Health Benefits

Borax Side Effects & Safety Guide

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Preston (South carolina) on 04/22/2022

Looking to take borax for an autoimmune condition. I have a small hiatal hernia and get acid reflux easily. Just started taking and it gives me reflux. Can you mix this with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar in the water, like you can baking soda?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Frank (USA) on 11/22/2022

Did this issue resolve? I also noticed reflux but wasn't sure if it was just a beginning side effect or a long-term one

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Debbie (United Kingdom ) on 05/12/2021

I've been using 1/4 teaspoon in a litre of water 5 days per week.

I was wondering if borax side effects can be with the urethra as I'm having pain after I've finished peeing and wondered if it was build up??? No fever or any other symptoms other than frequency of urination.

I do have candida and take other supplements

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Curtis (US) on 04/20/2021

I did something similar. I misread instructions on taking a teaspoon of diluted solution and instead added a teaspoon of sodium borate to a drink. I have had flu symptoms and a headache. How serious is this? Trying to dilute and flush with fluids.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Tracey (CO) on 04/01/2021

Borax Remedy Day 6. Debilitating die off, didn't leave bed for 2 days. Tension headaches, body aches (mostly in jaw, lower back, and pelvis), flu like symptoms. Did 1/8 teaspoon in water for 3 days (tired but no die off), day off, then had a small amount day 5 morning and have been “sick” with aches ever since.

Have not had an appetite while having Borax. Worried to ingest again.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 05/10/2021

Ted is a good place to start reading if you want to slowly get away from prescriptions. I have overcome a lot and learned a lot and now I am learning more to overcome old issues. The mind is the most powerful drug there is. Placebos work. I am taking my thoughts captive and speaking what I want to create. I also use the skills I learned in the last obstacle course. I take borax and chanca piedra daily but I use a lot of other things with them. Calcium needs many things to get it out of soft tissue and into bones and teeth. I read death by calcium at the library. May you find yourself WELL as you gain in wisdom and application on this journey of life. Blessings, Charity

Ted's Remedies, Medication Side Effects (

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Vaiolett (Modena-italy) on 07/30/2020

Art, thanks for the timely reply!

I am a woman, tall and weighing almost 80kg .. For this reason I decided to take the dose as for men. I started with half a gram in 1 liter of distilled water, drinking all afternoon .. I haven't noticed any difference for 3 days .. So I put a spoonful of tea in a liter of distilled water, and I drank 100 ml of the mix a day.

On the fifth day, I took the 100ml dose on an empty stomach in the morning, and it prompted me to go to the bathroom. Then I made the enema with a liter of distilled water with 3 tablespoons of baking soda plus 50ml of organic apple cider vinegar. The one who unloaded my body has crushed me without precedent .. Tangles of an abundant cartilage ... I do not know, but I believe that it is the candida, which has detached from my intestine .. It is a really disgusting thing!!!!

I will wait until next week with borax protocol, and then I see if there are general improvements on perianal eczema, in the navel, on the hands and crusts on the head .. Aching joints .. I think, that all of this, they are co-factors of the candida ..

PS: I have some discomfort with the USA measures .. And I often do some blunder.

A warm greeting and thanks for your kindness. Vaiolett

Borax Side Effects
Posted by mandandi (Gaborone, Botswana) on 11/26/2019

Sounds like herxheimer reactions to me. I had those, when i started using borax protocol. I had parasites all over my body and took the borax protocol for 3 months straight, skipping only weekends. I followed the suggested dose on this site - 1/4 teaspoon in 1 litre of distilled water daily and took the entire 1 litre each day. It was very, very painful - i was depressed anyway from the parasitic invasion so more pain although undesirable, indicated that the parasites were dying in large numbers. After 3 months, the pain magically disappeared, then I knew I could stop taking borax for a while. I recently started taking it again and get mild depression roughly 2 hours after taking the borax water. Thereafter, I feel fine. I wake with a lot of energy and in great mood daily. And its true that the hormones are affected too, especially and increase in libido. My testosterone levels have gone up.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 04/02/2018

Borax is a mineral that we need to consume on a regular schedule. There are also other minerals it is in balance with. If they get out of balance or you get low on water in your system, the body will produce histamine as a warning shot with symptoms (rash, sore throat, ect) so you can think about what is out of balance causing symptoms. Alcohol dehydrates and depletes of minerals, like magnesium for instance. I don't drink but encourage you if you do to read more on how to re balance your systems. Blessings. Charity

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Ian Noelle (Franklin, Tn) on 03/24/2018

I had the same problem in May 2017.

After investigating, it was a healing reaction from the borax. My rash which was located on the left leg calf area seemed to be coming from within my body whereas a poison ivy rash would sit on top of the skin. I stopped borax until my skin felt calm and then resumed it. I've had no problems since.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Thijs (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) on 02/21/2018

I started supplementing 3 mg of boron multiple times a day with food together with iodine. Initially I was seeing many Improvements but after almost a week I started feeling worse and worse. I initially dropped the iodine because I thought the lugols was the reason for the symptoms. I developed a smashing headache on the right side of my brain. Increased anxiety, fatigue and general malaise. Pain in my neck and shoulders etc. This is when I realized the boron could be the culprint. I have a history of candida symptoms and I expected a die off. After stopping the boron the symptoms went away within 24 hours. Just saying go low and slow.

