Insect Bites
Natural Remedies

Insect Bite Remedies

Chigger Bite Remedies
Posted by Tx Kel (Tx) on 07/01/2014

Chiggers plague us here in TX. I hate them! I'm also allergic. Each bite swells up and looks infected. I've tried chigger ointment and nail polish. Nail polish works pretty good, but you have to apply it daily. I can still end up with infected looking bites.

I know the goal is to smoother the little guys until they die.

We just discovered duct tape!!! Just cut a small silver square to cover the bite. Leave it on for 3-4 days. Peel it off and bite is gone! Works great on kids because it sticks through a shower. Plus most bites are where you can't see them, so its easy to leave the duct tape on.

(Here in the USA, duct tape is a wide silver tape that is very very sticky. It is used for repairing things. It seals very well and is somewhat water proof. It has fibers in it, which makes it easy to tear.)

Posted by Raffia (Texas) on 06/09/2014

Cucumber worked for me last week, but this time is isn't helping at all. From one (chigger?) bite on my ankle, most of my foot is swollen and red, with a kind of thick part around the bite. Skin is also kind of bumpy, almost a rash. Maddening. Have tried hot water just now. Tried ice earlier. Also echinacea. Also aspirin. Now to read through the rest of the pages!!

Apply Heat
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 09/27/2013

Hello Lokismum from England: About that bite on foot; from your description sounds like a spider. I'm big on Colloidal Silver (CS) and if a spider was the culprit it might have had numerous pathogens with the poison. A great salve that I learned about for "bites" is the herb Echinacea in liquid form. Dab it on the bite site and let dry, reapply and again reapply. Put five drops in glass of water and drink. Repeat every other hour.

You have to get the poisons out of you so the CS is a good idea but also you can use "clay" bought at most health food stores; a tablespoon in glass of water would help absorb poisons. Do that over five days once daily.

If that's not available, I've recently been reminded of the use of charcoal which is a great cleanser.

You can use all three; Echinacea, bentonite clay and charcoal, any of them, as a poultice on the bite spot itself. Apply and after drying wash off, then reapply and again let dry.

Apply Heat
Posted by Lokismum (Banbury, England) on 09/26/2013

I just got a bite on my foot four days ago which itched so much I nearly scratched myself raw. I had a look on Earth Clinic as I knew the wonderful people who pass on wonderful remedies would have the answer. I tried a lot of things that didn't work as this bite was really fierce with the itching, and remembered I had tried using a hair dryer on a hot setting aimed at the bite until it got too uncomfortable, which had helped when I had a milder bite a couple of months ago. So when I saw the remedy using boiling hot water to soak a flannel and applying that to the bite I wanted to try it. As soon as the flannel hit the red inflamed skin covering half my foot and also half my ankle which was swollen the itching was intense, but strangely comforting. When the itching stopped I took the flannel off, and for the next six or so hours it was absolute bliss. No itching! I woke at three last night with my foot starting to itch, and slapped the very hot flannel on my foot, and once again it worked wonderfully. Thank you so much all of you who recommended this treatment. Colloidal silver sprayed on it several times a day from yesterday evening has taken the swelling down and stopped it looking so angry. I took a tablespoon of silver a couple of times yesterday and today as well, as it was so swollen and itchy yesterday I thought I might have to see the doctor, but I don't want to take anti biotics and it was obvious the foot was infected and that is what the doctor would have prescribed. So once again thank you Earth Clinic.

Sulfur for Chigger Bites
Posted by Gardengirl (Gallatin, Tn) on 08/31/2013

Sulfur works on chiggers... Can buy it at some drugstores or maybe at at farmer's co-op. Take about 1 teaspoon of sulfur, add a little water to make a paste then apply it to the bite or bites. It will work the first time. Works for my grand-daughter (15) too!!!

