Add few cloves of garlic to carrots well peeled off and chopped. Extract the juice by adding enough water. Have it regularly every morning on empty stomach. It cures the following:
Skin infections
Allergic Colds
Heart troubles
Lung infections
Carrot Juice
Irene from Hermosa, South Dakota wrote: CARROT JUICE CAUSED LEG CRAMPS. It may not be because of carrot juice. It may be due to deficiency of Vitamin-E (Tocopherol). Germinated wheat/green gram are rich in Vitamin-E, which is safer than those pills.
Carrot Juice
I suffered from severe leg and feet cramping, as a freediver I found this to be a little dangerous, so as I ruled out with the Dr.s after a long 2 yrs, the conclusion was a potassium deficiency, as I began a regimen in potassium rich foods along with dietary supplements they went away, key lots of water!!
Good Luck!
Carrot Juice
A friend who's mother is on dialysis has a problem with leg cramps at nightime and dissolves 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon baking soda (start with 1/4) in 8-10 oz. of pure water (not arm& hammer- organic bs from a health food store only costs approx. $3.50 a lb. but lasts a long time) and it relieved hers so, I tried it and it worked for me too. I hope that helps.
Lemon Ginger Blast
Add a few drops of lemon juice to a bowl when washing fruit and veg, it kills any mold and other nasties. Love Andrea Cxxxx
Cure for All Diseases
I have managed a dermatology clinic for years and you need to get the bleeding lesion on your nose biopsied immediately. It is probably a basal cell, but it could be a melanoma and that needs immediate attention. Please schedule an appointment with a dermatologist or primary care doc that will biopsy it. Please do this quickly.
Cucumber Juice
Hi everyone,
I am hoping someone can help me. I started juicing greens last month with great results (energy, glowing skin, detoxifying effects, etc). However, on the two ocassions that I added a cucumber to my concoction, I have gotten a strange reaction in the brain about half an hour later. Yesterday I juiced 1 medium cucumber along with a lime, piece of ginger, a green apple, 1 head of romaine lettuce. Half an hour later, I felt a hot, rushing sensation in the top part of my head and then for the rest of the day I had a slight headache. The same happened to me in January, but I didn't figure out it was the cucumber addition until yesterday. In Jan, I thought I might have had an overdose of vitamin d from the 5,000mg supplement I take every day and too much green juice. But now I am not so sure. Do you think this is a pesticide reaction? I feel much better today. The cucumber was not organic. Thanks in advance for any insight you might have.
I caught a regular flu and cough recently in the midst of the dreadful wide spread of H1N1 swine flu. I juiced the following fruits and drank it 3 times a day and I was well within a couple of days. Would like to share the recipe here.
1 big grapefruit - Peel and leave the white pith intact. Discard all seeds
2 lemons - Peel and leave the white pith intact. Discard all seeds
3 oranges - Peel and leave the white pith intact. Discard all seeds
raw organic honey
For cough,
3 green apples
1 thumb size piece of fresh ginger
EC: Above deleted url was to a well known juicer company.
Onions and garlic are great for coughs, colds, immune system. Fruit is nice but beware of the sugar content, especially as it rushes straight through the system, better to stick to vegs most of the time. Add seeds, nuts, oats etc for fibre and extra nutrition.
I have been an avid reader of Earth Clinic since finding a great sore throat cure here in desperation last winter.
I suffer from moderate adult acne and I wanted to share with you my results from drinking freshly made carrot juice, blended with fresh parsley, apple and ginger.
Anecdotal evidence (my own) suggests that the Vitamin A (Beta Carotene) in carrots is helping heal my skin. Parsley contains high amounts of chlorophyll and Vitamin C, and Apples also contain vitamin C. Ginger is a potent herb known for it's curative properties.
To get the full benefits of this regimen, use ORGANIC produce.
I recommend starting on the juice regimen as a daily practice.
NB: You will need a juicer, NOT a blender! I use the Breville brand of juicers, they are the absolute best and easy to clean.
The recipe I use:
12 organic carrots - do NOT juice the greens - they are toxic
2 organic apples (do NOT juice the apple seeds. They contain a trace amount of cyanide)
1 very large bunch of fresh organic parsley
1 hunk of fresh ginger (about 1 - 2 inches long)
Carefully clean and rinse produce. Chop off the top and tip of the carrots. Leave the peel ON.
