Ted's Alkalizing Remedies for Optimal Health

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Ali (Wales) on 10/16/2015

Dr. Sircus points out that many people lack sufficient bicarbonate to neutralise chyme properly and protect the stomach. Acid forming foods are high on the agenda in the Western diet.

The bicarbonate protocol is best taken on an empty stomach either first thing in the morning, at least an hour before eating or last thing at night after the stomach has emptied.

The ACV or lemon and bicarbonate mix is pH neutral so shouldn't be a problem, but again is best taken a while before or after food.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Whisperingsage (Northern California, US) on 02/22/2015 45 posts

For those who want to learn more about Paleo, look up "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A Price, free PDF" the gutenberg project has it online for free. I have donated hard copies to libraries. Weston price was a dentist from around 1900, he observed a change in his patients around the industrial Revolution (1890's) and decided to travel the world on his own dime and count cavities and take pics of the healthiest tribes all over the world and their sickly neighbors and record their food choices. The healthiest were the heaviest animal protein and fat eaters, raw milk drinkers, pasture based cheese eaters and saturated fat tropical oils like palm and coconut oil.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Kattis (Auckland, New Zealand) on 05/28/2011

Just a thought , but if we go back to how acid reflux starts.... I have become aware of a theory where is is the mixing of proteins and carbs is a big factor. The proteins enter the stomach and acid is excreted to break it down. Now the carbo's enter and alkaline enters to break it down. So hence the neutrilization process begins. Food sits in stomach as the different enzymes constantly try to begin disgestion process. They fail and the food is sent into the track and is not able to be properly digested. Do a little research but I have narrowed it down with experimenting myself and have found separting your foods very good. (excuse all the spelling mistakes)

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Deanna (Longmont, CO) on 01/13/2007

i have had a history of acid reflux in times of stress. to add to the stress is the excessive belching that occurs during the attacks, the lack of sleep from having to sit up at night. none of the over the counter drugs were helping. i came across your site and the cure of acv and baking soda...and am so grateful i did!!! after only three days i am a new person. thank you thank you thank you!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by DJ (Denver, CO) on 12/24/2006

5 days without Nexium! It's a miracle. Ever since I started taking Nexium about 3 years ago, my acidity and heartburn have gotten to the point where even with the drug I would spend a few nights a month where I couldn't lay down and sleep because the pain was so bad.

Then something made me think of searching on "Vinegar Acid Reflux" on the web. Not sure where that thought came from, but it could have changed my life (so far so good at least). I came upon this website and bought some ACV the same day about 3 weeks ago. Although I was hoping it would help me feel less miserable even while on Nexium, I couldn't dare hope I would actually be able to wean off the drug. 5 days ago I decided to try it. Instead of taking Nexium every day, whenever the acidic feeling hits I take the concoction (2 Tbsps of ACV and about 1/8 tsp of Baking soda in half a cup of water) and get immediate relief. Haven't woken up once in the past 5 days in the middle of the night and have slept better than I can remember.

I have two concerns for now:

1. The concoction is not exactly transportable. So what happens when I'm out for dinner or visiting friends and don't have it handy? I'll probably have to rush home.

2. Too much Sodium can be bad for the body, so wondering what the effect of long term use will be since baking soda is being used several times a day every day.

Thank you for your website. I'm hoping someday I will be completely painfree. For now I'm happy that when it hits I have a remedy on hand that isn't causing harm to other parts of my physiology. Let's help get the word out there. I strongly believe the drug companies for their own greed are creating pills for every ailment there is out there with total disregard to long term effects. My experience with Nexium is that I got hooked on it and couldn't not take it because the pain would come back 10 times worse than before I was ever on it. We as a culture need to return to home remedies as much as we can (using drugs only for severe illness) and turn our thumbs down on the greedy pharmaceutical companies.

This cure itself can permanently get rid of so many drugs on the market today. Its unbelievable that this remedy is not spreading like wildfire all over the internet.

I actually came across another website advertising on your website for home cures for acidity and charging for it. So thank you for keeping your website free and honest. It works, the info is free and the ingredients are cheap. Its nothing short of a miracle for me!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Choua (Milwaukee, WI) on 12/19/2006

ACV cures my bloating and hunger pain. Baking soda did wonders for me cure my acid reflux, bad breath, and sinus. I also use ACV and baking soda for my face as others mentioned on this site. My face looks great without foundation. No dark circles and puffy eyes. The information on this website save me from many health problems. Thank you so much to all the people who contribute to this awesome site and a Big thanks goes to Ted in Bangkok who seems to have such wealth of knowledge.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Florence (USA) on 12/15/2006

I am taking Apple Cider vinegar, baking soda and Manuka Honey for arthritis. I am in the early stages and I feel it is easing the pain. I also want to lose weight, approximately 7 lbs.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Cindy (Salem, OR) on 12/14/2006

Dear Ted, Thank you, thank you, thank you. I had wrote to you on 11/5/06 about my husband and his throat clearing. This was an problem he has delt with for around 15 years. I had put him on your ACV/Baking Soda and he added the citric acid also as his ph seems to always be way to high alkaline. It really seems to have worked and after all these years of trying different things. We are still a bit afraid to claim victory. It has been almost 2 weeks of not one bit of problem. It took about 6 weeks for it to kick in and go away. Now I have to say he had days where he took the mixture 5 times and always at least 3 times a day. If he had bugs he wanted them gone !!!! Plus he really likes the taste of this stuff. I wish I could see you to shake your hand and say thanks. DON'T GIVE UP PEOPLE, THIS STUFF DOES WORK !

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Peg (Medford, MA) on 12/08/2006

Hi. Just felt compelled to write into the site and report on my ACV experience. I'm 42 and have suffered from a variety of ailments from the not too serious (acne) to the more serious (neurological). I started taking ACV "Ted's Way" with a bit of baking soda, 2TBS/serving, 2X a day (sorry, just can't do 3x a day due to my schedule). My skin is looking really wonderful, so much so that people have commented on how healthy and radiant I look! Since I was 9 I've had very oily skin, and now it seems ot have normalized, neither oily nor dry. I'm pretty thin to start with, so weight loss was not really an issue for me. But I've noticed that I've definitely thinned out a bit more around the middle, and I feel more "lithe" than I've felt in awhile. My boyfriend thinks I"m nuts, but I think he's nuts with his stinky lethicin and yeast. : ) I enjoy making my fizzy "science experiment", and I make sure to brush my teeth afterwards, just to be on the safe side. I take it after meals so it's wise to brush my teeth then, anyway.