Apply Heat
Posted by Sealion (Alexandria, Va, USA) on 05/10/2013

Worked for me too. Just be careful not to accidentally scald yourself:) Aspirin rubbed in wet worked also but only for about 4 hours and left the bed sheet a little gritty.

Apply Heat
Posted by Molly (Corte Madera, Ca) on 04/19/2013

Yes! Heat is the best. Whenever I get poison oak or a batch of bug bites while vacationing, hot showers are the only thing that brings total relief. I take a shower as hot as I can stand. The heat releases all the histamines that cause the itch. If I can't shower for some reason, I'll carefully use a blow dryer in short blasts. The blow dryer gives you less ability to control the heat or keep the heat on the area for an extended time. The hot shower feels great, and you get 5-8 hours of relief before you need to do it again.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lrhouse (Mesquite, Tx, Usa) on 10/15/2012

I was just wondering if the ACV would work on Flea Bite Dermatitis I have read alot of the post and a lot on itching. I have tried everything but vet says all it takes is one bite to have a reaction. I dont want to keep her on steriods and am looking for relief for her. She has lost all her hair from the hips down. And yes we have been through all the testing. Yeast, mange and such. But am looking for relief for her. Any suggestions?

Posted by Imran (London, Uk) on 10/04/2012

I had maybe 6-8 mosquito bites on my feet and ankles it was so itchy it was becoming unbareable so I got normal cooking salt rubbed it in for about 1 mins on my slightly wet feet in the tub and immediately started feeling relief... Also as a side benefit it made my feet smooth not that I cared but something I noticed main thing was my itchyness was GONE!

Saliva, Salt Water
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 09/25/2012

Hi Timh, Enjoyed your musings. I have spent a lifetime in spiritual study and reading the masters'. I say spiritual rather than religious and I say masters because there have been so many who have walked this earth plane though each religion pretty much recognizes only one. Here in LA, Yogananda has a beautiful place called the Lake Shrine Self-Realization Fellowship where many masters are recognized with statues scattered around the lake and in the chapel, pictures line the walls of them as well. I myself was a student of Baba Muktananda for many years, a guru from India. I learned so much from him through his books and also on the inner planes. My meditations soared with Siddha yoga. Today, I work to do what I call, "living meditation" and that is to know always that spirit is present and I must be fully present to what is in front of me. In that sense, I am most effective in helping my fellow humans.

I don't think this earth plane is an easy one and yet, we "choose" to come here for this human experience. With that understanding, we can learn to "live in this world but not be of it". Not always an easy task with these cumbersome bodies but a noble one! This journey we call life is such an adventure and though at times, it seems long it is so very brief. And with each experience our soul grows in wisdom. Many blessings on you Timh! And may your journey get better each day... Lisa

Saliva, Salt Water
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 09/25/2012 2063 posts

Lisa: ty sooo much for thinking of me and wishing me wellness. I don't think i'm familiar w/ Dr. Christiane Northrup, so thanx for the tip.

I know it would make you happy to find cases so far gone as myself, Robyn and the like, make big, miraculous comebacks. As I began reading Robyn's post from you about the dfb, and how severe his MCS is; what, this side of heaven could help? Many NDE'rs get those miraculous cures from God or Heaven or Love, but how can we, save having an NDE, get some of that healing power HERE and NOW.

