Essiac Tea for Dogs and Cats

Posted by Francine (Playa Del Rey, Ca) on 07/19/2008

I wanted to share my experience with castor oil. One week ago I discovered a large lump on the throat of my dog, the size of a golf ball. Remembering I had found info about castor on your site, I quickly started aggressively applying it to the tumor. I personally have been brewing and drinking essiac tea for years. I keep the left over sludge and started putting that in my dogs food. Remarkably, the tumor is now gone. A little of a week has passed and after applying the castor oil almost 5 times a day. Thank you so much. On a side note, I have been using the oil on my face for beautiful skin, on my strained veins on my legs, which have been disppearing, and my mother in law's dog with tumors also as well as an enlarged liver, has been applying it to her dogs tumors and liver area, after a visit to the vet, the second tests showed the liver had shrunk to normal.

Posted by Ingrid (Geneva, Ohio) on 05/26/2009

Where did you buy your eissac tea? I'm assuming it was for human use? And what do you mean by "sludge" from the tea? I also don't understand how to use the castor oil. I tried it on my dog. I heated it and then just rubbed it on with my finger. He has a nasal tumor and the lump is above his eye so I can't bandage it. I also read you are supposed to use flannel to apply it. Why is this? I stopped using it as it didn't seem to help but I'm not sure I was using it right. He also had a severe nosebleed after a few days of use. It may not have been from that as he does get them although that one lasted for 4 days. Also is there a certain amount of "sludge" I should put on his food? He is 15 pounds.

Posted by Suzanne (North Bay, Canada) on 09/23/2009

My dog is 12 years old. He is only 4.8lbs. He recently started having seizures and my vet thinks that it is a tumor in his brain. It is so sad to see him like this.

My question is: did you find out how essiac to give your dog before giving him/her some? does it go by weight?

Thank you in advance. Suz

Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 11/29/2014

Hey R. Fisher!

I don't have any advice to add, only posting to agree with your comment on dog food and seizures. There has been a direct correlation with a certain grocery store brand of dog food and seizures in dogs. The key ingredients in this awful kibble are corn, along with red food dyes. The package on the outside gives the impression of wholesome ingredients; if you feed kibble you really have to look beyond the packaging and on the ingredient label to ensure you are feeding a truly healthy kibble.

Posted by janet worcester (Inkster, Michigan) on 04/27/2008

I cooked 2 Tablespoons of isaac tea with tablespoon Brer Rabbit Molasses put in a empty yogurt cup for my dog. I am hoping to cure two lumps in my dog.

Posted by Kate (Hightstown, Nj) on 10/20/2008

Hi Gayle, My kitty has colon cancer and I was wondering where you purchased the essiac tea? I am a bit confused on where to get it. It seems like the ingredients have to prepared a specific way and there may be counterfeits out there... thanks.

Posted by Beatrice (Raleigh, North Carolina) on 01/20/2009

Hello there. My name is Beatrice and I have a 14 year old cat named Papa. He is everything to me and just yesterday I was informed by by vet that he has a tumor the size of a small ball in his intestine area. I am devistated to say the least a have cried a river. My vet feels that hospice maybe my best direction because of Papa's age and the cost of surgery is high with no promises. I do feel hopeful however now that I have read these articles. Thank you Gayle from Tulsa and thank you Maria from Los Angeles! I am going to get Papa started on the essiac tea as well incorporating the other supplements mentioned. I hope to get back to you all with good news in a few weeks!! Thanks again for your all your help! -Papa's mommy....

Posted by Gayle (Tulsa, OK) on 08/28/2008

In answer to Ginger and Jay, I use the 4-Herb capsules and 4-Herb Liquid Concentrate from Herbal Healer -

I'm so sorry that I did not see your posts until this late date and did not provide an e-mail address for you to contact me. I hope that you found help elsewhere before this.

Posted by Catherine (Brackettville, Texas) on 12/28/2007

I have both a cat and a dog with tumors. I was reading the posts to try and find help for them. I came across the posts on Essiac and the request for info on where to find Essiac without red clover. Here's what I found I will be ordering some and let you know the results.