I will introduce the boron again soon and will keep the dosage low for a while. Molybdenum can help to get rid of acetydehyde from the candida die off.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 02/21/2018

I've been reading a lot on this topic this year and boron also lowers copper. People can be toxic copper and low copper at the same time. Toxic copper is improper storage and unusable but causes symptoms of overload while the body is starved of copper for utilizing in collagen and elastin and brain health, and zinc balancing. Boron lowers msm and c. Vitamin C lowers copper also.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 01/10/2018

Your bladder symptoms are similar to the symptoms of oxalate kidney stones. The alkalinity of borax may be loosening the crystals. Drinking raw apple cidar vinegar in water or drinking lemon juice is often helpful for kidney stones. You may find your solution in that direction.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 12/07/2017

Being a sort of curious person, this drying out, is it possible that borax being one of our minerals is off balancing another mineral. I know salt thins mucus secretions and too much potassium depletes salt and the list of these causes and effect is long but I think I read one on walter lasts website.... keep me updated as to the source of this mystery. I do pinch of borax in 2 gal hourlong footsoaks three days a week this month along with about thirty supplemental things to keep upright and moving forward. Blessings, Charity

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 03/12/2018

I try things in my feet first. I used Dhea as a foot cream and now I take it internal as a capsule.5 mg every other day. I had horrible foot pain for years from the ankle down and used activated charcoal with a couple drops of castor oil on large bandaids and in one night the pain stopped and never returned. I was trying the borax because I got a sliver in my foot while cutting blackberry vines back. It was a crazy experience . Eye opening and painful as my gut started to hurt, and my forehead swelled up, for three days from just a pinch of borax. My stomach has been a life issue of drama, and many panic attacks, so I have a fear of trying things I was allergic to everything for many years but not anymore. Watercure by Dr. Batmanghelidj gave me lots of insights.

So on monday I foot soak and tuesday I wake up with sticky blobs in my mouth, like it's killing my candida, then I use activated charcoal during the morning in my mouth to clean it up. I never had that until the foot soaking. On wednesday I footsoak and on thursday I wake up with sticky blobs in my mouth. Kill those candida, hope to find myself well this year.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Amateur Researcher (Earth) on 11/29/2017

It's possible the pain in the neck and hump on your lower neck / upper back are due to a hormonal imbalance. Specifically too much cortisone (a stress hormone, which makes sense, as daily life is stressful, and pregnancy understandably adds to this).

Should you be noticing this hump coming back, if you can at all possibly afford to, see a doc (and I'm not a fan of having to see doctors, but sometimes...) and have your cortisone levels checked. Though we need some cortisone to live, it being too high (called Cushing's Syndrome) causes a mess of problems (including bone loss) that can get worse if not put in check.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Usa) on 10/14/2017

You can also take borax up through skin on your feet . Pinch of borax in 2 gal water, soak for an hour. Chanca piedra for kidney stone breaking. Take it easy on your detox, you will still get to your destination but with much less discomfort. I did one foot soak a week for a month and now I do two a week.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/19/2017

Donna and Julie, why don't you try with MUCH less for a start?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Alice (U.s.) on 03/15/2017

Are you taking Magnesium? You should be taking extra magnesium and for sure with any heart condition. Borax does wonders for me but I also take magnesium and trace minerals in general. Also, one must get rid of sugar/high carb processed foods in diet.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Art (California ) on 03/18/2017 2155 posts

In reply to Karen (Mi),

Here are some links that should help elaborate on the link from Cipro to neuropathy:


Borax Side Effects
Posted by Linda (Nashville, Tn) on 08/06/2012

Hello there... It feels to me you are experiencing the cleansing aspect of the parasites dying off. Loose watery stools, flatulence, low energy, flu like systems are a symptom of moving the dead toxic parasites through your system. Your body is healing itself... And this is know as a "healing crisis". Do your best to push on through... When I cleared myself of parasites... It took at least 6 weeks of flu-like symptoms. The cure can feel worse that the cause. Consider switching to mainly raw foods and having as much green juices as possible. Power on through... You can do it!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Art (California) on 12/26/2023 2155 posts

Hi Mike,

Thank you for the reply to my question. That was a while back and I had almost forgotten I asked it.

On a digital mg scale, my 1/4 teaspoon weighs in around 485 mg, but 1/4 teaspoons vary by manufacturer and from country to country so 500 mg seems close enough. If borax is approximately 11.4% boron, then I should be getting about 55 mg of boron each weekday or about 275 mg of boron per week, a very significant amount. I've been taking it about 15 years now and it has kept my severe PA in remission during that period. For me it has been life altering!


