Dim Supplement Benefits and Side Effects

General Feedback
Posted by Poodlemom (Dallas, Tx) on 10/15/2012

DIM stands for diindolylmethane. It is a fairly new supplement derived from crusiferous vegetables which is used to balance hormones for men and women. Men tend to like it because it frees up testosterone and women seem to like it because it regulates menstrual cycles and menopause.

General Feedback
Posted by Wayseeker (Modesto, Ca/ Usa) on 10/06/2012

Since you asked for a response if have used DIM: My son uses it for "man boobs" or estrogen dominance, as it is in foods he eats, like meat, or fast food burgers. You know, estrogen puts those pounds on the cattle for auction! I like green grass-fed beef, rarely eaten. But I am leaning toward fish now, wild-caught. Soon, I may not care to kill any other being! Eat only food that has fallen to the ground! --T.