Stomach Issues
Natural Remedies

Natural Cures for Upset Stomach in Pets

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Water-Soaked Kibble
Posted by Deirdre (Atlanta, GA) on 04/17/2009

My husband's friend Mark was visiting us last week from Canada when I happened to mention that our 15 year old dog Max had started throwing up recently about 10-20 minutes after eating. Mark has 2 german shepherds and had learned from a g.s. breeder that kibble can cause dehydration. He recommended that I soak the kibble in water or broth for 5-10 minutes before feeding it to Max.. long enough to make each piece very soft. I do this now before every meal (add about an inch of water to the bottom of the bowl) and Max no longer vomits after eating. Canned pumpkin was another good remedy that stopped the vomiting. See my earlier post under Pumpkin.