Vitamin B12 Benefits: Boosting Health & Vitality Naturally

B12 Feedback
Posted by Connie (Slc, Ut) on 04/07/2011

B-12 For many ailments

Hi y'all; I've wanted to post suggestions to people with these particular symptoms, but I was having so many recurrences- I began to have doubts that I could help. A recent blood test brought me to realize that the recurrence of these negative symptoms were because I was not taking B-12 with enough frequency. My long time condition of macrocytosis (big blood cells) had returned. It's probably pernicious anemia, a B-12 deficiency of an autoimmune cause, because I consistently need high amounts of it to stop and reverse the nerve damage that keeps reappearing when I try to reduce it. Many people may have a B-12 deficiency for reasons of : low consumption of foods with it, low stomach acid, intestinal absorption problems, and medication interactions.

The symptoms that B-12 supplementation has relieved for me are so many, that I hardly believe them, but it doesn't matter, I don't even have to believe it; the relief happens anyway. So here goes : Numbness, tingling, pain, of hands, feet, lips, tongue, flank, and gums. (3 years ago, my left hand was becoming claw-like and I nearly lost the use of it. I'm left handed. ) My right foot would shuffle along beside me. My left big toe would present with distractive pain. My vision was blurred and doubled. My hearing was decreased, and there was intermittent tinnitus. I was very irritable and paranoid with very poor memory. There was worsened insomnia and poor physical coordination. I was unable to recover from a PTSD episode, and memories of other traumas began to recur when I was B-12 deficient. I have a long history of IBS, constipation, diarrhea, and flatulence that was not completely relieved by probiotics, magnesium, or potassium supplementation. I have a long history of anxiety, depression, and OCD, (trichotillomania, hair pulling). B-12 has brought immeasurable relief from these conditions for me. Some of these conditions may take a year to relieve. Please tell others of this.

With restarting B-12, I have also noticed that it has helped me with an hypersensitivity to acids. I've been reducing acids in general, to my great benefit, but I was having to become ridiculous about it. Apparently, B-12 is rebuilding the sheaths of my nerves so that I'm less vulnerable to acids. It also is active in metabolizing many acids. I have found it to have no negative side effects for me, but it does have an antagonistic relationship with potassium. If someone with low potassium begins supplementing B-12 in large doses, there could be trouble. I suggest caution. There are many symptoms that low B-12 and low potassium share, such as anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, irritability, shortness of breath, heart palpitations and more. Taking potassium with B-12 has sped my recovery from nerve damage. For now, I'm going to take 1000 to 5000 mcg. Of sublingual methyl- B-12 daily. I also take B-complex and a little extra folate. (400 to 800 mcg. Folate is powerful. Caution). Meantime, I'll continue to treat my liver well, and negotiate this autoimmune business. But I am grateful to this buxom red jewel of a molecule!

B12 Feedback
Posted by Coco (Teaneck, Nj) on 04/10/2011

hello Connie--My symptoms are very similar if not identical. Can you please help and tell me what test did you needed from your MD.Thanks----usanydpadgmaildotcom

B12 Feedback
Posted by Terry (Vancouver, Washington) on 04/16/2008

I went to your site on Hives. I had been suffering with a red rash on my legs, shoulders, arms and middle of lower back for about 2 months and I itched untile I bleed. I had been using a Hydrocortisone cream 1% with Aloe with NO results. I had discovered from your site where people had been getting good relief with ACV and A 90% cure rate with Vitamin B-12 at one milligram a day. I started taking the B-12 and applying the ACV topicallly at least 3 times a day ( just pour on a cotton ball and apply ). I also started taking 2 T. ACV in an 8 oz. glass of water with 1/4 t of Baking Soda. I figured if its good for the outside of the body it couldn't hurt me on the inside. I am happy to say it worked my rash and bumps are almost gone and there is no longer any rash that itches or bleeds., Thank you ALL for your contributions to this site. I was at wits end. Terry

Posted by Mt (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) on 05/14/2013

When the blood is to thick it is very hard to collect it. You can thin the blood by drinking more water and by eating each day a clove of garlic. On earth clinic you can find a recipe for blocked blood vessels, based on lemon, garlic and honey, that will also help with the blood thinning.

Swedish bitter is helping with digestion -it improves liver and pancreas function.

For all the pain symptoms you have to consider Lyme disease.

I also recommend to read the book by Maria Treben, Health through God's Pharmacy. Look into stinging nettle, yarrow, calendula and horse tail tees.

Posted by Mark (Newton Abbot, Devon Uk) on 05/20/2013

Tinydancer from Dayton Ohio: Just wondering if there was a particular brand of patch that worked best for you, there are so many to choose from and we don't want to be starting all over again.

