Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

Bladder Infection

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Posted by Suzanne (Australia) on 08/09/2023

I have suffered from UTI and was prescribed antibiotics, after discovering borax I have no UTI, I take under a 1/4 teaspoon borax in a litre bottle and drink it all day. and no antibiotics.

Replied by Dayna
(New Zealand)

That's amazing results, I made up 1 teaspoon into 4 cups of distilled water and take 1 tablespoon every day but unfortunately I'm still getting UTIs I'm also in menopause, so get them frequently am hoping that borax will help with mine too so I don't need to take dam antibiotics all the time.


Hi there... you might want to try taking d-mannose powder for recurrent bladder infections. It's a molecule that binds to bacteria in the bladder. Do your research and experiment with dosing but commonly, 1 tsp in water each night before bed will do the trick.

Replied by Linda
(Jefferson City, Missouri)

How long did it take you to clear the UTI without antibiotics?


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Posted by Randy (Jersey City, Nj, Usa) on 01/12/2011


Based on recommendations I found on the site, yesterday I tried Borax to help relieve my candida issue. I have had long standing bloating caused by the candida. Just to start off, I took a very small amount (maybe 1/20 teaspoon) of 20-mule team borax in 0.75L water, and drank it throughout the day. By about 4pm, I started having A LOT of flatulence that lasted several hours. Didn't smell bad luckily, but had to go home after work and stay there for a while :)

By the end of the evening, my belly felt empty, with none of the pressure or pain that I have come to live with. Unbelievable! I plan on continuing to use borax for my issues. I will work up gently to about 1/8 or 1/4 teaspoon 4 days a week, for a limit time frame. Anyone interested in trying borax, I recommend it, but please read the borax information on this site, and work up the dosage very gently, it is powerful. Thanks Earth Clinic!!

Blocked Carotid Artery

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Posted by Allan (NJ) on 01/08/2023

I have used a boron solution for over a year and got rid of a 30% block in my carotid artery, according to a series of doppler ultrasound studies.

It should be noted that with all the good things boron can do it also removes magnesium and iodine from the system. I supplement with kelp tablets and eat fish twice a week. Epsom salts are the cheapest form of magnesium, I add a half teaspoon to the water and boron solution.

Borax and Gut Flora

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Posted by June (Florida) on 06/15/2014

Bill, what are the effects of borax water on the good bacteria in the gut?

Replied by Bill
(San Fenando, Philippines)

Hi June...I'm afraid that I cannot give you any real research evidence on whether borax kills good microbiota in the gut or not -- I have looked at the research and their isn't very much on borax. But that's probably because the drugs companies don't really want you to know about how effective borax is against both mycoplasma and fungus.

What's more, I've been using borax water regularly for the last 8 years or so and it has never made me feel ill (even when I used it against my candida). So if you want my own opinion -- because that's all it is from my own experience with borax -- I would say that it doesn't kill good gut bacteria.


A chemist back in the 1960's was commissioned to travel the world for all the info he could find on boron. Other chemists were tasked with other inorganics also. An encyclopedia set was then put together for colleges. If you can get your hands on these old encyclopedia sets it might be a very useful tool.


I agree with this comment it has something to do with the human ph balance where good bacteria live and thrive and Borax works on this human ph level... Chlorine Dioxide does this also kills off bacteria that is not on the human ph balance...

Replied by June
(Florida, US)

Thanks a lot Bill.

Replied by Anissa

For how long can I take the borax solution?

Replied by Katzie

You can take it for as long as you want. Boron is supposed to be in our fruits & veggies naturally but our soil is deficient in North America. If you keep taking the borax, it will help you during middle age too by assisting the parathyroid gland to help regulate your hormones, which is great for hot flashes.

Borax and Hormones

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Posted by Bev (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) on 08/08/2014

Borax causes men to produce more testosterone and women more estriol. For those of us older than 40 or 50, that would seem a very good thing.