Borax Side Effects
Posted by Chris (Ottawa, Canada) on 04/25/2023

I started using the Borax protocol about 10 days ago. My skin seems dry and my gums started hurting today. Has anyone else had any side effects? Maybe I just need to drink more water for the dry skin but unsure about the gums. Perhaps not even related. Just curious if anyone else had side effects.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Julie (Deerbrook Wi) on 04/04/2023

Sounds like ( from what I am reading) your concentration is too strong, try 1/16 to 1/8 tsp in 1/2 liter of water once a day.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Hakara (Vancouver, BC) on 12/29/2022

I started the borax cure 3 days ago for arthritis in my wrists, knees, fingers and especially feet. Feet have become quite deformed from the flare ups. I'm also taking magnesium, D3, K2, ACV and vitamin C with it. They are not new, I take them all the time. Just the borax is new. Drinking lots of water. My urine really stinks. It's more yellow. Can anyone speak to this and explain why my urine is stinky?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Ivan (Slovenija) on 03/08/2022

Hello, I prepaired a solution with borax as you recomended, 1 smal teaspoon in 1 liter of water and take it today first time after a lunch, it was just a half of teaspoon a solution. Very soon after take it I feel in my stomack burning like acid and it doesnt gone for some hours even I drinked a lot of water, I ate some almonds on it also. I bought 500 g of borax from company REVIVO in Slovenija, city Kamnik and on the package is writen that it is a restavration material and it makes a big itching eyes or skin. In this comapny told me that in package is just a pre borax without additives. Is this burning in stomack normal for borax, even a smaller dose as you recomended? Thank you very much, Ivan

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Robin (Pinkney, MI) on 06/27/2021 2 posts

I'm finishing my fourth day on drinking borax in distilled water protocol, but I'm having low back soreness on the right side. It's not muscular as it cannot be rubbed out. I have no nausea...just this back pain that was here a few days back and left and now is back again. It feels very sore. Should I back off the protocol? Or could this be a healing aspect?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Joseph (Stockton, CA) on 06/30/2021 73 posts

I just read your comment, not familiar with it but just thought I would add my 2cents. Don't know your age but I am 79 and back pain has recently kicked my butt, painful, Dr stated it was Arthritis, can yours be Arthritis also?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Pamina (New Zealand) on 05/20/2021

I had the same reaction. I think it was from an an underlying candida or UT imbalance that didn't give me severe symptoms. This was confirmed when I used borax as a vaginal suppository. After two nights, the mild UTI symptoms I had (like urinary urgency) lessened.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by megadudu (ca) on 11/30/2020

it is possible that you are experiencing a 'herxheimer' reaction, where the symptoms get worse before getting better as the body's natural systems for fighting things off are kicked back into action.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Deirdre (Ct) on 09/03/2020

Hi Hedy,

Where on the toe is the tear, top or bottom? The borax could be slowly clearing a fungal infection slowly, which is coming to the surface. Because the issue is manifesting on your foot, I am guessing fungal, where so many people have issues, including myself!

Alternatively, the borax might be causing some kind of deficiency which you will need to resolve, one that causes your skin to tear or split. You may be low in a certain vitamin or mineral and the borax depletes it even more. Vitamin C or Vitamin B perhaps?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Frank (USA) on 11/22/2022

That is an incorrect calculation there. Use Aqua-calc and see the weight of the 1/8 teaspoon of borax: 1062mg. 11.36% of that is 120mg.

So 1/8 tsp of Borax = 120mg boron

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Frank (NY) on 03/11/2022

God bless you for your powerful words.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Art (California) on 11/23/2022 2155 posts


I just weighed a USA 1/8th teaspoon level full of borax on a digital milligram scale and it weighs 445 mg. Using your boron figure for borax of 11.36%, that comes out to 50.552 mg of boron or less than half of what you said. Borax can vary slightly in weight due to moisture content, but not anywhere near that much, 445 mg vs the 1062 mg you mentioned. I say USA 1/8th teaspoon because the size can vary by country.

Based on the above, a US 1/4 teaspoon at level full should offer approximately just over 100 mg of boron.


Borax Side Effects
Posted by Jj (Seattle) on 11/16/2020

Try Maca root. It should help get an organic high quality one and start with 1/ 4 tsp a day. Also you may have too much estrogen. In this case, get DIM a supplement made from cruciferous veggies. Take 2x day

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 04/28/2023

Dear Shannon,

Look into Nettle Root as a supplement for your husband.

Blood pressure medication and being overweight can also contribute to what he is dealing with.

~Mama to Many~

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Illysmanx (Denmark) on 11/08/2018

Borax heavily raises my bloodsugars. For 3-4 hours after using it, I have trouble getting my bloodsugars into normal range again. I suspect it's because borax is a mix of boron and natrium (salt/natron), and salt drives down potassium levels. Potassium allows insulin to enter the cells of the body.

Of course, there's plenty of chances that the blood sugar reactions are because borax stresses parasites. Still praying for a breakthrough in all this!

Type 1 diabetes, have had a bone tumor, teeth issues. I got amalgam fillings when I was 14 and diabetes and all the rest of the issues came after that (heavy metal troubles! ). I do wish my family had known about parasite cleansing before all the other crap happened to me!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 11/05/2018

Tisha, lower your dosage or stop. I only take half a pinch. (if that is a measurement! )

Borax Side Effects
Posted by John (Washingon) on 11/05/2018

You might be dehydrated. I've gotten palpitations when I haven't been drinking adequate amounts of water.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Yola4 (Leh, New Jersey ) on 06/12/2018

Thanks Charity, I will try this method and tell you how it goes. Thanks so much for the support and help you've given me. Love, Lonnie

