Slowing Cataract Progression: Evidence-Based Natural Remedies

Castor Oil
Posted by Lilli (Wa) on 05/04/2017 13 posts

I've used castor oil as an eye drop for nearly 1 year. I have seen no difference in my vision or the density of my cataract. It does not sting and hasn't caused any harm. I don't find the drops particularly soothing either. You may get different results. If you choose to try it, use only organic, cold-pressed, hexane free castor oil. I bought mine on Amazon and fill a small blue glass dropper bottle. Use one drop in each eye before bedtime.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lilli (Wa) on 05/04/2017 13 posts

I was diagnosed with the beginning stages of a cataract. Of course, the only solution offered at my doctor's office was to, "wait until I needed surgery." Not an option!

The Internet is full of advice, but can be overwhelming. So here's what I've found, so far, and I'll try to keep it brief:

1. Invest in a good quality multi-vitamin. I use a tab without Iron. It will give you base for adding other vitamins and supplements.

2. Purchase a good quality supplement that contains bilberry, gingko, lutein, and eyebright.

3. Glutathione is important in maintaining good eye health...especially as we age. BUT, I just learned today, that it isn't as well absorbed in pill form. Going forward, I will use the spray (sub-lingual).

4. Hyaluronic Acid is important.

5. Extra B5 and Vitamin C is important.

6. Check with your Naturopath as to upper limits and interactions/side effects before you start any supplement regimen.

7. Add rich colored organic fruits, vegetables and juices to your daily diet. I drink a lot of beet and carrot juice and citrus. Have spinach/kale with garlic at least once a week. I also double filter my drinking water. I suppose steam distilled water is best, but I will not buy it at the store in plastic containers. Need to investigate a DIY system.

8. There are a lot of eye exercises that will strengthen your vision. I found a site recently and spoke with one of the business owners. They are one of very few naturopathic optometrists in the U.S. (trust me, I've been looking for weeks): I've already tried the eye exercises and am getting great results.

9. I do a lot of computer work and recently discovered that there is a direct correlation between tightened neck/shoulder muscles and the eyes. Also, with dental work and the eyes. Ask your dentist to limit x-rays, or cover your eyes with another lead blanket. Limit the time that you lie flat in the chair or, during a lengthy procedure, ask if you can sit up or walk around. I developed eye flashes and, later, dark floaters, after a 2 hour procedure at my endodontist's office.

10. Use UV sunglasses. Also, take your glasses off when you can to let your eyes do some of the work and get exercise. Do relaxation and eye exercises before bedtime along with warm and cold compresses and de-stress!

Eye Drops, Lutein
Posted by Royalbounty (New Mexico) on 03/31/2017

I've been "seeing" very positive results in only 3 weeks using drop that contain active Ingredients: Glycerin 1.0% Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose 0.03%Inactive Ingredients: Boric acid, citric acid, N-acetyl-carnosine, potassium bicarbonate, purified benzyl alcohol, and sterile water. 1 drop in each eye every evening.

and 20mg Lutein once daily. Previously I was experiencing cloudy vision and "tired" eyes and was told upon eye examination that I had cataracts. Eyes are no longer tired and I'm reading the bottom line on TV news banners easily from a distance where I couldn't before.

DMSO, Glutathione, Vitamin C
Posted by Bev S. (Fort Lauderdale, Fl) on 07/25/2017

Dr Robert Rowen, editor of Second Opinion, developed a formula to be used three times daily which can be made by pharmacies with the following ingredients: (Make it yourself. The pharmacy will charge you about $100.)

DMSO - 6.25 percent (Get the Blue glass bottle on Amazon $19.95)
Vitamin C - 1.25 percent
Glutathione - 1.25 percent

Famed herbalist Dr. John Christopher also reported treating cataracts successfully with his herbal eyebright eye drops formula. Some suggest that a combination of the DMSO formula and eyebright might be the best eye drop treatment option of all.

Castor Oil
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, TX) on 01/03/2009

A couple of drops of Castor Oil (cold pressed only) put into the eyes right before you go to sleep will also get rid of cataracts.

DMSO, Glutathione Drops
Posted by Bev (Fl) on 09/25/2015

You can make your own cataract/macular degeneration eye drops: My eye surgeon (God) would not give me an Rx for these eye drops--he thought it was homeopathic nonsense. However, you can make your own.

