Health Benefits

How Borax Can Help Alleviate Arthritis Symptoms Naturally

Posted by Cheryl (Ontario) on 11/03/2021

Hello, I have started using Borax to help with an arthritic knee with much relief after only a few days. I have shared this with a friend who has concerns about taking it while on prednisone to treat an autoimmune form of arthritis..

Does anyone have experience or know if it's ok to use if you are on prednisone?

Posted by Art (California) on 08/20/2023 2154 posts


Some people do not tolerate borax and you appear to be in that group and should stop borax altogether.

An alternative to consider is boron. Sometimes when people don't tolerate borax, they are able to take boron which is available in capsules from online supplement suppliers. Here is a typical product :,hpc,145&sr=1-1

The originator of using borax for arthritis, Dr. Rex Newnham, found that using boron also worked well for arthritis and osteoporosis. You will have to find the dose that works for you. The following article suggests that 10 mg per day could be sufficient for arthritis and that might be a good place to start :

By comparison, the 1/8th teaspoon of borax you were taking contained approximately 55 mg of boron.


Posted by Alexis (FL) on 01/11/2023

Tell her to look up oxalates and anemia. It's the oxalates in the green drinks that hinder absorption of iron.

Posted by Brenda (Lexington ) on 09/04/2022

Be careful, detoxing re-releases toxins into the blood to be filtered out and passed through kidneys, liver, bladder, etc. if you don't go slow and steady it can cause poisoning side effects especially since fluoride is a neurotoxin. You don't want all of it in your bloodstream at once.

Posted by Renee (Boston) on 05/14/2022 41 posts

I was concerned about using a full 1/8th of Borax so used a pinch in my coffee once a day for about 3 days now. I had some reduction in finger and elbow swelling but the bottom of my feet are still swollen. I was thinking of upping the dose until I noticed the solution I prepared in a glass bottle with Borax and water to apply topically has now crystalized! I had it practically dissolved and woke up this morning to find crystalized Borax in the bottom of the bottle. Is it crystalizing in our bodies when we take it internally???!!!!

Posted by Susan (Toronto) on 05/13/2020

I was taking a borax solution - pinch of borax in a tall glass of water - off and on for a couple of months. Then stopped during covid-19 a couple of months ago. In the past two weeks, I have become increasingly sore and feeling arthritic in all joints, esp fingers, hips and knees.

I saw ORH's post on Earth Clinic and remembered that I too had stopped taking borax. Well guess what, in only a day back on a pinch of borax, all aches and pains are gone. This tells me that 1. you don't have to do the borax remedy constantly and 2. The effects last 2-3 months. Very happy the turn-around was that quick.

Posted by Barrie (ex-zim) (Brisbane, Australia) on 08/04/2017

I have been using Borax (from Turkey) as a supplement for a few years as there are numerous reports and personal feed backs of the benifits of Borax/boron in Nexus Magazine (a New Zealand publication), particularly in the treatment of arthritis. I have seen amazing results from those I have suggested try Borax rather than surgery or chemical drugs - fingers regain unpainful complete movement, fingers actually straightened up. We need 5mg a day but because of fertilisers in food production our soils are de-mineralised and we are now only getting about 1mg a day, hence all the arthritis surferers today. I have absolutely no pain at 68 years old. Borax is good in many areas of health. Turkey and California produce the highest grade (as I have read) and have be consistently voted the highest environmentally safe mines in the world.

EC: The Nexus article can be read here.

Posted by Pay It Forward (PNW) on 05/30/2022 48 posts

"For Women: 1/8 teaspoon of borax dissolved in 1 Liter of water, sipped throughout the day. This is taken 5 days on and 2 days off."... "To maximize the benefit of borax for your arthritis, do drink plenty of water with it."... "To avoid the risk of side effects, start with less at first to make sure the remedy suits you."

Maria, This is a relatively conservative dose. One liter is over 4 cups of water. This is a dilution of 3X more than of a single cup/glass, which is significant. And coffee is not the same as water, especially to the body. Therefore, I don't suggest starting with a pinch in a cup of coffee as it's much more concentrated. Simply remember, the above recommendation by Ted is to take lots of water while taking this. Slow & steady wins the race :)

Posted by Claudi0 (Spring Hill, Florida) on 04/10/2022

Have you tried adding the 2 drops DMSO to your 4 oz. of dist. water and 1 t. of borax solution? This would eliminate the extra streps and handling pure DMSO. I think I would try this myself.

Posted by Mike (New Zealand) on 12/25/2021

If you mix a quarter of a teaspoon of borax with one litre of water. Ten mls of this liquid equals one mg of boron. The maximum daily dose of boron is 20 mg. It is best to stay under 10 mg per day. I take 20 ml of the liquid every 12 hours . That is 8 mg of boron per day. Borax powder is around 10% boron. I have severe osteo-arthtitis iin the spine and the borax really works.

Posted by Cazzy (Melbourne) on 02/22/2018

I started taking boron for knee arthritis and muscle stiffness four days ago (1 x 3mg suppliment tab daily with food), but I also appear to be one of those experiencing the "HERXHEIMER EFFECT", whereby my joint pain and muscle stiffness has immediately doubled making mobility even more difficult and miserable than usual; yet which research informs is a positive sign of a cure being imminent? So my question to those who have experienced likewise is, what would your advise be as to the best approach to deal with this ... I.e. 'bite the bullet and just keep pushing through with the dosage', or take a break from the boron until symptoms subside and then begin over?

Also can anyone please advise how long this effect is likely to last before any pain relief at all is experienced as I really don't know what to expect? Thanks heaps!

