Inguinal Hernia: Natural Remedies Guide

Posted by Fan of George Hirst (Thessaloniki - Greece) on 11/07/2023

I had total success in two weeks just by doing the sucking in the belly bottom while lifting the testicles exercise and also the massage George Hirst mentions in YouTube. My hernia now is all day in and doesn't protrude.

After exercising my transverse abs, I think my whole belly doesn't hang as before. I hope George gives his instructional videos in YouTube for free for ever.

I have been with inguinal hernia for 4 months, trying other techniques and comfrey with no results. I also bought Cristopher's Terzakos book. Very good. With proposing the Aloe Vera drink we can take allantoin internally without drinking comfrey teas. I've been doing another exercise with no results, standing upside-down for about 5 minutes. Did this for 2 months with no permanent results. I also did the comfrey poultice for 6 weeks with no noticeable results. In the short videos on YouTube George explains the anatomy of inguinal hernia even better than doctors who say that there is a tear in the muscles and nothing else than surgery can be done.
