Bladder Infection - Dogs
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Dog UTI: Effective, Easy Treatments

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Vitamin C
Posted by Melissa Q (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 09/19/2012

Hi, I have a puppy age 6 months old, recently when I took her to a trip for holidaying. Upon returning home on the next day, I noticed that she has difficulty peeing. ( I search the net and suspected that she has urinary track infection) She tried to pee but only a few drops came out. Each time she did it, it could not came out and there would be little stained here and there.

Due to the holiday seasons her vet was not operating. I could not wait until the next day seeing her suffered. What I did was, I gave her 125mg of Vitamin C( Calcium Ascorbate) in the everning(mixing the poweder to her kibbles). The next morning she seem ok, no more urinary track infection... I guess. However, I continue to treat her with 125mg of Vit C for 2 days with Sodium Ascorbate and ascorbic Acid instead of Calcium Ascorbate as I have ran out of Calcium Ascorbate.

To my suprise she is back to normal after the 2nd day.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Bex (Riley Twp., Usa) on 02/23/2011


While natural remedies are my first option we all must take a look at what foods we are feeding our pets. The dyes, genetically modified corn, fillers and by products cause many many issues with our beloved friends. The food you feed may very well cause diabetes, uti's tumors etc. Be aware of what you feed...

Dietary Changes
Posted by Mollie (Cambridge, Ma) on 01/23/2011

I just posted a message regarding my male cat with a urinary tract infection. I said that I now give my cats canned cat food twice a day and mix 1/4 cup distilled water in each bowl. I don't generally measure the water and when I checked today, I see that I mix a little less than 1/4 cup water into each bowl of canned cat food.

Test for Diabetes
Posted by Julie (Chicago, Illinois) on 03/16/2009


Re: the yogert and vinegar suppliment for canine bladder infections...

My dog had previous problems with getting bladder infections. I left my dog with the sitter for a trip to Texas. When we got back the sitter said, think you have an infection starting I thought I would try using the vinegar and yogurt diet listed on your website for canines instead of wasting a lot of money taking her to a vet, because I thought I would outsmart the vet and save money. My dog didn't get better within the week. I ended up taking her to the VET anyhow. As it turns out, MY DOG WAS NOT SUFFERING FROM A BLADDER INFECTION, BUT WAS DIAGNOSED WITH DIABETES. Her blood sugar was through the roof ((normal is around 130 to 140 and my dogs was 480!!!)) Diabetes, if left untreated is fatal and it presents itself as a bladder infection because the dog's system is virtually being flooded with sugar (and this is a blood disease just like in humans, so no amount of fed sugars would cause this)!!! If you think your Dog has a problem at all...take them to a's safer. Don't self medicate to save money, leave your dogs treatment to a professional....Please learn from my stupid mistake and don't take chances with your beloved pets life like I did! I am completely ashamed of myself for trying to cut corners ~ Better safe than sorry!!! ~ The yogurt and vinegar wasn't bad for my dog and didn't harm her, but it definantly delayed my finding out the underlying problem for an extra week...diabetes is nothing to play around with!

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Cheryl (Kanata, Canada) on 08/19/2008

This is a follow up of my previous comment on trying apple cidar vinegar for our pup's uti.

08/06/2008: Cheryl from Ottawa, Canada replies: "So I'm hoping these testimonials will work for our pup.She was spayed last week & started having symptoms this week. Frequent urination inside as well, with a strong odor. Unfortunatley it is too late in the evening for our pup to have water so will add some acv tomorrow. For tonight I gave it to her straight & followed with a bit of orange juice. I will add the acv to her water & food tomorrow. I sure hope that tonight's dose will start to work for her! I'll let you all know..."

Well...It worked like a dream!! Within a day her symptoms improved. We continued the treatment for close to 2 weeks to make sure everything cleared. She's as good as new!