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 05/19/2018

I have been taking the 1/8th teaspoon borax in a litre of distilled water for quite some time following Ted's advice for a condition I have. Shortly after acquiring this condition, I also developed Lichen Sclerosus as well as granuloma annulare. I signed up for the Patient UK Forum on LS and find it most helpful; it is recommended there to use a sitz bath with borax along with other recommendations.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Teena (Melbourne Australia) on 04/28/2018 233 posts

Ar100, the acne unfortunately are also signs of congested liver, more reason to do a cleanse, I still suffer breakouts occasionally and my diet has been relatively clean for several months. Of course it will take more than a few good months to clear the body of years of bad habits. With a recent breakout, however, to stop myself picking, this time I reached for some homemade liquid soap, just so that I feel the wetness and am 'reminded' not to pick. Terrible habit. Anyway the next morning, the pimple had receded and not grown, whereas another one I hadn't treated had formed a large white head. My homemade soap consists of bentonite clay, baking soda, borax, water and essential oils. I'm thinking the benefit was likely the clay, and I'll definitely use it in future.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 04/02/2018

Yes, I think you should have been taking 2 days off. And if your kidney function is compromised, perhaps using much less.

That said, if kidney function is not great, the symptoms you are experiencing could be from any number of things.

Do check out kidney remedies here at EC and see what might resonate with your situation.

~Mama to Many~

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Cindy (Memphis, Tennessee, Usa) on 03/26/2018

Thank you Ian. I also feel my rash looks a bit like poison ivy, but I have never been allergic, so far in my life. I am waiting for the rash to heal, before starting back on the borax. I do believe that I am detoxing. I didn't realize my body was so trashed. I am now intent on cleaning up my body. I want to feel and look like thirty again. It's worth a try!!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Jeanne (Colorado, Usa) on 11/19/2018

Cindy, I am just reading Kaufman diet website, and I have also purchased 2 books by Doug Kaufman. Now any time I hear itching my mind says "Unless it is an insect bite it is likely fungus related".

Right now I am clearing out some fungal overgrowth, using various tools, and ready to add borax, so now here researching. Thanks to all posters, it is amazing to what a community can achieve.

It sounds to me that your body started to 'get rid of something' right away. That something inside that is likely causing fibro pain. If you ask yourself "I WONDER what it could be that is coming out?" and let it sit unanswered, you may get an insight in some time. Like a memory how you were stung by jellyfish, or got some paint on your body, or lived in a place with some mold infestation. I highly recommend to look up the Kauffman diet in search and read a bit. I found lot of answers to my questions there, and also some great recipes to help get the extra fungus/candida etc out of the body.

Detox happens with the change of foods as well, bit of nausea, so I have some water with a couple of slices of ginger ready, and also activated charcoal and finely ground up psyllium husk to absorb toxins when they are coming out. I would put some clay poultice on the bumps to absorb whatever is coming out of them, and when clay dries, wash it gently off. I used to it daily for various conditions. Then smear a very thin layer of coconut oil, which has antifungal properties.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Rosalyn (Georgia) on 01/06/2018

Mix one rounded tsp of Borax in 1 quart of water - shake til dissolved. This is your Borax concentrate. I started out putting one tsp of the concentrate in my 22 oz. glass water bottle to drink throughout the day. After about a week (b/c I had no side effects), I increased it to 2 tsps. a day. My plan is to increase to no more than 3 tsp. per day. I was told this is the same as 3 mg of boron a day, which is the recommended dose.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Dean (Mw Mt) on 02/21/2018

Have you looked into DMSO for your scleroderma? In the book, "DMSO The Persecuted Drug" there is some good info on using it for that disease.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 10/26/2017

I usually take a couple capsules of activated charcoal when I think I am having side effects from something (especially digestive side effects), with plenty of water.

Also, 1 cup epsom salt in a warm bath for 20 minutes, especially to calm the heart racing down.

Hope you feel better soon!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Bobbie (Usa) on 11/04/2017

It's die off from parasites or candida I'm sure. Take activated charcoal and keep using the following day. That's what I would do.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Trudyg (Alabama) on 11/20/2017

Borax is a 'surfactant', meaning that it works on the surface--think of a water drop on a freshly waxed car beading up. The wax prevents the water from spreading out and so the water's surface tension keeps it stuck together in a large drop. Soap reduces the surface tension and the water sheets over the car. In my opinion, if a parasite has a surface that repels attempts to penetrate it, then the borax acts to reduce that and, voila, the bug's defense is breached. Just my theory.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 12/20/2017

I am still doing foot soaks 3 x a week but my pinch has increased of borax soap and every time, my body starts screaming out in pain where I have issues in my health, lousy sleep and then I get stronger after that subsides and feel healthier and more youthful. I guess NO Pain....NO gain....also read that msm lowers boron levels so if you overdid it you might use some msm with vits c and molybdenum because msm lowers them too. wonder what else I don't know that is causing me pains.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Phyllis (Tuscumbia, Alabama) on 08/28/2017

Like any detox it's most likely die off, when all those toxins start getting stirred up they resist leaving the happy little home they've made. The symptoms shouldn't last more than the flu would.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Natalia (Mn, Usa) on 04/05/2018

Try adding ACV - at 1-3 Tblsp daily to soften the calcifications in your kidneys. And look into overall mineral balance and dietary changes.