Divide the apple into four quarters. Chop off the part where the seeds are.
Wash the parsley and place on a paper towel.
Scrub the ginger well with a vegetable brush. Cut off any dead looking areas.
Carefully inspect the juicer and turn it on.
S-L-O-W-L-Y feed the parsley into the juicer with the safety pusher
then slowly feed your apples through
then slowly feed the ginger through
then slowly feed the carrots through.
DRINK IMMEDIATELY! Juice starts to lose it's vitamins on contact with air. If you do make too much juice, refrigerate it in a GLASS CONTAINER and use it within 24 hours.
I too use that vegetable mix with very good success.
For increased energy and more mental acuity I make the following juice
5 carrots
1 cucumber (I like the English variety)
1/2 bell pepper
1/4 red,and yellow and orange bell pepper
2 apples
3 stalks of celery
juice of one lime
1/2 bunch of parsley
one inch of ginger root
2 cups Pineapple chunks fresh (optional)
After juicing place juice in a blender add
2-3 hand fulls of spinanch blend until smooth
Drink daily to every other day for best results
Of course organic is best but don't delay because you don't have all the perfect ingredients yet.
Acid Reflux
Thanks for sharing, so many great ideas here. I was in the hospital last yr.with low potass. and other gastroenteritis symptoms. I changed my eating habits over the past year. I finally got test and results last week were GERD. I had very similar problems as T and some.... Dry cough,breathing problems and inconsistent pain in stomach and back.
I tried magnesium citrate(nat. calm) along with potassium (vit. shop). Food has been my medicine and i could not be happier.
If i have tomato,caffiene,wheat,corn these things will throw my day off. I have found natural/organic is tastier and works better. Less meat more veges. fruits,rice,soaked beans and nuts(sprouted when possible)In general less packaged. Juicing or blender is a part of my prep but not everyday. most of what i do is in moderation and variety. Right now i have tried curry blend. Indian inspired food seems to help my digestion.
Whole Foods has been my favorite place to shop! LOCAL produce is ripe and edible :) I find some at walmart now. (figs, mixed greens,) Kroger has things but not as fresh. I find balancing electrolytes very important. I also have clear thinking,energy,no cravings.-- i was so addicted to sugars especially chocolate.
Questions i still have: does anyone know or have unwanted weight loss with Gerd? I have always been thin so it shows on me.sensitive system has increased over the past 10yrs. I do feel much better in general after eating good.
Thanks again everyone for your info.
Acid Reflux
Following up on my previous post on Acid Reflux, I have continued to avoid acid reflux. I believe celery may have been the most important ingredient in my juice recipe, although all raw vegetables include enzymes that help with digestion -- I think they work better than enzyme pills. I also think celery/juice heals the stomach lining and esophagus. I now eat whole celery, esp. with heavy meals, and still avoid chocolate, coffee, and excessive tomato sauce. Occasionally I juice and drink with my meals. I am sure to add a few pinches of chia seed for fiber. Really helps keep things moving, which will also help you avoid acid reflux! The other night my husband had acid reflux and I suggested he eat some celery. The reflux went away immediately. I juiced celery for him the next day as insurance. I added 2 drops of stevia for taste.
Correct Ratio of Ingredients
Wendy, our immune systems decline as we get older so having a natural preventative arsenal is critical. For cold, flu, cough....black seed oil (Nigella Sativa). This oil, along with a liquid magnesium product keeps my asthma in check - and my cold prone 80 year old Mom, it has worked wonders. Get it off Amazon or a UK nutrition shop. 1 tsp in am, 1 tsp at night!
MyWay, :D
Correct Ratio of Ingredients
The cheapest juicers are the large centrifugals, with a fast blade. They are cheap and fast but some of the nutrition gets lost and you must drink it straight away to get the nutrition. The slow press juicers are now more affordable, . some are the same price or less than centrifugals, and squash the food rather than chop it, retaining much of its nutrition as the machine does not get all hot and kill some, it is fine for a few days and can be stored in the fridge. Perfect machine for hard things. A blender is better if you want to retain the fibre, you can add oats, nuts, seeds, whatever fibre you want but you also retain the fibre from the food itself, with those nutrients, and you can use soft things like berries and bananas, but add some water or orange or apple juice, some base note to it, using the rest as the taste or medicine, as you do with perfume. I have a slow press and a blender as both are good in different ways. I now drink a juice for breakfast and another or a blend for lunch. The immune system, as with most things, decline or spoil as we get older and we need to help ourselves.
