Health Benefits

The Best Natural Cabbage Cures

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Breasts, Sore/Engorged
Posted by Ann (Paris, France) on 06/24/2009

A few years ago, my daughter having had her baby and having chosen to breast feed her, began getting "knots" in her breasts. Apparently the baby was not drinking enough milk to have a smooth flow and the milk was causing congestion in the ducts. The result was very hard and painful swollen breasts.

I believe this is a situation that many nursing mothers face. We tried using fresh cabbage leaves and it worked miracles! Just take the individual leaves, dip in boiling water for a couple of minutes to soften; let cool till warm and wrap the breasts in 2 or 3 layers of leaves. Cover with a warm damp towel and leave for an hour or so, then repeat until the breasts have become supple once again.

Try it, it works! Cabbage works for alot of other types of congestion and swelling and even for wounds. It's a great home remedy.

Breasts, Sore/Engorged
Posted by Kim (Richmond, Va) on 07/19/2008

re: cabbage for PMS symptoms -- Each month when my breasts become sore I use cabbage leaves in my bra over night and the next morning the soreness is gone.

Breasts, Sore/Engorged
Posted by Nikki (Seattle, WA) on 03/20/2007

Cabbage helped decrease the swelling in my breasts due to engorgement. Nothing else worked. So, years later I decided to try it for breast swelling after breast augmentation. It also helped for that...though not as noticeably.

Breasts, Sore/Engorged
Posted by Tania (New Zealand) on 09/06/2006

I can recommend cabbage leaves on engorged breasts as a wonderful nurse in the Maternity, Annexe, suggested this odd remedy after the birth of my child, when my milk came in, and my breasts tripled in size! It really does work.