Top Natural Treatments for Heart Disease (Cardiovascular Disease)

Gum Disease and Heart Connection
Posted by Starr (Hawaii) on 01/27/2020

I recently got an antibiotic resistance test from my new periodontist which consisted of sticking paper tabs under my gums and sending it off to a lab ($125/500 depending on who does it for you). It came back registering a deadly toxin called fusobacterium nucleatum which is found in many post mortem alzheimers patients and cancer patients and those who have died of heart attack.

Get your gums checked immediately.

The problem was compounded by a recent discovery that this and other bacteria are always fed by a viral component. I was treated with anti virals for ten days followed by gum surgery followed by metronidazole since after 10 years of failed antibiotic protocols someone finally decided to test me for anti biotic resistance even though my gum health was in decline for a long long time. My health was better for a while. Went for follow up surgery and flew home on the metronidazole which landed me in the ER because it is contra indicated with high altitudes, messes up liver enzymes. Don't fly while taking Flagyl/Metronidazole.

My naturopath has me looking into the Marshall Plan. Will keep you guys updated.

Why Mix Turns Green
Posted by Jg (Bahrain ) on 11/07/2016

I made this as per yours and many other online recipe but turned out to military green after mixing honey. Can you or any body tell me what went wrong?

Ayurvedic Fermented Tonic
Posted by Adi (Carson City, Nevada, Usa) on 08/26/2017

Would this Ayurvedic Fermented Tonic, dissolve blood clots in the two main Pulmonary Arteries. The blood clots resulted from Pulmonary Embolism?

Ayurvedic Fermented Tonic
Posted by Andre (Brooklyn, NY) on 12/10/2020

P. Ragahavan,

What is the ingredient to this product? Can it relieve blockages in the heart arteries and how much for product and where can I purchase it from.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sanjay (Pune, India ) on 01/20/2015

ACV dissolves calcium which comes into its direct contact, after one consumes the concoction it goes into circulatory system and bones do not come into contact of ACV ., but be sure to rinse mouth thoroughly as there are chances of teeth with no enamal protection will be affected by ACV .

Sanjay, Pune, India .

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sgarsena (Ontario) on 07/31/2014

I follow a practice called Reams Biological Theory of Ionization. In that practice it states that you should only take ACV if you have an alkaline PH. ACV will move your PH from alkaline towards acid. In RBTI one of the measurements is to measure the salt levels in the urine. This shows whether the body is retaining salt or eliminating it properly. Often high reading levels of salt in the urine can be an indicator of heart problems. Also there is a measurement of undigested and digested proteins in the urine. High levels of this measurement indicates stress on the heart. This practice shows you how to tailor your diet and supplements to achieve a healing range.

Vitamin C
Posted by Bo Goodwin (Australia) on 06/27/2014

Heard a doctor once tell a old italian man to take three times the regular dose of vitamin C for six months to clear blocked artery in his heart. It works because I tried it. Get a strong dose of chelating minerals and seaweed minerals every day, selenium stops heart attacks, potassium slows the heart to a regular beat thus lowering the blood pressure through the arteries. Calcium is another one to maintain a heathy blood pressure, all in these minerals and seaweed minerals these also contain humic acid and fulvic acid, the carbon of live, where we all come from. People and animals florish on this stuff. Regards Bo

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 02/09/2014

To January Jefferson,

On use of ACV for amyloid plaque condition; you ask if ACV might rid the brain of the amyloid...I'd think so but would take a long time since the ACV has to get past the Blood-Brain barrier. Just give it time. Very good chance for success.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bobbi (Sacramento ) on 08/23/2022

Please give more information! What is the recommendation on lowering plaque from brain?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sana (Uae) on 09/16/2014

Which apple cider vinegar did you use. Pls reply.

EDTA Chelation
Posted by Johnboy (Arkansas) on 12/28/2013

Straight EDTA, taken orally, will help open blood flow. The best product I know is DC Labs EDTA 625 mg. Also, one of the best heart and circulation products I've found, based upon Linus Pauling's research, is The Pauling Therapy Essentials Formula, which is basically high vitamin C, Lysine, and Proline with other ingredients which make it one of the most complete products out there and yet one of the most affordable. You can do a lot of study on Pauling's research, and I have, and I take these formulas myself and have been helped by them.