Onion Juice
When I had a cold or the flu in the past, my body could never get rid of it. I always got bronchitis and always had to take anti-biotics to finally stop it all. One day I said to myself with TOTAL determination: I will not allow to get a cold again, because my body can't fight it. Since then I have had only one cold (in 10 years). That one I cured with the juice of one large organic onion per day(made in the Champion juicer) and mixed with fresh orange juice. I had to drink this for 2 days only and was fine again. I regard onion juice as a natural anti-biotic.
I have had pinworms for almost a year. I tried unsuccessful at first to treat it naturally. I spent $ 300.00 for an internal parasite cleanse (DR.Natura) which did absolutely nothing. I was told it is NOT possible to treat them other than with allopathic medicines. Pin-Ex didn't work. As here on a remote island, I don't have access to a personal doctor, only to a clinic where little time is at hand and only 1 medicine is prescribed(Mebendazole). If that doesn't work, bad luck. After I was sufficiently angry and determined to help myself, it worked again as it always has in the past. I find that this TOTAL determination to help myself is necessary to find my cure. First I drank the juice of one big onion mixed with sweet orange juice (fresh) for 2 days (to alkalize my system). This is my personal first aid with almost ALL illness. Then I ate 3-4 bulbs of garlic during the day. I added Epazote to my herbal teas and meals (one tablespoon over the day). And I drank 2 ginger teas and ate all the cut up ginger (about a table spoon full) at the end with some agave sirup. At night I used one quarter tablet of pin-ex as a suppository to kill the worms in the anus and be able to sleep without squirming worms and stop them from laying more eggs. I had to do this only 3 or 4 nights, then I was symptom free. I hung bedsheets and blankets all day in the sun, every day for a week. Changed towels and clothing daily.
Lemon Ginger Blast
General Feedback
Juice Fasting on medications
My parents and I have recently bought a juicer and wanted to start fasting. My stepdad is on medications such as warfarin. I know that we need to be careful with what we juice because of this blood thinner. He has been feeling very light headed today and we are worried the juice is counteracting with the medications. We want him to get healthy but not harm him in the process. We are careful not to juice too many greens. We juice mainly celery, cucumber, beets, apples, & certain other fruits. Not too many greens like I said. Other than consulting a doctor, can anyone give me any advice or info on this at all? it would be very appreciated. Thank you much people of this site!
Sounds like your dad may have problems with the sugar from the sweet fruits, particularly if heavy fruit consumption has not been his normal thing. Juicing more veggies would be the ticket if the above is the case. Today's fruits like bananas, oranges, pinapple, grapes... Are high in sugar and dizziness can result if eaten in concintration. I get dizzy with more than 1/2 of a small banana.
Here's what I would do for your dad and its simple to do: 1. Puchase a glucose meter & strips at the store (walgreens/walmart) 2. Prick his finger and test his blood first thing before he gets the fruit-filled juice & write down the number reading you get. 4. Give another test about 20 minutes after he drinks the fruity drink. If his sugar jumps 30 , this might be your answer as to why he feels dizzy. I would also test a green drink (cucumbers, parsley, celery... ) and see if there is a difference, like under 30. When we get older, we just don't handle food the way we could when we were younger For example: No matter what she eats, my 30 year old daughter's blood sugar stays under 100. Mine, even when I'm eating healthly (not obsessing on fruit, grain glutens, starches or overeating) rises to 110-120. GREAT since I once ran as high as 220. By the way, this method of testing is also being used to test inflammatory, trigger foods for people with asthma, allergies, celiac, and IBS food sensitivities.
Sorry I'm so long-winded. Good luck on your journey to great health.... CAT
General Feedback
I recommend for him to stay away from vitamin K- especially green leafs that is dangerous with warfarin..
