Natural Remedies

Natural Treatments for Cancer


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Posted by Vicki (Tucson, Usa) on 01/02/2011

I have been treating my skin cancer with iodine and it is working.

Replied by Robert S.

Inject some sodium bicarbonate directly into the cancer, this will kill it off much quicker than iodine alone. Use distilled water, add some SB and make sure everything is clean. Wash the area to be injected with povidone iodine. You might want to add some Loguls iodine topically, the stronger, the better.


Hello Robert, how much baking soda should be used?


Posted by Sam (Miami, FL) on 12/11/2014

I am surprised IP6 is not mentioned as colon and other cancers treatment/prevention. Also read reviews on Amazon for this supplement.

Isopropyl Alcohol and Cancer

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 11/10/2016

HI U BIRDS DOIN,,,,,,,,,,,, lots of posts recently using isopropyl alcohol. Not going to get on the soap box about this topic, but Hulda Clark always said that every time she found cancer, she found Isopropyl alcohol. She recommended using vodka as a disinfectant instead.

I quit shaking hands about 6 years ago. Messes up some folks head because they think you can use a hand sanitizer lotion and everything will be OK. I think not. Doctors are the worst of the lot. Now our Gov has banned anti-bacteria soap. What is the difference.

Also the custom of shaking hands was to show that you do not have a weapon.

Is life interesting or what? ========ORH============


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Posted by Tan Koon Peng (Singapore) on 07/01/2008

To be taken on empty stomach daily for best results!

This juice will detox and make the body alkaline. When the body is free of toxins the immune system will be able to function well and can fight the Cancer cells effectively.

Replied by Beth

I cannot find grapes with seeds any more. They are being used for resverol and grape seed oil and more. Greed has taken over.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

BETH,,,,,,, not only that, but you will be hard pressed to find peanut butter that has peanut oil in it. They remove the oil, sell it separately and substitute canola oil.


Replied by Mama To Many


If you are wanting grapes with seeds you may be able to grow them! I live in TN also and know that people around here grow grapes.

If that is not an option, ask around at farmer's markets.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Kay (Knoxville, TN) on 11/13/2007

To Maria from Manson, NC: Juicing for cancer is a huge subject, tons of material and books out there on it. Feel free to email me for more detail, but in short, I used a Champion Juicer I bought in the 1970s (still working today) and a modified version of Gerson Therapy. I ordered the book from the Gerson Clinic directly, also used lots of flaxseed oil and supplements. Dr. Susan Day also has a wonderful website about her natural recovery from breast cancer. (you can Google any of this info free!) Congratulations on your recovery and hopes for your continued good health !

Replied by Maria
(Manson, NC)

Response to Kay (Knoxville, TN) - Bladder Infecttion Remedy. I'd like to hear more about how you juiced your way back to health from cancer. Particularly the type of Juicer used and recipies for the most effective juices. I'm a cancer survivor and I'm always looking for ways to maintain my health and stay cancer-free forever.

Replied by Bret

Mixed efficacy has been seen in juicing. When juicing apples the skin contains some of the most complex polyphenols. Greater than white/green tea. Another key ingredient to these juices is in fact parsley. Very high in chlorophyll and alkaline salts juicing without parsley is a huge mistake. Flax seed oil has even more complex oxygen donors than apple skins. I did extensive investigation into juicing as I had a few clients who juiced and it didn't seem to help. When people finally get the fact that juicing is an oxygen therapy they will begin to augment their juices with things like, (flax seed,) peroxide drops, etc. People will add more parsley and other oxygen donors to their concoctions. Adding buffered vitamin c salts to your juice is not a bad idea either. The other common factor to successful juicing I found was that you had to drink your juice four time a day. Those that steered away from carrots and augmented with higher apples and parsely along with 4x daily consumption had the highest rate of success amongst the dozens of juicers I interviewed.

Kalanchoe Pinnata

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Posted by Arete (Rancho Dominguez Ca) on 12/04/2018

Kalanchoe pinnata (BIRM)

BIRM comes from the plant Kalanchoi gastonis-bonnieri.

There are three plants that belong to this group called Kalanchoe:




One of the constituents of the kalanchoe-pinnata is bufadienolides which has the following effect on cancer: Pharmacology

The Bufadienolides in the leaves have antibacterial, antitumorous, cancer preventative, and insecticidal actions. These isolated compounds isolated include bryophillin A which showed strong anti-tumor promoting activity, also included are bersaldegenin-3-acetate and bryophillin C.

Bryophyllin compounds have marked anticancer therapeutic value against cancer cells. Bersaldegenin-1,3,5-orthoacetate inhibited cancer cell growth on several cancer lines.


