Natural Remedies for Fever in Children: Safe and Effective Treatments

Hold the Child
Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 12/14/2022

Our grandmother did this to all of us. Especially after a bath, she'd wet her hand and place it on our head. She said it kept the body warm to fight infections. She was born in the late 1800s and her kids and grandkids were seldom sick. Now... our grandkids? Their parents don't believe in any of it and the kids are always catching something.

Hold the Child
Posted by Bebe (Elkhart , In) on 02/08/2016

My granddaughter would keep a fever til I put my hand on the top of her head and left my hand there, it started her to sweating, I was amazed at this, I guess if their little head is exposed and not covered the heat escapes, just hold your hand on top of their head for a little while and you will began to see the difference, the fever even broke after that helped, it took a little time, just be patient and keep your hand on their little head, it will work and don`t remove your hand til you know for sure the child is sweating real good and their fever will start to slowly go down, repeat it later next time if needed.

Hold the Child
Posted by Michelle (Lamora, Mexico) on 03/06/2008

To hold a child brings down the fever. When the babies get sick if you hold them in the position you would were you breastfeeding them it helps to bring down the fever...something to do with the energy flow. also you can lay them on a bed and place one hand under their head and one under their bottom and let them lay on your hands for a while. this works as well