Taking 2 or 3 days a week off the borax is to (supposedly) allow your body to adjust and your hormones to balance.

Several people take borax continuously and don't seem to suffer any ill effects. As usual, do your homework and make responsible choices. However, if taking borax 4 or 5 days a week gives you the results you want, why take it for 7?

Many health professionals advise taking even your regular supplements only 5 days a week (or 3 weeks on and 1 week off). The reason for this is because anything we take continuously may attenuate -- become less effective or even ineffective. This happens all the time with prescription drugs. People who were taking MSM every single day and getting great results suddenly were not: The MSM just stopped working for them after 6 months, a year, or in some cases many years.

Replied by Ken B

Fantastic answer, thank you Bev :)

Replied by Annie
(Golden co)

I take bio identical hormones. Can I still take borax?

Borax and Hormones
Posted by Bridget (Detroit, Mi) on 05/02/2014

Hi,I read on the posts here that borax can increase testosterone.......I don't want my hormones out of whack, is this something I should be taking? Thanks, this site is very interesting, glad I found it!

Replied by So & So

Hi Bridget~ I was wondering the same thing. I did a bit of internet snooping & found these articles helpful. My husband was diagnosed with Low-T, with blood levels @ 180. The doctor put him on one of the gel treatments. He felt much better @ week 2 of treatment, but has gradually been feeling worse again. We are now @ about week 4. I suspect his estrogen levels are playing a part in this. Anyway, after reading the abstract I'm sending him to Wal-mart tomorrow bright & early to get some 20 mule-team borax!

I hope this is helpful!

Replied by Nels
(Gold Country, Ca.)

I've just added boron as a 'must have mineral', having been ignorant of the wide ranging benefits toward wellness.

So much 'good stuff' seems to hide in the shadows of plain sight all around us, and one day, a light is shined on the subject, and it it immediately becomes a 'no brainer' to act upon the info, reaping unexpected rewards for one's effort to stretch further.

Boron's exactly that for me, changing my life in a wink...

...because, now I DRINK my footbath water.

(I mix up a fresh batch, no double-dipping for me)

Gee whiz! Whoo-da-thunk it? What's next?! ?

(urine therapy?! ?) Who knows...?

Thanks to all who contributed comments here. Has anyone noticed themselves feeling as strong as a mule? Just wondering...


Urine therapy works great for everything. Also Dr. Lugol's Iodine is a powerful tool as well. Researching old books has brought me to alot of this information. It is a fact, that when Rothchilds/Carnige created the first University, they removed ALL books of knowledge that promoted critical thinking. Schools were put in place to create "workers" not "thinkers".. That is a quote from Rothchild himself.

Borax Bans

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Posted by Andrew (England) on 06/30/2015

My usual borax supplier had this message when I went to some a few days ago:


This product is restricted for Sale to the General Public under Annexe XVII of EU Regulation 552/2009.

It is only available for sale to Companies and any sale will be subejct to a Declaration of Use being completed.

Please contact us before purchasing"

Seems our beloved Ted was right on the money as this restriction is totally irrational to a compound less toxic than table salt.

It can still be bought from that auction site and be imported but my advice is STOCK UP before a total ban if you live in the EU. Medical tyranny is halfway here. Look out for each other and stock up for your "chemical" remedies.

God bless.

Replied by Margaret

It is on sale at walmart. I just got some.

Replied by Beamer
(Brisbane, Australia)

Farm supply stores will have it.

Replied by Rskorj

Don't take it for granted if you can buy it from the supermarket, I have seen corporations change the formulas of products and thus made them useless. The same thing can happen for the general public access to pure minerals. Stock up is good advice.

Borax Capsules

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Posted by Jens (Vancouver ) on 07/24/2015

I have been taking gelcaps of 20 mule team borax which is about 11% boron mixed 50% with magnesium citrate. The caps full are about 0.5 gram, or 0.25 g borax or about 0.0275 g which would be about 27.5 mg. I feel that when taken it helps with sleeping better waking up less stiff and less sore. If I don't take them a few days later I am reminded first thing in the AM.