Cream of Tartar
Posted by Theresa (Ontario) on 11/24/2016

Thank you very much I wasn't sure what to do. I am one of many dog owners that can not afford a vet bill.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Yogurt
Posted by Jana (Texas) on 03/05/2018

I'm interested in the Apple Cider Vinegar and yogurt recipe for uti's in dogs .. Can you givs me the exact amouit of each ingredient so I can get my doberman puppy feeling better...? Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Goat Milk
Posted by David10118 (Aubrey, Tx) on 01/29/2017

Thanks Theresa! We did take her last Wednesday (1-25). The vet checked her out and prescribed Clavamax and some Metacam for the inflammation. She was feeling pretty good for a day or so, then her pain and shaking started up again. She urinated in bed last night, so she is urinating, but mostly inside, and very little too. But no blood as far as I can see. She's not eating much, but I'm able to give her water using a syringe. We do give her grain free food and usually get the better Fromme products. She also loves drinking raw goats milk. I add some ACV in that as well as the water. Does this normally take this long for a small dog to improve? She's been laying around a lot, but the vet said to keep her calm and to let her rest. She doesn't want to jump on the couch or get off once she's up and she squeals a little in pain when she lands on her legs. I hope she gets back to feeling like herself within a few days. I appreciate your reply!!

Apple Cider Vinegar in Goat Milk
Posted by David10118 (Aubrey, Tx) on 02/01/2017

Hi Theresa, I wanted to inform you that Lola has passed. She spent all day Monday at the vet. Her blood was taken and many tests were run on it to rule out all types of diseases, cancer and pancreatitis. Her urine was also tested and everything looked good there too. She seemed to be fine all day. When we got her home, she had several shaking seizures and finally passed a few hours later. The vet was unsure of what caused her death. I want to thank you for your replies and advice. She will be missed dearly. She was a daddy's girl for sure. We also have an 8 month old Yorkie (Georgia) and a 7 year old Dachshund/Havenese Mix (Mia), both seem to be in very good health. Mia is Lola's sister and does miss her. I can tell she looks for her around the house from time to time. Again, thanks for everything. I hope our 2 remaining little ones live a long and healthy life.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Yogurt
Posted by Crittaj (Columbus Ga) on 09/05/2016

About 3 days ago my husband noticed blood in our 11 yr. old Italian Greyhound. It was easy to see in the grass after she urinated. She had been wanting to go outside about every hour or so and seem restless, just wouldn't settle down. Wanting to avoid an expensive vet visit, and also it was a holiday weekend, I looked online to look for a solution. I was very happy to read about Apple Cider Vinegar and the success fur baby owners have had with it. I immediately gave some to my dog in some plain yogurt and within a couple of hrs she seemed much more comfortable and didn't need to go outside nearly as often. By the next day I couldn't see blood in the grass when she urinated. There is still a little blood on tissue if I wipe her after going outside. Now, though, she smells the Apple Cider Vinegar and won't go near it or anything I put it in. Tried a syringe and she runs....any suggestions?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Yogurt
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 02/24/2017

Hey Carol,

There are many doses you can try, and 1 teaspoon to 2 cups of water might be a tolerable [taste wise] dose for your puppy. You can also try 2 tablespoons into half a can of tuna and see if she will take that as a treat. I also urge you to see your vet - as you say, your girl is a rescue and you do not know her history, so you want to rule out deeper issues such as bladder stones or crystals. If this were my pup I would do the ACV - and the vet, just in case.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Yogurt
Posted by Maria Cecilia (West Covina, California) on 12/30/2016

My dog was going through the same exact situation. It started at midnight and by 2:30 am she could not even be in bed for ten seconds. While getting ready to take her to an emergency vet, I ran across this site and read your post. I am so thankful! I gave her one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with two teaspoons of a vanilla yogurt I had. It was incredible! 10 minutes later she went to bed. She asked to go outside only once more and it was just a normal peepee request. 🤗

Sea Salt, D Mannose
Posted by Ms (Tempe Az) on 08/27/2016

My 13 lb mix has her third UTI in 11 months. I hate giving her antibiotics so am very happy to have found this site. I have been using a mix of the suggestions here. I started with ACV 1/4 tsp in water and that made her throw up, I tried again adding a little raw honey and that went better, did that 2 times a day for two days without much difference,

I then tried 1/4 tsp of sea salt twice a day for 2 days, that went well--blood gone, stream good.

I have d-mannose in the house so we are into the second day of 1/2 tsp three times a day. Stream still good, no blood, urine still very cloudy. I am checking her urine PH each morning and it is 7.5-8.0. I am very happy she is urinating easily, blood gone, etc., but concerned about how alkaline her urine still is.

