Heal Cracked Heels Naturally: Remedies & Supplements for Skin Health

Essential Fatty Acids
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/19/2012

The cracking feet is an essential fatty acid deficiency and you need evening primrose oil and good quality freshest flaxseed oil you can find.


Posted by Julie (Provo, Ut) on 03/24/2012

Taking a kelp supplement helped clear up my cracked heels. I had read that iodine could cure tonail fungus and I figured it might help with my cracked heels too. It did, and quite quickly. While they were healing I used just a regular heel conditioner.

I ran out of Kelp and didn't get any more for over a month. My heels are cracked and bleeding again.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Dana (Larose, Louisiana/ Usa) on 03/16/2012

I battled with painful bleeding cracked heels for years, I put this lotion and that lotion with no real improvement. I finally discovered Cracked heel balm at walmart and tried it. It worked great but I could never stop treatment more than a day or two. I do still use it when I get lazy and forget to take care of my feet.

The best thing I ever did for my feet is get a good pair of shoes. I loved being barefoot and when I did wear shoes they were flat and light. When I started wearing a good pair of walking shoes with socks everyday my heels got better. With the added heel cream they were like new. I started using a pumice in the tub for daily care and now I use a little heeltastic before I put on my socks and I hardly ever have trouble, only if I have to go a few days in a dress shoe or a flat tennis shoe. I've recently started using coconut oil and it does a good job too, heeltastic is easier and does a great job. Also I love the ped egg! Not the grater part but the smoother part, feet like a baby!

Tricia's Cracked Heel Remedies
Posted by Glue (Victoria ) on 07/07/2013

I used super glue on it. When the glue fell off eventually the ringworm was gone!

Super Glue, ACV, Coconut Oil
Posted by CYNTHIA (FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS) on 03/19/2009

DRY/CRACKED SKIN: My heels have been dry for years and I get a thick build up of dry skin and deep painful cracks in the winter. The only thing I found that helps the cracks heal together quickly and alleviates the pain is, believe it or not, super Glue. I just squirt some inside the crack and hold it closed for a minute. A retired military man told me this is what they use on cuts when the soldiers are in the field and they can't get back to medical treatment quickly. It won't cure the problem though. I have tried just about everything to cure the problem and have only been successful in finding softening agents. One remedy I found was Johnson's foot soap, I get it at a major retail store. There are several packets in the box. Before I get started I always gather a towel and my pumice stone and anything else I need. I open a packet and dump it into water that is as hot as I can stand it. Then I pour in about a cup of salt, sometimes I add ACV, and sit and watch tv with my feet soaking. After 20 or so minutes I start working on one foot while the other is still soaking. After I get the dead, dry skin off my feet I soak them in Virgin Coconut Oil. After the first application of coconut oil has soaked in I repeat it. Then right before I go to bed I re-apply. This, combined with using my pumice evry couple days and re-applying the coconut oil keeps my feet soft and smooth for a while. I think the build up of dead skin is hereditary and wonder if there is a cure. Does anyone out there know what will stop my feet from cracking open? This year my right thumb has also cracked open and is painful.

Omega 3
Posted by Bev (Long Beach, CA/USA) on 01/18/2009

I suffered for years from cracked heels. Felt as though I was walking on glass fragments. Nothing topical worked for me. I started taking fish, flaxseed, and borage oil combination (purchased at wal-mart, spring valley brand, 1200 mg per softgel). Within months my heels had closed up and I haven't had a problem since. Hopes this helps others.

Raw Honey
Posted by Julie (Seattle, WA) on 06/11/2008

re: Fissures (Cracked Feet) -- I get painful fissures on my feet; sometimes so bad that I can barely walk. Lately, I've been using raw (must be raw) honey on them at night. Slather liberally and put on cotton socks. In the morning, my feet are soft and usually the fissures are gone in 1-3 days.