EDTA Chelation
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 12/28/2013

HI U JOHN BOY, , , , , , , , graduated from Crossett Ar. High in '54 . Linus Pauling wrote my freshman chemistry book at Ga Tech. You need to research some more as oral chelation is worthless. An anal suppository is a little better, but not in the league with an EDTA Chelation I have had over 60 in the last 5 years. Carotid arteries went from over 50 % plugged to less than 10 %. Heart artery pluggage is zero at age 77. I know that I.V. Chelation works. Who told you that oral chelation works?

Not trying to rain on your parade, but where do you get your facts? Most folks on this site have been down few dusty trails and will tolerate questionable questions, but some like me, do not accept questionable facts. You can do folks harm if you are shooting from the hip.

There is lots of good information on this site but you can't accept all that is written, and I don't accept yours. Please ease my mind.

===========OLE ROBERT HENRY=============

Dietary Changes
Posted by Debbie T. (Australia ) on 10/14/2013

Dave, good luck in finding the wheat our forefathers used to eat. It has been modified and hybridized to the point of being unrecognizable today.

If you believe that wheat is the only option for vitamin E then you really need to study more.. Is Vitamin E the only reason you can think of to keep eating wheat? Herbs, nuts, vegetables are all good sources. 2 slices of Wholegrain wheat raises the blood sugar level higher than a can of soda or a candy bar which in turn is the cause of huge weight increases in EVERYONE today. Look around you at the shopping centres and tell me that people are getting healthier by eating whole grains. How many peole eat nothing but wholegrains and keep putting on weight.

You only have to see the people on this type of eating plan to see the health benefits.

Here is a man who lost over 100 lbs in one year and probably saved himself from a heart attack in the process. His diabetes is nearly under control and he is now running marathons.

Anyone doubting that wheat/grain/gluten free is healthier just look at this amazing man.

His story is repeated hundreds and hundreds of times even in people who are over 60 and 70. They have even got rid of lifelong pain and arthritis.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Debbie T. (Australia ) on 10/15/2013

Dave, I never said the wheat was GMO. I said modified and hybridised.

"So why has this seemingly benign plant that sustained generations of humans suddenly turned on us? For one thing, it is not the same grain our forebears ground into their daily bread. Wheat has changed dramatically in the past fifty years under the influence of agricultural scientists. Wheat strains have been hybridized, crossbred, and introgressed to make the wheat plant resistant to environmental conditions, such as drought, or pathogens, such as fungi. But most of all, genetic changes have been induced to increase yield per acre. Such enormous strides in yield have required drastic changes in genetic code. Such fundamental genetic changes have come at a price."

Dietary Changes
Posted by Debbie T. (Australia ) on 10/15/2013

An excellent video presentation by Dr William Davis on wheat today and it's effects on the body. Cheers

Dietary Changes
Posted by Debbie T. (Australia ) on 10/16/2013

Thank you Mike. What you are saying is absolutely inspiring as well. You figured it out yourself. I would hesitate to add the 54 year old in India probably had non modified corn. I now eat grass fed meats from a local farmers market and grow some herbs which I am adding to. I am thinking of getting my own chicken and just feeding it herbs and grass (the way they should be fed). The guy at my farmers market who sells eggs, feeds them grains thinking that was healthy. What chicken eats corn? He is reading the book now and looking for herbs to grow to feed his chickens.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 10/17/2013 2063 posts

I saw a documentary a fews yrs back about the futile effort for poultry especially, but livestock farmers in general, in some eastern European country, to continue using probiotics as feed supplement instead of pharmaceutical grade, gov recommended antibiotics. Big pharma's aggressive marketing rolls independent choices or practical benefits.

