Diatomaceous Earth Benefits for Pets

Posted by Mia (Manchester, Ct) on 03/05/2012

We have been giving DE to our cat two times a day with her food for three months. It has done nothing to take care of her tape worm. This may be because it is mixed in with her moist food. We will not be trying DE to take care of the fleas that I'm sure are coming our way now that spring has come and we have small worm bits hiding around our house. I do not want any animals or people to breathe in tiny glass like fragments in dust form. Our cat will be going to the vet shortly to have the worms taken care of.

Posted by Nichole (Middletown, Ohio Usa) on 01/30/2012

SWEET! Got some more good news on treatment for parvo, the puppy has been doing just great and amazing, her mother however, was not so lucky and came down with the parvo and quickly progressed to vomiting blood, this began last night. This morning she was given an anti-nausea pill (not sure what kind) and I was called about her condition, they came over quickly to get some phosphorous that we added two pills to the original arsenicum spritz bottle, she was given this every 15 minutes for an hour and a half and I recommended that it be given again for every hour for four more hours then reassess. At this time she was not throwing up from the anti-nausea pill and was then given a dose of pepto with a tablespoon of DE mixed in with a bit of water so it wasnt pasty. Shortly after she had a bout of diarrhea and began shivering, this was at 11:20 AM.

I called to check in on her just now and she has not vomited again, has not had any more diarrhea, was given a second dose of the DE in plain water and has only received homeopathics and DE alone since then. She is acting like herself again, has been able to sleep for the first time since yesterday and even went out to pee. Sounds like we have another parvo recovery!!! Our Heavenly Father has been so amazing, that despite living in this fallen world he did not leave us without healing

Posted by Nichole (Middletown, Ohio Usa) on 01/26/2012

The remedies used here are Diatomaceous Earth (food Grade) and the homeopathic Arsenicum Album...

*1-24-12* Got some great info I wanted to share, last night around 7 or so my friend called to tell me about her friend's puppy that they just found out from the vet she had Parvo, she was in the first stages of it which is lethargy and loss of appetite... So they came over to pick up some Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (D.E.) (which kills viruses and bacteria quickly) and arsenicum album. Which is the homeopathic remedy of choice for Parvo... She gave 4 doses of the arsenicum album (2 pills placed in a 2 ounce amber spritzer bottle, hit on palm of hand 8 times before each dose) last night 1 dose per hour for 4 hours and I think two doses of the DE at 1/2 teaspoon per dose. I told her for today to give the arsenicum every 3 hours and the DE 2-3 times (she actually gave a dose of the Arsenicum and the DE both every 2-3 hours throughout the second day). So this morning at 10:30 I called to check in on the puppy and she had got up and gone downstairs TWICE to go potty already! Then I got a call a hour and a half later and the puppy was eating some chicken! She hadn't started drinking yet but already those two things are great improvements! Thank God for His perfect medicine!!! Will keep y'all updated as I hear them...

*Update at 7pm 1-24-12
So far she's been eating more, going outside on her own to potty and playing with her momma, not drinking but peeing so she's still improving greatly, woohoo!!!

* 1-26-12* Ok new update as of today, she began drinking today and is eating and acting normally again!!! WOW, 3 days from start of treatment to being back to a healthy state, I've recommended she continue at least one dose of DE everyday for the next 3 weeks just to make sure she doesn't catch it again, plus it has other health benefits. This treatment had fast results and if everything was purchased new for this specific instance would have run about $15 total, that's a HUGE difference between the other two options which is to let the dog die or hospitalize it which is extremely expensive as it runs for 5-7 days time with intensive care. I think I'd rather do the natural method that's much cheaper, much more effective, and much faster for healing. : D

Posted by Tara (Baton Rouge, La) on 12/25/2011

My cat had a tick behind his eat for a while because I didn't know what it was. Luckily my brother came over one day and recognized it. I had some food grade diatomaceous earth on hand because I've used it for other things. I sprinkled some on the tick area and rubbed it in once daily. The tick just seemed to shrink and disappear and was gone within a week or two. I even forgot to do it some days. :D

I also sprinkle it on my cats' fur and rub in every now and then to control fleas. It works well.