  • 1/2 oz. 99.99% DMSO
  • 1/2 oz. distilled water
  • 2-3 pinches finely ground glutathione powder. Some people use MSM instead of DMSO.

Boil the glass dropper and the bottle to sterilize.

These don't sting my eyes, but they may sting yours.

I had cataract surgery on one eye and this formula clouded that lens: DMSO is a solvent. I wish I'd never had the surgery but allowed my son to talk me into it.

You can also make your own liposomal glutathione. One doctor is reversing macular degeneration with glutathione injections but the liposome form is even more powerful. You can buy all the equipment you need for less than the cost of one Dr.'s appointment.

If you want to make your own liposomes, you'll find plenty of YouTube videos showing you how. I use sunflower lecithin instead of the soy the videos use. Also, you need to process glutathione for about 30 minutes as it takes longer to encapsulate than vitamin C.

Castor Oil
Posted by Annie (North Carolina) on 12/28/2015

Your accelerated heart rate may quite likely be due to your being allergic to the castor oil. Have read in many journals that one way to test food allergy is to take your pulse before and again after eating a food. If it increases that's a very good indication you are allergic. I have found that to be a great indicator. So since you absorb the castor oil through your skin it would react the same way. I am allergic myself to Castor Oil, otherwise would try it for cataracts but think I'll try the carnosine approach but will definitely muscle test before putting in my eyes. Good luck with your journey!

Castor Oil
Posted by Sandy (Il, US) on 12/22/2014

Can somebody tell me me which castor oil to use for cataract? Is it cold pressed, cold processed organic? and where to buy?

Posted by Raphael (Bangkok) on 08/09/2013

For cataracts, try taking fresh lemon and pt 1 drop on each eye. Its burns, you'll cry a bit but it will help to clean the eye and keep it healthy. You can do the same with wild honey!! It works even for colds -- some honey in the eye will dry your nose!!

Castor Oil
Posted by Wendy (United Kingdom) on 03/08/2017

I was recommended the organic hexane free castor oil. I have this morning received it from the USA so have not tried it yet. I have glaucoma in both eyes and use drops every night so will need to use the castor oil during the day. I will give it sometime and then let you know how I get on.

Castor Oil
Posted by Dee (Florida) on 09/13/2020

Choose organic cold pressed hexane free Castor Oil in a glass bottle. I would try Castor Oil on the eyelids first. Some people can be allergic to Castor Oil.

For dry eyes mix a drop of organic honey in a drop of distilled pure water in each eye.

Blink, it will sting at first, then it will soothe the dry eyes.

Can-C (N-Acetylcarnosine Drops)
Posted by Dud (From The Woods Of, Wv, Usa) on 12/06/2011

I don't have cataracts, and have never used any products to cure them, or halt them. In my reading on the internet a few weeks ago, I came across this information about some eye-drops that have been tested on cataract patients, and it was said that they were proven to help many patients both 1. Halt the deterioration, 2. Reverse the cataract damage partially, perhaps totally in some cases. The eye-drops were developed by a russian man.

I do not know if they will work for you, or not. Have someone help you do some research on it.

Carnosine for Cataracts
By Katina Blue, eHow Contributor

Carnosine for Cataracts - Carnosine in eye drop form is effective for treating cataracts.

Every eye has a lens that is similar to the lens of a camera. The lens helps with vision clarity, and it aids in focusing on objects. Cataracts is a condition that causes cloudiness to develop in an eye lens. It can cause impaired vision and blindness if untreated. Although surgery is generally used to treat cataracts, carnosine eye drops are effective for reversing this condition.


In 1987, Dr. Alan Babizhayev, a Russian researcher, and his colleagues were the first to propose L-carnosine, a form of carnosine, as a possible treatment for cataracts. They developed N-acetylcarnosine eye drops to treat the condition. After the drops were used in human and animal clinical trials, positive results were documented. Since then, other research studies have been done on carnosine's effects on cataracts.

Carnosine is a molecule composed of two amino acids, alanine and histidine. It is a natural antioxidant found in several tissues of the body, including heart muscle, skeletal muscle and the brain. Low levels of a certain type of carnosine are also naturally produced in your eyes. Carnosine is generally administered in eye drop form to treat cataracts. In addition to treating cataracts, carnosine is used to treat ulcers, reverse aging and heal wounds.