Borax Capsules
Posted by Alakhi (Mt) on 11/16/2013

I have a question regarding Borax. I do not like the taste. I was wondering if it would be effective to take borax in a capsule as an alternative? I grew up in a moldy envirnment and have had problems with pcos, acne, hirstism, energy, food allergies, candida, etc.

Replied by Prioris

You can put borax in a capsule or just keep diluting it in more water until it is palatable.

Replied by Ken B

Try mixing it in with lemon water or juice :)

Borax Contraindications

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Posted by Gal (Fairfax, VA) on 10/23/2020

Question about using Borax.

Can borax be used for someone who has kidney failure? My dad is diabetic with kidney failure and hypertension. He wants to start supplementing with borax for boron. However, we're afraid that it might hurt his kidneys. Any advice?

Replied by Anon
(Not Canada)
Replied by JediSleeveEye
(Lethbridge, Alta. Canada)

I would go to Distilled Water for Kidney Failure, Get him to drink a Gallon a day. No Less, and more would actually work better. Distilled Water is what must be used to perform Kidney Dialysis. Big Pharma knows this... Kidneys are clogged and have been slowly dying off for years thus failing, this is Kidney Failure. Supplementation with Borax likely wouldn't have any deleterious effects

Replied by Dr Howard

For a Borax solution 4% see says lab use but this is a simple disclaimer.

l use many products over the years and personally know manufacturers that say lab use only, but the product is pure. They don't want to be blamed for any ‘wrong' uses. Can't blame them.

Much easier to use premade totally dissolved in solution borax pure lab grade to use in topical applications.

Replied by JP

Hi there, I was just wondering if there were any known health risks involved with taking Borax while being on Adderall medication? I appreciate all the help!

(Warner Robins, GA)

I am on adderall and have been drinking the borax mixture for almost a month. I do about 2-3 days a week instead of 5 (the reason being I forget some days... adhd lol) but I have had no issue whatsoever! If anything my focus, organization, and memory have improved.

Replied by sweetestmomof4

Can Borax be ingested with Vit C and lugols? Does anything cancel out borax?


When I learned about iodine it wasn't recommended to take vitamin C *with* iodine but wait at least an hour or two. Same with boron. Today I take borax solution in the morning, iodine mid-morning, vitamin C after lunch. Some days none or just one of them but as far as spacing is concerned, this works for me and my family.

Borax Decahydrate 99.9%

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Posted by Ashlee (Uk ) on 12/17/2022 2 posts

Hi, I'm sure this is an old question.. but I bought borax decahydrate 99.9%

it's called HD chemicals brand. With all the hazardous warnings. I've only just started looking again at dosage and want to check I've bought the correct type!
not also doesn't disolve that easily.. leaves a little residue at bottom of a glass when stirred..

:) new here .. any help appreciated before I start x

Replied by Mama to Many

Hi Ashlee,

Unfortunately, Borax goes by many names, but it is the same chemical. (Unfortunately, only because it causes confusion.)

Here are a couple of links showing that borax decahydrate is the borax being discussed here at EC.

Find U.S. Borax Products | U.S. Borax

Borax Decahydrate

You could try dissolving it in warm water. I add a pinch to my coffee and don't notice a residue, but then again, I may not be very observant. :)

~Mama to Many~

2 posts

Thank you so much! I didn't want to use a synthetic or something with other ingredients. I also read it's hard to get this product in Europe ( I'm in the uK) . perhaps that's why I was able to obtain it since we are no longer eu.. who knows!