Posted by Tinydancer (Dayton, Ohio, Usa) on 05/20/2013

Mark, I get my B12 patches here-

Posted by Tinydancer (Dayton, Ohio, Usa) on 05/20/2013

Mark, I put the link to where I get the patches in another reply. I just wanted to add that I had to put about 4-5 patches on my body before I got relief at first. I must have been severely deficient in B12. It took about a week for me to find the amount that was right for me. I put them on my arm. They will stay on during a shower. I now use about one per week and sometimes two. Whenever I start to feel the tingling in my fingers I know it is time to apply a patch. I pray that your wife will have good results like I did. They will work, tell her not to give up.

Posted by Mark (Newton Abbot, Devon Uk) on 05/21/2013

Tinydancer from Ohio: Thanks for the link to the patches, I wanted to check really as my wife is already using these, she's has been on them for around 4 weeks or so but I will suggest she ups the amount she uses, thanks again for the tip.

Posted by Mark (Newton Abbot , Devon Uk) on 05/21/2013

Tinydancer form Ohio, Thank you for your kind responses, Yes I bought a big pack of the 5000 mcg with other essential vitamins included my wife has been using one approx. every 5 days, along with the Jarrow 5000mcg sub lingual 2 x daily, not really sure how many she should need bearing in mind she only weighs around 105 lbs.

You mention that you used 4 or 5 patches before you felt relief. Did you use them all at the same time or one each day or other?

Posted by Tinydancer (Dayton, Ohio, Usa) on 05/22/2013

Mark, So glad that I was able to offer some advice to you and your wife. I started out using 1 patch and the next day I would remove that one and then put two on.... And then I would add three at a time and so on... I ended up with five full strength patches on at one time before I felt any hint of relief. By the seventh day I was feeling no pain. I then started removing one (after about another week of wearing 5 patches per day) patch at a time until I didn't feel the numbness and tingling. I am not a vegetarian but I don't eat meat on a regular basis and I think that is why my B12 is low and also I take a diuretic and that will lower your B12 too. See if the library has that book I told you about, there are a lot of medications that will lower your B12 and you would never know it until you get really severe symptoms. And it sounds like your wife's symptoms are really that severe. I would suggest that she keeping adding a patch until she starts seeing some results.

My Best to you both.

Posted by Mark (Newton Abbot, Devon Uk) on 05/22/2013

Tiny dancer thanks for all you're really good tips, my wife is keen to try the method with the patches that you mentioned, fingers crossed it provides some relief or signs of it helping in anyway, we do have the book could it be B12 , a good book but so far it's not helped much as there is only so much we can try ourselves, her Doc has not offered any B12 jabs or anything of much use at all really, just test after test. All inconclusive, we have just done our own hair analysis and are awaiting for the results, she also has an MRI scan scheduled shortly, In the meantime thanks for your tip we will be giving it a try, we live in hope!

Posted by Mark (Newton Abbot, Devon Uk) on 06/04/2013

To Tinydancer from Dayton, Ohio,

I have brought up the parasite issue with my wife on several occasions in the past but she always insists this is not her problem, how she knows Is a mystery to me, I often think she dismisses potential causes out of hand then after several more months of suffering finally decides to explore the issue a little, as you say there is no way of knowing if they are present without an actual test, I will speak to her about taking one so that the thought grows in her subconscious as that's the only way it might work with my wife, maybe in 4 -5 months if her current supplement regime is not starting to help she might then take a test, in the meantime I will try offering her a few cups of known parasite and bug killing drinks, once again thank you and everyone else on this awesome site for all your valuable feedback.

Posted by Tinydancer (Dayton, Ohio, Usa) on 06/04/2013

Mark, I think that you are a jewel for helping your wife with her health issues the way you do.... Kudos to you. Would you like to sign a release form giving me the right to clone you? LOL Stay healthy my friends, God Bless!!

Posted by Sarah (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/19/2014

You should have this person checked for gene mutations, like MTHFR, that can inhibit a persons ability to utilize some b vitamins... Or simply try the "methyl" forms of the vitamins... See if makes a difference.

Posted by Yvonne ( Oklahoma) on 05/12/2015

Have her check for fibromyalgia.

Posted by Michele (Seattle Wa) on 09/12/2016

Mark, B-12 deficiency symptoms can eventually become permanent. It's critical for nervous system development, so pins/needles etc., declining cognitive function, may stay. So sorry.

Posted by Varun (Delhi, Ut) on 07/01/2012

Dear All, In starting my vitamin b12 level was 122pgml & I had all symptoms, depression, severe anxiety, mood swings, numbness & heaviness in hands & feet etc. But now I stopped I supplements & injection because I hv not got any relief. I checked my b12 level & it came very high its now 2000 > pgml even I'm not taking any supplements from last 1. 5 years

My current b12 level is 2000> & my vitamin d level is very low its 4. Pls help & advice what cud be the reason of my symptoms & high b12 level? thanks

Posted by Sandee (Toronto, Canada) on 02/12/2014

Vitamin D and B12 need magnesium to be utilized. Magnesium deficiency is very common even when you eat enough green leafy vegetables. It's missing in our soils. You need at least 600 mg of magnesium citrate or bisglycinate taken throughout the day. Also never take b 12 alone . Take a good multi .

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