When a buildup of protein forms on an eye's lens, abnormal clumps develop, causing a cataract to form. The clumps of protein cause the opaque appearance of a cataract affected eye. Carnosine stops the formation of these clumps and helps to dissolve the cataract. It also prevents glycation, a chemical process that interferes with cell function by causing a reaction between blood sugars and proteins in the lenses of our eyes.

Side Effects
As of 2010, there are no documented side effects to using carnosine. When used in very high doses, some short-term effects of it are drowsiness and shallow sleep. Although no major side effects have been reported, watch for any reactions after use and report any abnormalities to your physician.

Various studies done on humans and animals show that carnosine effectively dissolves cataracts over time. According to Dr. Babizhayev, when a group of cataract patients was treated with carnosine eye drops, 41. 5 percent showed a significant improvement in vision clarity and 88. 9 percent improved in regard to sensitivity and glare. These patients were studied over 24 months and the effectiveness was sustained during that time.
Non-Surgical Cataract Reversal

"N-Acetyl-Carnosine (Can-CTM) Cataract Eye Drops - Approved by Innovative Vision Products.. "
"In clinical trials 90% had improvement in visual acuity.. " Patients instilled 2 drops of Can-CTM into each eye 2 to 4 times a day, for a period of 6 months. These results set an unprecedented benchmark for the treatment and reversal of cataracts and other eye disorders.. "Clinical Trials

Initial Results in only 3 months time.. Optimal Results within 6 - 12 months!

Over the last 10 years this, non-invasive, N-acetylcarnosine eye drop, has generated Thousands of reports of Safe and Effective Cataract Reversal

Mark Babizhayev MA, PhD, is the principle Russian researcher behind the development of N-acetylcarnosine eye drops for the treatment of cataract. Meet Dr. Mark Babizhayev MA PhD
There are no more doubts regarding the effectiveness of this miraculous eye repair in a drop that originated from years of Russian research.

Can-C Eye Drops applied for 6-months, (twice daily into the eye), in patients suffering from senile cataract, had the following results:
90% had an improvement in visual acuity.
88.9% had an improvement of glare sensitivity.
41.5% had an improvement of the transmissivity of the lens.

"I used Can-C eye drops for 4-months with amazing results. My vision in my left eye improved from 20/40 to 20/25 and upon renewal of my driving license, the eye glass restriction was eliminated! "
Richard Lippman MD, Hawaii

To date Dr. Babizhayevs' N-Acetylcarnosine eye drop is the only cataract treatment that has been proven in controlled clinical trials to be effective in the treatment of cataracts and safe for long term use. Look for the following statement on any box you purchase to be sure you are purchasing Dr. Babizhayevs' patent protected formula. - "Approved by Innovative Vision Products.. "

Learn why Dr. Babizhayevs' N-Acetylcarnosine eye drops are the only ones that actually work- click here!

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/23/2022

Read the book “Curing with Cayenne” by Dr. Richard Schulze.


He studied under Dr Christopher and gave him the idea to use cayenne in the eye formula. It will help you understand the mechanics of its use.

Yes, ACV diluted can be used in the eye but it does burn! For me, the eye formula worked better. Just give it time to work.

Also, increase your vitamin A, B-Complex, C & E intake or none of this will have good results.

Eye Drops, Lutein
Posted by Nonny (Canada) on 10/24/2017

To Aurora (Victoria), Sandy (Naperville) and Eileen (Brazil) - If you Google the ingredients from Royalbounty's post (just cut and paste it in Google's search box), you will find the product. I did and it came up with Life Extension's Brite Eyes III. Hope that helps!

Castor Oil
Posted by Adrien (Illinois) on 10/03/2017

Could be an allergy. I have read the castor oil must be hexane free.

Honey Jatai
Posted by Marilda (Porto Alegre, Brazil) on 05/12/2016

Here in Brazil we have a kind of honey named "Mel de Jataí" that folk people believe to cure cataract. I have been using it in my eyes and feel a great improvement. It is necessary to use one drop a day in each eye for two months and the cataract will vanish. I was diagnosed with cataract a few months ago. You may research for a correspondent honey in English. I think it is worth trying.

