Natural Remedies for Dog UTI: Effective, Easy Treatments

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Rebecca (Winter Park, Florida) on 10/05/2008

I found this website last night while searching for home remedies for my dog's UTI. I thought why not lets give it a shot. With the horrible economy I can't afford a $200 dollar vet bill. I started using the ACV last night. I gave my 65 pound 5 year old boxer 1.5 tablespoons mixed in with some plain yogurt. When she went out for her morning potty break she urinated only one time. It was normal in color with no blood. Just the night before she was going every 5 minutes or so and nothing was coming out and when urine did come out it was bloody. I have continued to give her the ACV today and plan to keep her on it for about a week. Boy was this one of the most effective home remedies I have ever found.

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Beverley (Rancho Santa Margarita, California) on 09/26/2008

After reading all of the posts here, I decided to try the ACV treatment on my 6 year old male cat "Hunter" who had a UTI. He wouldn't drink his water with it in it so my husband and I had to give it to him every morning and night by syringe. I put 1 teaspoon in a 16.9 oz bottle of water and then we just filled the syringe from that. Five days later and he is absolutely fine. Thanks so much to your posts here I couldn't afford another $300.00 vet bill.

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Mary (Sterling Heights, Michigan) on 09/25/2008

Thank you all so much! My little 13 yr old Lahsa (pound rescue two years ago) developed a bladder infection and (despite my doubts)1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar in a tiny bit canned cat food twice a day took care of it in a day and a half! You've saved me so much money. I initially dosed her with one teaspoon diluted in half with water (orally using a syringe)but a lot of it came back up. She doesn't much like it in her water, but hey, if that's all that's available, she (and the cats- a plus) will drink it (1/2 teaspoon in ~2 cups water). Thanks again! I'm telling everyone about this web site.

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Pete (VeryRural, MN) on 09/25/2008

Kayla is now in day 5 of the ACV treatment. btw Kayla weighs appx 45#s. I chose the dosing of 1.5Tbsp as it is a rather innocuous substance and wanted to make sure she got all the meds she needed.

I've not called my vet yet on the bladder infection as it seems to be getting better every day. Today (Thursday) is the first day that Kayla hasn't had any dry pees, they've tapered off slowly since day one of the ACV. Most notable and worthy of mention again is the fact that the very first dose of ACV halted all outward signs (pacing, whimpering, discomfort & zero accidents in the house) within just an hour or two after she consumed it in her food. She felt immediate relief and was resting comfortably in bed without waking for hours. I'm thinking of continuing the ACV @ 1.5Tbsp in her food twice a day for a total of two weeks, then perhaps twice weekly as a preventative measure. I'll come by and post again in a few days.

This was quite remarkable, a $1.19 remedy that'd cost me nearly $300.00 just 6 months earlier.

Could I make a modest donation to this site?

EC: Thanks, Pete. Very kind of you to offer. Donation info is here:

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Pete (VeryRural, MN) on 09/21/2008

Day 1 of ACV & I like what I see. Please read the below.

My 8 yr old Springer Spaniel had a bladder infection about 6 months ago, it was soon after she'd come out of heat, it gave her the typical discomfort, whimpering, peeing indoors, multiple dry pees outdoors etc... I took her to the vet who did the standard test & diagnosis exam, antibiotics and out the door for $275, a few days later Kayla was on the mend.

Well here we are today, yesterday actually & Kaylas been out of heat for a week now when she suddenly developes the same symptoms, as it was Saturday all I could do was sympathise w/her & made sure to walk her often. Poor girl she was panting, whimpering, pacing & me knowing the vet was at least two days away. Late last night I came to this site & saw this Apple Cider Vinegar remedy forum and figured what the heck it couldn't hurt....... I got some fresh ACV at the general store this morning and gave her 1.5 Tbsp. mixed w/her kibble. One hour later she's sleeping comfortably for a change, no whining, no visible discomfort, in fact she's obviously feeling just fine 'n dandy all afternoon. I give her another 1.5 Tbsp with tonights supper feeding, still she's feeling well & really appearing to be back to her old self. I'm retired & I'm with my dogs 24/7 mostly so I'll be careful to watch Kayla & to try to be impartial in my continued assessment of ACV treatments for UTI or bladder infections. I'll update this every day or so with a few quick comments, sorry this was so long winded but it seemed only proper to give Kaylas known history.

