Cabbage Juice is a great remedy for stomach ulcers. Most people see improvement about 5 days after starting to drink the juice. I used it for an ulcer that had been bothering me for months and I felt significantly better and pain free after only the first day of my supplementation. It's pretty simple.
Just buy cabbage from any store, most are average size and vary little from one to another. I usually slice off about half an inch off any side of the cabbage and put it into a blender. I add about 1 cup of distilled water and blend for a full minute. I let it set for about 5 minutes and then drink it down, pulp and all.
The taste is very plain. The only thing that will bother most people at first is the smell. But its very easy to drink - not bitter or foul tasting. You'll only taste it if you convince yourself it tastes like it smells, which I did at first. You generally do 3 cups a day, spaced out, until you ulcer is healed, which is usually 4-10 days for most people. If you're not seeing a doctor, its best to continue a couple of weeks as the cabbage juice relieves the pain of an ulcer, which may deceive some people into thinking it has actually healed in full. Changing your diet to avoid foods that irritate your ulcer (fats for most people are the irritants) is also crucial to healing.
Cabbage may also work for other digestive ailments. A cup of blended cabbage juice contains millions of friendly bacteria. There is actually significant scientific evidence out there that supports cabbage juices beneficial properties for ulcers and the digestive system in general. It's a very cost effective treatment and is definitely preferable to harmful antacids.