Superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome is a disorder of the ear which was first described in 1995. It is brought on by the thinning or abscence of the temporal bone of the inner ear.
Symptoms of SSCD
- Balance difficulties
- Tullio phenomenon: dizziness and involuntary, repetitive eye movements caused by loud noises or pressure
- Oscillopsia – visual disturbances caused by loud noises or pressure to the ear. Objects appear to oscillate.
- Tinnitus
- Hearing loss
- Autophony – notable awareness of one's body sounds (heartbeat, eye movements, creaking joints, etc.)
Possible Causes of SSCD
- Congenital
- Age related thinning of bone
- Head injury
- Surgical complication
- Head pressure from coughing, sneezing, straining
Individuals who present with symptoms of SCDS should consult with an otolaryngologist. A surgical procedure or hearing aids may be indicated.