As the scientific and information age rapidly progresses we are definitely closing in on what exactly a miracle is and how to achieve it. We've got the Gene/DNA/Cloning stuff being applied w/ good success, we've got Chakra healing and balancing making positive impacts on overall health. Since my recent one step improvement from the bottom, I am getting very good results from Love 528 DNA repair harmonics. 30 minutes minimum or best for 1 hr brings a noticeable degree of immediate restoration. Leonard Harowitz, the co-author and rediscoverer of the Ancient Solffagio music scales, also authored a book Walk On Water (which i, regrettably, haven't yet read). So, one big area of study is the rediscovery of Ancient knowledge, most of which has been lost to us, excluding of course, all the esoteric knowledge teaching that do remain. Anyway, the Walk On Water book, from what i've read about it, is a science of miracle, of which I consider Harowitzes spin-off of Kabala text. The science of spirituality or better known as sorcery... Which gives me an immediate jump over to Carlos Castaneda reporting from Don Juan Matus that ALL illness is indulgence. If one could but achieve such a definite separation from the ego and the flesh, virtually anything is possible. I've practiced the Tensegrity exercises only minimally but I do feel some effect, especially w/ the immune exercise. The aim of the Toltek sorcerers was to bridge that gap between the earthly body and the spiritual body through the Tensegrity movements. Yoga plus Transcendental Meditation should have similar effects, as would the Chakra exercises. All these practices combined should put anyone much nearer to true healing and recovery without having the jolted NDE healing. The movie Flatliners depicts, in a rather Hollywood fashion, the intentional and controlled NDE. If one got drastic enough (and many NDE'rs did commit suicide albeit unsuccessfully) the NDE is probably the single greatest method of holistic healing known.

Not to be long-winded here, but i've been contemplating one aspect of the NDE reports that very much needs mention here. Many of the reporters witness their own body at the scene of death and their immediate reaction is realizing it is indeed their own body BUT (and no matter how gruesome the scene) there is an almost total disregard for that former "flesh". Some even laugh at what was once their pitiful physical self. Disregarding the villain folks who get the hell experience, everyone else simply wants to stay in the love and the light and absolutely does not want to go back down to earth and body (pain), they know they are "home".

Conclusion: healing is best achieved holistically; which by theory, admits a place of unity in science/nature - art/spirit. Unity is creation, life, and health. In another attempt at pragmatism, where people simply need short, precise recommendations, Dr. Reginald Cheery, imho, hit the nail on the head when he recognized healing as a process and a path. Praying over our medicine, food, and nutritional supplements is one simple act of unity on the path to wellness.

Saliva, Salt Water
Posted by Heather (Leicester ) on 09/24/2012

Hi Lisa and Tim - I am a believer - when my uncle was dying he was quite isolated and alone I felt great compassion for him and sent him Reiki every night I knew that it would help him in some way and I prayed for him. It was November when he passed and after I heard I was quite emotional but then I saw a butterfly flying around my lounge and kitchen I followed it in wonder as peacock butterflies are never around in November in UK let alone inside, I wondered where it had come from then I realised that it was a sign of transformation and I am very grateful. I could share many other accounts but I think this one will help others. X

Saliva, Salt Water
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 09/24/2012

This is to Timh: This was on my facebook wall and of course, I thought of you. I don't know if you have ever heard of Dr. Christiane Northrup but, she is a shining light for women as well, as humankind. Well, she posted this:

"I've long been a student of Near Death Experiences because they contain so much wisdom to help us live well NOW. I have just finished reading Anita Moorjani's amazing story Dying to be Me-- the account of her dying from terminal lymphoma and choosing to return to life-- after which all of her lemon sized tumors disappeared miraculously. She tapped into her magnificent essence and healed. While "dead" she realized that dying was not a failure-- neither was getting sick. She saw that it was FEAR that caused her cancer-- fear of everything-- foods, cancer, pesticides, being disliked. And now as she is eating chocolate or enjoying a bit of champagne, she lives life to the fullest. Fearlessly. Joyfully. In good health. We don't need to die to begin living fearlessly as ourselves right now. Regardless of where we are or what our health is like. Anyone out there had a similar experience?"

I just had to share this with you and thought you might also be interested in the book since you have been reading NDEs lately. Best to you as always and I hope you are continuing to improve! Lisa

Yellow Jackets Remedies
Posted by Happy (Up The Creek In, Wv, Usa) on 09/18/2012

He was probably stung by a "killer" bee, instead of a yellow jacket.