Posted by Greta (Kentucky) on 05/14/2016

I am not sure you are completely right about the timeline for seeing results in arthritis using borax. I started on my 4 day cycle of 1/4 teaspoon in a liter of spring water each day and got immediate relief. I finished my 4 days and did it again after nothing for 4 days. I finished second round and I feel I didn't need it. My large swollen knuckles were pain free in the first round. It did take a few months for the swelling to go down. I have friends that see the results as quickly as I did. When your body gets what it needs it doesn't wait to repair itself. Occasionally it seems to start again and only a day or two of the borax in water seems to fix it.

Posted by KS (IL) on 10/11/2022

I have had good luck with this homeopathic product for my problem left ear and sinus issues, "Clear Sinus & Ear, Homeopathic" Https:// I only use them until it clears up, not all the time. I also bought ear plugs, "Mack's Ultra Soft Foam Earplugs" and use one in the left ear on windy days. Getting wind, especially cold, in that ear causes it to get stuffy again. If it's bad enough I can have some dizziness but not pain. When that happens lying on my left side for a couple of hours seems to drain the ear and stop the dizziness. Doctor didn't have any remedy for it, so I'm self medicating.

Posted by Art (California) on 05/26/2022 2154 posts


A friend of mine who had good effects using borax for arthritis used it everyday for the first two weeks and had good benefit. After the first two weeks he went down to 4 days a week and the benefit remained steady and improving. At completion of two weeks, he had noticeable improvement. I assume his intent was to use the first two weeks as a loading dose before going down to 4 days on + 3 days off.

The fact that you noticed a loss of improvement upon stopping borax, lets you know that "it" is helping you. I think it wouldn't hurt to make note of every single arthritic symptom you have experienced since getting arthritis and then review that list at one months use of borax as a basis for comparison.

Renee, it is worth noting when going back through Ted's posts on using borax for arthritis, I see that he changed his dosing schedule over time. In his posts he suggested using the dose 2 to 4 times per week. In one post on borax and arthritis, his recommended dose was 5 days a week on and 2 days a week off. Here is a copy of three posts by Ted discussing dosing of borax for arthritis that illustrate this dosing change :

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
383 posts

Dear Lori: It has been known for ages that arthritis is a rare occurence whenever boron is found present in drinking water. Israel for example has below 1% having arthritis due to high boron in drinking water. Most drinking water with high boron, are the form of sodium tetraborate, which is borax. For more detailed discussion about boron and arthritis:

What is so strange is boron and fluoride are a somewhat opposing force. For example, if you take boron fluoride is removed from the body. Actually fluoride stunts growth in plants, animals the same way as does aluminum. If I were a farmer the biggest enemies are to livestock and plants are fluoride and aluminum. I tend to believe the cause of most arthritis to be one of microorganisms found along the joints. Those bacteria are of mycoplasma (from frequent vaccinations, since they are high in it), mycobacterium, and staphylococcus. Each of these tend to form colonies around the cartilage, before they ever get worse. The factor that helps their growth are high free metal iron, lack of boron, high sugar, high calcium which protects the colonies. Staphylococcus is a unique bacteria that digests your cartilage, something they call proteoglycan and once the cartilage or out the other bacteria does the other work in digesting the along the joints rich in calcium, iron, and lack of circulation, being to their advantage as they are anaerobic creatures. The only way to reverse the condition depends on the inital condition of the arthritis, if it is just joint pain in the beginning like mine, it will take me a couple of days. For you it could take a lot longer for the healing. The method of treatment is to kill off these microorganism and it won't be easy since it is to an advanced stage due to traumatic arthritis. However, an average dose I think are appropriate are 25 mg of borax in drinking water, or I can just do it another way around with 1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon of borax in one liter of drinking water that is drank in divided dose throughout the day. I would drink it either twice a week or once a week. What borax does is it kills the mycobacterium, mycoplasma and some of the staph. The frequency of dose, mentioned here is conservative and it taken at least once or twice a week. In event there's no side effect if I take it to be observed, I would try to take it more often maybe up to 3 or 4 times a week maximum. Staphyloccocus weaknesses is of magnesium citate or magnesium gluconate 250/mg day. If the body has plentiful supplies of magnesium staph growth along the joint is limited. Taking this at 5 days out of a week should be sufficient and some vitamin C sodium ascorbate 250 mg at least about 5 days out of a week should also help.

I have always had problems getting rid of the free metal iron that exists along the joints feeding the microbial growth, in which case, chlorella capsules taken once a day maybe helpful. Green tea, unsugared or any tea that are not of black color would be high in tannins. Tannins have an affinity of pulling out some iron out of the body. Once the iron is lowered, the microbial growth is limited. In case if you want to look at other minerals, gettin some hair mineral analysis, and have a look especially on the Molybdenum, Cobalt, Iron, Silver, Iodine, Magnesium, boron and some others. Those are the suspect minerals that seem to encourage or discourage microbial growth. For example, silver or colloidal silver, taken everyday, one tablespoon twice a day for several months will encourage stem cells in the body, but the best thing of all is it seems to destroy the "slime" or biofilms along the joints. If those are destroyed, the microbes have no way of surviving and eating up your joints. Another example is molybdenum supplements should be taken, if you can find them! They discourage bacterium growth on the bones and it actually used to prevent cavities if added in toothpaste. Molybdenum is far safer than fluoride as it is an essential mineral as well, helping the remineralization of the bones and teeth, being one of them. The usual dose I think is between 5-10 mg per day, if you can find them!

