nose and began taking doses of peroxide and it killed that also.

You must be very, very careful when taking this product - follow instructions, as it has burning properties to it. One more note - after I had surgery for the removal of the MRSA cysts I packed the site with Epsom salt and it pulled the infection to the top of the skin and drained the sight within days. I used a pantie liner pad over the site and the salt drew out so much pus it was soaked the pad a half an hour, this went on for 3 days!

Turmeric, Aloe
Posted by Nitehawk (Camp Verde, Arizona, America) on 10/20/2010

Hello everyone! Here's my follow-up on using Turmeric/Aloe to cure MRSA: YEAH! I AM DEFINITELY CURED OF MRSA! Best wishes to all of you for a speedy recovery of your own! Health & Happiness to you... ^;^NiteHawk

Turmeric, Aloe
Posted by Nitehawk (Camp Verde, Arizona, America) on 10/17/2010

Hello Everyone! I have suffered twice from MRSA, both times contracted from a Doctor's clinic/hospital while being examined for something else. My husband also got it, from tending to my MRSA as directed by my Doctor. These horribly painful boils began as small pimples that grew quickly to angry purple lemon sized lumps. The 1st time I was treated with very expensive antibiotics ($2K) for MRSA, but antibiotics did not stop it the second time. In less than 2 months from the 1st attack, I ended up in surgery. Had to use a wound vac for 30 days afterward. The MRSA infection was within 1/2" of my aorta when surgical intervention was deemed necessary to save my life. Yes, I know much about MRSA. Or at least I thought I did. Always something new to learn, tho. Yesterday I itched at what I thought was a bug bite on my chest. Looked down to see that awful sight: a pimple. Carefully felt to see how big. A small amount of pus leaked out of the pea sized lump. Now, I had found Earth Clinic after the second MRSA attack. Had read about ground Turmeric & MRSA here. Last night I mixed some fresh Turmeric with just enough 100% Aloe Vera gel to make a paste about the thickness of honey. I painted the erupting boil, already painful & the size of a grape, with this mixture. The area was then covered with a large nonstick bandage & taped closed. I expected either a huge pussy drainage or a trip to the hospital in the morning, but managed to drift off to sleep. During the night sometime, I woke because of a strange tingling sensation. Resisted Temptation to itch or check under the bandage, and went back to sleep. This morning I am absolutely astounded! No drainage. No pus. No pimple. No boil. No MRSA. No itching. No pain. The only indication that there ever was any problem is a very tiny small hole where the pus leaked out yesterday. The Turmeric over the hole was of a different texture. Much drier, kind of hardened, and a little tough to wash off. This awesome home remedy is soooooo difficult for me to believe! It cost me less than 50 cents and about 10 minutes to try this simple cure. I must make sure MRSA has really taken a hike! So, today I will begin to drink Turmeric Tea as suggested.

Tonight I will repeat Turmeric Aloe gel = paste, and bandage. I am in tears of confused joy right now. Really. Earth Clinic, my husband & I are forever grateful to all of you! From our hearts to yours: Yay!

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Be Careful With Grapefruit Seed Extract (Macon, Ga) on 10/15/2010


I tried grapefruit seed extract and it raised my blood pressure through the roof... I'm talking 195/95! So be V-E-R-Y careful with this one.

Master Cleanse
Posted by Belinda (Brooklyn, Ny) on 09/24/2010

I suffered from rigorous staph infection/MRSA for about a year. I thought I was dying. The antibiotics would only work for a few weeks and it would just come back harder. I had the boils on my legs and buttocks. The pain was unbearable and caused me not to work or go to school. I couldn't take the pain any longer and thought I was dying when I decided to try the master cleanse diet by stanley borroughs. Not only did it rid my body of the boils, but I never had one since. Its been 3yrs and no boils whatsoever. I was prone to boils before MRSA, I'd get them under my arms occassionally and a couple times near my pubic area. Not anymore though.

I hope this helps you the way it has helped me. I wish someone wouldve told me the miracles of the master cleanse. People are paying hundreds of dollars for antibiotics and serums that don't work when in some cases just cleansing your body can cure you. Good luck.

General Feedback
Posted by Amanda (Hot Springs, Ar, 71913) on 09/22/2010

I just read a story the other day about someone getting rid of mrsa with manuka honey.. Sorry I don't remember anything about it, but you may want to google it.