Posted by Jay (Cumberland, New Jersey) on 09/14/2007

Gayle i have a question about the essiac tea you used on your pet for abdominal tumors. i also wanted find out more about the condition your pet was in before you started the treatment and for how long she was in this state before you started treatment. my dog has been having the exact problem your pet seemed to have and its been for 9 months. i am hoping it wont be too late to help him. i have only been giving him blackstrap molasses to try to help. please contact me as soon as you can! i appreciate it! gecik/at/

Posted by Amelia (White Plains , Ny ) on 09/15/2009

I have a kitty with a large fibrosarcoma and wanted to try Gail's (from Tulsa) Essiac concentrated tea, but don't know where she purchsed it. Can you please inquire for me? or tell me a substitute I can use for this type of cancer.

Posted by Heidz (Manila, Philippines) on 02/15/2011

Hi gayle, I'd like to ask what is the right amount of dosage of essiac tea you can give to a cat who has tumour. I already ordered an essiac capsule which I've been giving her 1/2 teaspoon twice a day. I'm planning to buy a bulk herb essiac tea from herbal healer.. But right now I'm confused. If I bought the essiac tea what dosage will I give to my cat? I'm afraid she might get overdose or something. Can you suggest how many amount of essiac tea I can give? I have both the capsule and the liquid tea. Thanks!!

Posted by Heather (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) on 02/26/2011

Hello, Your help is truly appreciated.... My adorable, sweet & joyous adopted 9. 5lb Pom-Peek is 14years old. She has 3 legs and has had many teeth removed.... She has been through so much. Recently a benign spindle cell tumor the size of a grape was removed from her front leg. Please advise on your protocol (dosage, administering & duration) recommendations regarding brewed Essiac tea. I want to ensure she remains healthy as long as possible any tumors stay away! In appreciation and thanks.

Posted by Suzanne (North Plainfield, New Jersey, Usa) on 03/07/2011

I started using essiac tea for my cat early Jan. 2011. She was given 1 month left in Oct 2009, diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. I put her on Innova EVO and started giving her daily Reiki about 20 minutes a day. She had been getting picky with food, so in November I let her eat crap food(friskies/purina). In Dec. 2010 1 of her tumors opened and ulcerated. I put her back on EVO along with mouse a day (from pet store selling feed mice for reptiles). In Jan started the essiac tea 6ml's twice daily, 250mg Vit. C twice daily, and tiny bit of crushed raw garlic once daily. Smell has gone. She's acting completely normal/active, good appetite. Now giving mouse every other day. Ulceration seems at times to look as if it's healing. So getting better, will keep it up.


Posted by Curt (Puyallup, Wa) on 04/15/2011

Here is the link to the original ESSIAC and their for pets web page. Here is their recommended how based on weight of pet:

Posted by Van (London, Uk) on 07/17/2011

Hi I'm interested to know from the owners who have used essiac tea to treat tumours in cats whether the cats were also on more traditional medications administered by the vet ( steroids etc) and what the vet's attitude to the use of the herbs was. My sister had just started on giving essiac tea to her cat after she was diagnosed with tumours a couple of weeks ago but her vet thought it would interfere with the other medications he's giving her and has advised her to stop. Thanks for any info that may help. Van

Posted by Granea (Memphis, Tn) on 09/23/2011

Hi, all--

I have a 12 year ol American Cocker Spaniel (42 lbs) with a malignant sebaceous tumor. We had one removed from his left hind leg last November, and a new one appeared on his inner left hind leg this June. The vet looked at the cells under a 'scope and said it was the same cancer.

He's in great spirits and health otherwise, and the tumor doesn't seem to bother him in the slightest. However, I wanted to try as many immune-boosting things as I could!

We started him on Grizzly Fish oil and essiac powder last week. I was surprised that I had no problem getting him to eat the powder on his food (so long as I put the fish oil on top)!

We just tried 1/4 teaspoon last week to make sure he wasn't going to have a bad (or messy) reaction to it. This weekend, we're going to start upping the dose to a full teaspoon this weekend and the 3 teaspoons (=1 ounce) by the next, according to the recommended dosage on the Essiac tea site.

He is also taking the Power Mushrooms. I'll post back with updates as to his progress!

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