Vinegar, Shoes and Socks in the Freezer
Posted by Robin (New Mexico, USA) on 03/29/2008

I was reading the oil pulling pages, and saw that so many people were plagued with cracking heels, and I felt bad because I know how to make it go away. You just put vinegar on the cracked heel everyday for 6 months without missing a day, and place your socks and shoes in the freezer for 24-48 hours from time to time. This will also heal nail fungus, itchy ears, athletes foot, and dandruff, (just put it on a little while before shampoo-ing, then rinse with vinegar/water dilute). Anything yeasty where you can stand to put vinegar. You of course would have to dilute it to treat vaginal yeast infections

Oil Pulling
Posted by Kitty (Clatskanie, OR) on 07/11/2006

We have a group of people doing this procedure on curezone.com


also www.oilpulling.com has info

There isn't a lot of information on it, in english anyway. It's excellent for dental health with results within days if not hours. It's truly amazing!!! One lady had 3 #9 pockets plus numerous 8, 7, 6 and 5s. After Oil Pulling for 5 minutes a day for two months, she went to the dentist with 2 #7 pockets at worst.

I've been doing it for a few months now. I had gone to the dentist because of problems with a couple deep pockets. He was going to send me to a periodontist for possle surgery. Then I found out about oil pulling. I had posted on the dental forum at curezone and someone mentioned the oil pulling. After a couple days of doing it my gums felt much better. Now after about 3 months my gums are so much better, my teeth are markedly whiter, my mouth feels clean and gums healthy. My cracked heels are almost cured as well (go figure that). I have less aches and pains. It used to be difficult climbing the stairs and getting up my feet would hurt, but I feel much better all around. It's a crazy thing to do but it's fantastic. It's so simple and inexpensive. I use refined expeller pressed (Hain brand) sunflower oil. I also started adding a few drops of oil of oregano, which has anti bacterial properties. Check us out at curezone! Kitty

Posted by Nancy (Tuscaloosa, Al) on 03/11/2013

For dry cracked heels/feet use vaseline. Soak feet in ACV then remove dead skin, dry then apply vaseline to feet and put on clean pair of socks. Do this daily for smooth as a baby's butt. Do this treatment daily for life & you will have no foot problems.

Mentholated Vapor Rub
Posted by Donna (Brooklyn, NYC) on 06/12/2021

What kind of socks? I tried it with cotton ones and they just rubbed off the rub.

Nitrile Socks
Posted by Bernadette (Redding, Ca Usa) on 09/02/2011

Nothing on the market today treats moisture loss--only SoleMates nitrile coated socks. Easy to use economical and they really work!

Tricia's Cracked Heel Remedies
Posted by J (Portland, Me) on 11/26/2009

I do the same only I use the stuff they put on cow udders. It works great!

Tricia's Cracked Heel Remedies
Posted by Elaine (Yucca Valley, Ca) on 07/19/2011

I only get cracked heels when I wear shoes that cave in at the heel area. When I wear shoes where the heel rests on a flat base, the cracked areas go away quickly.

Omega 3
Posted by Renate (Parrish, FL, USA ) on 03/20/2009

I have cracked heels. I use flax seed oil or hemp oil 1 tbl. per day. When I stop, the dry cracked heals return. Once they are in good shape, I reduce the oil useage. I make a smoothie in a blender and add it to that, but you can incorporate the oil in salads etc. Interesting about the fungus part - I'll have to do some research on that. Thanks. I hope this helps.

Super Glue, ACV, Coconut Oil
Posted by Susan (Stroudsburg, Pa) on 01/14/2010

HYDRATION and omega 3 fatty acids and coconut oil. Drink lots of pure water (non-fluoridated, non-chloridated) daily(1/2 your body weight in oz. i.e if you weigh 100 lbs, you'd drink at least 50 oz of water daily) Dry skin, including cracked heals are a sign of low omega 3 fatty acids, dehydration and poor nutrition or poor digestion of nutrient. Take cod liver oil internally. Then also after showering each day massage into your feet organic coconut oil then cover feet with socks. Do this again every night before bed, but slather more on than you would daytime and cover with socks. Clean up your diet....eliminate sugar, flour, soda, and any other junk. Eat lots of raw and lightly steamed vegetables. Drink Komboucha to help replenish your good gut bacteria. Depending on how bad your feet are, each person is different, but you will see changes and eventually your feet will be soft as a babies butt. And you will be healthier. Also it would be helpful to cook more with that coconut oil as well as eat a tablespoon or more each day.