Anyway Thankyou x

Replied by ROSINA

Hi Ashley,

Yes, I can confirm I purchased the exact same Borax Dehydrate. I didnt purchase it from a chemical company, I bought it from a seller on for about £20.00 a kilo I think. I had no problems with the seller who was very nice, and I received it within a few days. I also live in the Uk, East end of London lol. I hope this eases your mind. Rosina Lock from london UK

Borax Dosage in Milligrams

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Posted by Tauqir (Bradford, West Yorkshire, England) on 04/17/2012

I have known people who have treated themselves succesfully with Borax. That is the reason I wanted to try it. The problem is that they all took different dosages. I simply wanted to follow an established protocol. What is 1/4 teaspoon in milligrams? The difference on this site has varied enormously. Experienced users! Please Help. Thanks.

Replied by Linda
(San Francisco, Ca, USA)

For Taquir, I measured 1/8 teaspoon and 1/4 teaspoon amounts of 20 Mule Team Borax from the local grocery on a Precision Professional Digital Mini Scale ____ (This scale cost me about $30. retail in Florida, USA).

Since lumps in the Borax are compacted and Borax is a comparatively heavy substance, I mashed the lumps in the Borax powder loose before measuring (Clearly from the following measurements I must have missed a few tinies though). Since this Borax has about the same toxicity as table salt, I am sure the minute difference is negligible in effect.

My procedure was: Wack the lumps, fill the scoop, level off the scoop, then pour contents of the scoop into tare container and measure weight. The tare container was cleared of debris before each measurement.

Here are my measurement results:

  • 1/4 teaspoon 20 Mule Team weighs .73 grams, or 730 milligrams
  • 1/8 teaspoon 20 Mule Team weighs.34 grams, or 340 milligrams

So Bangkok Ted recommends 1/4 teaspoon Borax per litre of water for men, and 1/8 teaspoon Borax per litre of water for women.

Namaste, Linda

Borax Dosage Per Sip

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Posted by Earth Clinic on 02/08/2024

Ever wondered about the exact amount of boron you're consuming with each sip of Ted's recommended borax solution? We've got the insights you need! For a moderate sip, estimated at around 15 ml, you can expect to ingest approximately 1.7 mg of boron from the men's solution (mixed with ¼ teaspoon of borax per 1 liter of water) and roughly 0.84 mg from the women's solution (1/8 teaspoon of borax per 1 liter of water).

And just how many sips does a 1-liter bottle hold? The answer is about 67 sips. This breakdown helps you gauge your boron intake more precisely, ensuring you stay within Ted's recommended dosage, whether you're sipping throughout the day or planning your intake more strategically.

Borax Dosage Tips

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Posted by Nice Lady (United States) on 06/24/2022

There are two methods of taking this 20 Mule Team Borax powder. One is to put one teaspoon of the powdered borax in a liter of water and then use this by putting a teaspoon of this water in a glass of water once or twice daily. The second way is according to Ted's advice which is for men to put 1/4 teaspoon of the 20 Mule Team Borax into a glass of water once daily and drink the whole glass. He also recommended for women to put 1/8 teaspoon of the Borax into a glass of water once daily. I have read where it's according to your weight and that some women can use the man's dosage.

For me, I am a little heavier at 200 lbs and a woman and what works for me is I started with the 1/8 tsp in water, it worked well for me, I started slowly for a week or so and I also read to take a magnesium capsule once daily to offset any symptoms as this borax seems to work hand in hand with the magnesium. I take one 500mg magnesium capsule in the morning with breakfast. This works for me. After doing well with the 1/8 of a tsp of the 20 mule team borax I upped the dosage to where I take this two times per day in a hot large cup of coffee.

I have taken this for a month now and it seems to be helping me with the stiffness in my shoulder joints which I could not raise above my shoulder level without pain before and can raise straight up now, much stronger with very little pain if any and I run my rototiller about once a week, have a large garden and work daily on two acres, keeping it mowed and taken care of. Plus I am almost 70 yrs old. This has also been helping to dissolve my kidney stones and has helped my IBS very much. Helped my partner's arthritis in his knees a lot also. So for me this works well.

Replied by Sophie

Hi, I inadvertently took a teaspoon full of b....x instead of MSM. At the time, I freaked out and immediately took a teaspoon of activated charcoal just in case. That was three hours ago and so far, so good. So don't panic, just in case it happens to someone else.

