Natural Remedies for Dog UTI: Effective, Easy Treatments

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by kcm (Mt Laurel, NJ) on 06/11/2009

I read some of the previous comments about the acv and yogurt to cure a dog's bladder infection. I have to admit I was a bit skeptical, but I thought what do I have to lose. I couldn't get a vet appointment for several days and Daisy (my 19 month old golden retriever who is 75 lbs) was peeing or trying to peeing many, many times throughout the day. You could tell she was struggling to pee and was just not a very happy dog. I put 2 tblspns of apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoons of plain activa yogurt in her dog food and mixed it around. She ate it all and within 24 hours she was a completely different dog. I feed her the mixture twice a day, once in the morning and once at dinner. She is now back to normal. I am going to give her this mixture for several more days to make sure her infection is completely gone. This is the best solution ever! Not only did it save me a ton of money in vet bills, it works so quickly to bring her back to her active self.

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by HappyHonu (Poland, NY) on 04/22/2009

My 2yr old shepard/husky mix started to exhibit signs of a bladder infection after I brought her home from being boarded for a week. She was frequently trying to pee and was unable to. She also had accidents in the house overnite which never happened before. I found your site while trying to verify, online, that her symptoms could actually be a bladder infection before making a Vet appointment. I tried the ACV & yogurt the same day (Monday). She is about 80lbs so I used 1 tblsp ACV and 2 tblsp of plain yogurt. That same nite there was no accident and she seemed calmer and not so anxious to go out all of the time. I gave her the combo 2 times per day. The second morning she vomited so I knew it was bothering her stomach. She is not a big eater and hadn't eaten much in the past few days so on tues I mixed half of her food with the mixture and she loved it. I also have her sister who is a picky eater and wants everything her sister gets so I added the yogurt only to her food and she actually ate it all! Bowls of food stay all day untouched usually. It is wednesday and I am confident that the bladder issue is cleared up. I will continue with the ACV for a couple more days to be sure. I will also continue to use the yogurt in their food because it has finally gotten them to eat after much trial and error with various foods. Thanks so much for the wonderful information on this site. I feel much better being able to help my dog with natural products instead of antibiotics. I realize that the antibiotics would be necessary if more serious symptoms persisted but to be able to avoid them when possible is much better.

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Rebecca (Austin, Texas) on 04/19/2009

My 5 month old puppy began to have urinary frequency and small drops of blood in her urine on Friday night. As soon as we got home from training class, she was urinating more frequently, having frequent episodes of dysuria in between and still having some drops of blood towards the end of her stream. I quickly researched home and natural remedies. I came upon this one and just happened to have unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar in my fridge. She is nearly 50 lbs, so I mixed 1 tablespoon with 2 tablespoons of yogurt right then. Later with her dinner, I again mixed 1 tablespoon with the yogurt and her normal meal. She was back to normal in the morning! We are still continuing the treatment to see if it will help her with problems she has been having with skin allergies, so far we have noticed some relief and improvement. =) Thanks.

Test for Diabetes
Posted by Julie (Chicago, Illinois) on 03/16/2009


Re: the yogert and vinegar suppliment for canine bladder infections...

My dog had previous problems with getting bladder infections. I left my dog with the sitter for a trip to Texas. When we got back the sitter said, think you have an infection starting I thought I would try using the vinegar and yogurt diet listed on your website for canines instead of wasting a lot of money taking her to a vet, because I thought I would outsmart the vet and save money. My dog didn't get better within the week. I ended up taking her to the VET anyhow. As it turns out, MY DOG WAS NOT SUFFERING FROM A BLADDER INFECTION, BUT WAS DIAGNOSED WITH DIABETES. Her blood sugar was through the roof ((normal is around 130 to 140 and my dogs was 480!!!)) Diabetes, if left untreated is fatal and it presents itself as a bladder infection because the dog's system is virtually being flooded with sugar (and this is a blood disease just like in humans, so no amount of fed sugars would cause this)!!! If you think your Dog has a problem at all...take them to a's safer. Don't self medicate to save money, leave your dogs treatment to a professional....Please learn from my stupid mistake and don't take chances with your beloved pets life like I did! I am completely ashamed of myself for trying to cut corners ~ Better safe than sorry!!! ~ The yogurt and vinegar wasn't bad for my dog and didn't harm her, but it definantly delayed my finding out the underlying problem for an extra week...diabetes is nothing to play around with!

General Feedback
Posted by Ashley (San Antonio, Texas) on 02/16/2009

My toy fox terrier a female, Chikeys who is 5 years old has an irregular heart beat and sometimes i could hear her breath hard, also she doesn't want to eat anything i tried to put a little food down for her i guess you can say force feed but that didn't really help. also another symptom she just developed is peeing blood, i just can't put all three symptoms together, 1. irregular heart beat 2. loss of appetite 3. urine with blood, also she still walks but she looks zombiesh. i just truly can't afford to go to the vet, i truly wish i had the money to take her but God only knows i don't. so any help advice will be truly appreciated, i don't want to loose her...i have another fox terrier (smooth) and two cats but they seem normal. so plz plz help a low income dog owner and give advice... it would be truly appreciated...