Also, adding good sea salt - like Redmonds brand to the diet for adrenal support.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Donna (East Hampton, Ct) on 02/19/2017

I am so dissappointed as I was hoping this could be my cure and detox from fluoride poisioning which I received from antibiotics and anesthesia from three surgeries and 30 years of drinking fluoridated water. All of this poison has caused me to have atrial fibulation and high blood pressure. I was so excited to try this but now I have these issues.

I put 1/8 tsp of borax in a half gallon of water and only drank a bit more than half yesterday. I got some severe stomach upset and it started some of my Gerd issues up which in turn raised my blood pressure up to 192/108. I did have some food which I should not have had but now it is hard to tell what if or both could be causing it. I got a stinging sensation in my right big toe after I went to bed last night and it is still there upon awakening. I have a little bit of trouble breathing and kept waking up through the night. I am recovering from esophageal or silent reflux less than three weeks ago and it has been good up until niw.

I have been taking A gi repair supplement that has been working wonderfully, also sleeping on a bed wedge. I wanted desperately for the borax to work and am hoping maybe there is something I can take with it to counteract the stomach upset? My first step is to get the fluoride out, then the mercury and three root canals. Im afraid my heart conditions wont hold out before I can get detoxed and it is so so depressing. I have never been depressed like this in my whole life, I am 52. I hope someone reads this and can help. Thanks.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 01/06/2015

Jasmine, read up on painting iodine for your condition.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 06/26/2013 2063 posts

Carin: Your bad side effects are classic detox reactions known as "Herx" or "die off". It's kinda like The Eagles song "you got to go thru hell before you get to heaven". The best option for you is to slow down and reduce the dose so your body can handle the effects. Weeks or months later when "the storm is over" you should be doing very well.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Byebyeautoimmune (Mexico) on 10/16/2018

This is definitely a factor for people to consider. Especially if they have thyroid problems. And hyperthyroid problems. I knew that borax and iodine do cause this pick up in energy via t3. However, I have multiple auto immune diseases. Vasculitis, hashimotos, lupus, and Doctors looking at others now too.

Hashimotos patients are discouraged from taking iodine. However, borax has removed my debilitating pain. Given me energy, removed brain fog and I feel alive again. I have added iodine every second day transdermally not orally, and my energy levels are amazing. Like the days of old where I could walk, clean, wake up, and basically live life.

I wake up grateful for life! It's amazing what health and no pain can do for emotional health!

The reason I believe from my research that iodine can be bad also is because iodine and bromine are extremely close together in structure. So close that the body mistakes bromide for iodine. And in turn the body rejects the real iodine in turn up taking the toxic bromide. Which leaves us all deficient.

And then you have a toxic sludge running through every cell in body and thyroid in bromide. Boron removes bromide. Its in bread, clothing, bedding etc.. and when the thyroid can up take iodine and not bromide it is optimum health where it should be. (if you remove the bromide)

Cherry angiomas are supposedly bromide. And when on borax people get more. that is a detox effect. Once that is gone from system a person will not have their iodine.. so could cause sluggishness.

The key is to not be iodine deficient. Nor have too much.

And Hashimotos patients generally need T3 to help correct the hypothyroid. (many patients are not treated properly because their endocrinologists look at labs not individuals. And some just prescribe t4 which does not help and makes it worse. So there is too much needless suffering.)

This borax and iodine has changed my life in a veryshort period of time.

Because of the bromide detoxing I only use iodine every second day so my body does not think I am overdosing on iodine falsely. I also use only iodine with oil base and NOT alcohol base iodine. It is easier for body to gradually remove what's bad and replace with good.

I think I will post this comment in borax testimonial section so others with hashimotos and other auto immune can find it.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 04/15/2009 391 posts

A woman's dose is 1/8, a man's dose is 1/4 dissolved in one liter of drinking water. I can't say much about this poster since sufficient details are not mentioned, except for the fact that he's prediabetic, which borax has a tendency to normalize blood sugar. So I find this posting fishy on many points. A lot of people through private emails actually take a much larger dose that this.

Loss of sex drive has never been reported except for fluoride. Most report an increase in sex drive. Most of the problems reported are associated with boric acid, not borax because boric is acid. Acid eats up kidney, whether it's boric acid or acid forming foods in general.

So I have many regrets on this email. A genuine poster would also email directly to me before posting them and give sufficient details. An intentionally fake poster will report unusual side effects, lacking in sufficient details, on Earth Clinic without telling me. So you can see why I find this a suspicious post.


EC: We had emailed Ted for more thoughts about this post. The above is his 2nd response...

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Shaun (York, Uk) on 09/24/2010

Miroslav, Have you have got your math wrong by chance? Are you mixing up mg (milligram's) with mcg, µg or ug (microgram's) by chance? Too many folk get their '00's/'000's all mixed up (such a mix-up cause's many, many deaths in hospitals). It seems to me that Ted's arguments (and math) are very, very sound indeed. I personally must report that I have been taking Borax (a [sea salt-like dash / quantity in my porridge daily) for about 3 years, and have nothing but positives to say about it. My partner is a little bit bashful about such matters, but she would otherwise confirm this! I'm nearly 60 by the way, and go about life like a 30 year old. I would hate that folk here on Earth Clinic forego the undoubted all round benefits of borax - as I'm sure some perspicuous posters like 'Bill' and 'Alain' would also heartily attest. Tra-la! It's borax forever for me!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Ben (Bremerton, Wa ) on 04/06/2016

No need to fear either boric acid or borax. Both are very safe for use both internal and external.