EC: Here's an excerpt on Honey Jatai from Brazil that we found online.

..."The honey of jataí bees is sought after for its medicinal properties and immunological, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative, expectorant, desensitizing and antibacterial effects. It is also effective for swollen eyes and treatment of cataracts."


Posted by Dave (London) on 03/15/2018


Please DO NOT put neat DMSO in your eye, you MUST always dilute DMSO when using internally, say to 70% with distilled or deionised water. The stuff from Dr Jacobs smells a little like petrol and leaves a taste like that in your mouth that you need to rinse away with a few small glasses or orange juice or any other fruit juice. It should ALWAYS be a little diluted, say to 70% before drinking for instance, I have drunk three double vodka glasses neat at once on several occasions and am still here, but when neat like that it has a slightly irritating and de-oiling effect on tissue, and when used neat externally, it makes skin on the arm raw looking and feeling and uncomfortable, maybe a little cream or oil with it when used on skin externally would be good.

So thinking about this, you don't want the tissue in your eye, which, like the brain, is largely oil, disrupted, this stuff is a powerful chemical, and might cause tissues in your eye to lose integrity when oil is stripped, so dilute at maximum to 70% and you will still notice a slight exothermic reaction, not enough to burn, just a slight warmth like you drank some lukewarm tea.

Castor Oil
Posted by Elaine F. (New Brighton, Mn) on 04/07/2015

Go to -- he says "Each night, at bedtime, place into each eye one drop of USP castor oil. The reason for bedtime is that the vision will be clouded for a while because of the oil, but it is used up overnight. DO NOT USE THE CASTOR OIL YOU WOULD USE FOR CASTOR OIL PACKS OR BATHS! Cataracts disappear over 2 to 6 months, depending on the degree of development..."

Castor Oil, NAC
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 05/13/2021

Hi Christine,

I believe the original poster was referring to her use of castor oil as the 2 drops per eye nightly. She also mentioned massaging the oil on her hands. I don't believe she was intending to say that she mixes the castor oil with the cottage cheese, or consumes it in any way.

Can-C (N-Acetylcarnosine Drops)
Posted by Nickie (Ruislip, Uk) on 02/18/2012

The amino acid is actually not carnitine but Carnosine which is obtainable as eyedrops. Apparently it can also be taken orally which also benefits the complexion.

Castor Oil
Posted by Judy (Meldrim, GA) on 03/07/2009

Another bit of information for Helen from Long Island who wonders why castor oil bottles may say not to use near the eyes: I just read about pink eye in the ailments section on this (earth clinic)site -- and one of the cures given is drops of castor oil put in the eyes. The person recommending it said they used it repeatedly as needed for different instances of pink eye - so it would appear to be safe, as least from their comments.

Castor Oil
Posted by Terry (Las Cruces) on 01/26/2023

What was your castor oil regimen? Did you take it only at night, or day and night? How many drops?

Castor Oil
Posted by Gaye (Brisbane Australia) on 11/19/2023

Hi, I have been using pure coconut oil in my eyes for a couple of years now but not every day, and am having my cataract surgery tomorrow..

Because I do not like using pharmaceutical chemical drops in my precious eyes, I use it for when my eyes get dry and a bit itchy, and it stops the dryness and itchiness for days
So I hope you do well with it.

Posted by Blake (Wisconsin) on 05/29/2021

DMSO clears cataracts.

I don't have any experience topically, but internally consumed mixed with spinach clears them.

The person I know that did this method used a tsp per day of DMSO in a spinach smoothie.

Castor Oil
Posted by martiele swanko (miami) on 10/13/2022

i heard testosterone removes dry eye for good. Google tahoma clinic eye videos.

Castor Oil
Posted by Denise W. (Westboro Ma) on 04/28/2017 24 posts

If you've never used it before I would start by rubbing it on my skin first allowing your body a chance to become familiar with the substance and to see if you have any reaction. In which case if you do, you wouldn't use in the eyes.

Castor Oil
Posted by Frank (Nyc) on 05/28/2017

Sounds like you are allergic.