Hydrogen Peroxide or Colloidal silver can also be used in ag in place of chemical antibiotics at much less cost in production.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Brian (Sth Aus, Australia) on 10/17/2013

Hi Debbie. I'm agreeing with you. I recently I read a recorded account of a meeting between the Persian and Ethiopian kings in the fifth century B.C., that I think you will quite enjoy, and this is my condensed version:

The Ethiopian king was informed how wine was made and drank some for the first time and found it delicious. He then inquired of the Persian what they ate and how old they lived. The Persians cultivated wheat and the king said they ate bread (and obviously drank wine) and lived to 80. The Ethiopian king then said he was not surprised that anyone who ate “dung” should die so soon and if it were not for the wine, they would probably die even sooner. The Persian then asked the Ethiopian the same question and was told they ate boiled meat, drank milk and lived to 120.

Fast forward 2500 years and it seems to me that the more things change, the more they stay the same. We still eat the same “dung”, just modified varieties so that farmers can produce higher yields to appease the consumer demand for low prices, and we still only average living to 80.

The Ethiopians were doing everything right back then, a high fat, high protein diet and the milk wouldn't even have been pasteurised. Ethiopians now average 60 – and these days, lots of sourdough flatbread is pretty much a staple. Say no more.

Except for an average of 3 slices of wholemeal bread per day, I have been on a low carb, high protein, high fat diet for nearly 6 months and at 5'7, 57kgs and 57yo, feeling pretty darn good. I offset the carbs in the bread with high protein. Bacon and eggs for breakfast is just not right without toast.

Also, there is about 3 times more vitamin E in one egg than there is in one slice of bread. I often contemplate having a few chooks roam around my backyard, too. The soil in the backyard is dizzy with worms, they'd love it. So yes, chooks eat meat too, so tell your egg market guy to include meat scraps in their diets.


Dietary Changes
Posted by Trudy (Al) on 10/17/2013

What chicken eats corn? All of them. Corn fields are the best place for hunting turkey, grouse, partridge, quail---all birds eat grain of all sorts. All corn may be gmo, but don't kid yourself that your chickens will be healthy if all you feed them is herbs and grass. They eat bugs, too, so they aren't vegetarian. How about doing some research before you get chickens and harm them by feeding them the wrong thing.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Debbie T. (Australia ) on 10/17/2013


Chickens do eat seeds (and bugs) of course there is nothing wrong with seeds fed to chicken. I realise they eat worms or other things. Most chickens do not run around in corn fields, not where I am from anyway. I did not mean taking away healthy seeds which they will find in a field anyway in addition to what you feed them.

Most corn today is GMO. Please research GMO and you will know that it stops mineral absorption into the body. You may care to eat it at your peril.

Here is a article of someone who successfully is raising grain free fed chickens. It can be done and it is soo much healthier for the chicken and the people eating the eggs from them.

See the article below of what happened to pigs stomachs when fed GMO food (not specifically corn). It turned their stomachs to "mush". Mice fed GMO food also ended up with huge tumors all over their body.

Garlic, Ginger
Posted by Amit (Gurgaon, Haryana/india) on 12/10/2012

Hi, My mother has Sugar problem also along with heart blockage, please suggest me either honey with ginger, garlic is good for her.

Garlic, Ginger
Posted by Dave (Seneca, SC) on 12/15/2012

For heart issues you should be on the following:
- At least 400 IUs of Natural (NOT synthetic) vitamin E (I've been on 1,000 IUs for 30 years)
- 500 mg of CoQ 10
- 500 mg of the herb Hawthorne
- Arginine, up to 5 grams daily. There are powers in this also that can be mixed with water so the solution absorbs better
- 250 mg daily of magnesium citrate
- 50 mg selenium

A writer in one of the posts above mentioned "Left for Dead" and the idea is to use naturals like c pepper and garlic. Those are good but don't leave out the essentials I list above like Vit E. Remember Dick (the writer of "Left for Dead") did die of congestive heart failure.

Safe for Diabetics?
Posted by Elaine (Ar) on 05/21/2018

Yes, you can give this to a diabetic.

EDTA Chelation
Posted by Dwilliams (Missouri) on 07/27/2021

Where do you get your edta and what brand is it and what dosage did you take?