Upon ingesting borax it is chemically transformed into boric acid in the stomach.

Boric acid has been used in the food industry as a preservative for many many years up until it was discovered to be healthy then it was quickly eliminated in favor of carcinogenic food preservatives.

Here is an excellent article that will set your mind to ease about borax. It is written by Walter Last a certified toxicologist.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 04/15/2009 391 posts

The problems I have encountered with facial breakouts, as this came from the fact that one of the person who reported this similar occurrence was taken estogen (Diane) and anti-androgen (androcur). Both the product apparently had a double dose of cyproterone. That caused a shutdown in the adrenals. To make the matter worse, the person also took a lot of whey protein to build muscles, that lead to protein coagulation in the body causing an acne.

In any event, one doesn't take borax without a reason. If a known fluoride poisoning exist, tor that a person has autoimmunity, or a person had rosacea, morgellons, will experience different effect.

If a person happens to have a Morgellon's having demodex mites, the borax DOES cause a breakout as the demodex mites to come out of the skin, killing most of the demdodex mites. Which is the mode of how borax kills the demodex mites. It flushes them out of the body. Same thing with certain types Rosacea, it flushes them out too.

Since I don't know the reason for why borax was taken, the two possibility that I have encountered are the ones I mentioned here. However, people can take it for different reasons and different reactions are encountered.


Borax Side Effects
Posted by Janet D. (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) on 07/15/2008

I tried Borax remedy for my persistent fungus problem in my mouth. I tried Borax internally because Nystation didn't get rid of it ( only partly it did). I used store brand Borax, 1/8 tsp in one liter of distilled water. The first day I experienced a nasty headache all day long and at the second day, my kidney started hurting. So I had to stop taking Borax and I'll never try it again. The pain persisted 5 day after I stopped taking it. It was really scary! I read Ted's comment stating that he uses the store brand Borax when he can't find pure grade Borax. I have read most of user comment and Ted's email before I decided to try Borax remedy. I would like to post my experience about using store brand Borax so that people can least expects what can happen.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Sherri (Seattle) on 12/22/2023

Hello Mike,

More information would be helpful. Example, did she start taking borax at the same time she started taking the other supplements? How long has she been fatigued? When did the numbness in the fingers start? Is she losing bone in other areas? This is important because she could have a particular type of infection in the mouth that causes bone loss from only this area in the body.

However, based on the description, if she was my mother I would stop all the supplements and add them back to her regimen one at a time. After a week or two add a second supplement, and so on. This will help you to identify a specific supplement(s) as the possible cause.

Also, many supplements are adulterated with various "toxins". This often causes reactions, examples: magnesium stearate, alcohols, soy additives, toxic residues from what they clean their machines with, mold contamination, etc....

Many people react to magnesium stearate, I had to eliminate all supplements that contained this additive because it caused several adverse reactions including fatigue.

Many baking soda brands are not actually mined (made in the lab) and include toxins. There are several good brands that are mined and do not include toxins (e.g., and others).

Many brands of ACV are contaminated with mold (patulin and others). These could definitely cause reactions in some people, especially if they already have a fungal/yeast/mold illness. Muscle testing the products could help if you can find an experienced practitioner or a syncrometer.

However, as you concluded, it is probably a detox reaction in which case it is important to scale back on everything and slowly build it back up (months). And, ensure she is adequately hydrated and supporting her detox organs (kidneys, liver, colon/intestines, etc...) with various herbs or tinctures.

Your mom is fortunate to have you looking out for her, hope this issue resolves itself soon.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Rita (Denton TX) on 01/16/2024

From this info, my guess would be that it's disrupting her gut flora. She may look at getting a good, refrigerated, multi-culture probiotic to take regularly Just a thought..

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mike (MO) on 02/18/2024

I don't get emails from this site and have a lot going on. Sorry for the extremely late response.

The molybdenum was insignificant. I shouldn't have mentioned it.

Now that she's on 4 days on and 3 days off of the drink and other supplements, she's doing better than she was before. She's now taking Last's energy drink + a few things; ascorbic acid and msm along with the borax, magnesium, apple cider vinegar neutralized with baking soda, high quality probiotic capsul, fermented sauerkraut, b-complex, niacin (flush) and finally vit d3/k2 (10,000/200) and is doing much better than she was before. She's also doing a good job with her breathing retraining, faster walks and weight lifting. These were the results I was looking for. She never was a big supplement taker but this concoction is working.

Now if I can only figure out how to help her get her hair to start growing again.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Ann (Eastern, wa) on 03/02/2024

Hi, she may have a sensitivity to ACV. I know when I take ACV, I dont feel well. IF the tiredness symptoms started upon ingesting boron..then remember to use5 days on 2 off. And she can back off her dose to original stsrting dosage. If for bone loss, remember vit d3 with k2 is essential, as they work synergestically and k2 keeps calcium out of soft tissues and helps transport d3 calcium to bones. Boron and Stronium can also be taken in a supplement gorm as they Both are needed to build bone. Then there is the issue of detoxing the calcified pineal gland, with boron. Also detoxing flouride from body. But remember anything that pulls a heavy metal or a toxin must needs be BOUND by somerhing and eliminated OR you create a worse problem. Cilantro for instance has a strong heavy metal pulling capacity, but needs a Binder to encapsulate it. Cholerella binds it to eliminate it from body along with propwr elimination via teas, lots of pure water.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Hollyhock (America ) on 04/26/2023

This could explain why I have such dry skin for well over a year! I recently decided to stop the borax because it no longer helps my arthritis, not sure why it quit working. But the dry flaky skin is so embarrassing, maybe I finally know what causes it!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Anon (Not Canada) on 10/08/2020

That has not happened to me.