Coconut Water
Posted by Sudeep (Ranchi Jharkhand ) on 06/28/2017


How much time does the coconut water takes to dissolve cataract. Is it successful in a cataract that is nearly advanced? Tell about the quantity, process, method, how many times in a day. Regards

Flaxseed Oil
Posted by T.r. Stone (Omaha, Ne) on 05/28/2016

Food for thought: I talked to a fellow who worked at a local health-food store, and told him my woeful tale about using Castor oil for my cataract. He shook his head, and said he had several customers tell him that FLAXSEED OIL was the ticket, not the Castor oil. I researched it on the Internet, but could only find a very few sparse references to using flaxseed oil for cataracts--and most of that was on dogs.

Me, I'm not gonna try it. If one of you brave souls want to give it a spin, look into it. If you try flaxseed oil, tell us how/if it works for you.....

Castor Oil
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 05/22/2016

T. Stone, different strokes for different folks. I've seen cataracts diminish from applying Castor Oil on the eyelids.

Posted by jeff (australia) on 08/10/2021

Using DMSO for eyes suggested only 20% strength, do not use more strength than 20%.

Posted by Katzie (Calgary ) on 08/17/2021

It would depend on what else is in the solution besides saline, cause whatever else those ingredients might be, are going to be shooting thru your system. Doesn't that stuff come with cleaning agents as well for the lenses? I would give that a hard pass.

Some sea salt mixed with distilled water would be better for the eyes. A naturopath I used to watch said once that even straight DMSO has been used by a patient of hers for his cataracts. He said it hurt like a mofo for a few mins, but it did heal! I say make your own saline solution, 1% strength would be fine. Dilute the DMSO to your comfort level. I only posted this so you could hear that the undiluted is not harmful, but diluted would be far better, oh, and don't use the contact lens stuff either.

Happy healing.

Castor Oil
Posted by Gator (Kamloops, Bc Canada) on 01/25/2015

I tried the Castor Oil in my eyes and each time my heart rate accelerated so I had to stop. Anyone know why this would happen?

Castor Oil
Posted by Lin (Florida) on 10/26/2021

The best castor oil for all purposes is Heritage Store's, La Palma Christi. You can find it easily online. The iHerb website is quite good.

Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 12/15/2015

Jorge (Los Angeles) ---

Cold pressed castor oil daily five times a week before bed has helped a lady here on EC. However it took three years and all was clear. Operations carry their own risk. I nearly lost a good eye due to a clumsy surgeon.

Raw unheated honey dissolves in the eye and removes diseases. I would use natural homeopathic eye drops as well.

Namaste, Om

N-Acetyl-L-Carnosine, Colloidal Silver
Posted by Yohanan (Israel) on 10/10/2013

Cataracts can now be easily removed without surgery using drops. These drops use a chelation process to remove cataracts, which are advanced glycation end products, from the lens.The drops contain N-Acetyl L-Carnosine and colloidal silver and can be found on the internet. A crust will form outside the eye as the cataracts are removed.

Posted by Naomi (Chassell, Mi Usa) on 05/08/2012

Carnosine eye drops are made by several companies. I bought a brand for abour $25.50-lasts about 1 month. I bought another brand & found the exact same packaging & ingedients for almost double the price. I have been using it for 5 months for cataracts without noticing a difference. I was told it works for 90% of people.

Can-C (N-Acetylcarnosine Drops)
Posted by Karin (California) on 08/22/2022

Thanks for your input on Can-C for dogs. I accomplished the same for my 125lb shepherd with a product called NuVet, a 1-a-day wafer from a company by the same name. It took 1 month and he went from mistaking my finger for a tasty carrot treat to leading the way on a moonless desert hike in unfamiliar terrain. I recommend the product highly for anyone whose dogs are getting those white glazed over eyes as they age.

Castor Oil
Posted by Helen (Long Island, New York) on 02/14/2009

I went to the health food store to get the cold pressed castor oil and on the bottle it says not to get it near the eyes. I am a firm believer of castor oil and have used it for years, but not the cold pressed. What is the difference and why does it say not to use it near the eyes?

Castor Oil
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 12/09/2010

I researched a book called Physician's Reference Notebook and now have an excerpt from that book on what Edgar Cayce told some people to do:

"The following is a summary of the most commonly prescribed treatments. They are aimed at improving the circulation and eliminations and in allowing for better attunement to spiritual forces to provide coordination of the physical, mental and spiritual:

1. Osteopathy. Adjustments in the upper cervical and dorsal segments (C1, 2, 3; DI, 2, 3); sometimes in the lower dorsal coordinating with the upper lumbar. Frequency: about twice weekly for five to six weeks with rest periods of two to three weeks. This was by far the most commonly prescribed treatment.

