Of course if you pour H2O2 - or acid vinegar, or any of many standard vet medicines in your pet'eyes when they are supposed to go into their ears - it *WILL* blind them !!!!
As I mentioned a couple years ago I used the Ted's Mange cure (slighlty modified) with success on my cat - and so far, there has been only one small resurgence last year, immediately snuffed.
For reference, again this is what I posted
09/29/2007: Andre from New York, USA writes: "I tried the oil based treatments, actually using coconut oil since I heard it has antiseptic properties, and hydrogen peroxide. This only slowed down the ear mites. After a couple of weeks of this, I started with a mix of Borax (20 Mule Team), hydrogen peroxide, vinegar and a little Dr Bronner soap. After just two days the mites are disappearing. To prevent my cat from lcking off his wet fur, that I allow to dry naturally as indicated, I got him a collar. See his picture on Fickr, tag: ear.mite.cure.for.cats, or go directly to the page at http://www.flickr.com/photos/nycandre/1459080973/
Thanks a lot, Ted and everyone else here! nycandre
Hydrogen Peroxide
I am being a foster mommy to an abandoned kitten with ear mites. I use hydrogen peroxide for cleaning only. It should not be thought of as a remedy. To avoid getting it into the cats' eyes, dab a clean q tip into the bottle, shake some off the q tip, then wipe only the parts of the ear that you can see. It is best to only wipe in an upwards direction to avoid debris from falling into the ear canal, and hold the cat on its side, so that anything falling will fall out. Next take kitty to the vet for some ear mite drops, and follow the directions EXPLICITLY! Otherwise, you will see how the mites will keep coming back.