I drink a cup of carrots and 1/4 cup of cucumber juice a day. Is that bad for my liver?
Cucumber Juice
Jane I don't know about the side effect on the brain but the headache could be a detox reaction. It could also be dehydration or a combination of the two. Cucumber is fantastic at removing some excess fluid, especially if you found that you were making extra bathroom trips that day and not drinking enough water. I juiced two large cucumbers and gave the juice to a young lass who had bad sunburn and as a result her legs were swollen. As she was going to be flying in 8 hrs, to outback Australia to go camping, we needed to get her legs back to normal. After drinking the cucumber juice she lay down for about 4 hrs rest with her feet elevated. Well lots of trips to the bathroom later and she had legs back to normal although still burnt. I also made sure to give her plenty of fluids.
To help remove some chemical residue from fruit and veg use some H2O2 to wash or soak them. Some spay with 3% H2O2 then spray with white vinegar and then wash.
General Feedback
Have you ever thought of having a section on juicing? My husband and I started doing it at the beginning of December when we ordered a masticating juicer online and we feel that it has improved our health. We really crave our juice every day and our nails are growing stronger, my hair stopped falling, a problem I had had all my life and there are I suppose many other benefits. It would be great to be able to exchange experiences and also know what others think about their juicers. I know that one is not suppose to mention brands but it would be very useful to be able to compare notes especially because the good ones are not cheap. Maybe also about books with recipes we bought and love? I am on my first one day juice fast today. So far so good, not really hungry. Next week, as my husband won't be home for two days I will try a two day one.
EC: Hi Francisca, we do already have a page in the remedies section on juicing!
Vegetable juices great for inflammation!!
I've been suffering from inflammation all my life, there is no diet that make lose weight, I have noticed however that all grains: corn, chicken peas, all beans, rice, wheat, potatoes make me to gain from 4 to 6 pounds easily during the night!! My meal doesn't even weight that much! So I just don't eat them. But lately I started juicing and I have noticed big changes in my body. Hands, arms, knees, ankles are now a lot better. I can feel my bones now.
I drink a big glass of vegetable and fruit juice in the morning as a breakfast and that's all. My diet is the same so it has to be the juicing! I don't have a recipe I just put on the blender what I have in my refrigerator that day (carrots, apple, pears, strawberries, banana, any fruit and cucumber, celery, spinach and any other leaves I got. I would say I'm impressed.
Green Lemonade
I hope you liked my favorite smoothie !
Here is my favorite juice recipe"Green lemonade"
*** 4-6 celery stems
*** 3-5 kale leaves
*** 1 green apple
***1/4 of ORGANIC lemon ( do not remove the skin)
*** 1 inch of ginger
Please do not add carrots, beets or any other vegetable - they will spoil the juice color.
This vegetables combination allow you to drink kale juice with all its benefits but without its taste.
if you need info on fasting.. google "juice fasting" and read alot of testimonials and dr. articles. Knowledge is power. this is not something to go into lightly. I'm moving towards this as well to deal with some health issues. According to a doctor article, he stated that juice FASTING is kind of a misnomer as traditional fasting means "no food", technically juice fasting is liquid food. Your digestive system remains at rest while your body is still recieving nutrition.
---Warning-- I recently put myself on a cabbage soup diet and took the advise of a poster to take the hot soup, and for a change of pace, puree it in a blender. It was DELICIOUS. Unfortunately I didn't know I had gallbladder issues and a gallbladder attack ensued. It was a wake up call to how ill I am. NOT GIVING UP! If this is a possibility for anyone else simply, go to gallbladderattack.com click on the diet link and you will see a list of do and don't veggies. there are plenty of do's for a juice fast. Also, many will try to sell you on their plans. those differ as well. some docs say x amount of glasses/day, others say drink as much as you want because you can't OD on good nutrition. Personally, I am diabetic so my rule of thumb will be to add equal amounts of purified water to the juice and to stick to vegetable over fruit juice to maintain blood sugar levels. Some tell diabetics not to juice fast at all while others have been totally healed of their diabetes. You will see that ultimately it's your decision. read read read and decide. I am w/o insurance and have no money so I am using natural remedies for detox issues combined w/ the juice fasting. I'll update later. GOD BLESS!
