Ear Mites
Natural Remedies

Ear Mite Remedies

Posted by John Cole (Saipan) on 11/19/2015 4 posts


Read the label on Revolution, for cats, about mites. Does it not say something like "for the treatment and control of ear mites"? Not cure, eradication, not resolution... Besides, do you want a systemic pesticide circulating through your kitty when there are no long-term studies on safety? (My guess is that long-term, it'll shorten your cat's life.)

I tried an old-school (maybe organophosphate type) ear-drop miticide on my cats. Not only did it not get rid of the mites, but it caused severe inflammation and open sores that took weeks to heal.

Mineral oil worked FAR, FAR best for my cats.

Posted by K (Mason, WV) on 05/29/2009

I would just like to say that I have a cat and have taken him to the vet several times for ear mites which cost me $65.00 per visit. I have also bought my medidcation from the vet at $12.00 a bottle and have given it to my cat faithfully. My cat still has the ear mites after over a year and suffers terribly from this he has no skin on the backs of his ears where he has dug them so much so at this point I am willing to try anything to get my cat some relief. Hopefully this will work.

Posted by Merit (Phoenix, Arizona) on 05/15/2008


I used too much lanolin-based ear miticide (Zema) in my cat's ear. He continues to shake, now 12 hours after treatment. I know I have used rubbing alcohol to get water out of my ears. Can I use that on him to try to draw out the extra Miticide in the inner ear?

Posted by Stella (USA) on 04/19/2008

re: Feline Mite Remedies. My feline had a scary seizure type reaction from a single dose of Revolution. I will never use it again. It is not worth losing my friend over, especially when there are safer methods for prevention and eradication.