Ear Infection Remedies for Pets

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Llv319 (Mastic Beach, New York) on 08/19/2009

my dog had an ear infection for years. vet gave him meds but nothing worked.he had brown discharge and always scracthed and cried. then i used TEA TREE OIL. a couple of drops everyday and cleaned out the gunck! every other day i used ear powder to help dry up the ear.in a week it was gone. it's been years now and no infections. i use this remedy still as a preventative every few weeks. puppy is happy.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Kay (Crooked River Ranch, Oregon) on 03/22/2008

My shih tzu dog had a rash in one ear, I treated it with tea tree oil, I put it on with a cottonbal, it cleared up in two days.