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is awesome and has many uses and benefits. I bought 50 lbs. online.

Posted by Jazz (Blackpool, United Kingdom) on 05/21/2011

Yes it means the diatomaceus earth(DE) was working. As the worms die they release toxins, your cat must have a large amount of worms. However DE absorbs the toxins once u start giving DE you should not stop for at least 3 weeks until all the eggs have died.

Posted by Mirra (Cullowhee, Nc) on 05/16/2011

Don't worry about your kitties inhaling the earth if you properly mix it in with wet food. It's fine.

Posted by Teresa (Gulfport, Ms/usa) on 04/16/2011

DE is available in food grade. I've given to my chihuahua for parasites with no problems! Found in most garden centers.

Posted by Don (Gardner, Ma) on 04/15/2011


The only Diatomaceous Earth products you should use inside your home are those that are Human Grade Formula. Many outdoor Diatomaceous Earth products/posions contain added chemicals that can be harmful to humans/pets.

Be Safe, Not Sorry.

Posted by Kcin Ar (Russellville, Ar Usa) on 01/28/2011

To Angela from Scotia, Ny, Usa- PLEASE never give your kitties diatomaceous earth!! I understand it can be inhaled and since it's like tiny microscopic shards of glass, it gets stuck in their lungs! I've heard of people who dusted their cat for fleas with it and it killed the cat!

Posted by Angela (Scotia, Ny, Usa) on 01/24/2011

I gave my cat diatamatious earth for her worm problem. She seemed to get sick and was hacking and coughung alot. So I quit giving it to her. It didnt bother my other two cats at all. Does that mean that it was doing its job??? PLEASE HELP ME FIGURE THIS OUT

Posted by Joey (Kingston, Ontario Canada) on 01/08/2011

About the Dia. Earth 'dirt': I bought a bag (35 lbs! ) at our local farm centre - ensure you buy food grade. I take a teasp daily for colon health..... It is also good for your pet health - worms - have seen the results. I use it in the garden for grubs, use in the basement to control spiders. Since we can no longer use pesticides this is the best all round product for home/garden that is safe.

Posted by Jp (Monroe, Ny) on 10/28/2010

Hi Pennie from Indpl, I also use food grade Diatomaceous Earth. It is awesome stuff. I use it around my foundation to kill fleas and ticks, instead of pesticides. I also mix 1/2 cup, with 1 tablespoon of dish washing soap, into a gallon of water. I mix this into a pump sprayer and spray my lawn. It's alot less messy looking, than spreading it dry. No tick and fleas;0) You can also give it to your dog as a dewormer. I don't use it as a dewormer, because I use garlic and RAW ACV. Garlic will get rid of heartworms and intestinal parasites and ACV will get rid of fleas. I've also used Diatomaceous Earth, to get rid of bed bugs. Fill up a sock and pat around your house. Wear a dust mask while doing this. Than leave your house until the dust settles. Leave it there for 3 weeks and say goodbye to the bed bugs and roaches;0)

Fleas, Ticks, Yard Hoppers
Posted by Pennie (Indpl, In, Usa) on 10/16/2010

Editor's Choice Natural Flea & Tick Remedy

Hi everyone!

After almost losing our Baby Kitty to those dangerous advantage medications, I decided to figure out a way to live without using them year after year. So I did searches and found out about, "Diatomaceous Earth".

This stuff is miraculous! I found mine at the local True Value Store, but you can also buy online at different retailers. BUY: FOOD GRADE! I spread this in all different areas of my lawn as well, and within 48 hours you have no more ticks or fleas. It harms all insects.

I have plenty of flowers bees, and other wonderful insects roaming around, but this gets rid of the fleas and ticks really great. And I put it down on the ground on a NON-Windy day.

ALSO: WEAR A MASK TO PREVENT BREATHING THIS SUBSTANCE! It worked great and I will never have to buy pesticide and put it on my animals again!!

Late fall I again had fleas on my dog and all I did was put small quantity on his fur and within 48 hours all fleas were dead, then I washed him, the fur was slightly dry, but so well worth it to keep him flea free.