General Feedback
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, New York) on 09/19/2010

Essential oils of cinnamon & thyme are most effective against MRSA.. Also, the most applied advice here is Turmeric... For a 3 year old, please seek further advice for best dosage.

General Feedback
Posted by Tom (Regina, Sk) on 09/18/2010

Debi: Have you tried any of the many remedies on the MRSA page here?

The most popular, and it turns out the cheapest, is turmeric (has the specific active polyphenol curcumin). If you look under "Iodine" remedy on that MRSA page, you'll see a reference to Ted's Paste, a mix of common items:
I used an EC remedy of turmeric, tea tree oil, VCO virgin coconut oil, aluminum-free baking soda, and the contents of a vitamin E capsule. I put the paste on a cotton round and changed it frequently. It drew out the pus from the boil and I am fine.

Here's a turmeric paste you can make, from another post:
1 tsp turmeric mixed with 1 tsp coconut oil in hot water twice. I also put a bandage on with turmeric, coconut oil, and raw honey mixed into a paste. Leave bandage on, including especially overnight. Remember that turmeric can also be taken orally, and is very cheap! It is a proven anti-inflammatory, antiviral and bactericidal (antibiotic) (MRSA is a bacterium. )

Some of the other remedies under MRSA are also very cheap, like garlic, colloidal silver (especially if you make it yourself), and Iodine. All those were used successfully before antibiotics!

General Feedback
Posted by Debi (Henderson, Colorado - United States) on 09/17/2010

I need your help. My son is three years old and we have been battling boils since he was 3 months old. My son will usually get a boil or two on his bottom. Once the boils have come to a head I take him into the doctor and they pop/lance the boil and push the pus out. They culture the pus and it always comes back MRSA. They always give him Bactrim to clear up the infection. But, the boils always come back, and not in the same locations. He seems to get them on his bottom a lot, twice on his stomach. This last instance he got a cluster of them on the inside of his thighs. He has never clustered like this before. He had 4 on the inside of his right thigh and 6 on the inside of his left thigh. The doctors have told me that my son colonizes MRSA. They told me there is no way to kill the colonization and he will deal with this his whole life. He has had over 14 different bouts with these boils and he is only three. The latest doctor we saw advised me to give him two bleach baths a week for 6 months and that it would kill the colonization. I just started doing the bleach baths this week (1 tsp for every gallon of water). Another doctor called me and said the bleach baths are not guaranteed to kill it. I am still going to try because I do not know what else to do. His hygiene is not in question. He washes his hands and takes baths or showers every other day.

His older sister (7 yrs), and myself and his father do not have issues with MRSA. No one on either side of our family has any problems like this, just my son. I have popped the boils, I have touched the boils, etc. , and I never get them. No one else ever gets them. Can I kill his MRSA so he stops getting these boils? These boils are so painful for him and I hate seeing him go through this. There has to be some way to kill it. MRSA has been around for a long time. How were people killing it before all the pharmaceutical companies came around? I just need to kill it. Is there a way?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Shari (Richmond, Va, Usa) on 07/30/2010

