Natural Cures for Brain Fog

Oil Pulling
Posted by Burton (Portland, Oregon) on 01/25/2009

I read about oil pulling on this site and decided to try it, though i wasn't aware of any real health problems. I only had olive oil in the house so I went with that for 3 or 4 days and did the neti pot nasal flush afterward each time. I used a tablespoon of oil and swished for 15 minutes, rinsing afterward with 1/2 tsp. salt and 1/2 tsp. baking soda in warm water. Throughout the course of those four days I noticed a startling mood elevation and mental clarity that I hadn't had in a very long time. I also noticed alot of sinus drainage and my ability to smell increased. Also my eyes stopped feeling itchy or dry. I switched over to sesame oil because it was recommended, but have since switched back to olive oil and experienced the same mood elevation and mental clarity. This has made me wonder if I was suffering from low-grade depression the whole time. I feel much calmer and focussed, less confused and find alot more reasons to laugh during the day. I also have a TON more energy and work much harder. This energy caused me to have some problems sleeping for the first few days. One last thing is that my beard seems to have gotten much thicker and softer. I'm excited about such a cheap and simple remedy and would recommend it to everyone.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Jon (Atlanta, Ga) on 01/07/2009

I have heard that colloidal silver helps with brain fog, but I have heard that heavy metals can attribute to brain fog. So does colloidal silver make brain fog worse in the long run? Please help.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Reverse Osmosis Filter
Posted by Wendy (Small Town, NC) on 12/09/2008

I tried ACV for UTI's with great success and have already written in about that. I am also loosing weight, and my arthritis symptoms have completely disappeared.

I also installed a reverse osmosis water filter to remove fluoride from my drinking water. I don't know if it is the ACV, or the fluoride free water that is making a difference, but I feel great. I have more energy and no more "brain fog"! My pain is gone! Maybe it is the combination, but it works!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sara (Washington, DC) on 11/13/2008

I have been suffering from an unexplained brain fog and fatigue. I noticed 2 remedies on your site, Apple Cider Vinegar and lime juice and baking soda. Which should I try? Can I try both?

Cold Showers
Posted by Nate (Los Angeles, CA) on 04/08/2008

Cold showers for brain fog are great for waking up in the morning and actually lifting one's mood. Takes a bit to get used to (heavy breath intakes and shivering) but after you step out you feel alive and then, as you warm up ... awesome! I have been doing them for 4 days now - do it slightly "cool", to get used to it, then cool it down even more. I make it about a 3-4 minute affair. Seems to have cured morning "head fog". If you're new to it - get ready for a rush.

Chronic Fluoride Poisoning
Posted by Susan (USA)

If you haven't yet seen this article on Earth Clinic, we suggest you take a moment to read Jason Uttley's brilliant article on Chronic Fluoride Poisoning. One of the more common side effects of CFP is brain fog.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Tina (Dumont, NJ) on 06/21/2007

Here is an update from when I recently wrote in about my experience of being "overly-energetic" after taking ACV. Upon further reading, I know now that ACV is a natural stimulant and the website for a popular brand of raw, organic, unrefined ACV 'with The Mother' actually recommends taking 1-2 teaspoons 3x/day, diluted with water (honey optional). OK, so now I understand why I've been bouncing off the walls the last week, feeling like I just downed coffee (very racing, manic feeling). Here's my new plan: 1 TEASPOON ACV with 7 oz. water and 1/4 tsp baking soda. I may take less or none with dinner because I'm not sleeping well. My husband is also sensitive to caffeine and he has had a similar experience to mine. I still love my ACV & what it's doing for my health - goodbye brain fog, depression, acid reflux & hopefully back pain!! Don't give up, folks, & God bless!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anya (Phoenix, Arizona) on 08/18/2007

I am now a firm believer of the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar. For the past 6 months I have been suffering from extreme fatigue, and do not know why. I've been to many doctors and not one can tell me why. I think I have it narrowed down to either chronic fatigue syndrome, valley fever or an allergy. I started taking ACV on a regular basis (3T per day) for the past 2 week. I can't even explain how much better I has given me my life back after 6 months of suffering. I still do not know what exactly is causing the fatigue, but I no longer have it! I would recommend this to everyone! I feel great, no more brain fog, fatigue, sore throat and my headaches are GONE. I finally feel normal again!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 10/11/2007 495 posts

Hi Jonna, don't give up on the wheat yet! If you are eating bleached flour bread, try going to l00% whole wheat bread. If the problem decreases, then work on eliminating all bleached flour products, and this takes some thought because a lot of noodles, pastas, thickening in soups, dressings, sauces, saltine crackers contain bleached flour. Also, before you give up on eating chicken and turkey, read the ingredients on the package (even on the raw chicken that you have to take home and cook). If it lists chicken broth, natural flavors or natural flavoring package contains monosodiumglutamate.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Jonna (Los Angeles) on 09/15/2007

