Stomach Issues
Natural Remedies

Natural Cures for Upset Stomach in Pets

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Mary K (St. Louis, Missouri) on 11/18/2010

My yorkie was having frequent episodes of spitting up. The vet didn't find anything wrong and found him in good health. He suggested a teaspoon of yogurt in the morning and evening. I use plain yorgurt I get at our grocery store. It was amazing the change. Couldn't believe the difference. My pooch rarely spits up anymore. I'm a nurse and we occasionally use active cultures like those found in yogurt for our patients with stomach ailments. I now see that it can also work on my dog.... I would stay away from flavored yogurt because I don't think the dogs need the extra sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Posted by Forest (Las Vegas, Nv, USA) on 11/11/2009

Yogurt for my dogs colitis has work right away. I came to your site for suggestions and came across yogurt for colitis.

I have been giving my 9 year old dog pumpkin for fiber suggested by the Vet due to the dogs colitis but my dog after a year and half still was suffering with diarrhea off and on. I also tried Yams treats even purchase a dehydrator to make my dogs treats but the yam treats made the diarrhea worse. So I stop giving the yams.

Now I give my dog 1 tablespoon for yogurt morning and evening and Wala! It is gone now for 4 days! Yeah! It work over night. I will wait a week of no diarrhea then introduce the yam treats again and see what happens.

Thank you so much. I use this wonderful website often and tell clients who come from all over the world your great site here. Thank you!

Posted by Jane (Seattle, Washington/USA) on 05/04/2009

Not sure what brand you are using, but be sure that the yogurt doesn't contain artificial colors, preservatives or artificial sweeteners like sucralose. I feed my dogs organic plain yogurt (no added sugars or fruit), just mix it in to the food. They love it.

Posted by Joan (Boca Raton, FL) on 03/19/2009

I use PLAIN YOGART. My vet recommended it and the stomach noises have gone away and no more loose stools. My yorkie has colitis and it is gone. I give him 1 teaspoon in the morning.

Posted by Amy (Odenville, AL) on 08/09/2006

My dog was having stomach problems; gas, weight loss, eating grass and vomiting. After about a week, we had blood tests and a complete exam with the vet, who could not say what was wrong. No parasites or worms, no organ problems. At wit's end, I thought about probiotics and yogurt helping people's stomachs. I checked, and yogurt is safe to feed dogs. My dog eats at least 4 tablespoons of yogurt per day and has not had any more problems; even his weight is back to normal. It is his favorite "treat" and my other dogs get it every day too!