It is important also to at least take 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid, in 1/2 glass of water, or 8 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lime plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda twice a day to keep the body in an alkaline mode. The reason is bacteria and their biofilms tend to exists in the medium of pH below 6. So if the body's urinary pH is raised to (by increasing baking soda dose) to about 7, then the growth will be limited, and this encourages healing of your joint. Certain proteins taken befor sleep may encourage some growth hormone by taking secretagogues, such as 1/2 tablespoon of glycine and 1/2 tablespoon of glutamine, before bedtime. This might help some regeneration. Once the microbes are destroyed, and you still need to take supplements to disourage their growth, still, taking certain supplements to encourage regeneration is possible with aloe vera oil, or aloe vera supplements. Comfrey poultice applied along the joints may help as allantoin content is known to encourage bone repair in people with broken bones, so joint healing may also be possible. I however prefer to take allantoin as a supplements maybe 10-50 mg/day might help too, with some aloe vera. As for me, my arthritis issue is never a serious one, just taking some borax 1/4 teaspoon for 1-2 days and on the third day and the rest of the week, its gone. That's because I know what is causing my problems. But with severe forms, it may take several months, to almost a year to actually heal what has happened. I don't believe so much in using metal joint replacement. It has been my observation that friends of my relatives who did joint replacement further cause the ones to be broken. Apparently the found that once the plug the joints, the mycobacterium ate away at the screws of the joints which attaches to the bone. When this happens, the joints no longer hold and it osteoporosis eats the entire bone where there is no furhter place in which the metal can support the bones, since there is no more bones to support it. It is a sort of Catch-22. The real issue, I believe is not the wear an tear. Its been known for ages that microbes eat away on your bones, but is ignored by mainstream medicine, at least, that's my opinion only. If the body still have regenerative capacity, your body can heal, and colloidal silver according to Dr. Robert Becker, has the ability to cause cells to be dedifferentiation - which is another word for stem cells. ' <<<

And then this post :

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
383 posts

Hand arthritis is the condition of the mycoplasma and the mycobacterium and they exists because it eats the bones causing lumps of the bones around the end. The mycobacterium protects themselves against the effect of antibiotics and other things by creating a calcium shells to survive. The second kind of bacterium that caused the fusing of joints such that the fingers can no longer move, is due to a staphylococcus like bacteria that eats up the cartilage between the joints. Mycobacterium have their weakness of a tiny amount of borax and staphyloccocus have their weakness of magnesium. Borax I took maybe 2-3 times a week at 1/8 or 1/4 teaspoon in a liter of drinking water. The staphyloccus like bacteria (cartilage eating kind) have a weakness for magnesium. So 250 mg, is diluted in a glass of water and drink that usually 5 days out of a week. The removal of iron, which disodium EDTA can be taken in fairly diluted solution (mixed with plenty of water), as this is how the body actually absorbed it. Green tea contains tannins and tannic acid, which chelates directly the free metal iron directly responsible for feeding both mycobacterium and the staphyloccocus like bacteria around the joint and should remove the food source. The most important remedy, whether you use the apple cider vinegar with baking soda, or the lemon with baking soda, is actually the baking soda. But when mixed with the others, allows for the body to attain better alkalization. This is the major parts of the arthritis remedy that was tested to work the best. Other supporting remedies include vitamin D3, and vitamin K2, and soy milk (manganese). They all help and you can feel the difference the next day. There are others, and I am looking into them I write. This remedy works better than anything I have seen, after lots of trial and error of course. It must be remembered that urine pH achieves 7.0 otherwise the bacteria will persist in the body. Preferably an electronic pH meters is best, otherwise, most pH papers are way off even the best quality ones and it is a real waste of time - it wasted me one whole year (actually more, like 1.5) of misdirected effort. ' <<<

And also this post :

>>> '

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
383 posts

Rick: The reason why ibuprofen (or ibuprophen) works is that it is antifungal. Much of the arthritis and foot pain from bones is the mycobacterium, and other fungus like bacterium. Therefore I would take a 1/4 teaspoon (men's dose) borax for about 5 days out of a week, with some 10 drops of 3% H2O2 in one liter of drinking water. I would also take plenty of magnesium supplements such as magnesium citrate 250-500 mg/day for 5 days out of a week. I may also consider taking vitamin B complex, at least a B50 kind (50 mg of most B's) for two days out of a week. Alkalization is important also necessary to kill these fungus causing arthritis and a good remedy may be 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water twice a day, or perhaps a 2 tablespoon lime juice plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water (at least) taken twice a day. Other supplements I may consider is 20, 000 I.u. of vitamin D3 and 100 mcg of vitamin K2 or K3. Soy milk is quite helpful for arthritis, perhaps from the vitamin K and the manganese, in which it is high in. A soy milk should be UNSUGARED and taken about 250 cc, twice a day, which is more like a glass of it twice a day. ' <<<

Continued success to you!


Posted by LuRae (AZ) on 11/12/2021

I got liquid boron and take 12 mg or two droppers under my tongue each morning. It completely took stiffness and discomfort of hurting finger joints away.

Posted by Mycoplasma (Geneva, Switzerland) on 10/04/2014

People who take Borax:

Na2[B4O5(OH)4]ï ¿ ½8H2O

or other treatments like ClO2, Mefloquine, Neemleaf extract, and all other chemical substances that have affect on Mycoplasma will cause huge eruptions into the blood stream. As a consequence, people will get severe diarrhea. Dosing should be started with low amounts, especially on heavily affected people, who may otherwise end up in hospital in the lucky case.

One problem that occurs on this site is the fact, that dosages are improperly discussed. Fractions of teaspoons are improper ways to measure. I tested this and just on Borax 1/8th of a teaspoon can vary between 300 mg to 800 mg. I really would suggest to get a proper balance that can handle milligrams and start talking about dosages in body dosages in milligrams (but please put in your weight in kg as well) and the time intervals it is taken, so that a daily dose would come clear as well.

If the webmaster would support it, we could start taking information on a scientific level instead of staying in the semi-knowledge.

I am studying this mycoplasma since over two years and could benefit from better statistics, if the forum would be willing to support proper statistic data on their experience. I am quite startled how wide spread the problem is affecting nearly everyone.

