Lugol's Iodine: Treatment and Side Effects

Iodine for Moles
Posted by Grateful For Bill And Earth Clinic! (Love And Light To All!) on 12/12/2013

Thank you so much for this wonderful article, Bill. Think of all the people this will help. After reading Lynne Farrow's book, The Iodine Crisis: What You Don't Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life, I purchased a small bottle of Iodex ointment which contains iodine and other ingredients due to Lynne's mention of the ointment in her book. After noticing a mole I wanted to remove I decided to try the ointment on the mole.

1. Placed a small amount of the ointment along with Decolorized Iodine on the mole every day for about a week

2. Covered with medical paper tape or band-aids placed in a criss-cross fashion.

3. Changed paper tape and band-aids as needed.

And voila, little by little the mole came off. First it peeled up from the bottom, then came off in bits and pieces as the band-aids and paper tape needed to be replaced. The band-aids and paper tape were helpful in pulling the mole off completely.

Question: Are moles a fungus that iodine can effectively remove both inside and outside the body?