Lifestyle Changes
Posted by Kenneth (Germany) on 01/31/2012

Hi, I'd like to share something very important for all suffering from heart related problems, high blood pressure, liver problems, anxiety problems, thyroid under function, over weight problems, breathing problems and etc... Most remedies help relieve or even cure most of these illnesses and problems. First of the all the Lifestyle, foods and drinks must be adjusted or changed to an effective and right combination for that particular individual. I have learn through going through and suffering years long many things which do help reduce symptoms, suffering and also may help in the process towards receiving the cure. Any combination of the right and correct foods, drinks, light exercise/s walking, or swimming, stretching and or etc", sleep & rest, and a renewal of the mind..

P.S. Learning how and what to use along or in the right combination for what you need is very important.... I am more than happy to assist and or encourage anyone to adjusting their lifestyle for optimal health benefits.... If anyone may need any information about what may help their condition/s through various foods/s, herbs and or spices for health benefits write me at kenhump777(at) and I will reply as soon as possible. May God lead and guide, heal, help and strengthen you....

Posted by Sharon (Missouri) on 10/20/2020

Be sure to use Cratageous Oxyacantha Tincture (Hawthorn Berry) for arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis.

Linus Pauling Therapy
Posted by Jo (London, England) on 07/05/2011

Hello, I would like to try doing the Linus Pauling protocol using the Vitamin C powder and L-Lysine powder. I want to try this for both blocked heart arteries and also broken capillaries on my face.

However, how do you measure out the correct amounts of powder? Do you use kitchen scales or measuring spoons or something else? Also, do you take the Vitamin C powder and L-Lysine powder separately or do you mix them together? Thank you.

Linus Pauling Therapy
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 07/06/2011

Jo, I had the same problem you have measuring the Vitamin C after reading a Linus Pauling book. Using a kitchen scale didn't work for me because even the very sensitive ones aren't accurate enough. I was already giving up hope as the only small scales you find on Amazon are only sold in the USA. Then we went to Switzerland which is here next door and after asking around and finding nothing we found one in a shop in Basel which wasn't even that expensive. I use it in the kitchen now as well to weigh things like yeast for my bread or salt. You might find something like it in London. It weighs a fraction of a gram and I found it in a normal household applyances shop. Good luck...

Garlic, Ginger
Posted by Diana (Houston, Texas) on 05/17/2011

I wanted to try the formula for unclogging your arteries. The recipe calls for 1 cup of raw ACV, 1 cup of lemon juice, 1 cup of giner juice and 1 cup of garlic juice. DO I JUICE THE GARLIC AND THE GINGER TO GET THE 1 CUP OR CAN I PURCHASE THIS? I WENT TO WHOLE FOODS AND COULDN'T FIND IT. And do I simmer it down to 1 cup or 3 cups? There are 2 different versions.

Garlic, Ginger
Posted by Alina (Caledon, On, Canada) on 05/17/2011

Yes, you have to juice garlic, ginger and lemons by yourself Diana, and you simmer three cups of this mixture till you get one cup. It turns blue colour during simmering but do not be alarmed, this is reaction of garlic mixed with lemon.. The blue goes away once the mixture cools down. The recipe I use calls for three cups of raw honey that need to be added to the simmered and cooled mixture. I use less honey though.

Garlic, Ginger
Posted by Lou G (Elk Grove, California, Usa) on 06/24/2011

I am confused here. Do I boil Ginger, garlic and lemon juice, one cup each and reduce to one cup from a Gogol of three cups and after cooling add apple cider vinegar?? Or I need to boil Ginger, garlic, lemon and apple cider fisher a Gogol of four cups to one cup?? Also, how long this mixture be stored in refrigerator??? Another question, regarding the apple cider finance, can I just buy this from super market???

Garlic, Ginger
Posted by Sandy (Lancs, Uk) on 06/26/2011

Go to the Vitamin C Foundation website, I use this protocol and it works

Garlic, Ginger
Posted by Dr. Nawal Mal (Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan) on 07/14/2011

Dr. Nawal Lohana from Karachi, Pakistan. I am a heart patient and have three valve blocked and heart specialist had given the suggestion of by-pass operation but meanwhile, I am not satisfy to have an operation and I am very worried so I want to use this recepie of ginger, garlic, lemon, honey and if someone had use this recepie so please tell me for how long I have to use it and does it have any side affect?

If anyone who read this please pray for me.