My question is -- how long does it take for the infection to dissipate completely using these methods, and for her PH to return to the acid level. Thanks for any input and for this fantastic thread!!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Yogurt
Posted by Janet (Michigan) on 08/25/2016

I have an older animal that has been urinating all over the place... I Googled your site and it suggested ACV and plain yogurt... What a blessing! It's only been two days and I see a great Improvement!

Thank you for putting this information out there... Jan

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Hannah (Seattle ) on 06/24/2016

Hi guys I have a question. I have two 8 week old chihuahua/wiener puppies. The female has been squatting but not peeing all day. At least 5 times every 30 minutes that she is awake. I read online that this could be a UTI. Do you think it would be alright to try the ACV on her or is she too small? If I do try how much should I give her?

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Suseeq (Sydney, Australia) on 06/24/2016

Yes, but very diluted as you don't want to make her sick with too strong a dose.

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Katy (Grand Canyon, Az) on 08/08/2016

I have 6year old chihuahua mix that has a urinary tract infection. The vet put her on Amox w/clav, been use it for five days now. Still no change. The amox c/clav is for 10days. Pay $120.00 at vet. I changed her food to hill's.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Suseeq (Sydney Australia) on 08/10/2016

Certainly can be. Follow the apple cider vinegar protocol.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Barb (Australia) on 07/15/2017


I have a paralysed Skye Terrier who is 15 years old and I have read the above with interest. I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem with their dog. Nowelle's problem is now 2 years old and was wondering if she found anything else to help out.

The Vet has told me there is no further antibiotics to help her.

I have tried pro-biotic yoghurt, Canberry powder (I stopped this because my husband thought her pink urine might be the result of the canberry colour), apple cider vinegar. Nothing seems to be working quickly.

I know she is old but is still active and gets around on her doggie wheels. I just wish I could stop the infections.

Sea Salt
Posted by Rena (Rochester Hills, MI) on 10/08/2014


I have a 5 year old female yorkie who weighs 11 pounds, she had a UTI back in March (7 months ago) after tests and X-rays and a really expensive vet bill, she has been fine. Yesterday I noticed she seemed to be asking to go outside way too often. Today I noticed she peed in the bathroom on the bath mat, same things she did in March.

If I try the ACV, how much would I give her?

What about the sea salt? I have Himalayan pink sea salt, would that work?

thank you in advance.

Sea Salt
Posted by D Ray (Mo) on 08/17/2016

How long can I keep my 12 lb Schnauzer on 1/2 tsp of ACV on her food once a day for UTI? This has worked unbelievably for us.

Sea Salt
Posted by Suseeq (Sydney, Australia) on 08/18/2016

You can always keep her on it.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Lucy (Iowa) on 06/06/2014

My dog is peeing all the time every few minutes see her put her on amoxi pills for 2 weeks but still squatting all the time. doesnt seem to hurt and no dicolored urine. I am going to try some of the natural remedies I have seen on this page bur I am wondering if the food I have my older dog on is causing the problem. I switched a couple months ago to a no grain diet as 1 of my dogs seizures were becoming more frequent and this seems to have helped her, however the 1 with the bladder infection sneaks into this food dish and eats it as well as her own. So now wondering if this is the cause.?????

Posted by Love Of Dogs (Australia) on 09/24/2016

I know olive leaf extract is a good immune booster & natural type antibiotic, doesn't kill good bacteria that I know of though. Also Manuka honey.

Sea Salt
Posted by Nicole (Idaho) on 11/11/2015

I absolutely love this simple and cheap home remedy for a UTI. I gave my dog 1/2 teaspoon sea salt at 8 last night and by 12 this afternoon her symptoms have completely susided. She's not peeing and dribbling, she's holding down food, and she's much much more comfortable. Thank you so much for the worked like a charm!!!!!!

Sea Salt
Posted by Mary (Michigan) on 09/05/2016

What do you put the sea salt in or on and how often and how much? I have a 11 yr.old pomeranian that weighs 30 pounds.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Yogurt
Posted by Janet (Michigan) on 08/25/2016

ACV and yogurt work for my dog as well!!! I am so appreciative and finding this information!!! After I gave Scrappy his second dose of yogurt in ACV he is now urinating normally!!

