I really don't have any symptoms of detoxing so I stop Lugol's every so often for a day and don't really adhere to the 5 on and 2 off...I want to get rid of the fluorine...I recently started taking green tea-decaffeinated as well. Read it gets rid of heavy metals...I do feel better taking green tea.. I got blown away with sodium thiosulfate and borax doesn't work well with me at 1/4 teaspoon per liter of water...I do alkalize with 1/4 teaspoon baking soda with vit c powder (2 grams), 1 teaspoon ACV, a squeeze of lemon in a glass of water...If I do more my feet and ankles swell from the baking soda...Thank you very much in advance...and happy holidays to you and your family..
Locating Lugol's Iodine
I thought long term use of iodine ( iodoral) gradually lessening the amount of armour would cause my thyroid to produce more hormone So that eventually I would need only iodine.
Iodine and Weight Gain
I have been using the Iodine Protocol now for approximately 4 weeks and all has been well until I started using the salt loading (I have been using the vitamins too).
I don't feel I have water retention but I have put on a large amount of weight in the last week and a half. So now I have stopped as I am already having trouble losing weight with Hashimotos.
Also extreme Hot Flushes which are so unbearble especially in Australia's in summer.
Again this is not water retention it is extra fat weight gain has this happened to others. Regards Linda
Both DMSO products from these website sources are pharma grade(99.98% pure).
Supplementing With Lugol's Iodine
Are all DMSO the same? Where can I get some in the UK? I would like to combine it with Iodine and other minerals in a bottle, to spray on my skin everyday...in order to bypass the digestive process because I have gut issues. Thanks!
Making Iodine
Here are some online lugols iodine vendors:
Ebay.com Lugols Iodine Vendors
If you prefer, you can take Iodoral instead of Lugol's Iodine. This is just 5% lugol's iodine in pill form as described in this link. These are easily obtainable at this link.
There is also another product called IodoRx which is virtually the same as Iodoral:
And this iodine website vendor definitely ships to Canada:
Making Iodine
For now I am unable to obtain Iodine 5% (Lugol's) as the Canadian people have had their freedom of obtaining health products taken away or made so expensive. In the past I have read that one can make one's own iodine from other sources. I do not remember the details. Would you be able to enlighten me on that?
I have been to two acquarium shops but they had nothing. Can you help? It would be serious not to be without it under the present circumstances on this planet.
Thank you. Namaste, Om
Lugol's Iodine and Thyroid Meds
There is a test to see if you need iodine and that is by putting iodine on the skin and if it absorbs within a certain time Google "skin test for deficiency" if you are interested in checking this out.
It took a while for the Armour to work after switching from the synthetic. Probably 6 months. Feel almost normal, though I cant work like I use to (overdo it)
ThyroidChange.org and StopTheThyroidMadness.com are fantastic sources of information for hypothyroid condition
Locating Lugol's Iodine
Locating Lugol's Iodine
Supplementing With Lugol's Iodine
I can't wait to try the turpentine, where should I purchase is? There are a lot to choose from and I am not sure which one to get, thanks!
Supplementing With Lugol's Iodine
Because of this beneficial experience with oral turps, I now take three drops of turps on my tongue and just hold it in my mouth as long as I can. If you swallow the turps, it wont hurt you. Do not wash your mouth out afterwards -- because the turps is still working in your mouth. With your tooth problem, I would take this simple protocol three times a day every day. Within a month or so you may well have a cured tooth or root canal. Turps is easily absorbed by the skin or gums which allows it to penetrate deeper to disinfect the roots of the teeth. I use turps on a regularly basis like this now.
Another protocol you could also use is one by Hulda Clark. Take a teaspoon of 50% DMSO on its own and just hold it in your mouth for about a minute or so to allow the DMSO to sufficiently penetrate the gums/roots and then spit it out. Do not wash out your mouth afterwards (DMSO will have a warming effect in your mouth), DMSO kills bacteria, parasites and viruses. I use this one too, but I also prefer to add 4 drops of lugols iodine to the 50% DMSO for the extra anti-pathogen action of the iodine.
If you do have to get a root canal, then you should do all you can to find a proper Biological Dentist as opposed to a normal everyday dentist. A proper Biological Dentist will take great pains to clean out and properly disinfect your root canal area. A regular dentist will just fill your root canal with some muck and goo that wont kill all the pathogens properly.
Here are some more good reasons why you should see a Bio Dentist:
Supplementing With Lugol's Iodine
I have a tooth that could need a root canal, I do not have pain yet but my lymph node is swollen. Could this method clean out the infection? Thanks!