2. Massage. With peanut oil (sometimes a combination of oils). Frequency is variable. Again twice weekly would be reasonable, though in one instance it was recommended on a daily basis before retiring. Emphasis to spine, mastoid, temple and chin areas.

3. Violet ray treatment. Sometimes recommended only after the first osteopathic series. Would be applied along the spine, head and neck areas for three minutes, then with the double-eye applicator over closed eyes for another one-and-a-half minutes about three times per week. A Glyco-Thymoline or Epsom salt pack may be used over same areas for 20-30 minutes prior to the violet ray treatments. * Discharge from the eyes may occur with these treatments. This should be wiped off with a non-irritating, antiseptic solution. * Potato poultice may also be used after the violet ray treatment. Wash off with weak eye solution that will remove inflammation drawn by the poultice.

4. Eliminations. At least once or twice daily using natural laxatives, e.g. , Eno salts, Fletcher's Castoria, bicarbonate of soda with cracker crumbs, etc. ; colonics, if necessary.

5. Diet. A wholesome diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Seafoods are allowed but no meats or sweets. Raw carrots, lettuce, celery, watercress and the like are beneficial.

6. Vibratory treatment. Another way of stimulating blood flow is, first, rub the body with cold water to produce shock, followed by fast vibratory treatment (reading 3943-1). Frequency and duration not specified. Twice weekly treatment is suggested lasting 20-30 minutes.

7. Spiritual counseling, prayer, and meditation. These are other modalities available to ensure integration of the triune body, mind and spirit. "

An Osteopath that uses the "old school of thought" is hard to find these days - sometimes you will need to go to a Chiropractor instead. Hope this helps!

Posted by Hasan (Islamabad, Pakistan) on 10/30/2008

Under the topic of Cataracts on 12/17/2007, a Laureen Raftopulos from Johannesburg, South Africa wrote that her mother was given GLYCONUTRIENTS that cured her cataracts within a week. I would appreciate if you could obtain the exact types glyconutrients (brand name, manufacturer, chemical composition & the dosage involved) or otherwise provide me Laureens email to contact her for the details. Thanks & Regards Hasan

Posted by Linda (Mount Clemens, Michigan, Usa) on 01/05/2010

I am also interested in exactly what glyconutrients Laureen mother was given and in what quantities or dosage.

I would appreciate it if you would pass this e-mail along to Laureen and give her my e-mail so she can contact me directly with the information please.

I have cataracts and am looking at surgery if I don't find another alternative!

Thank you and wishing you all the best in 2010!

Linda H

EC: Please type "glyconutrients" into a search engine and you will see the word "SCAM" appear repeatedly. We used to have a page on glyconutrients (with mostly negative reviews) but ended up deleting it last year after receiving an email from the legal department of a certain glyconutrient company!

Another thing to note is the date of the original poster's email - 12/2007. We received a few posts on glyconutrients between 2007 - 2009, but they all stopped after February 2009, when a maker of glyconutrients agreed to pay $6 million to settle a lawsuit brought by the Texas attorney general. The state alleged that the company made false claims about its health benefits and marketed products as cures and treatments for diseases.

Microcurrent Therapy, ACV
Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe ) on 01/02/2023

Island Girl, Castor oil is working for me so far, thank G-d. I just apply a drop on each eyelash line (with closed eyes) before bed. It seeps in all night, I guess. So far the doctor's dire predictions about the cataracts have not materialized.

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/28/2022

Cayenne is used for eyes, however extreme that might sound. Dr. Christopher recalled a student of his standing in front of a lecture and throwing a pinch of cayenne into one eye. Dr. Christopher was sure the student had lost his senses! But in a few moments, the eye stopped watering, and it became clear, bright and healthy-looking.
[This is why Dr. Christopher has Cayenne in his Herbal Eyebright formula].


Posted by Joe (Tidewater VA) on 07/24/2022

Best DMSO I have found is from Biogenic Foods ( It is USA produced (TX) and is 99.999% pure.

I looked on Amazon and saw many negative reviews on various other DMSO products. The Biogenics is pricy but my eyes are worth it.

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