"The above presentation is for informational and educational purposes only.

It is based on scientific studies (human, animal, or in vitro), clinical experience, or traditional usage."

Kidney Cancer

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Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 04/14/2009

There was a recent case of kidney cancer that just gone into remission (a Kidney cancer is unique in that it doesn't respond well to the usual alkalizing remedy such as baking soda, sodium citrate, potassium citrate, sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate. It won't also respond to hydrogen peroxide, blood root or black salve. There's a reason behind it that kidney is a regulator of pH and it can't achieve a uniformly high alkaline remedy. Also the cancer cells in kidney can't be digested by a sanguinaria, bloodroot tincture or black salve, although it does digest surrounding cancers, mostly cancer polyps. The one remedy that did work was based on the theory of fungus causing cancer. Fungus causing cancer is relatively straightforward, certain molds such as black mold fungus, found in most homes produces a cancer causing chemical well known in medical literature called aflatotoxin and mycotoxins. These are also found in the body infected with low concentrations of these in food, water, and sometimes is infected. Therefore the best remedy that I can come up with, including metastatic kidney cancer is the azoxystrobin in the brand product Amistar (there may be many other brands) often sold as fungicide, made from natural substance from a fungicide found in a pine cone, often used to rid of molds and fungus used in grass growing lawn. A kidney cancer usually will go into remission after about 3 - 4 days. The dose I used is fairly low, between 1-2 drops taken 3 or 4 times a day dissolved in 1/2 glass of water. Most of the cancer pain will be reduced in a day, but I think it may take a month to completely rid of them. However, I don't believe a cancer can go away completely and may come back. As a result there are two possible approach to this issue. Take one drop to two as maintenance dose a day, or just wait until I have one and then take it when I needed it. I am a bit conservative and are one of those who will wait and take it on as needed basis to prevent possible resistance of azoxystrobin. At the present, there is no resistance to this. I believe there is a fungus colony, or a mold which could explain why they keep coming back if they are not taken for about a month or two. Most other organs as in prostate cancer might be coming from the same source and the remedy can be used with this same thing. Of course when it is bought, the excuse is to buy as a fungicide for the garden. lol.


Replied by Pilar
(Superior, Colorado)


My dad was diagnosed with kidney cancer, and so I was reading, that for this particular cancer, you suggest to used Azoxstrobin, so can you please tell me where I can get this and how do I mix it or the exact measurements? Thank You.


Pilar, I see Ted left you hanging unless he contacted you by email. How is your daddy doing now & did you find the Azoxstrobin & how to use it for your daddy's kidney cancer? I hope so.

Robert S.

Everything was in the post. You can buy it on, a bit expensive, but not when your life might depend on it.

Replied by Robert S.

Look into Hulda Clark methods, she knows what she is talking about and has an excellent track record with terminal cancers of all types.

Lactobacillus Salivarius

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Posted by Mary (Oregon) on 10/26/2023

This probiotic Lactobacillus Salivarius was given to people that were around Chernobyl. The Russian doctors figured out this would help build their immune systems and helped patients a lot.

Larch Arabinogalactan

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Posted by Ruralgirl (Heart Of Tx) on 09/03/2014

In 2002 the surgeon gave me six months to live because he thought (and biopsy showed) that the uterine cancer had metastasized to my pecan-sized lymph nodes. Ten months later they were ping-pong ball-sized. I was feeling the "big squeeze" that the oncologist said would kill me as my organs would not be able to work. I started taking AG capsules (3-morning and 3-evening). In THREE DAYS my lymph nodes felt normal so I could wear a bra. I happened to have another scan six months after that, and my lymph nodes really were normal-size! Be sure to use the AG from the larch tree called ImmunEnhancer. I got mine online from vitamin shoppe.

(The disaccharide--two-atom molecule of "sugar" [not unhealthy like table sugar, but a cell-to-cell communicator]--called milk sugar is glucose-galactose; AG is arabinose-galactose. Like maple trees make maple syrup, larch trees make AG.)

Lemon Cleanse

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Posted by Haler (West Coast, Usa) on 05/22/2012

Late-60's age Nurse I met had 2 cancer diagnoses as a young woman, chemo, and surgery. After 5 years another cancer diagnosed, she chose holistic cure 'Lemon Cleansing' which cured her. Cleansing yearly, she is cancer free 8 years now. No more chemo, no more surgeries, no more ill health. Any patients at the hospital also cure. Be sure to eat well while cleansing. Eating less is ok if you aren't hungry. Keep to fresh foods, not processed. This cleanse gives NO stomach sickness or lip acid blisters.