Posted by Deirdre (NC) on 08/31/2022

Hi Elaine, borax may be what is causing it, BUT right now, trees and flowers are releasing a lot of pollen, and that could aggravate any existing sinus/ear/eye condition. If this is the case, an air filter inside will help. You can check the pollen count in your area at

I would go with pollen first before borax as the cause... In my neighborhood, my car is covered in tree pollen every few hours!

Posted by Basia (Buffalo, ny) on 07/11/2022

I took a large capsule size of borax for arthritis and experienced brain fogginess and slight dizziness. I believe I have some level of fluorosis and am trying borax for the accompanying joint pain.

Posted by Renee (Boston) on 05/23/2022 41 posts

I just want you to know that this is a miracle worker! I followed your recipe for my sore spots and I'm not sure if that or internal Borax worked but it's helping. But besides that, I used the mixture on a giant hive and also a bee sting and it worked immediately. Miraculous!

Posted by Mike (Des Moines, IA) on 06/30/2021

I am taking borax 5 days a week for joint pain in the last 8 months. My pain has been reduced 80%, but in the last 2 months, I have not seen any improvement. Any suggestions?

Posted by Art (California ) on 08/22/2016 2154 posts

Patricia (Downsville),

I am following Ted's recommendation for men of a 1/4 teaspoon Borax in a liter of water each day for five days of the week and weekends off. Ted recommended 1/8th teaspoon/day for women and smaller people. I have taken the 1/4 teaspoon in a half liter of water, but then you can taste the Borax. Not an obnoxious taste, but not one that I would look forward to. Sometimes I will add a little Gatorade or Powerade to give it a little flavor since I'm not a big fan of water.

My experience is that Ted was right, as I tried the 1/8th teaspoon per day and it was less effective than the 1/4 teaspoon per day.

Borax clears fairly rapidly from the body and I think that the weekend off is to help prevent any excessive Borax buildup and it is easy to remember when not to drink it that way.

That Ted is a smart cookie!


Posted by Earth Clinic on 07/13/2022

Hi Basia,

As you may know, large amounts of borax powder (aka 20 Mule Team) taken all at once are contraindicated. Are you referring to a boron supplement? The body needs only small amounts of borax in water sipped throughout the day, not a large amount all at once which may be toxic.

Read the recipes and feedback on EC's borax page. We now have almost 20 years of feedback from readers on borax, starting with Ted's borax dosage from 2004 of 1/4 teaspoon for men and 1/8 teaspoon for women in 1 liter of water sipped throughout the day, 5 days on, 2 days off.

Posted by Art (California) on 06/09/2022 2154 posts


We don't know the reason for sipping it through the day because I don't think Ted ever explained it, but I think one reason is because it is essentially a slow controlled release so you maintain a more steady level in your system throughout the day. Another possible reason is because some people who might not be able to tolerate the full daily dose all at once, may be able to tolerate a full dose dispersed throughout the day. So spreading the dose may make it more tolerable for more people and potentially decrease the potential for a negative reaction..

Although I started that way, once I got to pain free, I would drink it faster and now I just drop my 1/4 teaspoon full in my mouth and wash it down with orange juice and it is still working.

As you can see from Ted's posts, he kept increasing the dose until he got to 5 days on and 2 days off.

I tried different doses of boron based supplements and 6 mg had zero effect for me, but boron is a potential option for those who do not tolerate borax.

I just keep it simple at a 1/4 teaspoon of borax and that is easiest for me to do.


Posted by JenCat71 (TN) on 03/30/2022

Just circling back - but so far, so good! Been getting up and down outta my chair all day with little to no pain! AND there's a storm headed this way - normally, I would be hurting more. Going to continue with 6mg of Boron under tongue for 30 seconds twice/day and two pinches of Borax in both coffees each weekday (1 is caff; 1 is decaff), and then pause on the weekends. Will let y'all know if anything changes.

Posted by Art (California ) on 07/05/2016 2154 posts


I use borax at a 1/4 teaspoon (approximately one gram) 4 to 5 days per week in a liter of water and it keeps my arthritis in remission. I tried the 1/8 teaspoon dose everyday and it was not as effective for me as the 1/4 teaspoon dose. The dose you are using will not work for me. I'm using the dose that Ted recommended for men. I think Ted said that a lesser dose would also be effective, but it would just take longer to see benefit, but I don't think that is 100% correct because a lesser dose does not work for me no matter how long I take it. I think Ted may have meant that as a generalization, in that case I would say he is correct because many people report benefit at dosing well below a gram per day for 4 to 5 days a week.

I have been taking borax for many years and it continues to work for me as long I take the right dose for me. Everyone is different.

Borax is approximately 11.3% boron so 30 mgs of borax should contain about 3.39 mg of boron. I used to take a high quality glucosamine multi-supplement that contained 3 mg of boron and it eventually was not helpful for me.

To measure 30 mg of borax you will need a decent electronic digital meter that can measure to .00 if you want accuracy. I just measured 30 mg of borax on my meter and that is a very small amount......roughly what I might apply to a dish of food if it were salt. The borax grains for 30 mg was not enough to cover the surface of a dime if spread out as thinly as possible on a dime.

Keep us posted on how you do!


Posted by Art (California ) on 05/28/2016 2154 posts


Dr. Rex Newnham who popularized the use of boron and borax for arthritis decades ago, said that his research had showed him that the longer you have had arthritis or the more severe it was, the longer it would likely take to get the maximum benefit from using borax/boron. I think he also mentioned that age may be a factor also. He said in the worst cases it could take 3 to 4 months of regular use to achieve the maximum benefit.

If you have joints that are already damaged, I suspect that there will be pain that remains even after the borax has done all that it can do for you. My arthritis was in the moderate to severe range.