(Illinois, USA)
462 posts

I once put a dropperful of dmso under my tongue, from a bottle that looked like my cayenne tincture bottle, ROFL! I had extra energy that day but nothing else I do that every once in a while - though not a whole dropperful, YUCK!

Borax Dosages

13 User Reviews
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Posted by John (Michigan) on 07/09/2022

In response to:

Posted by Isolda (Beaufort) on 04/24/2022

Hello, I did the 1/4 tsp in a litre of water first day loading but by the time I reached 3/4 of the bottle about 5-6 hours later I started to feel antsy and nervous. I was a little anxious. Later in the evening I felt anxious again. Like it had a second cycle in my body. Probably going through my liver. I have read that the dosage of the 1/4 tsp = 114mg is incorrect. Can you please confirm that it is correct?

I find a lot of people but especially women do not tolerate the recommended doses on this site initially. I start people out on 1/16 of a USA teaspoon in liter of water. I will have them do this 3 times a week the first week. If that does not bother them next week I have them do that 5 days and take a break over the weekend. If they are an average size man or larger I will have them jump to 1/8th teaspoon 3 days a week and build up again to 5 days a week. IF they are women I have them try 1/8th teaspoon on one day and stay at 1/16th the rest of the week. The idea is to sneak up on the full daily dose without negative side effects. If they get anything more than a mildly upset stomach I will have them take a day or two off and back the dose down. Your body has been deficient your entire life on this trace mineral. Not everyone can jump in at a high dose. The goal is to heal your body not make yourself sick and miserable.

My wife only takes it once a week at 1/8th teaspoon and that keeps all of her joints pain free. I have been taking 1/4 teaspoon per day for years and it only helped my joint pain the first month or so. It greatly improved my Vitamin D absorption though! I am upping my dose though to 1/2 a teaspoon of Borax and Backing soda to see if a higher dose helps.

I started my Dad on 1/4 teaspoon of Borax and 1/2 teaspoon of backing soda each night before bed. It stopped his kidney disease and reversed it one grade and improved his joints and all of his other health markers. It also cured his constipation. He takes a lot of medications that cause constipation but that is not a problem now. It has not done anything for my joints, tendons or ligaments but I am convinced that it along with vitamin D and K2 removed the calcium deposits from my heart valves.

Before taking Borax no matter how much vitamin D3 I took I was always deficient. So start slow this is not a race. Take what you can and titrate the dose upward as your body can handle it. Do not be afraid to stop it and let any side effects go away before restarting!

Replied by Robert
(Clemson, SC)

Is it okay to start if one has Ulcers?

2165 posts


There are no human studies to answer the question about ulcers and borax that you are asking. There are only animal studies and those studies show that borax can cause microscopic ulcers as discussed in this study :

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

' Conclusion: Both of low dose (150mg / kg BW) and high dose (300mg / kg BW) of borax exposure for 8 weeks cause microscopic gastric ulcer on rats. '

Of importance is human equivalency of the three doses they used in this study in the rats. The three dose were :

50 mg/kg

150 mg/kg

300 mg/kg

If you convert these to human equivalency approximations, they would look like this :

8.1 mg/kg

24.3 mg/kg

48.6 mg/kg

In the study, they said the last two doses, which are higher than the first dose, caused microscopic ulcers, but when you look at their data, the lowest dose also showed some issues. When you convert that lowest dose of 8.1 mg/kg to a human weighing 80 kg or roughly 176 pounds, the dose would be 648 mg per day and this puts the dose in between Ted's dose for women and his dose for men which are roughly 500 mg for women and 1000 mg for men.

Based on the above information, it sounds like you would be using a safer approach to first heal your ulcers before attempting Ted's borax regimen.

Regarding the ulcers, natural remedies aside, your doctor should be able to put you on an antibiotic regimen to cure them fairly in most cases.


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