DOSAGE: Fresh squeeze lemon juice amount as instructed into 12 oz water and drink it. Do this 3 times daily. Add 1-2 drops olive oil per glassful to prevent possible sting or burn of toxins during bathroom use - all will pass without runs or discomfort to body or skin. Drinking more water between doses helps wash out more toxins. Day 1 squeeze 1 lemon in 12 oz water. Do 3 times that day (total 3 lemons used). Day 2 squeeze 2 lemons each of 3 glasses (6 total), Day 3 is 9 lemons, Day 4 is 12, Day 5 is 15, Day 6 is 18, Day 7 is 21. Then decrease, Day 8 total 18, Day 9 total 15, Day 10 total 12, Day 11 total 9, Day 12 total 6, Day 13 total 3 lemons.

If this seems like a lot of water and lemon juice, here is the calculation: Total water: 3. 65USgallons (or 12oz water X 3 glasses per day X 13 days = 468 oz = 3.65USgallons). Total lemon juice: 1.72USgallons (or 3 Tbsp lemon juice X 147 lemons = 441 Tbsp or US 1.72 gallons). Total fluid consumed is 5.37USgallons, over 13 days.

Once detoxed in this way, obey when you thirst or hunger. Your body is newly cleansed. Take good care of it with good food, rest, and exercise.

Replied by Heather

Thanks for posting this. It's very interesting I'd like to hear if anyone has tried this. When I used to use a microwave I'd clean off all the grime left behind by putting 1/2 lemon in a dish of water on high for a couple of minutes then everything would wipe off easily. So this could be what happens in the intestines? Do you think hot water with lemon would work better? Thanks

Replied by Gavin
(Manganui, Northland, New Zealand)

No dont put hot water with the lemon it will cook the active ingredients. Theirs a lot of anecdotal evidence with regards to lemons stopping cancer, either way I can swear on the bible since I started using it over time the health benifits become obvious. I use fresh squeezed orange juice with the juice of one lemon added with a capfull of apple cider vinegar, once a day before meals. This is a maintainence dose. If your wanting to clear something up you might have to take more to start off. My left ear has gone from completly deaf to normal hearing since I started using it in the new year. It was deaf for at least a decade.

Leukemia Remedies

Posted by Nigel (Manchester) on 03/09/2014

My cat has leukemia and I am looking for something to help his chances really. I rescued him 2 days ago from a neglecting home.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Nigel,

Feline Leukemia is a "retro-virus"....and can be cured by feeding (drops into mouth if necessary) Colloidal Silver which will kill the virus. If you can't get that, you could try other anti virus herbs, such as Echinacea, tea tree oil etc. But CS is best, assuming you can find some with sufficient parts per million. I make my own so know it is a high PPM.

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Here is a group that may be able to give you some good advice for your cat: Good luck!

Replied by Jim
(Frostburg, Maryland)

Strays with Feline leukemia respond well to feeding with raw chicken every day -- a couple of rounded tablespoons or as much as they will eat. Also give them fish oil; one or two capsules per day. Either squeeze a pricked capsule onto the back of their tongues or onto their hard or soft food. If the cat likes dairy, give it a teaspoon of Budwig made with the fish oil instead of flax. Flaxseed oil is fine but you'll likely have to force it down the cat's throat using a small clear plastic syringe with the funnel-end cut off and --very important --smoothed and rounded off with sandpaper. Cutting the syringe leaves a sharp-edge which will hurt the cat's gums and lips. You can alternatively hold the sharp cut-off end briefly over a flame, melting it into a rounded edge.

You'll need to fill the small syringe with the Budwig (or meat if it won't eat that) then insert the rubber-tipped plunger. The syringe at ready in your right hand, reach down and stroke the cat with your left hand. Straddle the cat from behind then quickly bend down on your haunches, your heels pulling close together so that the cat's rear exit is blocked. Grab the cat by cupping your left hand with fingers under the chin and the thumb at the upper-nose/eyes. While doing this worm your left-hand index finger into the left side of the cat's mouth. The mouth will open, allowing your right hand to insert the small plastic syringe centrally into it's mouth. Quickly push the plunger, expelling the Budwig or raw food. When performed properly the Budwig (or meat) is deposited onto the back of the tongue. Quickly remove the syringe while keeping your fingers and thumb clamped around the cat's jaws for a couple of seconds. This act will increase the odds that the cat will swallow. This is not as difficult as it reads.

Use of raw chicken and fish oil daily should result in noticeable improvements to the cats appearance in a few days. I have had cats diagnosed with FL live for 15 years with the use of raw meat added to their diets. I believe cereal diets produce weak immune systems.

BTW, one or two fish oil capsules administered daily has extended the lives of several of my own and my friend's' cats by years, even after being given terminal diagnoses by the vet.

