Unveiling Bilberry: Unlocking a Superfood's Health Benefits

Posted by Mojo74 (Alberta, Canada) on 11/27/2013

I have had 2 flare ups with iritis in the last 4 years, the third one came the other day… I searched the internet again… my last flare up was earlier this year, and did NOT want to go through it again as you all know how painful this is. I went and bought Bilberry after reading this recommendation, and I've only been taking it for 1 day, but I have little pain, and no sensitivity to light. In this one day of taking Bilberry I am confident that this will work! Thank you so much, you have saved me from going through the painful episode of iritis! My eye is red and a little sore, but I'm sure that as long as I keep taking this every day that it will keep the iritis away. Thanks again! XXX

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 04/16/2012

Re: Iritis:

I've done "eye baths" with watered down bilberry extract with great success.