Natural Remedies for Healing Cracked Lips

Coconut Oil
Posted by Julie C (Louisiana ) on 10/22/2023

Coconut oil for skin allergic reactions (lips)

My daughter had small itchy reactions on her lips in the past to certain tomato based sauces, but never anything too nasty. This time I had made some rice with canned tomatoes and while eating her lips were itching and she grabbed the napkin and started vigorously rubbing her mouth. A few minutes later she came out of her bathroom crying and the left side of her bottom and top lips were pretty swollen. She has some learning disabilities so I have to be careful how I react sometimes, not to make her get too upset. So I gently said "oh no, what's going on with those lips?" and made a funny face which made her giggle - my husband quickly looked up some 'lip injections' on his phone and showed her the most hilarious pictures. In the meantime, I had her make funny faces back to me to check if her tongue had swelled or her neck. Those seemed OK. I quietly but internally panicked - so I got on EC and looked up home remedies. I found ACV for skin but thought that could make lip skin super itchy!! Second was coconut oil. I seem to have barrels of that here, so I grabbed some and applied it to her lips, had her lay back on the couch as all three of us looked at funny pics. I kept an eye on her and within minutes the lower lip was almost back to normal, the itchiness was gone and her top lip was going down too!! By bedtime, she was back to her beautiful self - minus the tomato induced lip injections! Thanks EC, another home run!! Xo

Coconut Oil
Posted by Athena (Northern Indiana) on 12/02/2012

This is what I've been doing too! I was told I needed to fix the problem from the inside out and not the other way around. It was also recommended to me that the oils are uncooked, so I keep adding them to my food and it makes everything rich and creamy.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Tamara (Fort Collins, Co) on 12/19/2009

Coconut oil cured my cracked, peeling lips! Living in Colorado, the air can be cold and dry, and my lips have taken a beating, plus I tend to chew on them if they're peeling. Then all sorts of trouble starts and I get a cold sore. I've tried a lot to rehydrate them, like putting different oils and balms and even honey on them. I found my solution by accident. I love coconut oil and use it as my go-to moisturizer for everything, but have been disappointed in its ability to help my lips topically. Still, I love it for the rest of my skin. But it wasn't until I started feeling sick and did what I always do to keep from getting whatever is ailing me (colds, flu, cold sores, even UTIs!) that I noticed; I take several doses of coconut oil throughout the day. Not only did I not get whatever I felt was looming, but my lips smoothed right up. But I didn't get why (doh!) at the time. I stopped the intense coconut therapy, although I still oil pull with it and put a small amount in my tea, and boom, a day later my lips were back to their normal, cracked selves. Ta-da! Light bulb.... I need more coconut oil. Now, everyday I take about a 1/2-1 tablespoon 3-4 or more times a day (I happen to love it so I tend to do a lot with it) and have smooth, uncracked lips. I love coconut oil! I just take a big ole' spoonful of organic oil and munch away (since it's cold now).