Garlic, Ginger
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/14/2011

Hi Nawal

This is from the heart disease page:

12/23/2010: Vic from Los Angeles, California replies: "I have tried this recipe earlier last year after my blood pressure was on the borderline. My sister in law passed the recipe to me and made it myself. A good friend of mine brought me along with her for free heart check somewhere in Los angeles. To check if there are plaques in your arteries. I have been taking that mixture for 3 months before I did the heart check and I wasn't sure if it was effective. I am a meat lover person and ate some veggies and fruits and did a little exercise, and I was with another person who had been a vegetarian for more than ten years.. We both have the procedure done and Lo and behold.. Our score was ZERO, meaning that no plaques whatsoever in our arteries and we both are of the same age range.. Mid forties.. So I guess it really works! "

Good luck

Garlic, Ginger
Posted by Dr.nawal Mal (Karachi, Sindh,pakistan) on 07/15/2011

Hi Debbie,

Thanks for your reply and I'll take this soon!

Garlic, Ginger
Posted by Alex (Miami, Florida) on 09/25/2011

Hi there are several products you can take- chelation heart formulas etc... magnsium is a must for anyone with heart problems liquid or gel/oil is best as always with me quality is number 1.

Garlic, Ginger
Posted by Tony (Kumasi, Ghana) on 02/02/2012

Please I want to know if I can go ahead using only garlic, ginger and lemon to make the preparation since I am not able to get ACV in my country. Any help??

Garlic, Ginger
Posted by 3rdborn (Carlisle Township, Ohio) on 02/27/2012

Tony, I do not believe that it will work without the apple cider vinegar (ACV) as that is the most important ingredient that clears the arteries. It is very inexpensive, perhaps you can purchase it online.

Garlic, Ginger
Posted by Zaheerhusain (Delhi, Delhi/delhi/india) on 03/13/2012

If you look Apple Cider Vinegar should be available in some store otherwise it will take only 2-3 months and you can easily make it at home. Just extract fresh juice with the juicer machine from any apple you find sweetest and having higher content of juice, fill up clean glass bottles with this juice, tie up clean white cloth on top and let it remain in a dry dark place for 2-3 months remove the upper scum or filter with clean cotton cloth. This Scum you can keep as starter, which will help the next batch to start quickly other wise there is no need of any starter , the spores are there in the atmosphere Your ACV is ready and is better in a sense that it is unprocessed and the commercial variety you get from the stores is processed and may be little less effective. I don't think you can skip this from the formula of 5 items.



EDTA Chelation
Posted by Denise (Finger , Tn) on 09/05/2010

Mr. Henry, Where did you get your EDTA Chelation done? I'm in W.TN and have been looking to have the CT done? Thank you and glad that you are doing well!

EDTA Chelation
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 09/05/2010

There is an organization call ACAM which most Chelation doctors belong. Look up that site to find the nearest one to you. I go to Dr Holiday in Athens, Tn. Dr Holliday is a Thoracic Surgeon who got tired of cutting off patients limbs because of poor circulation. He still does surgery, but receives his joy by keeping them healthy. Henry is my middle name which my mother used when she had the ass at me.

EDTA Chelation
Posted by Denise (Finger, Tn) on 09/07/2010

Thank you, I have a name and will phone this morning.

EDTA Chelation
Posted by Deb (Waterloo, Ia) on 12/04/2010

My mom went to McDonnell (sp)Center in Kansas city, Mo in the 70's for chelation and it worked. She is 82 and no heart blockages.

EDTA Chelation
Posted by Anthony (Houston, Texas) on 03/16/2011

I haven't done EDTA chelation. But, I've heard great things about it, including from my dad who is a retired EENT guy in his mid-seventies.

However, there is a doctor out of California I have a lot of respect for, and whose newsletter I received for a number of years. His name is Robert Rowen. I let the newsletter lapse about 1 1/2 years ago, but not before reading about his excitement of an EDTA suppository that someone had come up with. Apparently, it's so very much cheaper than an IV regimen, has a 30-something % absorption rate, and stays in the system for an extended period of time - I beleive it's about 8 hours. Dr. Rowen was recommending it over IV chelation. If anyone wants me to look up the product, please reply and let me know.