You probably want to discontinue the borax for now until the pain is gone. Try liver detox supplements to help clear what is probably a fungal infection die-off, and do colon cleanses to speed up the removal of toxins. Tight muscles can be caused by a magnesium or potassium deficiency, so consider increasing those. Flushing-type niacin can increase circulation and speed up recovery, but is also anti-fungal. Massage, saunas, even sun bathing may improve the pain. Remember to drink plenty of water.

I've taken borax 1/4 tsp. in 1 litre of water sipped throughout the day, bathed in it, even rubbed it on my skin as a body wash, used it for vaginal infections. It has never caused a reaction like that. Make sure the borax has no additives, no scent.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 09/03/2020

I suspect your increase in dose could cause die off of fungal infection candida and it affects feet . Eric Berg does videos on youtube on feet and liver. I use borax but gave up my candida fight because stress produces cortisol that feeds candida and I haven't overcome that yet so no point in the fight until I overcome the stress. I will overtake it.The other thought I had was that borax is one of your minerals and could throw other minerals out of balance causing skin issue on feet. Blessings, Charity

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mike (W. Des Moines, Ia) on 08/31/2020

I am taking 1/4 teaspoon of Borax daily 5 days a week for more than a month, and affected my sleep pattern and I cannot sleep. Any suggestion what should I do? I also have 3 mg Boron capsule, Is it safer to use capsule, rather than Borax?


Borax Side Effects
Posted by NORBERT D MOCAN (United States) on 06/04/2020

Does Borax kill beneficial bacteria in your gut?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Jessica (Louisiana ) on 09/14/2019

Better But With Side Effects

Please help! I just finished day 5 of drinking borax water. Hoping to treat my psoriatic arthritis and heel spurs. Everything was going good until today I developed a yeast infection. I NEVER get those. Do you think I should discontinue the borax water? Could this be a toxin release? Thanks in advance for your input

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Darren T (New Westminster) on 06/11/2019

It seems like everyone here is over doing it x100... This is an element that your body may not have had much of your entire lives...stop thinking about this as a loading stage type of thing an go light...really light. I'm taking 1/8 tsp to 1ltr water and dividing that into 4 daily mixed with juice portions...pain is leaving without serious injury. Be smart don't need a lot to benefit from this but too much can be harmful.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Robin (Uk) on 10/29/2018

Feeling worse is good as the Candida is being killed off. I am taking Turpentine and much more.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 07/05/2018

That does not appear to be a frequent side effect. It is likely the borax is removing something that is causing inflammation in your bones. Fluoride would be a possible culprit. Reducing the dosage temporarily would probably relieve the symptom. An anti-inflammatory such as turmeric could make you more comfortable. You could also take raw garlic and cayenne to improve your circulation. Look into "phase 1 and 2 detox", too. What condition are you trying to improve?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Lia (Nv) on 07/16/2018

Thank you for your response. Mostly I am trying to improve my teeth and gums. I have been taking Vitamin D + K2 (mk4 &7) +Mg + Vit A (liver once a week) for a while and noticed improvement in my teeth. Then later on I have learned that calcium is being regulated in the body not just by Vitamin D by also by parathyroid which needs boron. Anyway so I started supplementing with borax. Any thoughts?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 06/24/2018

It happens to me, too. It is probably killing candida or some other pest in your scalp. I just wash my hair daily and make sure to drink kefir for the probiotics, protein, sulfur, etc. If you drink milk, switch to kefir or yogurt. Milk and ice cream tend to encourage eczema in some people. If you wear hats or ponytails it may be part of the cause trapping heat and moisture in your hair and allowing a fungal infection to persist. Look into tDemodexmodex mite cure, maybe, too. Good luck!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Natalia (Mn, Usa) on 04/06/2018

Actually, when mixing ionic Boron at 1 tsp Borax to 1 liter of water, the resulting water contains approx 3 mg of Boron per tsp. The greatest health benefits will be experienced when also balancing all the other needed primary and trace minerals, Magnesium is key among them. It's fantastic that you are tolerating high doses of ionic Boron as doses for adults are recommended at 30-80 mg daily.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Natalia (Mn, Usa) on 04/05/2018

You may have leaky gut (protein spilling into the blood rather than being absorbed) and need to address your GI terrain issues while trying a lower dose and looking into your entire diet and lifestyle choices; pre- and pro-biotics are key. Healing can be a long and sometimes painful journey, but well worth the invested time and self-care.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Magnolia (Baltimore) on 11/08/2017

If you are still having stomach pain charcoal would probably help.