Add powdered Cinnamon to any fruit or starch stuff like beets and carrots. This will stop your blood sugar levels from spiking. Love Andrea C xxxx
Weight Loss
Hope this helps in your quest to lose weight through juicing.
How do I lose weight with juicing?
The best way to achieve weight loss through juice fasting is to use low-sugar vegetables, rather than fruits. Remember that with juicing, all of the fiber is removed, so any high sugar vegetable (such as carrots) will send your blood sugar and insulin levels through the roof. This will cause weight gain.
Juice with the following ORGANIC low-sugar, high-nutrient vegetables for optimum cleansing and weight loss:
o green or red chard o dandelion greens (these are especially good for liver cleansing) o cucumber (these have lots of water) o celery o spinach o parsley o sprouts o romaine lettuce o cilantro o broccoli o fennel o tomatoes
Avoid the high-sugar root vegetables such as carrots and beets (although beets are well-known for their liver cleansing and healing abilities). If you can get beet greens, use those instead. Many supermarkets carry them.
You may notice that there is only one cruciferous vegetable on my list (broccoli). Although these types of vegetables are filled with cancer-fighting, liver-cleansing compounds, they have also may interfere with thyroid function. Since a sluggish thyroid (hypothyroidism) can affect many people who are trying to lose weight, I advise keeping your intake of these vegetables lower, especially for juicing.
Experiment with which combinations you like best. Here are some general guidelines for combos:
o tomato, celery, cucumber, romaine, dandelion o broccoli, tomato, celery, parsley, cilantro
Why no fruit juices?
I don't recommend consuming fruit juices because it is such a concentrated source of sugar, and can spike your blood sugar and insulin levels, leading to increased weight gain. Most people who are overweight need to control their blood sugar carefully. So stay away from fruits to achieve weight loss through juice fasting.
However, there are some low-sugar fruit exceptions: strawberries, cranberries, and blueberries. Although they DO contain fruit sugars, they are the lowest in sugar of all fruits (except lemons and limes, of course).
A delicious, refreshing morning blend is to juice a handful of fresh (not frozen) strawberries, blueberries, and cranberries. Then add the juice of half a lemon.
But be sure to note how you feel after drinking this juice. Does your heart race? Do you feel lightheaded? This could indicate that these fruit juices have caused a spike in your blood sugar. If this happens, don't juice fruits, except for lemons and limes.
Why buy organic?
Because these juices use so many vegetables, and are so concentrated, it's especially important that you buy organic vegetables. If you're on a limited budget, then make sure you get organic celery and spinach, as these are the most highly sprayed of the juicing vegetables. Of the fruits, be sure to buy organic strawberries.
Juicing is an important part of a successful weight loss plan, and you will feel great, too!
Acid Reflux
Acid Reflux
I think this makes sense in my case now as i've added(apple, celery, carrots, beets) juice in my routine. Although my HBP readings for the past 2 years were 145/95 but lately I landed in ER with 212/110 n oddly ACV didn't work for me. I took it for good 3 months.
Correct Ratio of Ingredients
I find that I have extreme brain fog (and brain fatigue for that matter) when I eat wheat and sugary things. I have made a great effort in the past few weeks to radically reduce my sugar intake and limit wheat consumption. I have also been eating tons and tons of cooked vegetable dishes with brown rice (Indian, Morrocan, etc. -- you can't believe how many recipes there are for vegetables!). I have also reduced my chicken and fish intake. And forget about beef after the humane society's video. NO WAY! Well, the most amazing changes I have discovered in the past week are that I have a very clear mind and sharper concentration that lasts consistently all day! My skin is also softer and my eyes are brighter.. dark circles not quite so noticeable. My husband and I just got a juicer and we have been having carrot and celery juice every few days. My current issue with juicing is that it appears to cause an acid pH quite quickly, but I might be doing the wrong concoction of ingredients. I tried cabbage and beets one day but felt nauseous for the next 12 hours!
Correct Ratio of Ingredients
Hi Maureen, as you have been juicing for many years could you give me some advice. I am 67 and in relative good health. I am diabetic type 2 but it is controlled. I eat well lots of fruit and veg.