Yellow Jackets Remedies
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 09/18/2012 2063 posts

Jacqui, in addition to the Activated Charcoal remedy, give the herb Purple Coneflower aka Echinacea.

Yellow Jackets Remedies
Posted by Sp (Wb, New Jersey, Usa) on 09/18/2012

Hi Jacqui, yellowjackets are scavengers. It could have picked up bacteria from soil, garbage or animal feces before it stung your husband. Years ago I had multiple wasps stings on one finger tip. It became infected and the infection spread through my entire finger and most of my hand. I went through several rounds of antibiotics until one finally worked against whatever was on that stinger. So it may not be the venom or it may be more than venom that your husband is having a reaction to.

Yellow Jackets Remedies
Posted by Biologist (Somewhere, Usa) on 09/17/2012

Try giving him an oral activated charcoal solution. It will bind to the venom (poison)and prevent the further spread. It will cause black stool, but better than the alternative.

Yellow Jackets Remedies
Posted by Jacqui (Scottsville, Ky, Usa) on 09/17/2012

My husband got stung twice by we think, a Yellow Jacket, was on his elbow, he never came and tell me until maybe an hour, which by then the venom was really in his body, he has never been affected by bee stings, he owned 90 Bee hives over the years and has been stung many many times, but this time he really was attacked badly. I managed to get the swelling down using a comfrey poultice, but he has got bad Diarrhea, I would say all the venom in the body from the stings, I am giving him Ginger tea, what else can I do for him, all I know is the venom has to come out, like he is detoxing it out of his body, what else can I do please, yes I am a worried wife, worried that I am doing the right thing?

Would appreciate any feedback help anyone can offer.

Regards, Jacqui

Fels- Naptha
Posted by Renee (Bergen Co., Nj) on 08/30/2012

Rub a wet bar of fels-naptha soap (found in laundry detergent aisle for about $1.50) onto bug bite/mosquito bite. Rinse with cold water. Itching disappeared for me in about 1 min. Redness and swelling visibly reduced or disappeared. May need to repeat this if symptoms reoccur. You can also leave a bit of soap to dry on the bite. My usual week-long mosquito bites disappear in no time with 1-3 applications and no itching.

Fels- Naptha
Posted by Renee (Bergen Co., Nj) on 08/30/2012

I caught poison ivy from a bar of fels-naptha that my husband had used for his previous case of poison ivy. The oils evidently weren't completely broken down on the bar and then were transmitted to me later. I use fels-naptha for mosquito bites - highly effective!! - but after his poison ivy use, I ended up getting poison outbreaks on several mosquito bites where I applied the fels-naptha. I had mosquito bites from the same day for which I didn't apply the fels-naptha, and these areas did not develop poison, so I know it was the fels-naptha.

If I ever use for poison again, I will cut off a piece of the bar and use it and then toss it. (It did seem to help my husband's poison ivy. ) I threw this bar away and will buy a new one for mosquito bites (& laundry use).

Saliva, Salt Water
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 08/26/2012

Hi Timh, What a beautiful post! Yes, pain and suffering are certainly humbling and unlike you, perhaps I needed to face helplessness in terms of that. I was always one to rise against the odds and have always been a fighter. Thus, I never understood those who seemed to just succumb to circumstances or complain but do nothing. I still am somewhat unable to understand that but certainly have dealt with enough physical pain to now have compassion. My husband said it has helped me to grow tremendously.

As for synchronicity, I have been fortunate enough to have always trusted in a Higher Power, God, The Universe or whatever one is comfortable calling this mysterious force. As a result, it has been a never- ending fount of answers always given in the right time, in the right way. There have been times when I have questioned this All-Knowing force but, learned early that whatever the answer given, was the right one. Sometimes, it took considerable time before that would be revealed in hindsight. It isn't always easy to see this when you are in the midst of it! Are you familiar with Abraham-Hicks? If not, check out the website because I have learned so much from this wise force. It is based in Universal Laws and they cannot be overridden. These laws work over and over again without fail.