EDTA Chelation
Posted by Simon (Boston, Ma) on 04/05/2011

Hi there, I was diagnose With C H D 2 years ago, chest pain, not able to walk, shortness of breath, hbp, hi choI and arteries plaques, I was prescribe the standart medication. At the same time I tried EDTA CHELATION for few months, my cholesterol was in the borderline, I changes my diet and took all kind of supplements I also squesed grapefruit every morning with 2-3 fresh clove of garlic together (crushed) for quite few months, but the blockage seem to still be there, I also took the C- therapy (Linus Pauline Therapy) for 3 months. I feel better more energies, no chest pain, able to walk over a mile without short breath but in my last visit the stress echo test and the results of blood work were not encouraging and my Doc want me to have the surgery asap, (I did not tell him I stoped the statin drug).

I must missed something, can you help me? Regards

EDTA Chelation
Posted by Boysha (Victoria, Bc, Canada) on 04/15/2013

If I may contribute to this. I am 55 - I had 2 heart attacks in 1996. I was one of the people who wanted to find alternative treatment and not go under the knife first. I did Chelation Therapy in Toronto - done by Dr. Hui. However, as soon as he introduced Plaquex (intro-venus) I started to feel much, much improvement. You can find facts on Plaquex here:

I also changed my diet because if you keep on doing what you always did, it will not be possible for you to get better for long. I reduced meat to minimum and eat mostly vegetables and fruit. I drink pure water 4L per day. I take Turmeric , Sage, Q10, Vitamin E 1600/day... There is no one treatement that is enough.

I hope this helps.

EDTA Chelation
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 08/24/2015

Hi Robert Henry,

Just wondering how you are feeling after the weekend? Since the chelation therapy has pretty much cleaned out your arteries, I imagine it was a heart rhythm or electrical glitch. You did good, my friend, with your choices of self treatment! Hope you are taking it a little easier than usual for a while and eating the just rewards of all your (and your tractor driver's) hard work this summer. Take care.

EDTA Chelation
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 08/25/2015

HI U Rsw, , , , , , , , , , , ,

See my local doctor tomorrow to get a report on the EKG they took Friday. All my blood work is probably the best I've ever had. My CRP is low so I'm eat up with inflammation. I really don't have a clue how to address that. I am taking Beta Glucan to build my immune system in addressing my blood cancer.

I go Thursday to have a stress test done and will let the cardiologist interpret that. He's a big transplanted Texan, and we do the hand jive. I think you are right about this being an electrical problem and I will try to get him to address it with naturals and not rat poison.

An interesting story..... retired guy in one of my chelation groups had an electrical problem and his cardiologist told he could only live if had a pace maker. He whole life revolved around rebuilding old classic cars and this would end that because of the emf's associated with being close to running engines. He came to my chelation doctor, who told him his electrical heart problem was his electrolytes. He straightened that out and the old codger went back to rebuilding old cars. Is life interesting or what?

Thank you for your concern.=====ORH====

EDTA Chelation
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 08/26/2015

Hi Robert Henry,

I've been reading that a low CRP means low inflammation, so maybe yours is good! Saw this table on the Life Extension site that may be of interest if you still feel it is high. CRP in men is suggested to be .55 or lower, in women 1 or lower.


EDTA Chelation
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 08/27/2015

HI U Rsw, , , , , , , , , , , , , it appears that I misread and your are right about a low CRP result means low inflammation. I thank you. Maybe I'll live to 92 after all.

There are some researchers that say heart disease correlates with inflammation and not cholesterol.


EDTA Chelation
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 08/27/2015

Hi Robert Henry,

What good news! I follow Dr. Duane Graveline and his legion of doctors who believe inflammation is THE cause of heart disease. Our bodies need cholesterol to function properly, especially our brains and hearts. The FDA recently stated that the cholesterol in the food we eat has little to no effect on our blood cholesterol levels, after practically ruining the egg and beef industries in the past. (although some high cholesterol foods may cause inflammation, like beef because of glycation and acidic issues) Cholesterol is said to be like a fireman at a fire. It repairs and is present in areas of damage done by inflammation and but does not cause it. Statins, by blocking cholesterol, CoQ10, dolichols and other pathways that are essential to our health along the mevalonate pathway, can cause all kinds of problems like CHD, muscle and nerve problems, and dementia in the future for those people who follow doctors orders, while they get about a 1% lower risk of a heart event over many years, and this 1% advantage occurs only in men who have had a previous event.