I was diagnosed with MRSA a few months back, and, since then, have been plagued with the most painful boils under both of my armpits. The initial treatment was to have the ER doctor lance and pack the boil (which was NOT very pleasant, and more painful than I ever planned on experiencing again), and administer antibiotics (which did not make any sense to me, given the fact that MRSA is caused by antibiotic resistence). Since the doctor offered no hope, no cure, and no alternative treatment, I have taken to treating my own boils (successfully, I might add). When I get a new boil, I use (1) Silver Sol (which is an extremely effective, nontoxic silver solution that is available in a couple of brands that I know of) topically, as well as internally; (2) a tumeric paste - made with tumeric (yes, the grocery store spice), honey, and extra virgin olive oil, or (3) a combination of the two. The applications have helped to immediately alleviate the pain, as well as allowed a quick healing time from the boils. The one drawback is that, since my boils are sometimes extremely large, they rarely ever burst and drain, and when they do, it's only been a small amount. This last time around, I set out to find a method of bursting them, so that they could drain, and (perhaps! ) not return. Since I can take the Silver Sol internally to kill bacteria, I have it in my mind that, if I can get this darn puss out of my body, I can perhaps kill these germs once and for all (I'll let you know how that goes! ). My friend told me about an old-wives'-tale method of using the membrane from the inside of an egg. She had used the method on her daughter's boil just the previous week, and it had worked well. Well, being the adventerous soul that I am, I immediately went downstairs, and began cracking eggs. As I was instructed, I cracked the egg, pulled the membrane out of the shells, applied the membrane to my armpits, and covered the areas with a well-sealed bandage. I went to bed that night, and I didn't feel much happening, except a little twinge here and there during the night. The next day I got up, and promptly removed the bandages - and nothing. So I called my friend, and I complained that it had not worked. She laughed at me and said, "You have to leave it on longer than just one night, DoDo! " Ok; so back to the drawing board. That night, I reapplied the concoction to my armpits, and resolved myself to smelling like a rotten, dried-up egg for the rest of the week. My friend said that it had taken about 5 days for it to work on her daughter, and, it being 108 degrees here WITHOUT the heat index, I pretty much expected to have to stay by myself during the work week. So I allowed this thing to stay for an entire week, Saturday to Saturday, without changing the bandages, and without taking a shower (I wasn't exactly sure what the proper protocol was, and I just wanted this thing to work! ). At the end of the week, I took the thing off, and. . . Nothing. Ok, so I, by nature, am a pretty tenacious person. I decided that, if this thing could work for my friend's daughter, then there was just NO way it was NOT going to work for me! It's not really ENTIRELY true the NOTHING happened; the only thing I noticed was that my boils had gotten larger (maybe this was because the puss was being drawn up towards the egg???). So this time, I waited a week (so that I wouldn't be banned from work for smelling like I had rolled around in some rotting food products) and I went back to showering every day (I'm sure my co-workers appreciated me for this). The following weekend, I went back to applying the egg membrane to my underarms. As luck would have it, the weather turned a bit milder this week. It had rained a couple of times, and the temperature during the times when I was outside (very early in the morning, while heading to work; and in the evenings, after work) was only in the lower hundreds (YOU might not appreciate the difference there, but I have learned to adapt). This time, I was able to keep the thing on for the majority of the week without a huge amount of odor (though I must admit that there was a couple of times when I felt the need to apply my natural deordorant to the areas around the bandage! ). I think somewhere around Monday-Tuesday, I began to realize that something had happened at some point, but I didn't really have the time to investigate. Wednesday, I got to the point where I would at least look at the bandage, and I noticed that the bandage had some dried blood (or something) on it that I could see from the outside. On Thursday (last night), things had calmed down a little in my household, and I was actually able to attend to my wounds. What I discovered was that the large boil under my right arm HAD actually popped, and there was a large hole in its place. My friend had told me to expect this, so I didn't feel the need to freak out. I was actually pretty pleased to see the large gaping hole in my skin, which is a testament to Darwin's theory of evolution and survival of the fittest. The area was flat, and there was no pain. The smaller boil under my left arm had also, apparently, popped, but I had difficulty identifying the hole there. No matter; I was still pleased. So, that night, of course, I walked around my house telling everyone that I came in contact with that my boil had popped, and waiting for them to cheer enthusiastically for me over my victory (only my 13-yr-old son managed to pull that one off, but I have no illusions over the placation there). Today (literally) I am boil-free, and there were no scalpels involed! Take THAT, modern medicine!

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Jabberjawclaws20 (Shock, West Virginia, United States) on 07/16/2010

Hello my name is Bucky and I have just been told I had MRSA. In the last few months they gave me bactrim which I am allergic to and then they gave me other antibiotics and it went away but now it is back and it is just on my legs, but it is all over my legs from my ankles to my thighs. I really hate having it and don't want to have to keep dealing with it every two months. I found this site which I think is great and have been reading on it and from what I'm learning I bought some peroxide and milk of magnesia, but exactly how am I suppose to apply this and in what combination and how often and can it be applied to an open MRSA boil?

Baths With Bleach
Posted by Carrieanne229 (Georgia) on 06/27/2010

My pediatrician actually prescribed bleach baths for my daughter who had a MRSA rash on her bottom. 1/4 cup to a tub full every other day for a week, every three days for a week, all the way to once a week. It's no different than the chlorine in a pool.