Lately I have been having a hell of a time with digestive issues. Not sure what is going on -- it may be that I am eating way too much hormone injected chicken and turkey now that I moved in with my partner, who has to eat meat at least once a day or he gets sick. On the other hand, I ate a Trader Joe's garlic naan last week at home with a homemade curry and woke up to extreme abdominal pain and brain fog. Second time that happened with the naan, will have to check the ingredients next time I go. So perhaps I am allergic to wheat now. I don't know. At any rate, after a week of snail's pace recovery with Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, molasses, etc., I decided to a) eat vegetarian and b) do Bill Munro's h202 inhalation therapy. I started the peroxide therapy yesterday at about noon. By 8pm the brain fog that I have had for a week disappeared. This morning, exactly 24 hours later, my digestive tract finally feels back to normal. No more abdominal pain. I did 6 pumps of 3% h202 (drugstore brand) every 2- 3 hours. I think eating only rice and vegetables the last few days was helpful too. Yahoo!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Brynne (Irving, Texas) on 12/17/2007

I listened to a nutritionist last night who reminded me that the brain is mostly fat, and when we aren't sleeping well, feel irritable, can't concentrate, or even have headaches, our brains may be crying out for fat! As we add the coconut oil to our diet, our brains may find greater balance and we feel the soothing nature of the unctuos coconut oil internally as well as externally. This all happened when I recently took only 1 TBS of Coconut oil per day for 2 days and then started my cycle without the usual 4 aspirin cycle was so peaceful. I felt so quiet and easy throughout my body; there was no struggle to have my normal cycle.

Dark Chocolate
Posted by Roger (New Smyrna Beach, Fla) on 03/04/2008

re: Fibromyalgia Brain Fog. I had this after a heart problem. A friend said have you tried Dark Chocolate Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate. I said no what does it do for you? Clears the Brain Fog.

I got one bar at the Drug store. The next day half of the bar was gone and so was the Fog. It did not come back. I still keep three large Bars in the ref. I tell everyone about this stuff.

Brain Balancing Exercises for Brain Fog
Posted by Juli (Socorro, NM) on 03/17/2008

I have various minor ailments which I am working on correcting with acv and other cures, but for an immediate remedy for congestion and brain fog, first try breathing in through one nostril and out through the other, then switch and repeat until both nostrils are unclogged. If this method doesn't work, simply walk in a straight line for a few minutes, or try any other type of balancing exercises. These exercises will balance the brain hemispheres, clear up congestion and temporarily rid me of brain fog. I have never found anything to be as effective, not even acv. The downside is that it won't last forever (so take advantage and get some work done that requires a clear head).

Also, a tip about acv: if you buy the expensive mother vinegar, save a couple of tablespoons and pour it into a gallon of the cheap store brand. Soon, the cheap stuff will be growing the mother, and you will have a re-usable, active culture very much like a sponge for making bread.

Brain Fog Diet
Posted by Maureen (Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada) on 03/22/2008

My comment is to Gaye from Greenwich, CT. I have been juicing for more than 20 years. You need to make 7/8's of your juice as carrot juice and 1/8 greens. Or 1/8 combination of greens and beets. Beets are a powerful cleanser and you will have to lay down for half an hour after taking too much because of the cleaning effect, no matter how long you have been juicing! So be careful. Carrot Juice is the closest thing to the make-up of your blood. To give you an idea of how much beets to use we juice 4 lbs of carrots, one whole cucumber and a small beet the size of a golf ball. You can judge from that what amount you will need.

Brain Fog Diet
Posted by Gaye (Greenwich, CT) on 03/19/2008

I find that I have extreme brain fog (and brain fatigue for that matter) when I eat wheat and sugary things. I have made a great effort in the past few weeks to radically reduce my sugar intake and limit wheat consumption. I have also been eating tons and tons of cooked vegetable dishes with brown rice (Indian, Morrocan, etc. -- you can't believe how many recipes there are for vegetables!). I have also reduced my chicken and fish intake. And forget about beef after the humane society's video. NO WAY! Well, the most amazing changes I have discovered in the past week are that I have a very clear mind and sharper concentration that lasts consistently all day! My skin is also softer and my eyes are brighter.. dark circles not quite so noticeable. My husband and I just got a juicer and we have been having carrot and celery juice every few days. My current issue with juicing is that it appears to cause an acid pH quite quickly, but I might be doing the wrong concoction of ingredients. I tried cabbage and beets one day but felt nauseous for the next 12 hours!

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