Solutions for Blood in Urine
Posted by Joan (Portland, Oregon, U.s.a.) on 05/19/2013

My dog suffered from huge amounts of blood in his urine for over six weeks. I brought him to a variety of vets who prescribed cephalexan, amoxycillin, and clavamox. Finally, I got him to a vet who put him on both clavamox and baytril. He has a full dosage of each, but at alternating intervals. So, each six hours, he takes either clavamox or baytril, a full dosage. I can only feed him at mid-point between dosages. So every three hours, he gets either medication or food. The food and supplements can render the antibiotic ineffective which is the reason for the three-hour intervals. The blood is finally gone from his urine and he has normal frequency of urination. With such a serious situation, home remedies did not work although I tried an assortment of them. It was the two strong antibiotics on the six-hour schedule that worked. It is important not to exceed the maximum dosage as determined by the dog's weight for each antibiotic, however.

Test for Diabetes
Posted by Lauren (Mabelvale, Ar) on 03/02/2012

Before trying home remedies, please take your dog to the vet if you think your pet has a UTI or bladder stones. Not only did I miss signs (hindsight is 20/20), but so did the vet. Make sure they check for diabetes. I lost my little doxie to diabetes complications. We didn't know she had it until she was in a crash situation. The vet never mentioned this as a possiblility causing UTIs--her sugar spiked to 530 and she had ketoacidosis. Her kidneys failed and we lost her in 3 days.

Be safe--always check for diabetes!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Donna (Orange Springs, FL) on 01/28/2015

Thank you for the advise for the ACV for your lab. I have a black lab and I started seeing blood in her urine. I will definitely give this a try, because we love our baby, but being a single mom, it's hard for me to spend the extra money to go to the vet.

General Feedback
Posted by Ashley (San Antonio, Texas) on 02/16/2009

My toy fox terrier a female, Chikeys who is 5 years old has an irregular heart beat and sometimes i could hear her breath hard, also she doesn't want to eat anything i tried to put a little food down for her i guess you can say force feed but that didn't really help. also another symptom she just developed is peeing blood, i just can't put all three symptoms together, 1. irregular heart beat 2. loss of appetite 3. urine with blood, also she still walks but she looks zombiesh. i just truly can't afford to go to the vet, i truly wish i had the money to take her but God only knows i don't. so any help advice will be truly appreciated, i don't want to loose her...i have another fox terrier (smooth) and two cats but they seem normal. so plz plz help a low income dog owner and give advice... it would be truly appreciated...

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Yellowlab (Charlotte, NC) on 11/19/2008

Thank goodness for this site. My puppy had back to back UTI's beginning at 4 months. (She's currently 7 months)We actually had to take her in for surgery to fix her "area". She was doing very well and suddenly got another UTI. We were at our wits end and really can't afford to take her in for anything serious anymore. I mixed in the ACV with yogurt and not only does she love it but it seems to be working. Thank you so much. =0)

Posted by Tammie (Titusville, FL/USA) on 10/21/2008

I was told by my vet that I could use cranberry pills (1, once a day) as a way to prevent UTI's from re-occuring. I have tried this and it seems to work, but I would like to know what you think about this natural remedy and in what doses you might suggest. I'm thinking that after the dog is treated with vinegar to get rid of a UTI, then preventative measures are ok with the cranberry. However, if using vinegar as a preventative works too (and it's cheaper), what would be the recommended dosage for that?

I am SO glad I found this site! My lab mix (age 13) gets UTI's often (like right now!), and vinegar we can do! :) Do you recommend the vinegar remedy for UTI's to be done for a full 2 weeks or what?


Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Connie Herring (Riceville, Tn) on 05/20/2016

hi, so relieved to read your comments! I am out of town with my 8 year old bulldog Belle and she is having trouble urinating! Freaked me out as she has never had any health problems even though English Bulldogs are prone to MANY health issues. So I was about to take her to a vet locally (who I don't know! ) and probably walk away having spent $$$$$$ which I wouldn't mind if I weren't strapped financially right now. I know now that we brought her with us for a reason. Thank God! Sooo im going to attempt the cider remedy before the vet? A little scared, no a LOT scared! The vet said it was life threatening! I wish I knew for sure. Any comments or suggestions welcome!

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