However, I am very susceptible to colds and especially the coughs which come with them. I have just had the most horrendous cough which has kept me awake at night and hurt my ribs.
I was thinking of a juicer to get more vitamins into my body and hopefully build my immune system to fight them off better. Do you find you have few cold and coughs due to your juicing? Thank you
Correct Ratio of Ingredients
N/a Beer for Juicing Abdominal Pain
Cabbage Juice for GERD
Cabbage Juice for GERD
Try adding a handful of cilantro with your red cabbage juice- yum! Takes the sulfur taste away :)
Cabbage Juice for GERD
Red cabbage has more goodness than green. Both of them can attack the thyroid - so can brocolli and cauliflower - but this is only if it is raw and if you have loads of it. Most of us would never have that much of it even if we drank it all day long.
Lemon Ginger Blast
So, how do you wash all of this in ACV. What are your proportions of water: ACV, how do you know this works cleaning wise?
Lemon Ginger Blast
General Feedback
We just bought a $200.00 Breville Juicer, Yes its a lot of money but we did want a really good juicer. can anyone tell us how to get started juicing the right way.. I have heard you can get sick if you go to fast... please help.
Potato Juice
Anyone who has juiced a potato knows that a paste collects at the bottom of the glass. This is probably potato starch. Anyone disagree? In that case, not drinking the paste would conceivable reduce the carbohydrate value of the beverage. Anyone know if it would affect other nutrient values?
There is a brand of organic russet potato here that tastes sweet, rather than bitter when eaten raw. Even garden potatoes taste bitter in comparison. Do organic standards rule out genetically modified crops? Why do these taste sweet?
Weight Loss
Weightloss: what I'm a new juicer and I love to that I can get my daily recommended fruits and vegetables this way, however, I would to lose 75 pounds off my frame and wonder what combination of veggies and or fruits should you juice in order to lose unwanted weight?
Bottle-gourd juice is supposed to be very effective for weight loss. Also, has a host of other health benefits.
Weight Loss
Mostly veggies, as fruits have lots of sugar. I like spinach and strawberry juice, berry delicious! I only use a couple of strawberries, and mostly spinach leaves. If you are using a spinning juicer I would add a harder veggie to help push all the good stuff the rest of the way through. Also don't forget to use the pulp. I made some great rice with celery and carrot pulp. If you are juicing only pleas make sure you are getting enough calories, as you metabolism will slow if you get too few.
Weight Loss
Cantaloup is another fruit with less sugar.
1 cup cantaloup balls (177g) has (Daily Values):
14g sugar
120% vitamin A
108% vitamin C
14% potassium
1 cup raw blueberries (148g):
15g sugar
2% vitamin A
24% vitamin C
3% potassium
A fantastic site for comparing food values: http://www.nutritiondata.com/
Side Effects
I would like to know, can I be allergic to juicing? I recently purchased a juicer and began juicing. After having my first glass of juice, which comprised of grapes, apples, spinach, clery, and sweet pepper my face and head started itching. The next day I eliminated the grapes, (becuase I remembered before I started juicing the day before i had a few red grapes, and a little itching started), so I figured I was allergic to red grapes. I then added carrots to my juicing concoction, and after having the glass I still itched. The following day I decided to get rid of the carrots this time, so I juicied spinach, lettuce, clery, peppers and an apple. This time I was still itching but it was less intense. Is it possible for me to be allergice to juicing? Just to let you know I juice first thing in the moring after having a workout, also, I am not allergic to fruit and vegetables if eaten.
You could be allergic to Bell Pepper because Bell pepper is one of the common grocery ingredients that causes allergic reactions. Why don't you skip it and continue with the rest?
Side Effects
It is because the molds and fungis, you could be allergic to them. They are in overripe fruit, tomatoes, celery, old carrots, etc.
Side Effects
Blessed love and greetings, you said that you mixed a couple fruits and juices together, but when you really looked at what you juiced together, you juiced a concoction, .. You see, certain fruits and vegetables don't go together, this is why there is the vege kingdom, and the fruit kingdom, they are distant relatives, and should not be mixed together unless you know for certain what you are concocting, as certain mixes with the wrong concocs can be very harmful, and in your case this was the result, so don't be dismayed... Keep on juicing and blessed health!