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Cheryl (Kanata, Canada) on 08/19/2008

This is a follow up of my previous comment on trying apple cidar vinegar for our pup's uti.

08/06/2008: Cheryl from Ottawa, Canada replies: "So I'm hoping these testimonials will work for our pup.She was spayed last week & started having symptoms this week. Frequent urination inside as well, with a strong odor. Unfortunatley it is too late in the evening for our pup to have water so will add some acv tomorrow. For tonight I gave it to her straight & followed with a bit of orange juice. I will add the acv to her water & food tomorrow. I sure hope that tonight's dose will start to work for her! I'll let you all know..."

Well...It worked like a dream!! Within a day her symptoms improved. We continued the treatment for close to 2 weeks to make sure everything cleared. She's as good as new!

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Pat (Chicago, Illinois) on 04/04/2008

I can't believe how well apple cider vinegar worked for my dog, a 90 lb. Rottweiler. She started urinating in the house one evening (which she rarely does) and when she went outside, she'd squat but nothing came out. I found this site (and what a GREAT site it is) and realized it was a urinary track infection and gave her 1-tblsp. of apple cider vinegar mixed with her food twice a day. After the second dose she was cured. I've been giving it to her for a week now and am not sure how long I should continue. Any advice?

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Susan (Lawrenceville, Ga) on 03/05/2008

I was looking for a home remedy cure for my female dog who has urinary tract infection for the second time. I did not want to pay the expensive vet bill again. This is how i found your web site. I hurried to the store to get some ACV, put a tps. in her food and in no time she was back to her self. Praise GOD for this miracle! The same night while i was walking her i fell off of my shoe and spranged my foot to where i could barely walk. I took 2 tbls. of ACV 2 times a day. By the end of the second day i was up and running, literally. It decreased the pain and did not even turn purple.

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Debra (Saginaw, Michigan) on 02/28/2008

Thank you so much for your web site. I have' 9 lb. 12 year old chihauhau he has had a UTI before and I took hime to the vet it cost me alot, so this time I could not afford to take him so I stumbled across you site and found out about ACV I gave him 1/2 teaspoon once a day in his food and in his water for three days it got better but he still was have problems urinating so I stopped the acv and gave him orange juice in a eye dropper for 2 days and he is fine. I did not have organic acv, but the next time my baby gets a uti I will. Thanks Again

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Pam (Welland, Ontario, Canada) on 10/08/2007

My 1 and 1/2 year old lab was just diaganosed wiht a bladder infection, I doing the antibiotics course right now , but she really needs better relief, what would be the daosage for a 65-70lb lab I am all for natural cures and preventive if it helps her she is very uncomfortable. THANK YOU. pam

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Andrew (Earth Clinic) on 07/26/2007

An update from my note of 2 months ago regarding Apple cider Vinegar and Pet Urinary tract infection- It is still working after 60 days, my Akita is not "leaking" and no more antibiotics! Please try this on your animal, adjust for body weight- results are wonderfully dramatic! Earthclinic is the finest most altruistic site on the internet!! Keep going!!

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Shea (Pittsfield, NH) on 06/04/2007

I am so glad that I stumbled upon this website. My black lab Susie was suffering from a Urninary Tract Infection earlier this week. She has them occasionally but typically when she does she will have accidents, and this time around, she was straining with nothing coming out. I noticed the problem too late in the evening to get her to a vet. So instead I did some research on home remedies and found a lot of information on ACV. I ran out to the store to pick some up, and gave her a teaspoon of ACV mixed in with her food. I gave her this mixture twice a day - within a day and a half...she was cured. I will continue to give her ACV as I have noticed her normally dry, dandruff-y coat is looking healthier already. Also I'm really hoping to prevent the "yellow spots" on the lawn. Everywhere she urinates, the grass dies in little circular patches. If this helps eliminate that problem as well - that would be wonderful.

Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed in Food
Posted by Denise (Conrad, Ohio)

I have a diabetic schnauzer and he gets a tsp. of ACV in each home made meal. Diabetics are prone to urinary infections and he hasn't had one since the day he was diagnosed 3 years ago. His coat is also in great shape and some diabetics get really dried out hair. I love it! I like using something for my dog that I also use for myself.

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