Yes, all good thoughts, deeds and intents are rewarded. The laws of Karma are unerring, for sure. And love is the greatest force of the universe. Yes, Earth Clinic is wonderful to be able to give freely to others and reap the benefits of others' knowledge and wisdom garnered from their experience. When humanity understands we must reach back and help each other up the ladder or none of us will make it, we will finally truly understand unconditional love. Not always easy to do in the human condition...

Also, I would love you to check out the books by Dr. Brian L. Weiss. They are truly remarkable and have been a comfort to me since they were written back in the 80's. Over the years, I have recommended this book to many people especially in times of their suffering. The first book is called "Many Lives, Many Masters" which I would recommend starting with as you then have the background of this man's remarkable story. "Only Love Is Real" is another beautiful one and resonates with what you said at the end of your post. And finally, "Messages From The Masters" is a summation of his books and the wisdom of "the Masters" who with all the love and compassion give us messages that are so beautiful and reassuring they would move me to tears.

Anyway, Timh, thank you again for your beautiful post and know that you are in my thoughts sending you healing love and grateful to know you through these pages. With love and respect, Lisa

Saliva, Salt Water
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 08/26/2012 2063 posts

Lisa, it has been quite a journey and educational at that; and I try to convey anything positive for everyone here although my abilities are compromised. Add the psychological or spiritual elements to the mix and things can get difficult; so the art of simplicity is the rule. Case in point, in response to the personal and give/receive nature of this E.C. site/ message board, over the past few months I have rollercoaster from very poor to somewhat good health conditions and have remained faithful here as I am still in a somewhat desperate mode clinging to what little life force I have; anyway, amazing enough and on many occasions I receive post exactly pertinent to my condition at the moment. There are the laws of average and likelihood but these occasions have been so consistent and sometimes I will have only been thinking about some aspect of some illness throughout the day and as soon as I begin reading on here the answer is posted. My belief is that as people show true concern for one another without the devil of money involved, telepathic or "miraculous" events can occur. One year ago I had been occasionally reading E.C. and after a few months decided to start posting and, to be candid, I don't think I would still be alive if not for all the great info and good hearts here.

As for NDE's my interest has certainly escalated over the past few yrs, and I have been greatly encouraged and blessed from these fortunate folks. I haven't heard of Elizabeth Kubler- Ross (that I know of). The Anita Moorjani testimony is amazing document of the healing power of "eternity" as she died of Lymphoma Cancer and totally recovered within days of her return.

All the good thoughts, deeds and even intents of people will be consummated in the next life; and we will truly love each other in such a pure way that all the pain of this body and world will be as nothing. I never really considered myself one in need of the humility that can come from suffering, but it is an unmistakable fact that suffering can be tremendously advantageous. As the destructive forces of this world weld their way over us, the big truth is that love is really all that's left of creation and that's what will live in eternity. So, as all of us here suffering from our ailments have a dual mindset of rejection (i want to get my health back) and acceptance ("Thy will be done"). The "infinity factor" should always be the focus, removing as much bad energy from our minds and lives as possible, and be ready when that great day comes.

Many thanks and blessing to you and everyone here.

"Love is the only answer - hate is the root of cancer - then" --YES

Saliva, Salt Water
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 08/25/2012

Hi Timh, Again, thanks for reminding me to write you. I keep meaning to! Thank you for all of your amazing posts. You are a force on this site that helps so many people. It is obvious that you have learned so much on your journey. It appears that you have overcome so many odds! Thus, through first-hand knowledge you reach out to help others. It is much appreciated...

I also remember reading a little while back, I think to Robyn, that you have been reading much on NDE. Are you familiar with Elizabeth Kubler- Ross? I would imagine you are since much of her life was devoted to this work. I have read many myself and also many accounts from Masters who have walked this earth plane. Baba Muktananda and Yogananda are two of my favorites in their accounts of the human/ God experience. Life is such a mystery... Blessings on you, Lisa

Saliva, Salt Water
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 08/25/2012 2063 posts

Lisa, thanx for all your informative posts.

