Health Benefits

Health Benefits of Oatmeal

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High Cholesterol
Posted by Da (Phoenix, AZ) on 06/07/2008

42 Points Drop in 4 Months. I started eating oat meal raw and in 4 shorts months my cholesterol has gone down from 209 to 167. Here's what I did, I pour about 8 table spoon full of raw oat grain in a bowl, add water (sometimes milk) a few raisons or dried cranberries and and coco nut flaks... and that's it. Tastes like regular cereal. Also, I would drink pysillum (metamucil) four to five times a week. I have been truly amazed.

Now I am gonna start working on reducing my high blood sugar. I will be trying Apple Cider Vinegar 2 tbsp in 6oz of water and 12 oz of grape fruit juice everyday... God willing that will work for me.