So you are doing a darn good job managing your inflammation and we all look forward to many more years of benefitting from your advice on health, gardening, and generally using our common sense. You are a gem, and I have a feeling your wife is, too!

Posted by Landon (Riverside, Ca) on 04/01/2010

L-Arginine won the Nobel prize in Medicine in 1998, and was found that it directly causes the body to produce nitric oxide... which causes arteries to relax and widen, melt away plaque, and heal the inner lining of the arteries themselves.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Muhammad (Toronto, Canada) on 12/30/2013

Your knowledge is very limited. If kidneys are normal k remains in balance. Many diuretics are k sparing.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by V Qiong (Kampong Cham, Cambodia) on 04/21/2011

Oral chelation cost little and should be just as effective. Put in under the tongue 3 times a day may well work faster than IV once a week.

Doing it everyday with a break on weekends while supplementing with multi minerals after 1 hour each time. If you tires less after a week of oral chelation when climbing steps, it usually means that it works.

Posted by Rob (Manhattan, New York) on 12/11/2009

fantastic news!...thanks for the valuable info!

Posted by Heart Concerned (Los Angeles, California) on 10/05/2011

How is your heart doing now? Did you keep up your good progress?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stephen (Doha, Qatar) on 09/10/2009

I have had a heart attack and have found a trusted natural medicine that includes Apple Cider Vinegar that I am taking, I think you may wish to try it.

1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 cup garlic juice
1 cup ginger juice
1 cup lemon juice

Boil (simmer) until 3 cups volume is left, add 3 cups of natural honey, stir until mixed.
once cool take one spoon full every day.

this is an old Chinese medicine that modern day has looked into more deeply and found that it has worked on patients with blockages, and has removed the blockages. I have just started it and will have myself check out after one year of taking it.

Hope this is of interest to you.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Fox (Doha) on 10/09/2010

I am suffering from ldl and now drs again want me go again on statins, 3 times I cannot not walk after them. Please let me know of the herb in qatar and how to get it or is there a place in doha for chelation therapy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Abdul (United Kingdom ) on 12/12/2018

I have read your story and really touched, I do hope your husband is in good health. I know it's been long time you put your story, but recently believed to suffered a heart attack. I was admitted to hospital and was looking for natural remedies to help me back on my feet,

Can I ask how thing progresses once your husband left the hospital?

Thanks, Abdul

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joey Dee (Miami, Qld Australia) on 10/28/2009

can i contact anyone who used acv to clean his arteries please as i have a 2 blockages. regard and thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Navdeep (Barnala, Punjab/india) on 08/12/2011

sir my father is suffering with heart disese with triple vassle disease. Last year bypass had done with two grafts. Now after one year there is 70% blockage. Can apple vinegar really work.. I dont want to lose my father.. Plzzzzzzzzzzzz tell about treatment you did for yourself.

Posted by Aisah (Thailand ) on 07/23/2023

Hi please share more info about cayenne. A friend's 16 year old son had VSD and underwent surgery 5 weeks ago but he still has fluid in his heart and pressure in his lungs.

Posted by Trinitas (Wichita, KS) on 02/05/2015


I have had elevated blood pressure and minor angina this winter. Began taking l-arginine and it greatly helped. However, I also got a sore throat after a couple of weeks. I, then laid off the arginine and the sore throat went away. I started taking arginine with citrulline and again got a sore throat that bloomed into a full cold. I very much like the benefits of the arginine but the side effects are so far a disaster. I have taken l-lysine for a long time. Thanks to anyone who might be able to help.

Why Mix Turns Green
Posted by Joe (Chesapeake, Va) on 01/21/2014

I am making the above mixture. I used a juicer for all three juices and am reducing it in a crock pot. It's turning green. Is it supposed to do this or is this contamination from either the juicer or crock pot?