Posted by Jan (Seattle, Wa) on 01/07/2009

D-Mannose powder (simple sugar) eliminates urinary tract infection quickly (24-48 hours) and safely by causing the bacteria to be flushed right out of the body with normal urination. D-Mannose is easy to buy, your local Health Food store has it.

It is a shame and unforgivable that doctors are not recommending this product - to people and to pets! I have small 16 years old dog, the dosage I use - 1/2 teaspoon with a little of her favorite treats crumbled in it - 3 times for only 1 to 2 days, and the infection is gone! (No more blood in urine, no rotten smell.) It works like a magic for people and pets! No antibiotic needed!

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Anne (Preston, MD) on 12/05/2008

I just want to comment on the UTI in regards to dogs. I have an older german shepard that was on antibiotics for weeks and everytime I took her off the drugs the infection came back, seemingly worse. The dog was in pain and the vets said there was nothing to do but put her on SRONGER meds, I was not willing to do that. I gave her 2 tablespoons of ACV in her food and within several hours she was no longer in pain. Amazing! For about 3 months I gave her ACV about 3 or 4 times a week and then stopped giving it and she's never had symptoms again. I now give it maybe 3 or 4 days a month just to help keep everything in check. The vets said there was nothing they could do after I spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Makes me wonder.....

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Karen (Enfield, CT) on 11/29/2008

I have a 6 month old Newfoundland female and she once again developed the signs of a urinary tract infection. The first time I had her treated with antibiotics from the Vet, this time I tried some Yogurt and ACV and IT WORKED! I was so excited that this natural cure actually worked and it worked right away! I tried two teaspoons of ACV with two to three Tablespoons of Yogurt. She ate it right away-my older male Newfie had some yogurt too and loved it. Now I need a remedy for dog hiccups-my pup gets them several times during the day.
Thanks for the help! Karen

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Katie (Birmingham, AL, USA) on 11/29/2008

My 60 lb. Lab/Beagle mix female started having accidents inside on Thanksgiving night, not the time to seek a vet's attention. Had been straining when she went outside for a while but didn't put 2&2 together but thought it must be a UTI when I saw blood in her urine. Googled UTI's and found info on home remedies. Found and read postings on your site, thanks Pete from Very Rural, and decided to give ACV a try as I had just spent $700 having her epilepsy diagnosed! My aunts, retired nurses, use ACV religiously so I figured it couldn't hurt. Put 1 Tbs. in 2 Tbs. plain yogurt and mixed with dry food. Got a few funny looks from her but she ate it all. Gave 3 doses that day and 3 the next. No more accidents and no more bloody urine. Don't want to overdue a "good thing" so going to cut back to 2 doses a day for 2 weeks, again thanks Pete (probably partial to your posting since I had a springer who was the "love of my life"!). I will probably also keep her on a preventative dose. Now, if I could just get it to cure my Plantar Fascietis! - might give it a try! Thanks for the great site!

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Trysch (South Florida) on 11/23/2008

THANK YOU! I gave my precious princess 1 tsp ACV and 1 large tbsp yogurt for what appeared to be a bladder infection which started on a Friday. Saturday she got the mixture three times, and by Sunday she felt well enough to want to run and play with her toys again! She's still having some problems, but the incontinence is GONE!

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Yellowlab (Charlotte, NC) on 11/19/2008

Thank goodness for this site. My puppy had back to back UTI's beginning at 4 months. (She's currently 7 months)We actually had to take her in for surgery to fix her "area". She was doing very well and suddenly got another UTI. We were at our wits end and really can't afford to take her in for anything serious anymore. I mixed in the ACV with yogurt and not only does she love it but it seems to be working. Thank you so much. =0)

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Edna (Kansas City, Mo) on 10/30/2008

It worked! I tried the apple cider vinegar remedy yesterday morning and my little 1 yr. old 4 lb. chihuahua-rat terrier mix seems back to normal today. No more "accidents" and her temperature is back to normal too.

i mixed 1 teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar with about 2 big tablespoons of plain whole yogurt (organic) and some water, about a tablespoon or two, for hydration and she lapped it right up. I did this three times yesterday and gave her regular potty breaks. Tonight I added some of her dry kibble into the same mixture and the bowl was licked clean.

Her symptoms started a week ago. She peed on my boyfriend's shoe....while he was wearing it. I gues she was trying to tell us something was wrong then.

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Pete (VeryRural, MN) on 10/30/2008

I'm glad to see that all the 'YEAs' are still in place as it was the strong testimonials that convinced me to try & to stick with this treatment instead of folding to the temptation of a vets visit.

Kayla is doing just fine, business as usual and her daughter (my other springer) has been on the ACV regimen from the start as well even though she had shown no bladder issues herself. It's ACV & can't harm them so now they get it in their food on Wed/Sun as preventative medicine. Funny thing though, Alice had a batch of pups 2 yrs ago and I held onto one of them 'Scooter' for about 10 months before giving her away to a friend whose springer had recently passed on. As I sat watching Scooter acclimate herself to the back yard and her new family that very first day she ran up to the apple tree and grabbed an apple off the ground ran under the deck and ate it, we all laughed at her behavior but little did we know she was adding nutrients her body was likely needing. A habit my friend Dave says she repeats often. These nutrients are missing from our pet foods.

