I wonder if folk realise that dogs & cats don't make as much vitamin C as most other animals do?
I gave a home to a stray cat who possibly had a poor start in life. When he became very poorly, I gave him 1/4 tsp powdered sodium ascorbate dissolved in 2ml warm water, used an old syringe [no needle]to inject it into his mouth. I did this at least 2 hourly during waking hours. The effect was wonderful!
He has a tendency to get discharging eyes. I use 1tsp sodium ascorbate in 1/2 metric cup warm water & swab both eyes 3-4 times/day with great clear up. [I drink the left-over solution.]
A friend who breeds rottweilers has a prize dog that's asthmatic. The asthma cleared up with ascorbic acid several times/day. The dog came off all its meds.