Why Mix Turns Green
Posted by Rezwai (Bangladesh) on 03/21/2015

Mixture can turn green or light brown, no harm, depends on the ingredients mainly ginger and garlic. It is important that you use clay/earthen pot or procelin as mixture can react with metal as it is ascetic acid. ACV must be organic, raw and unfiltered for best result. Honey must also be raw and pure.

Why Mix Turns Green
Posted by Bushra Sikander (Pakistan) on 01/22/2016

When I boiled all 4 ingredients, it turned green, I don't know what happened wrong. plz tell me, should I add honey to it or not. I think the honey will go to waste if the mixture has become toxic. plz reply asap.

Why Mix Turns Green
Posted by Aya Jamal (Lebanon) on 02/06/2016

Hello Guys,

For the guys whose recipe turned green, did you consume the recipe? Did it work? Cause I followed the same instructions and I got a green mixture as well.

EDTA Chelation
Posted by Bobbi (Sacramento ) on 04/22/2023

Hi John,

Your information is appreciated! We had IV Chelation (12 visits) for my husband, but couldn't afford to continue.
Could you give details on how to obtain such as glutathione, etc, to self administer?

Any info would be appreciated! I would also like to know how to find the special enzymes to dissolve plaque.

Posted by Denise (Seattle, Wa.) on 04/01/2013

I've got a question for Bill of the Philppines ir anyone knowledgeable in the topic. I am reading "No More Heart Disease" by Dr. Louis Ignarro. He has a protocol for getting your own body to produce more Nitric Oxide (NO) and one of the supplements is L-Arginine which he recommends taking 4-6 grams per day. He says it might cause herpes in a very small percentage of people. I'm wondering if L-Arginine is OK to take as I have hepatitis c. ?? Dr. Ignarro won the Novel prise for this information.

Posted by Denise (Seattle, Wa) on 04/02/2013

HI Timh, I'm a bit confused as Oscar from this site has said that lysine is bad for hep-c. I've taken every protocsl on this site and more and nothing has worked for ny hep-c. I want to try the protocal I previoulsy suggested but wanted to know if L-Arginine is safe. Don't know what to do. Thanks again Timh, blessings

Posted by Paula (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 04/02/2013

Note to Bill from the Philippines. I am reading the same book as Denise and would also like to know if L-Arginine is not the supplement to take with Hepatitis c? And would it also apply for Vitamin C

Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 04/03/2013 2063 posts

Denise: It seems only appropriate to treat the Hep-C first... Until cured, then you could try protocols for Heart and Cardiovascular.

With a longstanding undiagnosed Chronic Active Viral Hep I was excited to have experienced some good results w/ BHT, but then I plateau. I then predosed w/ 2oz Colloidal Silver, wait 30 min, take 500mg BHT, wait 30 min take 4 caps Echinacea, all with a very much more profound effect than BHT alone.

It seems likely that the people who are not getting the positive results from BHT alone have some other immune draining condition.

EDTA Chelation
Posted by Lauren (Queens, Ny) on 03/13/2012

Hi Sjt from Japan... What is Edta and where do I purchase it? I have a similar problem and just as you said I used the same things that you use but they only helped to an extent. You just don't feel 100%. Please let me know asap. Thank you so much.

EDTA Chelation
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 03/13/2012

You have to be careful with EDTA because it also will chelate the essential metals and minerals from your body leaving undesirable ones behind. Of course please research this yourself but I would be wary.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Angela (Maple Falls, Wa, US) on 01/02/2010

Hi ~ My mom is 69 years old and suffers from diabetes and heart disease . She has spent much time in the hospital , and has six stents in her heart . She ( like me) does not like Bio-medicine , and as such refuses to take it as prescribed . Would ACV help her , and if so will it react with heart medications ( if she takes them )? Thanks so much for your time !

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Darlene (Shanghai) on 12/07/2010

Your mother might want to look into chelation therapy, where they clean the heavy metals out of your veins. It has shown great results for people with heart disease and has also shown some benefits for diabetics. It is unfortunately, not covered by medical and usually costs between $3000-$4000USD. Practitioners are listed on-line to find one near you. I also can recommend a book to read on it, but not sure if I can mention it here. If you are interested in the therapy you can email me at Openheavensgate(at)hotmail(dot)com.

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