After 3 days I washed him and put some good conditioner on him and he felt great. Usually you just have to put the Diatomaceous Earth around their tail and back area. Again in the fall, I put more of the earth around the areas that he lays in and no more fleas, after it rains you will have to put it back down again, but it's cheap.

I also put it on all my fruit tree's and surrounding tree's to keep the leaf hoppers off, and my tree's look great too!

Hope this works for all of you looking for a natural approach. With carefully placing it on the ground, I did not harm any beneficial bugs that roamed freely on my flowers.

Lot's-O-Love to all our Animal Lovers out there! Pennie"

Posted by Mhunt13104 (Carrollton, Tx ) on 08/26/2010

Editor's Choice I use food grade diatomaceous earth to deworm all of my farm animals. It does a great job and yes you can see dead worms in the stool. The worms do not evacuate to other parts of the body, that information is false. The worms are killed on contact with the diatomaceous earth.

Posted by Lithrassa (Los Angeles, California) on 05/09/2010

my dog is susceptible to tapeworms, even with flea medicine. he's 6 and gets tapeworms once, sometimes twice, a year. i was tired of spending $75.00 each time i went to the vet for the pill. plus, i wanted to give him a natural treatment. i tried the pumpkin seeds and they worked okay. i read about diatomaceous earth and thought i'd try it. i'm so glad i did! it worked wonders. my dog is 90 lbs. so i gave him 2 heaping tablespoons in his food and later that day his stool had pieces of dead tapeworms and 1 live one. the next day i gave him 1 tablespoon and later that day his stool had only dead pieces. the third day (today) his stool was clean. so it only took two days. i gave him another tablespoon today just to be safe and i think i'll continue for another day or two just to clean out his system, but thank you for this wonderful suggestion. oh, and it costs just cents per tablespoon! nice bonus.

Posted by Patti (Coconut Creek, Fl) on 04/10/2010 3 posts

I wanted to add I give my horses and dog DE for parasite control. I've taken it myself from time to time, too. It's very important to know that there is a Food Grade DE ....and there is diatomaceous earth product that is sold for use in pool filters. That product is toxic. Be sure to buy Food Grade diatomaceous earth.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Lesley (Neenah, Wi) on 03/13/2010

Ted, or anyone else, have any of you tried food grade diatomacious earth (DE)? It sure SEEMS to dry everything up fast, including MY white heads, dogs white heads, dogs' black heads (which came pooping out themselves, to be combed out easily with a flea comb) much else. It seems to be so effective at drying out shells/bodies of insects (fleas etc) and so safe, it made me try to use it as a dusting powder on the dog at the site of demodex infection. It certainly SEEMED to work.

I was so pleased (this before Dx with demodex). The vet thought TOO drying and told me to stop as antibiotics were started. My little old shih tzu girl became worse and worse.

When I restarted, (after visiting dog dermatologist who also said not to use, and AFTER things were looking really bad again) once again it all seemed to calm right down.

I also contacted a holistic vet who endorsed it on the site that I purchased the product from and she said it could be used as a cure for generalized demodex, but that I had to purchase her "package" ($125) for her further help.

Somehow, that seemed funny to me--my experience is vets who have answers try to give out that info as much as possible. Am I overly suspicious?


Posted by Lisa (Wichita Falls, Texas) on 06/14/2010


Tina, I have only used DE in food for parasites in the body of pets.

Mange is a mite, but it is under the skin, so I don't see how the DE would help. DE looks like flour, but it is actually something that comes out of the ocean and is ground up .It is like fiber glass to bugs. It scratches their body when that come in contact with it and they basically just dry up! For mange all I have ever used is cotton balls and plain old cooking oil. I just rub the oil everywhere that the pet's hair is getting thin. I do this twice a day for about a week or so. If the mange is bad, then it will have to be put on longer. But, if they lick it, it will not make them sick! If there are any scabby places that they can get with the mange, I just put peroxide 3 times a day until the places are well. Oil will get on things, so I just put an old blanket or something for them to lay on. I would rather do this than to put something on them that will make them sick.

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