Loss of Appetite Remedies

Posted by Cindy (Paradise, California) on 07/26/2010

A friend asked me to research anything that could help her increase her appetite that has disappeared due to taking Tamoxifen and other meds to hold cancer at bay. She said she is starving to death because she can't eat. I noticed Fenugreek but one feedback note said it increased estrogen so that sounds like a bad idea for my friend. Any suggestions?

Replied by Thewayistruth
(Bakersfield, Californian)

If she has lost her appetite please get her to a Medical Marijuana facility. She can either smoke it or eat it in a brownie, because this herb will stimulate her appetite! It does so many good things like lessen pain anywhere, and if your stress level is noticable it will bring it down to the level it should be at.

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/29/2017

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN,,,,,,,,, had my session with my anti-aging doctor today and committed. I committed to her counsel, but I call the shots. Did not tell her that, because I am responsible for my own health. Sometimes, I need counsel and I listen. She told me that I was to not eat any vegetable that is not green. Sheet man, she read that somers in a nerd book. I am going to eat tomatoes, squash, egg plant and such those are not green. I know a heck of a lot more about nutrition than she. She is good, but has to practice doctoring. All I have to do is research and learned many years ago that if you do that, then you ahead of them. She loves me and my Tractor Driver because we are now friends, but she does not like the pressure I put her under. She says I read too much. I did good today and mostly listened. She did the main thing that I wanted and that is to put us both on LDN. Low dose Naltrexone will peak out our immune system. That is what defeats cancer, as it has your entire life. I also told her that I was also taking Gluta 1,3D Beta Glutan to do the same thing.

So what is my point....... when we in deep dodo, we need help. I need help and she is filling in my holes. She takes no insurance, so we now have to pick up cans on the side of the road for the next few years.

I have to do a Vit C IV weekly. She was not happy that I will be doing that with my local alternative doctor. In short she is treating me as if I were in Europe. No way would I do what 'merican doctors do for cancer. Just finished the book, HONEST MEDICINE, in which a doctor that first got his PhD in microbiology, was a college professor and then got his MD. He said that medicine is not an education but training. Just do what you are told to do. I believe that with all my heart. Good people ....... you must read this book and you must get on LDN regardless of your health. It peaks out your immune system and keeps you healthy. EC will not like this because they will have half the posts.

Out of spit. =======ORH==========

Maple Syrup, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Iodine

Posted by Christal (Kyle, Texas) on 01/19/2011

I came across this "cure" and I think everyone who has cancer should try this.

A few drs out there suggest that cancer is a fungus and I have to say I agree. Candida is the culprit. How do we get massive candida overgrowth? Antibiotics and the foods we consume constanly.

The remedy is this

3 Teaspoons PURE 100% GRADE B Maple Syrup

1 Teaspoon Aluminum free baking soda(you can order this online just do a word serch for it, thats what I had to do)

take those and heat them on the stove on the lowest setting possible, do this until it bonds which is when it starts to froth a little, you don't want to burn it because it will taste awful.

Eat three teaspoons of this a day, also take magnesium and iodine becuase those defficiencies can cause cancer as well? I read that but I would do it, can't hurt to try right?

Love and God bless yall! Oh and if anyone has any questions about it or anything else just email me! Christaleddleman(at)yahoo(dot)com


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Posted by Art (California) on 01/10/2022 2166 posts

In this very significant new review of meta analysis' of melatonin, it was shown that melatonin significantly increased the one year survival rate of cancer patients with a p-value of 0.005. How do oncologists not recommend melatonin to their cancer patients? I think vets should take notice also because melatonin is naturally occurring in animals just as it is in humans and plant life.


Replied by Betty

I will give 2 reasons first hand experience.

1. Chemo centers are driven by incentives to keep an 80% capacity all day long of people in the chemo chair hooked up. I have seen onc's actually walk through, not to check on people, but to count empty chairs.

2. Other concern is statistics. They are taught to keep control of the patient and deter everything not listed per NCCN to the point of scaring the crap out of people saying things like "No no no, do not do this or take that. You could die." Then they spill analogies like "We are in the middle of a football game now, it's halftime. Ball is in the air and we just have to wait for the end outcome (statistic). Just let me worry about your cancer. You rest and make sure you come to all appts."

I could go on and on.

I know for a fact if I had followed along blindly obeying I would be dead already.

Replied by Betty

Just to add to the melatonin study. When I told one of my onc's I started taking melatonin he said "I don't recommend it. You need to stop. Cancer is stressful enough and melatonin causes nightmares. Just another stress on you." So, he said he would rx lexapro or xanax if I needed it. No thanks!

