Effective Natural Remedies for GERD Relief - Holistic Approach

Licorice Root Extract
Posted by Tony (Miami, Fl) on 04/29/2009

(DGL) a.k.a. Licorice is incredible, I read a book on health secrets & they recommended Licorice. poeple this herbal vitamin is the best, In one day (with the help of prayer) this vitamin worked!!! please if anyone is expieriencing GERD or acid reflux try this product. you can find it at any herbal or vitamin store!!!!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shelley (Sykesville, MD) on 04/14/2009

I wish this website was posted in every doctor's office! I was absolutely miserable with this stupid GERD, and the medication the doctor prescribed made my Restless Leg Syndrome worse. It was a toss-up...RLS so bad I couldn't sleep or GERD so bad I couldn't sleep. I am so glad that I kept looking online and found this remedy. As soon as I read down the page of positive responses, I climbed back in my car, even though I just came home from the store. I grabbed two different kinds of Apple Cider Vinegar and rushed home. I put two tablespoons each of ACV and honey into water and drank it as fast as I could. Well, I won't do that again. I thought it was going to come right back up. However, it seemed to relieve the symptoms, so I was more than willing to give it another try, with different proportions. Now I take 1/2 cup of warm water, mix in an overflowing teaspoon of ACV and a teaspoon of honey. The honey melts quickly in the warm water, and it seems to be enough ACV to do the trick! This is the second day, and I did three treatments; one before I ate breakfast, one in the afternoon, and one right before bed. My throat is feeling normal for the first time in two weeks, and I can swallow normally as well. I am still taking 300 mg. of Zantac twice a day, but this offers much more relief immediately. I don't want to stop the Zantac for fear it will make the GERD come back, so I'll do both for right now. I highly recommend trying this if you have GERD.

Chamomile Tea
Posted by Lu (Brisbane, Australia) on 03/13/2009

GERD (gastritis/esophagitis/reflux): I had lots of pain in my esophagus and stomach lining. I tried all the traditional things such as Nexium, Zantac, Pariet, etc and also alternatives such as acupuncture and Chinese herbs, cider vinegar etc. nothing worked. One day I read on the Net that someone got relief from cold Chamomile tea. I bought some organic Chamomile tea bags and within days of taking it the pain began subsiding. I take it 3 times a day. Add a tea bag to boiling water, let it cool and drink it. I have now stopped all medication.

Research on the Net indicates that it is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-histamine, muscle relaxant and much more. Anyone wanting relief from GERD should definitely try it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Juli (Philadelphia, PA USA) on 03/10/2009

I used 2 tsp ACV in 8 oz water 2x/day (I'm small, around 105 pounds), to treat GERD. I used Eden's Organics unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar.

After almost one bottle's worth of this, I no longer need it. So far, it has been 2 weeks with no problems.

I did a number of things though...I took GNC's probiotics (39.99) twice a day for a while before meals, ACV twice a day, and chewed on papaya enzyme tabs during the day.

I found this website, was so skeptical, but let me tell you..try it. Also, for a professor who is around really sick kids all the time, I didn't get sick this semester for the first time in years.

The Apple Cider Vinegar got me off of the Protonix my doc was giving me, and took a week to noticeably help...but now, I'm medication free.

Thank you earthclinic and all the people who post here!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gil (Niagara, Ontario) on 03/09/2009


I would just like to say to those wanting to give up, DON'T!

I was not feeling too much better @ first, but gave it some time. The ACV has helped so much, that I haven't taken any meds in over 3 months! I was taking two Prevacids a day before for my Gerds. When you get good results, spread the good news so others can enjoy the benefits as well.


Licorice Root Extract
Posted by Betsy (Santa Fe, NM) on 11/20/2008

Thank you all for your comments regarding ACV and GERD. I have had this annoying problem for a couple of years now. My nurse practitioner suggested using DGL or"Deglycyrrhizinated" Licorice Root Extract. It is available from several different companies at any local health food store. It is not a cure, but it is very soothing. Two tablets in the morning keeps acid reflux away all day for me, but I will try ACV too. Will report back...Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alan (Windsor, UK) on 10/27/2008

Having suffered for a while with the symptoms of GERD my doctor put me on a repeating prescription of PPI's, Omeprazole and then lansoprazole. The side effects of these plus the reducing effectiveness led me to this site.
I tried 2 tbs of apple cider vinegar once a day in water but gave up too soon - after a few weeks. Well the pain and unpleasant symptoms continued and I jumped backed to the PPIs. After a few days of the side effects and the fact that they weren't treating the symptoms any longer I decided to go back to the Apple cider vinegar but decided to give it a go for a month. I used 2tbs,three times a day, occasionally adding a quarter teaspoon of bicarb. After a few weeks the symptoms went away.

I would like to point out that I gave up drinking fizzy drinks as well & so perhaps the combination worked. Frankly I don't care as I am now sleeping so much better and have even reduced the number of times I have the ACV.

I guess the moral of the story for me was that you have to be prepared to be in it for the long haul.

Hope this helps.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sunny (Chicago, Illinois) on 10/05/2008

I have been diagnosed with small airways disease. Really couldn't understand the diagnosis(had a cat scan and chest x-ray) because I haven't had any breathing symptoms but kept coming down with bronchitis and sore throats that wouldn't go away. My voice continues to be very hoarse and my tongue does feel like it burns once in awhile.

