Posted by beverly (elkhart, in) on 10/18/2024
Milk of magnesia has helped my husband with ascites/ swollen body from water in all the cells of his body, his stomach protruded with water and his inside legs swollen with water, he takes one whole capful that comes with the bottle every night and the next morning he is pooping like diarrhea is happening when it is not. It is taking all the water from his swollen body cells and putting all this through his intestines and getting it out. Of course, it has taken every day to continue cleaning him out. Some days are twice of the removing of the water and poop/he is continuing on once a night one full cap and it has been a month now. Little by little, the water is coming out, and he feels a lot better from all that pressure relieving the water in all his cells. He has lost 20 lbs in a month and two weeks now. He feels so much better with his overall health and walking and breathing better, too. Ever since I saw he has ascites as I figured out, I started thinking of ways to help him and milk of magnesia has the right amounts of magnesium and calcium in the right ratios, I noticed his inside legs were leaking out water one day that`s when I started to think that he has water buildup then I read about ascites .from there I figured out that milk of magnesium pulls water into the intestines safely and he gets rid of the excess buildup in his water cells and pooping it out once a day or even twice a day, looks like diarrhea but it is not it stops coming out after you relieve it out, but we continue on with the once a night full cap dosage every night and it continues to clean out his water cells and poop. Fantastic milk of magnesia miracle worker and is safe and gentle on the body. He just eats a banana once a day to keep natural potassium in his body when getting rid of the water in his cells, he is feeling great.