Ear Mites
Natural Remedies

Ear Mite Remedies

Posted by S.F.Hyde (Deridder, La.) on 07/01/2018

IVOMEC is awesome stuff! For EARMITES, two to four drops in the ear canal, gently massaged in for good coverage. Wait a week, gently clean the ear. Any brown stuff should be considered ear mite waste and may be full of viable eggs, so be prepared. Have a folded paper towel or a zip lock waiting to catch the used Q-tips or whatever. After cleaning, reapply IVOMEC same as before. Wait a week & clean. Was there any brown stuff in the ear canal? Yes? Treat again. No? Your probly clear, but should treat one more time to be confident any hatchlings get killed. Check ear canals weekly for six weeks for any signs of the "Tell Tale" brown waste. Always check your pets ears at least monthly, even if they are not acting distressed. Why make them suffer when we can prevent it?