It sounds like Greta from Kentucky may have had a milder arthritic condition as her response was very quick and she didin't mention other major joints like the hips, knees, feet, back, shoulder, elbows or neck. She just mentioned her hands so I can see how results may have been fairly quick.

I feel it is important to mention the longer time frame that Dr. Newnham refered to because some people have severe forms of arthritis and if they are expecting results in 4 days to 2 weeks, they may be disappointed and stop using it prematurely.

I doubt that it can work for everyone or that everyone will be able to tolerate it, but given the very good safety profile, I tried it and it worked for me and judging by the many positive reports on the web, I would say that it has worked for many people.


Posted by DANIEL G. (CALIFORNIA) on 02/05/2024

FLORIDATED WATER the fluoride they are putting in our water is a toxic chemical version of fluoride that comes for nuclear power plants

fluoride in our water toothpaste s all toxic poison

Borax removes this toxin from the body

google it -- fluoridated water comes from a fluoride that is a toxic chemical that comes from all the nuclear power plants

Posted by san diego girl (San Diego) on 04/01/2023

According to The Copper Revolution most people who are "anemic" are really deficient in copper and the copper/iron balance is upset. Copper supplements are easy to find. It is not toxic. My husband and I each take 4-6 mg per day.

Posted by Wendy (Dublin, OH) on 07/16/2022

Thank you so much Art, for your very helpful and comprehensive reply!

Posted by Art (California) on 05/23/2022 2154 posts


The oral borax is a very simple, very easy and very inexpensive way. It is an easy therapy to maintain and follow and it comes with other health benefits instead of potential negative side effects.

Not everyone can tolerate borax, so the idea that you are tolerating it and getting benefit is very fortunate for you! Enjoy it and enjoy keeping it simple!


Posted by Art (California) on 06/23/2022 2154 posts


I'm very glad that the borax is working well for you to reverse your arthritis!

The arthritis damages joints and once the borax stops the damage process, the body can then start to repair some of the joint damage which can take time, whereas before the joint damage was occurring faster than the body could repair the damage. Continued success to you! You are now using a very simple, very inexpensive method to keep your arthritis in remission indefinitely. The cost of using borax for arthritis is less than a dollar per year and it doesn't get any simpler than an 1/8th teaspoon of borax for 4 or 5 days of the week!


Posted by Susi (Madison Alabama) on 12/01/2021

Taking prednisone, in general, is bad news period. DR'S prescribe it so much that people ate constantly getting sicker. It takes 18 months for it to detox out of our bodies. And people with Parkinson's can go wacko. Hallucinations and not sleeping which is a scary bad situation to watch your dad go through. Or anyone for that matter. But within 18 months most Dr's a reason to prescribe it again and therefor add on to what's still left in our bodies the last time. Unintentional I'm sure. That's why it's said you need to take responsibility f or your own health.research it to be convinced which I encourage that anyway. As I do the same when I hear something new. Just passing g along what I heard and experience as well as further research.

Susi from Alabama

Posted by Deborah (Texas) on 05/18/2020

I have read recently that borax mixed with baking soda is a great combination. I am starting that as of yesterday. I use energy testing and those together test very strong for me.

Posted by Sue (Vermont) on 09/14/2016

Thanks for the info on Herxheimer. It can take weeks to get through??? I'm on day 10 of Herxheimer, mostly feeling fatigue, and on week 6 of the borax treatment. The arthritis, which is all over my body from head to toe, has improved some. Am I just being impatient? Can't wait for a cure!

Posted by Art (California) on 10/10/2022 2154 posts


Thank you for the interesting insight on green drinks! I will pass the information along to my friend, but she is a true believer in her green drinks so I know it is going to be an uphill battle to get her to listen to anything not in agreement with her green drinks.


Posted by ElaineF (New Brighton, MN) on 12/16/2022

My husband takes Clear Sinus and Ear and has good results when using it.

Posted by Ann (North Carolina, USA) on 07/14/2022

You may have taken too much too quickly.

Posted by ElaineF (New Brighton, MN) on 12/16/2022


Check out this information, This article, in my opinion, states that boron, which is what borax is, is very beneficial for kidney transplant patients. If you are allowed to take anti rejection drugs and antibiotics, boron, as a natural supplement, should be as safe or safer than those toxic Pharma drugs.

Posted by Deirdre (Asheville) on 11/27/2022

Hi Kathleen,

I used Nature's Way - 560 mg per serving. I also really like the Charcoal House brand. They have been selling Activated Charcoal for a long time. You can find both on Amazon.

Posted by ElaineF (New Brighton, MN) on 12/16/2022


I would only use the 20 Mule Team borax. It is basically boron, which is a supplement you can easily purchase. So many have had success with it and that's good enough for me!

Posted by Judy (York, PA) on 01/16/2023

Check the toxicity level chart of elements and compounds. You will see that the toxicity level of borax is identical to table salt.

Posted by Jerry J. (Seattle) on 09/13/2019

Borax works for arthritis, it's natural, from the earth like a clay and received well. My question is that as long as you don't drink baking soda with meals, which of course can lesson your natural digestive acidic juices, you can add it to the water you drink to alkalize it. I've been doing this to my spring water for years, so I'm wondering if baking soda (sodium bicarb) can be mixed with boron, as again my drinking water all has baking soda in it. Thanks.

Posted by Brian S. (Coombabah Qld) on 08/04/2017

I have arthritis in my fingers and knees. Last December I was told about Borax.

I mix 1 1/2 teaspoons in 600 mils of water, then take 1/3 of a small glass each morning; now virtually no pain.

Last Easter I was away for 5 days, but did not take my Borax.

After 2 days the pain started to return.

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 07/09/2017 2063 posts

Seems like the Borax is reacting to another substance likely heavy metals. Do a hm detox, paracleanse, and colon cleanse to free your natural detox & elimination. Ionic Foot Spas & Detox Foot Pads are very effective.