If you are taking borax to detox, charcoal may be good to use too, except charcoal is kind of a pain to use because you have to take it away from other supplements and meds.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Natalia (Mn, Usa) on 04/05/2018

That hump is a classic sign of Candida overgrowth! Borax will work for this, but you may need to add some additional supports for deep healing and detox.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Usa) on 10/26/2017

chanca piedra for any stone issues causing pain, milk thistle, or a liver detox supplement, Kefir 1 TBSP or some gut enzymes from a good yogurt. molybdenum, magnesium, selenium

At night use some activated charcoal 3 caps or tabs and 16 ounces of water and put some castor oil on your gut and a shirt you don't care about and go to bed.

some other things that might help is 1/4 to 1/2 tsp baking soda dissolved in water 12 oz, make sure it's mixed well before drinking it. 1 tsp. Apple cider vinegar with some honey in water ...

read more on earth clinic boron borax section

That's what I do.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Epeach (Ga) on 01/02/2018

Do you take the complement vitamins, minerals, baking soda, and salt loading? I had hair loss, too, initially. I have a head full, now. I have been using iodine for 6 months. I use Borax, but not always orally. I add it to my bath water, too.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by KT (Usa) on 04/25/2017

Dear ORH,

Vitamins B-6 and C are reported to reduced fluid retention. You might want to look for the B-Complex 100 as you get all the B's because I read where taking only one can cause deficiencies in the others. They are water soluble so you can't OD on them.



Borax Side Effects
Posted by Heather (Connecticut) on 03/26/2017

Yikes! I'm no doctor, but I would definitely suggest that you immediately stop taking ALL supplements and stop drinking so much coffee until you find out what's going on!! I'm not quite sure why you feel you need to use the iodine? Most of us get plenty of iodine just from table salt and deficiency is rare here in the U.S. unless you have some type of diagnosed thyroid issues going on. But seriously, give your body a break and let it do its own thing for a bit, and go get your kidneys checked out to be on the safe side. You can't buy replacements at Walmart!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Marie (Co) on 03/26/2017

Thank you so much for your quick response. I stopped taking the borax prior to reading your reply and felt better. Some swelling and stiffness is still present in my foot and ankle. It will continue to improve. I just want to mention I did a lot of research prior to taking the borax. I read The Borax conspiracy theory and a lot of information on Earth Clinic plus youtube. I would never start taking anything without first researching. Marie

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Brad (Providence ) on 03/24/2017

Going thru something similar right now. 20 yr old injuries on a detox coming back. It's called retracing/healing crises and it's miserable. 6 weeks of hip and knee pain. Can't sleep.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by April (Va) on 07/30/2016

I started using 1/8 of a teaspoon of Borax in a litter of water. I drank 1/3 of the mixture last night, 1/3 this morning and will drink the rest tonight. I am having this intense full feeling. Like I have eaten 3 plates of Thanksgiving dinner lol. Is this normal when it starts working on the gut? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for help.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 08/20/2015

Dear Lynn,

I would try way less. My husband uses less than 1/16th of a teaspoon in his water throughout the day. The normal dose of 1/4 teaspoon a day (for a man) caused him digestive distress. Even that small an amount is helpful.

~Mama to Many~

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 07/27/2015

Hello Sabe;

Re the problems you are having with stomach...

First, you are taking too much Borax orally. You are taking a teaspoon of Borax every two and a half days!!! ??? Where did you get that formula? And what are your symptoms that you are on such a formula.

Second, you say you are taking an herbal syrup...what is it made of?

If me...well, if me I'd never have taken so much Borax orally. And certainly not for so long. You don't want to cause problems. So again what is the condition that you are trying to resolve?

But I'm afraid...whatever you're working on that some other damage might have occurred. If me, and this doesn't resolve FAST, I'd be at my Gastroenterologist ... like pronto.

Please fill us in on what condition and symptoms you are having. Have you been diagnosed?

But I'd stop all the items you listed.... everything. Until my situation settled down. I think ... reading all the things you are throwing at your system that the combination also might be overwhelming.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Nicki (Italy) on 06/02/2015

I don't know about borax side effects, but I have been reading about iodine for fibrocystic breasts - you might want to look into this.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Marlene Pacillio (Ozark Mo) on 06/02/2015

Hi I was dx with breast cancer! I used green drinks and it worked great to change my ph to alkaline. I have no idea about borax or the side effects. I would use a safer method like a green drink powder from Health food store. Hope this helps, Marlene ps cancer free 7 years

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Donna (Ct) on 02/20/2017

Jasmine, it is the Levaquin. If your doctors, even with all the new lawsuits, research, ect on the danger of ALL Fluoroquinolones antibiotics like Levaquin, Cipro, Avelox, ect, do not agree, you need to leave them and find a Dr that can at least agree to the dangers and begin to help you. Levaquin and Cipro are what has made me so sick and trying to find a cure for neuropathy, atrial fibulation and high blood pressure from it. Good luck!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Nicole (Ny, Usa) on 08/09/2016

The OP did not take a teaspoon a day! The teaspoon is in a litre and that makes a solution from which only 1-3 teaspoons are consumed per day. This is a MUCH smaller dose than even 1/16 t per day and is less likely to cause any herx. I started borax at 1/16 t per day and it was too much. Then I decided to use that solution by only sipping it twice a day. I got all the benefit and no side effects. Much better.

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