Health Benefits

Beet Root Cures and Natural Remedies

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Ovarian Cysts
Posted by Sher (Westminster, Md/usa) on 12/16/2010

The beet juice, aloe vera, molasses tonic WORKS!!!!!!! I have suffured from ovarian cysts for the past two years. One, I had to have surgically removed. I must say, I was skeptical but desperate to get rid of the pain. I didn't have aloe vera juice, so I used the tablets you can get at vitamin world. I took a shot glass full of the beets and molasses followed by the aloe vera pill for 30 days or so. I had two complex cysts on my left ovary proir to beginning the tonic. And now, they are completely gone! I almost cryed in the middle of the MVA when my doctor called me with the news! One last ingredient that isn't mentioned here though... I followed my tonic shot with a shot of apple cider vinegar. I did this because all of my research showed that cysts have a difficult time lingering in an acidic enviornment. So, I'm not 100% sure which did the trick, but I'm cyst free!!!! Good Luck all!!

Ovarian Cysts
Posted by Julissa (New york , New york) on 07/23/2007

Molasses in spanish is MELASA. For years I have heard my dominican family member say that a mixture of molasses, aloe vera and BEETS will remove any cysts from women breast and ovaries. I just found out i have two cysts. According to my dominican aunts i must take the this mixture for 40 days. I will post my results. I have true faith in natural resources.