I frequently use Borax & Epsom Salts foot & whole body baths. Also I tried a supplement of 4mg Boron with very good results for my bones, confirming my suspicion that little-to-none Borax was converting to Boron.

I also use Magnets & Zapping to kill infections and reduce inflammation. Solonpas are also effective.

Posted by Brien (Sydney) on 09/06/2016

I am reading with great interest the caution of OD on Boron from Big Pharma. I am well acquainted Natures Sunshine herbs in capsules, which in 1982 I fed to my 3 little kids from the 250 different applications in Herbally Yours. They are now 38; 40 and 42, and never saw a doctor or dentist growing up. My partner now was coughing so bad getting rid of mucous I suggested we get Comfrey root powder that is Illegal to take, and which we got from a herb company that supplies horses. Gabrielle like me is 79, and we mixed a heaped teaspoon in an inch of cold water with a barmix and topped it up with warm water.....she did this 5 to 7 times daily. We have a 12 year relationship during which she has coughed on and off, but I was seriously concerned for the possibility of her injuring her lungs with what developed. That was 6 months ago. With the results I went to "Truth about Comfrey" on Google and read about Dr Christopher's research that goes back to Heroditus 500 BC and Gaylen 250 BC all the way through to Queen Victoria. Comfrey Root internally has healed all conditions of the lungs and other organs including bleeding internally. We are now having it on and off with our daily Bone Broth, and have both started skipping to build up to 7 minutes daily. The sad Old World of 'yesteryear' is now more and more being shown in Governments and Religions as Full of Lies, with the only hope for all of us in the Bible which fully condemns both, with the simple way out spelt out by God's Son in the Lord's Prayer....."Let YOUR Kingdom come and YOUR will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven" as in Revelation 21:1-4 and Ephesians 1:9,10 etc.

Posted by Pj (Columbia, Sc) on 10/13/2011

First of all I would like to thank this board for being here. I have suffered with septic arthritis in my hip for a little over 2 years now. I was googling :) and came across Earth Clinic. I decided to try the Borax for my arthtritis since nothing else seems to work. I started it last saturday at the 1/8 teaspoon in a liter of water. I have felt better everyday so far, but today I cannot believe I almost have no pain at all!! I am so giddy I don't even want to go to sleep, I just want to enjoy not feeling the terrible pain I have been in. Now I want to go see my pain doc and tell him that it only cost me a few cents to get out of pain, compared to all the expensive drugs and injections he gave me. Thanks again, keep on posting!

Posted by Shaun (Old York, England) on 01/15/2010

I have this issue (chondromalacia). It bugged me all my life (right knee), until I discovered what it was late in life (I'm now 58). I resolved the issue with a pinch of borax in my daily porridge, and daily stretching of the quads to get the correct tracking over the knee joint. I assume the borax has also helped as the joint pain in my old broken/dislocated fingers (from playing rugby) has totally cleared up (borax aids in flushing synovial fluid in joints). All in all I believe borax is wonderful, wondwerful stuff! I regularly undertake Ted's (PBUH) CarBiCarb regime, as well as the Apple Cider Vinegar, and so that too may have helped. Also, flushing my sinus's with the CarBiCarb mix (including a 1/2 tsp of sea salt), has also TOTALLY cleared up my asthma (which I also never really knew I had until very late in life!). I try to get everyone to try the borax (for many issues), but some folk are just so lame at giving it a try.

Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 08/30/2023

Hi Mark

Just reading your post. Do you know that men take 1/4 teaspoon and Women take 1/8 teaspoon. I have been taking Borax for 3 plus years, stopping weekends and starting over on Mondays like you are. I am 72 years old and no joint pain.

All the best


Posted by Capitanissa (Greece) on 02/13/2023

I have been thinking the same, I will start adding Borax to my bath.

Thank you.

Posted by Maria (Tucson, AZ) on 05/26/2022

Osteoarthritis has taken over my mature body (am over 29 😂) & nothing seems to work to help me. I'd like to try Borax but am afraid since it's a household cleaner & it says we must use gloves to handle it. So, how can I trust it inside of my body by drinking it in my coffee?? Sounds scary to me! I've tried everything I knew & learned, but am at the end.

Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 06/09/2022

Hi Renee,

I found that the best salt is Celtic Sea Salt.

It is cleaned and has 3 different Magnesiums, where the Pink Salt is dug by hand and never cleaned.

good job, love this site


Posted by Art (California) on 07/05/2022 2154 posts


Thank you for the update!

If your symptoms go away during your on days, you might try adding a day of borax to your regimen. At least until you get better control of the arthritis. I can tell by what you have been writing in your posts that you are steadily increasing your control of the arthritis and your remaining symptoms are lessening as time goes by. Once you get good control you should not need DMSO at all and may be able to subtract the extra day of borax. Remember, Dr. Newnham said up to 3 to 4 months of borax before you will be seeing the maximum benefit that borax has to offer you. Keep it simple to make it easier to follow Ted's remedy.


Posted by Art (California) on 04/06/2023 2154 posts


Since Stopain is unavailable in Canada, and since you are treating a fairly limited area, another consideration as a topical pain reliever is Voltaren Gel. It is at least as strong as Stopain, but I rarely recommend it because if applied to larger areas, it can potentially have negative side effects. It is odorless and works quickly. It previously was only available by prescription.

It is hard on my end to know what will be readily available in other countries. Stopain is readily available here, but apparently not in Canada. Here is a link to a typical product :,aps,126&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

It is worth mentioning that house brand versions of Voltaren are less expensive and just as effective. For instance Walgreens has their own version and it is less expensive and Walmart also has their version which is less expensive. The main thing is that they all have the same active ingredient, Diclofenac Sodium Gel 1%, and that is what offers effective pain relief. That one you should also be able to get at your local pharmacies.