Posted by Tammie (Titusville, FL/USA) on 10/21/2008

I was told by my vet that I could use cranberry pills (1, once a day) as a way to prevent UTI's from re-occuring. I have tried this and it seems to work, but I would like to know what you think about this natural remedy and in what doses you might suggest. I'm thinking that after the dog is treated with vinegar to get rid of a UTI, then preventative measures are ok with the cranberry. However, if using vinegar as a preventative works too (and it's cheaper), what would be the recommended dosage for that?

I am SO glad I found this site! My lab mix (age 13) gets UTI's often (like right now!), and vinegar we can do! :) Do you recommend the vinegar remedy for UTI's to be done for a full 2 weeks or what?


Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by HappyInNC (asheville, nc) on 10/13/2008

ACV (apple cider vinegar) Today was my first visit to this site...found it on a search engine, and I have now bookmarked it! My little girl (22lb corgi mix-dog) was showing typical signs of a urinary tract infection. I tried the ACV suggestion about 6-8 hours ago and her lethargy has done a 180, as has her warm nose, the constant peeing, and obvious discomfort. On the "magic-8-ball"..."all signs point to yes"...Thank you SO much for the suggestion, it saved me $300 I dont have for a Dr Visit. I first tried it in H2O, wouldnt drink it, in wet food, didnt like it, then in plain yogurt, and she ate it in that put about a tsp and mixed it in good.I will update if things do not continue to improve, but from everything I have read, dont think i'll be back!

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Rebecca (Winter Park, Florida) on 10/05/2008

I found this website last night while searching for home remedies for my dog's UTI. I thought why not lets give it a shot. With the horrible economy I can't afford a $200 dollar vet bill. I started using the ACV last night. I gave my 65 pound 5 year old boxer 1.5 tablespoons mixed in with some plain yogurt. When she went out for her morning potty break she urinated only one time. It was normal in color with no blood. Just the night before she was going every 5 minutes or so and nothing was coming out and when urine did come out it was bloody. I have continued to give her the ACV today and plan to keep her on it for about a week. Boy was this one of the most effective home remedies I have ever found.

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Pete (VeryRural, MN) on 10/01/2008

I see a lot of 'YEA' comments were taken down & I wonder why. The entire two weeks of ACV treatment will have cost me $1.19 as opposed to the $275.00 vet visit w/2 weeks antibiotics that I paid 6 months ago. Kayla has no signs whatsoever and is back to normal behavior 100%. I'm not qualified to make medical evaluations but I am retired and single & so my two dogs are with me close to 24/7, I know for a fact that after 12 days/nights of ACV treatments that Kayla is cured.

I recommend that you try ACV twice a day on your dogs food for bladder infections before resorting to antibiotics for the most obvious reason, it is important NOT to expose your self or your pets needlessly to any extra antibiotic treatments.

Be diligent in following through and try a natural remedy first. There are vitamins and minerals missing in our canines and felines diets from packaged foods, a natural remedy such as ACV should not be overlooked.

Once again I'm going to mention that Kayla found immediate relief in the ACV, soon after the first dose (1.5Tbsp) of it in her food she was sleeping nicely and didn't wake up to the anxiety of her infection.

EC: No YEA posts have been removed from the bladder infection remedies for dogs page! Perhaps you were reviewing another page like acv for dogs...

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Beverley (Rancho Santa Margarita, California) on 09/26/2008

After reading all of the posts here, I decided to try the ACV treatment on my 6 year old male cat "Hunter" who had a UTI. He wouldn't drink his water with it in it so my husband and I had to give it to him every morning and night by syringe. I put 1 teaspoon in a 16.9 oz bottle of water and then we just filled the syringe from that. Five days later and he is absolutely fine. Thanks so much to your posts here I couldn't afford another $300.00 vet bill.

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Pete (VeryRural, MN) on 09/25/2008

Kayla is now in day 5 of the ACV treatment. btw Kayla weighs appx 45#s. I chose the dosing of 1.5Tbsp as it is a rather innocuous substance and wanted to make sure she got all the meds she needed.

I've not called my vet yet on the bladder infection as it seems to be getting better every day. Today (Thursday) is the first day that Kayla hasn't had any dry pees, they've tapered off slowly since day one of the ACV. Most notable and worthy of mention again is the fact that the very first dose of ACV halted all outward signs (pacing, whimpering, discomfort & zero accidents in the house) within just an hour or two after she consumed it in her food. She felt immediate relief and was resting comfortably in bed without waking for hours. I'm thinking of continuing the ACV @ 1.5Tbsp in her food twice a day for a total of two weeks, then perhaps twice weekly as a preventative measure. I'll come by and post again in a few days.

This was quite remarkable, a $1.19 remedy that'd cost me nearly $300.00 just 6 months earlier.

Could I make a modest donation to this site?

EC: Thanks, Pete. Very kind of you to offer. Donation info is here:

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