I recently attended a book signing in NYC for a dear friend and at that party I met a woman who told me she too, had been diagnosed with small airways disease several years ago and was treated with all types of asthma medications and finally got fed up and went to an ENT doctor. The 3rd ENT she visited, diagnosed her with GERD.

She really has saved me from such frustration. After thinking about it for 2 seconds, I decided to start watching what I ate and noticed a difference immediately. I also took some Zantac and felt a difference. Now, after reading all of these testimonials I am going to try the organic ACV mixed with water.

I also had my gall bladder removed several years ago and appreciated so many of the comments on taking digestive enzymes.

I am so excited to give it a try. Thanks everyone!

Posted by Bala (Chennai, India) on 08/14/2008

After suffering from acidity for more than 6 months I found a perfect cure for my condition(GERD). The age old saying 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' should be altered to 'an apple a day keeps the acid at bay'. It really works for me, I have been trying out different apples for the past two months and one apple which helps me 99% is the apple by the brand name 'Stemilt'.We get these apples in most of the supermarkets in India(probably they are imported from US).God bless everyone involved in importing these apples to India.I am on no medication/antacid and of course I am trying to limit my intake of acidic foods.

Wish everyone a speedy recovery.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Carri (Lake Forest, California) on 08/11/2008

My husband was on proton pumb inhibitors for GERD, Prilosec being one of them. From my reading of nutrition books and alternative medicine I know how dangerous it is to have your stomuch and bowels out of whack and how it effects the rest of your health. So I zealously urged my husband to get off his medicine and that I would find some way that would work. I googled natural cures for GERD and gathered info from different sites(without having to buy their products) and we tried all the different things we found. Plus I also put him on a low carb high protein diet. It took a few months but he no longer has stomuch pain and the GERD is gone!
From what I can remember here's what he took.

DGL (deglycerized licorice)
Lemonene (or something like that)
Digestive enzymes
NO coffee (until GERD is completely gone!)
Acid defense by garden of life and a few other things we found in health food stores.
In Protein Power (the book) they claim that the diet cures GERD, so we also did that and my husband lost 35 lbs too.

I'm not sure exactly what cured him because we threw everything at him and it worked! Don't blindly believe everything doctors or even well meaning friends and family say.There are cures for many things if we learn to work with our body instead of trying to suppress it's natural functions through the many pharmaceuticals the docs are throwing at us.

Posted by Sharon (Lockport, IL) on 03/19/2008

Eating a handful of raw almonds stops GERD dead in its tracks. My daughter ate almonds throughout her pregnancy whenever heartburn hit. It worked for her also.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, TN) on 11/20/2007 495 posts

The best remedy I have found for indigestion, acid regurge, GERD, flatulence is elimination of all bleached flour products in the foods you eat - I find I can eat l00% whole grain bread without problems (usually cures most people's constipation problems also). I don't know what chemicals? are used in the bleaching process, but apparently that is where the problem comes from. However, you must really work at getting bleached flour out of your diet, as many pastas are made with bleached flour, many breads say whole wheat but read the ingredients and you'll find that most start off with bleached flour unless the label reads l00% whole grain. Most gravies, dips, sauces, etc. use the cheapest source of thickening agent - bleached flour. So try it and see if it works for you. It's nice having a "cast iron stomach" which has no problems with cayenne pepper, jalapeno peppers, and all that spicy stuff I used to blame my stomach problems on before I lucked up and stumbled upon the real cause of them.

Digestive Enzymes
Posted by Coye (Newberry, SC) on 09/05/2007

I had moderate asthma and chronic gerd. I started using a natural enzyme that contained PAPAYA!! I take the tablets everyday. I haven't had a problem or symptom since I've taken them.I've read many studies that papaya helps withs gerd!!

Cabbage Juice
Posted by Sarah (Brussels, Belgium) on 05/20/2007

A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with GERD and I suffered from acid reflux and heartburn. The medication prescribed by the doctor rather worsened my situation and I suffered a number of side effects from it. I came across a site suggesting that drinking raw cabbage juice cures acid reflux and other problems related to the stomach, such as ulcer.I did further research to confirm this and decided to give it a try.
The general suggested daily dosage is about a quart [800ml] of raw cabbage juice to be taken about 4 times daily. I found that rather too much and I started with 400ml [100ml x 4].I noticed great improvement and after one week I reduced the dosage to 300ml [100ml x 3]. After about 3 weeks of the whole therapy, I decided to take only 200ml a day. Those with stomach ulcers or acute cases of acid reflux might need to take the full dosage.

I have stopped drinking cabbage juice since about 10 months now and I haven't had any serious reflux problems. For those who would like to try it, PLEASE NOTE that it is said to have strong impact on the thyroid glands [the more reason why I never consumed 800ml a day!]. Not to mention the stench - it is better stored in an air-tight water bottle and kept in the fridge. Good luck to all, and thanks for the great site.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Chris (Jacksonville, Florida) on 04/07/2007

No Way!!!! This was unbelievable!! It's 11:00 at night and my girlfriend was in tears from her GERD pain. I read the pickle juice comments and as a last resort prior to the ER had her try the pick juice remedy. IT WORKED IMMEDIATLY!!!!! totally recommend this to everyone.

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