As far as your topical reaction to Borax, it may be the concentration level. Topically in a bath is very highly diluted and would be less likely to be reactive with the skin, but your concentrated solution is just that, highly concentrated and in that case could be reactive with the skin. Also, Borax has a fairly high pH around 9.5, compared to the skin pH in the 5's and that could be another reason for your reaction.


Posted by BevilNC (NC) on 11/13/2021


If you are drinking the entire liter then yes, it is 1/8 tsp for women and 1/4 tsp for men. The other option for dosing is the above...1 TBSP to one liter but only take one tablespoon of the liquid, not the entire liter.

Posted by Bill B. (Vancouver, BC Canada) on 12/22/2020

Why the coral calcium, magnesium and iodine drops? I take magnesium citrate, which remains completely successful in preventing night leg cramps after strenuous daily sport. I am a believer in the benefits of iodine after spending the healthiest of my 79yrs when in and around the sea.

Posted by Kate (Co) on 07/07/2017


I can relate. I need borax b/c my knee exploded in to 7 pieces 2 + years ago. I was diagnosed with crps following surgery. It's too long a story but arthritis was going to put me in a wheelchair and then I found borax. Almost immediate knee pain relief, but after several weeks of the recommended dosage, I started getting very sick from borax. I wish I knew why, what exactly is happening, but no one seems to know. I just keep diluting the I'm at approx 0.1mg at bedtime. This makes me mildly ill. We shall see if this even continues to help.

Posted by Louisa (Texas) on 07/09/2017

You may have mercury or (silver ) tooth fillings and that might be interfering . I couldn't get well till I had my silver filling taken out. Good luck

Posted by Larry (Mena, Arkansas) on 05/22/2016

The very first thing to do today and the rest of your life is to stop all ingestion of fluoride.

When your body has 2 parts per million fluoride, your white cell migration rate is "0" - (zero) - that means that your immune system is not active (not working)..

When you brush with fluoride toothpaste ===> you ingest 4 to 41/2 parts per million, your immune system has been compromised..


Posted by Marilyn (Qld) on 07/13/2014

Following on from my comment. Just wanted to say that have found out I have psoriasis arthritis (even tho never had psoriasis) and have now started to see some results with the borax. A bony growth that had started on a knuckle has almost disappeared and the feeling that I had had in my fingers of the arthritis growing has diminished. Is anyone else out there with psoriasis arthritis in hands trying this with any results? The aches in my knee's which I have had since childhood have also disappeared. I will continue on with the borax.

Posted by Art (California ) on 12/09/2016 2154 posts

When I put a 1/4 teaspoon (level flat) of borax on a digital scale it measures out at a gram on average and I suspect the variation is due to moisture content and a variation in the size of the particles. Borax is stated to contain 11.3% boron so 1 gram or 1/4 teaspoon of borax should contain about 113 mg of boron and an 1/8th teaspoon about 56 mg of boron.

One thing to keep in mind about borax is that not everyone can tolerate it and it is not effective for everyone as far as arthritis is concerned, but for those who can tolerate it, it can have many health benefits beyond arthritis. For this reason, it may be safer to start at lower dosing and work your way up in order to try to avoid any potential adverse events while trying to obtain the potential health benefits of borax.


Posted by Art (California) on 01/19/2024 2154 posts

Hi Petter,

That can work for some people, but it won't work for everyone because that is a relatively concentrated amount in a relatively short period of time. For people who have gastrointestinal sensitivity to borax it may be too much. Borax is a high pH product and that can be irritating for some people as has been reported on EC before. If you are sensitive to borax, diluting in a quart of water or more and sipping throughout the day can be the difference between being able to use borax or not being able to use borax if you take it in a more concentrated solution such as the cup of coffee you mentioned. The full quart dilution is essentially a timed release solution that will help to maintain a steady state of borax in your body, which is likely to be a more effective approach when first starting borax to try and achieve optimal effect.

For me, I would rather be able to take borax than not because it has been life changing for me.


Posted by Deirdre (VA) on 08/18/2023

Hi Tricia,

I slacked off on adding the trace mineral drops after a while, but here is the one I used:

Thankfully, borax has continued to work incredibly well. I can still bend my thumbs without any issues. Two days ago, my previously bad thumb (the one that I couldn't bend over a year ago) was hit very hard during karate training and hurt like heck, but I went home and took a pinch of borax right away. Two days later, I can't tell it was hit. The soreness is completely gone. Amazing mineral!

Posted by CL (US) on 09/08/2022

Chamomile is believed to benefit osteoporosis even after menopause.

It may be that she is being exposed to greater fluoride levels than before, and it will simply take time for the borax to clear out the new fluoride. Perhaps her dr gave her fluoride believing it would benefit her bones.

Psych meds may contain fluoride.

Posted by Rick D (Jacksonville Florida) on 02/19/2023

Maybe you aren't supposed to take it undiluted.

Posted by Art (California) on 11/03/2021 2154 posts

Hi Cheryl,

I used oral prednisone while using borax very long term and did not have a problem, but we are all different and react differently.


Posted by Gracie (UK) on 04/16/2021

Surely, it should be 1/8 teaspoonful for a female, and 1/4 teaspoonful for a male, added to one litre of water.

Posted by Jim H. (Keyport NJ) on 11/30/2019

Borax: I've been taking about 1/4 teaspoon 2/3 week (3years) and it helped my clicking knees.. i found it best in a cup of tea with spoon full honey, you cannot taste it at all..

