Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 01/30/2016
I just had to post here my experience with nano silver. Please know that I had been using Colloidal Silver for 3 years for anything and everything. It is a powerhouse of healing and it has performed minor miracles in my family. I recently started using Nano Silver instead and get all of the season beneficial results, but it just seems to happen a little faster. Colds, infections and flus are all banished with both Colloidal and Nano Silver - but we have found that Nano speeds up the process of killing the disease organisms, and we feel better within minutes! It is thanks to this site and the information I learned about miraculous Colloidal and now Nano Silver, that me and my family have been enjoying perfect health for these last few years. So basically, if you have a choice between Colloidal or Nano, pick the Nano.