Supplementing With Lugol's Iodine
So here is a link to a pdf written by Stephanie Buist from the Iodine Yahoo Group. This pdf is a detailed description on how to supplement Iodine, with companion nutrients, for babies, children and adults. This detailed explanation on how to supplement iodine resulted from her own experiences with Dr Brownstein successfully helping her with her own thyroid problems.
Lugol's Iodine and Thyroid Meds
I know some doctors are against adding Iodine saying it will cause havoc w/my body and thyroid. I don't know of a doctor (endocrinologist) who wants to bother w/anything but dealing w/just thyroid. I am not doing well. Am tired all the time and gaining weight. My hair is falling out. It was no different when on synthetic thyroid.
1. Placed a small amount of the ointment along with Decolorized Iodine on the mole every day for about a week
2. Covered with medical paper tape or band-aids placed in a criss-cross fashion.
3. Changed paper tape and band-aids as needed.
And voila, little by little the mole came off. First it peeled up from the bottom, then came off in bits and pieces as the band-aids and paper tape needed to be replaced. The band-aids and paper tape were helpful in pulling the mole off completely.
Question: Are moles a fungus that iodine can effectively remove both inside and outside the body?
Again, you had a wonderful newsletter on Iodine in the latest Earth Clinic email edition.
You site Dr. David Derry's post in "Ask About" and that too was an illuminating article. In light of your advocacy of Iodine consumed orally as more efficient than topical to achieve a "whole body sufficiency" condition as you call it, I missed how much you recommend daily. Forgive me if you said it but is 5 drops daily of iodine too much?
Back to Derry's article, he does highly recommend Iodine on the skin to rid the skin of skin infections so as an anti-viral the topical method should not be overlooked. In fact, his accounts of topical applications was an endorsement of topical usage although as you rightly observe, his observation for body wide absorption is not well achieved by topical painting.
I'm always searching for any anti-viral, anti-fungal that can be found and had overlooked the old iodine stand-by that I grew up with. Derry had an interesting observation in saying that in days of old many people would carry around a little bottle of iodine to apply topically if a problem arose.
Again, thank you for your good research.
Lugol's Iodine Transdermal Method
I actually researched transdermal iodine use some years ago and could find hardly any information on the amounts of iodine actually delivered to the blood as a percentage of actual iodine used.
However, I did stumble across an article by Dr Derry, a well-known pro-iodine doctor. In that article he described the effectiveness of using transdermal iodine and mentions some meticulous research by Nyiri and Jannitti in 1932. Apparently, when Iodine is applied to the skin, 50% evaporates within 2 hours and between 75% and 80% of the iodine evaporates within 24 hours with a total delivery of iodine into the blood stream of between only 8% to 11%.
So, assuming that you transdermally use 4 drops of 5% lugols iodine (equivalent to 25 mgs elemental iodine) and if we also assume from the research that only 10% is actually delivered into the blood, then this means that only 2.5 mgs the iodine actually gets into the blood via the transdermal method. The other 22.5 mgs simply evaporates and is wasted.
Since the transdermal iodine method is so inefficient and wasteful, I would therefore not recommend it to achieve proper whole body iodine sufficiency. Even with supplementing oral lugols iodine dosages of 50 mgs per day, it will still take the body about 3 months to come up to whole body iodine sufficiency -- it's not quick!!
A much better method of delivery(in greater amounts) via the transdermal route would be to simply use 4 drops of lugols iodine together with a teaspoonful of DMSO (70% DMSO and 30% water). This will assure at least 80% approx delivery of the transdermal iodine into the blood, which would equate to about 20 mgs -- much more efficient.
Call me old-fashioned, but I still prefer the oral method of taking lugols iodine with a glass of water as by far the easiest and most effective way to supplement lugols iodine.
Locating Lugol's Iodine
Another route you can take is going on line and looking for potassium crystals and mixing your own SSKI. Instructions are to use either beer bottle brown or green bottles for mixing and storage. Fill bottle to about 60% full with potassium iodide crystals, then fill to 90% full with distilled water. Cap and shake vigorously for a few minutes. You will know your solution is saturated if a few crystals are left undissolved. Please remember that SSKI is a l5% solution of potassium iodide and adjust dosage as mentioned above.
Locating Lugol's Iodine
Lugol's Iodine Transdermal Method
Excellent newsletter on Iodine.
Can the Iodine be "painted" on the skin? This is the preferred means of application I'd read many years ago.
Locating Lugol's Iodine Lugol's Iodine Transdermal Method