Ear Infection Remedies for Pets

Posted by Uvaid (Fort Myers, Florida, Usa) on 09/22/2012

Let me offer a way for your dog to stay healthy and free from ear infections, take him for a walk outside preferably in broad daylight. If your dog has long ear flaps pin them back. Mammals produce hydrogen peroxide naturally through a process called photo-oxidation. Photo-oxidation occurs when the melanin in mamallian skin is exposed to sunlight. This process is an animal's first line of defense against disease all over their bodies including their ear, nose, and throat. There is a direct correlation between available sunlight hours and the occurrence of colds, flu, and ear infection. During the summer months exposure to sunlight produces enough hydrogen peroxide to keep animals free of disease but during the winter months the process of photo-oxidation diminshes. In addition, a study under the direction of Dr. Cindy Dunn has found a significant reduction in bacterial colonies on skin including the ears and nose after exposed to natural light.

Exposing your pet to sunlight only for a few seconds everyday has proven health benefits. If you are not able to get out into the sun everyday, I suggest using a light supplement.