Acidopholus Bifidus for Flatulence: One of my shelter kitties had nasty flatulence when I brought him home I'm thinking due to his being a stray and eating whatever he possibly could out of desperation whether it was rotten or not so I gave him one quarter to half a teaspoon of AB powder daily disguised in his wet cat food for about a month and the flatulence as well as his diahorhea subsided I guess once he got a build up of good bacteria in his little gut. Perhaps you could use this if your cat won't eat yoghurt.
(Denver, Co)
Tiger balm works almost instantly on both humans and dogs. I use it on my service dog while flying or in public places. It will not fix the underlying cause but will provide relief for several hours. The label used to say it worked on flatulence but when the packaging changed several years ago that statement was removed. It still seems to work.
Diatomaceous Earth
Many years ago our mid sized terrier mutt (approx. 30 lbs) had terrible gas. I put food grade diatomateous earth in his food (can't remember how much but got the info on a diatomateous web site) It worked almost immediately and I didn't need to continue it for long. It is totally safe to ingest but look up the amounts on sites for the benefits of diatomateous earth for pets. It also has many benefits for humans.
YEA. I began pouring about 1/4 cup of homemade kefir over my 70lb Boxer's food recently and noticed that he has almost completely stopped passing gas, despite eating just as much as ever. Prior to the kefir he used to pass gas so bad it could choke a horse. We are very happy.
(Salisbury, Ma.usa)
Did you ever think of changing his diet? some times certain foods are toxic to humans as well as animals. Good luck.
Nux Vomica
>>Nux Vomica (otherwise known as Poison Nut)
Er... it's also known as strychnine! A deadly poison! I think you should mention this.
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Joe!
Please read the entire thread; the nux vomica to which the thread refers is **homeopathic** nux vomica, which is very different than the raw plant and super safe - I have used it myself many times.
Slippery Elm and Yogurt
I have two white boxers who both have sensitive stomachs who frequently got indigestion and gas. I started using plain yogurt and slippery elm. I open up a capsule and pour in the powder into their food and now they have no more gas or upset stomach. It works great.
(Montgomery, Tx)
Hi I was wondering how much of each do you put in there food? I have a white boxer and her gas will run you out of the room!
Regarding the Feeding your dog yogurt story -- I have also done this with my cats and they like the stuff and they seem to get better after a few days of feeding them this. I go to the health food store and get them organic yogurt.
My dog was having stomach problems; gas, weight loss, eating grass and vomiting. After about a week, we had blood tests and a complete exam with the vet, who could not say what was wrong. No parasites or worms, no organ problems. At wit's end, I thought about probiotics and yogurt helping people's stomachs. I checked, and yogurt is safe to feed dogs. My dog eats at least 4 tablespoons of yogurt per day and has not had any more problems; even his weight is back to normal. It is his favorite "treat" and my other dogs get it every day too!
I need to ask Amy if she had exploritory surgery on her dog to rule out cancer or an obstruction. My dog is still throwing up about every 3 days and has bouts of watery diarrhea. We wet to the vet for a yogurt based medicine plus Gas-Ex and anti-diarrhea meds but no luck yet. Our dog has lost 6 pounds and we are worried sick. He has been on medication for 10 days. How long did it take for your dog to turn around? Please write back soon. Anybody who has any answers. We are looking into the surgery. Thank you.
Dear Andrea: Try pouring a bottle of vinegar on the body of the dog. The dog by instinct will lick it. The vinegar quite often will detoxify most toxic compounds and will remove whatever toxin, by a vomit. Thereafter the dog should generally get better.
(Syracuse, NY/USA)
Our 24 lb Schnoodle had digestive problems from the day we brought him home at 7 wks old. He would have dangerous bouts of hemmoragic gastro enteritis (extremely bloody diarehea). After six years of good days and bad days we discovered he has gluten intolerance. He was on a prescription canned food but we were still giving him biscuits with wheat in them! Now we make our own biscuits from his canned food and he has improved with no bloody bouts in a year. Check your pets food, it most likely has some sort of gluten in it. Jim
(Sc Mtns, Ca)
Without luck just using probiotics and high quality dog food, I used BENTONITE CLAY one time to remove toxins. Worked great! Now my dog has no more gas and is absorbing the food and probos are helping too!
Try homeopathic Arsenic Albumen 200 C...5/6 drops in little water thrice the first day, then twice daily for a week. EXCELLENT.
How much of the Bentonite Clay? I have a 7 yr old 75 lb lab!
I would try 1/4 teaspoon once or twice a day. If that doesn't seem to work, try 1/2 teaspoon twice a day.
If bentonite clay does not work, charcoal capsules may, using the same amounts.
~Mama to Many~