Aural Hematoma Remedies

Arnica Oil
Posted by Kaz (East Anglia, Uk) on 02/17/2017

You are absolutely right. I have a 11 year old Staffie and she had an aural hematoma a couple of years ago and it was cured with Arnica oil, bought online and I added Lachesis homeopathic remedy by mouth, 30c 3 doses intermittently, as it was slow to heal and used when trauma is internal. The swelling reduced gradually and in a couple of months it was gone. I was determined to be patient and not go to the vet. I stupidly went to the vet for her previous ear. It cost a fortune. She was in so much pain, crying all the time, despite meds. She bit the cage she was in and broke her teeth as she did not want to be in there. More money to pay for teeth extractions. She could not sleep well because of the cone and discomfort, she had to wear for 3 weeks. It was a total nightmare. Where the swelling is slow to reduce or does not budge, Lachesis will do the job and reduce it. It can be a very slow process. She is a healthy dog, had severe arthritis of the knees - now improved thanks to homeopathy. Homeopathy promotes a feeling of well-being, which is also good for our pets during the healing process.

Arnica Oil
Posted by Julie (Akron, Ny) on 06/08/2016

I have a 12 yr. old goldendoodle that had a "puffy ear flap" - come to find it was a hematoma and day by day was growing. I could not imagine putting the old girl through surgery so I found out about Arnica Oil online. I bought it at a local health food store in a gel tube and applied it to her ear 3 days ago - it is almost completely gone and looks no different than the other ear. Why would someone put their dog through surgery when a $12 tube of Arnica Gel can heal it.

Arnica Oil
Posted by Albert (California) on 09/07/2015

I have had 7 golden retrievers since 1972, including my current two. Four of my previous goldens had ear hematomas. A couple more than once. I have always had surgery done on them. Ears lanced, etc.

A couple weeks ago, one of my goldens got a hematoma on his left ear flap. I checked the internet and found Dr. Paws on YouTube. He made sense to me. I agreed with him. To put a dog through the surgery and recovery is terrible. Then I found a site where a comment mentioned success using Arnica oil. I figured I would try it. I bought a bottle online at Swanson's. I applied some to my golden's ear flap with some skepticism.

Three days later I noticed that the hematoma had shrunk. Really. Now a week later, the ear flap is almost flat with no cauliflowering. The flap is almost normal. It certainly seems that the Arnica oil worked. I will definitely use it again if needed.

Arnica Oil
Posted by Dot ( Pittsburgh, Pa) on 04/19/2015

Great remedy, for a perplexing problem. Thank you very much.

Arnica Oil
Posted by Lois (Canada) on 11/21/2014

Arnica oil is amazing. Our baby is almost 13 years old. He got a hematoma in his ear. We took him to the vet, she drained it, a month later it came back, bigger than ever. My husband put the arnica oil on it. Within one week the blood has diminished and so far no cauliflouring. We use the Arnica at least once a day and keep his ears clean. No vet and no pain for my baby....yay