Posted by Anon (Not Canada) on 10/25/2020

Scroll to the top of the page for more info: Https://

"Earth Clinic's Ted recommends the following doses of borax: For Men: 1/4 teaspoon of borax dissolved in 1 liter of water, sipped throughout the day. This is taken 5 days on and 2 days off. For Women: 1/8 teaspoon of borax dissolved in 1 liter of water, sipped throughout the day. This is taken 5 days on and 2 days off. This is a general guideline. Larger women may benefit from a larger dose. Smaller men may benefit from a smaller dose. The elderly may do best with half of the recommended dose."

Posted by Ailora (Ohio) on 08/07/2018

You were experiencing the Herxheimer response. It sounds exactly like the 'flu like symptoms' you had. Herxheimer is when your body is healing and sloughing off toxins that have built up in your system over a long period of time. You must power through this and healing is on the other side. By stopping the borax and intervening with allopathic medicine, you most likely hindered your ability to recover. I wonder if it'll still happen for you but only take a lot longer now...

Posted by Jacqui (Devon, Uk) on 03/02/2016

I got my Mule Team Borax from Ebay. It tastes a bit soapy, but I put into some Cherry cordial, and one teaspoon of the liquid concentrate really doesn't taste at all in that.

My fingers (RA) don't hurt at all today, and it's damp and cold here in the UK. Result!

Also, my kidney/bladder is not complaining at all today, either. (Healed UTI and suspected stone because of continuing trace blood in urine). Will test for blood at the end of the week.

Posted by Art (California ) on 02/13/2016 2154 posts


Here is an interesting abstract about the value of boron, a major component of borax, in human health.


Nothing Boring About Boron.

Pizzorno L1.

Author information

1is a senior medical editor at Integrative Medicine Advisors, LLC, in Seattle, Washington.


The trace mineral boron is a micronutrient with diverse and vitally important roles in metabolism that render it necessary for plant, animal, and human health, and as recent research suggests, possibly for the evolution of life on Earth. As the current article shows, boron has been proven to be an important trace mineral because it (1) is essential for the growth and maintenance of bone; (2) greatly improves wound healing; (3) beneficially impacts the body's use of estrogen, testosterone, and vitamin D; (4) boosts magnesium absorption; (5) reduces levels of inflammatory biomarkers, such as high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α); (6) raises levels of antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase; (7) protects against pesticide-induced oxidative stress and heavy-metal toxicity; (8) improves the brains electrical activity, cognitive performance, and short-term memory for elders; (9) influences the formation and activity of key biomolecules, such as S-adenosyl methionine (SAM-e) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD(+)); (10) has demonstrated preventive and therapeutic effects in a number of cancers, such as prostate, cervical, and lung cancers, and multiple and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; and (11) may help ameliorate the adverse effects of traditional chemotherapeutic agents. In none of the numerous studies conducted to date, however, do boron's beneficial effects appear at intakes > 3 mg/d. No estimated average requirements (EARs) or dietary reference intakes (DRIs) have been set forboron-only an upper intake level (UL) of 20 mg/d for individuals aged ≥ 18 y. The absence of studies showing harm in conjunction with the substantial number of articles showing benefits support the consideration of boron supplementation of 3 mg/d for any individual who is consuming a diet lacking in fruits and vegetables or who is at risk for or has osteopenia; osteoporosis; osteoarthritis (OA); or breast, prostate, or lung cancer.

Posted by Pip (Australia, Victoria) on 02/19/2016

Hi all, Borax rocks....of the laundry shelf, in the supermarket. I sprinkle it on like table salt, on my breakfast, and a little sugar ( its breakfast you know )...its through you by seven hours, but for me once a day is enough. Its fantastic, it like lubricates my joints, eliminates pain, and sparks me up.

Me - 61yrs, Rhm/A, Ost/A, require a knee opp, but planning not to for go it, so little pain, am thinking I may reduce all the medications, soon, been taking it over a year and a half, into my second jar of Borax.

Some of you are a little pedantic on consumption. Over use will cause nausea and diarrhea, just like to much table salt. So try and see what works for you. The rest of my diet stayed the same. No harm in trying this ...Borax.

Better health to you all. Pip

Posted by Michaelm (Colorado) on 12/08/2016

Borax dosages:

I am just getting started with borax and I am working on coming up with the best dosage for myself. I have noticed there seems to be two different dosage recommendations that people are working with:

Ted's recommendation:

1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of Borax powder dissolved in a certain amount of water, usually one liter, and drink that entire amount of water in divided doses or sipped throughout the day.

In this scenario, you have ingested between 1/8 and 1/4 teaspoon of Borax powder per day.

So far it appears to me from looking at other people's posts, and not doing my own calculations from my own measurements, that 1/8 of a teaspoon of Borax has approximately 75 mg of boron and 1/4 teaspoon of Borax has approximately 150 mg of boron.


1tsp/L borax water:

1 teaspoon of Borax powder dissolved in 1 L of water and then take 1 teaspoon of Borax water or more each day.

1 teaspoon of Borax powder contains approximately 600 mg of boron. Since there are 203 teaspoons in 1 L, this would mean that 1 teaspoon of this borax Water would contain 1/203 teaspoon of Borax powder and approximately 3 mg of boron.

In comparison, taking 1/8 teaspoon of borax powder per day is a:

25 times larger dose than taking 1 teaspoon of the 1 teaspoon per liter borax water,

12.5 times larger dose than taking 2 teaspoons of the 1 teaspoon per liter borax water,

6.25 times larger dose than taking 3 teaspoons of the 1 teaspoon per liter borax water.

The above three numbers would be doubled if the comparison is with 1/4 teaspoon of Borax powder per day.

I just recently learned that one medical doctor out there that is a big fan of iodine, also recommends patients with osteoporosis to take 150 mg of boron per day for a year before they taper off to a lower maintenance dose. Which of course would be equivalent to taking 1/4 teaspoon of Borax powder per day.

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