Bandaid, Emery Board, Moisturize
Posted by Peter (Belen, New Mexico) on 12/29/2008

What works for me for Cracked Heels is the following: First, I'll cover the crack(s) with a band aid to alleviate discomfort. Then, while showering, I use the coarse side of a foot Emery Board until the skin around the cracks is no longer calloused or hard; I then rub the area carefully with the smooth side. Finally, after the shower, I try to leave that area a little damp and use a non-fragrant body moisturizer from the health food store if the crack is not too sensitive - otherwise, a band aid again. As a followup, I try to maintain this area with moisturizer and periodic use of the emery board. I've been doing this for several years with good results. I hope this helps.

What I haven't been able to do is heal the cracked tip of my finger or thumb. I'll try the vinegar and see if that helps. The band aid therapy works, but I want to eliminate the cause, whatever that may be...

Bandaid, Emery Board, Moisturize
Posted by S. Jewell (Kentucky, US) on 02/16/2015

My husband used to get severe cracks in the tips of his fingers until my doctor brother told him to take zinc, which he did, and the cracks healed promptly. He suggested that white spots in the fingernails can indicate a zinc deficiency, which in turn causes splits in the fingertips.

Anti-Fungal Supplements
Posted by Carol (Gulfport, Mississippi) on 08/14/2011

soaking your feet in a diluted solution of Pine-Sol will do the trick for cracked heel fungus... A physician told me this many years ago.... So when one of my children had a foot condition this is what I did and no more problems. Then I use vit. E or a lanolin and I personally use "duct" tape to cover my heels due to the fact I cannot stand my feet covered when I sleep. My condition started after Katrina when we were so involved with the clean up and I have tried everything!!!! Pine-Sol did the trick! YAY!!!

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Harrison (Boulder, Colorado) on 07/15/2008

Cracked heels can be cured by first cleaning out the wound with a good neem soap and a q-tip. Then dry the area carefully and add 2 drops of Lugol's iodine to the sore and a glob of aloe vera gel. Cover with a bandage. Repeat once a day. The problem is gone within a week.

Paraffin and Candle Wax
Posted by Maria (Cape Town, South Africa) on 06/11/2008

cure for cracked heels and hands

heat one cup of parafin in an old pot on stove at very low tempersture. wait till it nearly boil and break two white wax candles in pieces and add to parrafin, when wax is melted. take off stove and wait till it has cooled down. use cream to rub on hands and feet.the best cure ever for feet and dry skin problems. you can either use it at night because of the smell (some people might nt like the smell of parafin) or you can use it as often as you like during the day.y ou can the wash your hands and feet with normal soap

i am fifty one years old my mom used it to keep our feet healthy and up till today i used it on my self and my children and anybody with problem hands and feet


i recomend it to everybody. even my german friends who wish that thy could read it in their own language.

Paraffin and Candle Wax
Posted by Vonda (Bailey, CO) on 11/10/2008

Maria From Cape Town South Africa: I have very dry feet with cracked heels and need help. I tried this remedy but must have done something wrong. When the parafin and the candle wax got hard, it's as hard as it was before I melted it. I thought perhaps it would be rather soft and creamy for some reason. HELP!

I LOVE this website!

Paraffin and Candle Wax
Posted by Maria (Cape Town, South Africa) on 01/21/2009

the ingredients and method is exactly like my mom made it maybe you should use only one candle on one cup of parafin. I can gaurentee that it will help you. Regards maria.

Remember to use ordinary white wax candles.

Antifungal Foot Cream, Olive Oil
Posted by Kay (USA) on 05/06/2008

I had bad cracked heals and nothing worked until I used an antifungal foot cream for about two weeks and then after that i used olive oil as a moisturizer.

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