Problem in Ky isn't Mosquito's, but an army of ticks and chiggers; and plenty of fleas on my kitties (generic frontline works good and a full tube is enough for 2). As for prevention I have read somewhere that eating garlic is good against the little vampires. As for the chigger bites I am finding best results by giving the affected spot a good squeeze so to bleed and drain the toxins out - wipe clean - apply old timer's Potter's Salve - wait for first frost (lol).

Saliva, Salt Water
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 08/24/2012

Hi everyone, while on vacation, we went hiking in the rainforest in Costa Rica where I was attacked by mosquitoes. I was even wearing bug repellent but, as always it never seems to work for me. I ended up with about 50 mosquito bites and was absolutely miserable that night. I couldn't sleep and ended up going on EC to see what was recommended. I had already tried cortisone cream which didn't do a thing for the itching. Amazingly, I found a recommendation from Francisca saying saliva worked very well. Since I was on vacation I didn't have a lot of things I would normally have at home so the ACV wasn't available. So, I tried the saliva and amazingly enough, it brought the throbbing and itching down to about half. Still not great but better.

The next day, I spent an hour swimming in the ocean since sea salt was recommended. Well, that was the trick! All pain and itching gone! Hopefully, this helps someone! Lisa

Essential Oils
Posted by Erica (Saint James City, Florida) on 08/11/2012

To repel No-See-Ums I use a DEET free plant based insect repellent containing Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus. I recently moved to SW Florida and am extremely sensitive to the bites... Itching, swelling and fatigue. I even have scars from scratching in my sleep! I haven't found anything to alleviate the itching, so for me prevention is the best medicine.

Clear Tape
Posted by Dara (Cork, Ireland) on 07/01/2012

What is clear tape? Is that like Sellotape or Scotch tape, I don't know what you call it in the States? The clear sticky strips for sticking things to the wall for example?

EC: Yes, what people seem to be talking about in this home remedy is any sort of see-through, plastic-like tape. It would go by many names and come in different qualities, but any kind of tape made out of polypropylene or cellophane should do the trick.

Campho Phenique
Posted by Charles (Richmond, Va) on 06/10/2012

I had an old farmer live next door for many years and when I got chiggers from cuttting fire wood one fall he told me to rub the bite with Campho Phenique and it would kill the chigger in one application. (and it did) It comes in a small green bottle for few dollars and last a long time, CVS normally carries a few bottles but any drug store should have a bottle on the shelf. Actually it works for all insect bites, I just dip a cotton swab in the bottle and rub it gently on the bite, the odor goes away in a little while. God Bless

Posted by Mcphyster (Eastland, Texas, Usa) on 06/09/2012

Chigger Bites

Wet the end of your finger, dip it in Boraxo and vigorously rub it on the chigger bite. It not only feels good but will stop the itching usually with only one application. I live and work outdoors in chigger country and this is one thing that I have found that works consistently. I do intend to try the aspirin tho', next time around.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Redclary (Okc, Ok) on 06/07/2012

My granddaughter had a large, red, swollen spider bite when she came over to stay. It was on the back of her leg. Her father has been spraying for spiders after finding quite a few. I put oregano oil on the gauze pad of a large bandage and put it on the bite. That evening when she took her bath, she took it it off and I was amazed at only a very small red spot left. We rebandaged to sore and the next day it was all gone except for a little darker skin in the area where it was. After 4 kids and many spider bites down through the years I found this miraculous. I highly recommend this remedy. Plus there was no scare.

Tiger Balm
Posted by Kendra (Charleston, Sc) on 05/15/2012

Be careful using Tiger Balm. I had my husband rub some on my neck one time for some muscle pain and ended up the ER with Cellulitis. They gave me Steroids and Benedryl right there. It was very painful, so please make sure you aren't allergic.

Cellulitis is a common skin infection and caused an itchy painful red rash.

Posted by Martha (Waxhaw, Nc) on 05/14/2012

I recently had a bite on my neck that started itching so bad I could hardly stand it. I thought it was a spider bite but was not sure. I went online and read about spider bites and it said to use Baking Soda, made into a paste. I tried it and it helped so much. The next day it had started trying to dry up. I still do not know what bite I had, but whatever it was the BS seemed to work.

Posted by Kamikan (College Station, Texas, Usa) on 05/10/2012

I was surprised to find this actually works! I had several all over my arm and leg after watering the plants (strangely, the bites were only on my left side).

I rubbed a pinch of salt on each bite. Within moments the itch stopped, and within a couple hours the swelling was reduced to a small red dot, like a flea bite. The dots didn't disappear until a few days later, but they were inconspicuous and never itched again.

Posted by Donna (Virginia Beach, Virginia, Usa) on 05/04/2012

A friend once told me to put raw onion on insect bites, and it really did help me! Just take a piece of raw onion, use your fingernail to press into it to release some of the juice and rub it on the bite. I found that it works best if you try to apply it as soon as you get bit. It helps with the itch and the duration of the itch is greatly reduced.

Whiteflower Oil
Posted by Pony (Kerrville, Tx) on 05/03/2012

Mozzies = mosquitos

Tobacco Poultice
Posted by Aka Sherri (College Station, Texas, United States) on 04/30/2012

As a landscape designer and avid gardener, I've been stung many times by scorpions, bees, wasps, you name it. I've tried baking soda, ammonia and benydril, but it still took several days to get better. Once, I stepped on a scorpion and had to sit with my foot elevated for 3 whole days before I could walk again.

I found a remedy that works nearly instantly!

Someone told me about this remedy years ago. It's supposed to be an old Native American remedy. As the subject says, it's disgusting! However, when I've been stung I can easily deal with gross if it means the pain will go away right now instead of 3 days later!

If you smoke, shame on you! But when it comes to stinging insects, you are in luck! Bite off about half the length of a cigarette and chew it. Your mouth will immediately dry up, but then it will begin to salivate profusely. As soon as the tobacco is wet and chewed up, spit the wad out on the sting/bite site and leave it there. I promise, you won't be much concerned about the taste of the tobacco given the serious pain you're in! :)

The sooner you can get the chewed tobacco onto the sting site, the less time it will take for the pain to go away and all of the poison to be drawn out of the body. Even though the pain will dissipate quickly, the tobacco needs to stay on longer to remove all the poison.

For example: If you get tobacco onto the wound with in 30 seconds, the pain will be gone almost instantly and it will probably only take about 5 or 10 minutes to get all the poison out. If it takes 5 minutes to get the tobacco, it might be a few minutes before the pain is gone and might take an hour to get all the poison out. This is why I always keep a bag of additive free natural tobacco in my bag of gardening tools, so I can stop the pain ASAP!!

You will know when all the poison is gone if you can remove the tobacco and the pain stays gone. If you still feel pain or it starts to return, put it back on.

The tobacco needs to stay wet. If it dries up and you start to feel pain, spit on the tobacco, or better yet, chew up some fresh tobacco.

****I tried just wetting the tobacco with water instead of chewing on it. It didn't work for me. There seems to be something about the saliva/tobacco/nicotine mix that helps****

If you have fresh sage, mix that in with the tobacco. It seems to step up the relief. I've never tried using sage alone. Frankly, I'm not willing to experiment and find out if sage on its own will work when I am in so much pain. I'll only do that when/if I find myself with out any tobacco!

I have used the remedy countless times and it has NEVER FAILED ME!

I hope it works for others as well. I will surely feel terrible if it doesn't work for someone who braved the disgusting taste cigarette tobacco but didn't find relief!

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